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•, :rt ,• ......1 �� a, � <br /> _ . <br /> " •- -- <br /> =� _ � y w � . �. <br /> ��hd C�-�-°=�:. � -_ _�. ,. a_ ,. - - <br /> . -. <br /> � , <br /> . . ,,. <br /> . � ••. <br /> �, ' rr�-'`�!'� _s � -- ���41.:. �_ - _ ---- - <br /> ' �,�,�.r--..-�+�I . <br /> ;°"�;�.:.,.�.,_,�_�=�.:1 -- RE•RECORDED <br /> �:d u=-- .��__« __� � � 91-- 1058�0 y�-- 1u46U 3 � <br /> �� applic4ble law may cpeciiy far reinaU�tement)befure s�le of tl�c Prapetty punsuunt to any power of x�le contained in thir � <br /> Sxurity Instrument;or(b)entry oP a Judgment enforcing thia Security Instrumcnt. Tha�e conditione ar�e that Borrower. (a) <br /> ' pwya Lender all �suma whkh then would be due under thie 3ecurity lnsuument and the Nwe As iP na acceler�on hod <br /> --'_- accuried;lb)cures any defoult of uny wher covenama ot agnetnents;lc)pays aii eapensea incu�l ln enfun:ing d�Is Sc�:urlty <br /> -� ,, 1 • Inatrument, including,but not Omited to.reawnable attorneys'fees; w�d(d)tnkes sueh uction as l.ender may reason4bly <br /> a--.c , requine ro assure that tho Uen of this Secudty Insuvmenl,Lenderk rights in thc Property und Bortower's obHgatian to pay the <br /> '— -� sums eecu�d by thia Security Insuument �hall cominue unchenged. Upon reinstatement by Bormwer, this Security <br /> _ e Instrument and tt�e obligations�ecured heneby ahall remuin Fully effixtive us if r�o occeleralfon had accurral. However.Ihl� <br /> ���-"" - --'� ri�ht to reinstate xhull aot apply in the cASe of ucceleration under purngrnph 17. - <br /> !9. Sak ot Not@t,GhN�Q.4t,{���lJ3; Q[�..:� Note or a partiul intcrest in the Note(together with�his Security <br /> - _= Instrumenq moy be sold'ooe qumeN pdor aotice ta Bortower. A sale mny result in a chunge in the entity <br /> -� (known as the"Loan Se�vlcer")tlfnl�eollaeta motuhly payments due under the Nate und this 3ecurfty lnstrument. There ulso <br /> __� may be une or morc eNang6s�tfl�a L't�nil Setvibtr unrelated�o u snle of the Note. If there ia A chunge of the Loan Servicer, <br /> -,.,;�. Borrower will be glven written notic�of the change in eccardance with paragraph 14 above nnd npplicable law. The notice <br /> ` _ _�'� will st�te It�e name and address of the new Loan Servicer and�he address to which payments should be made. The natice wili <br /> _.;,�. also contain any othsr infamation required by applicable IAw. <br /> --�� <br /> 20. Hnzardous Subrfaeces. 8orrower shall not cause or permit the pre.sence,use,disposul,atoroge,or release of uny <br /> - Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Barrower shall not do. nor allow anyone eltie to do, unything nffecting the <br /> ��:�, Property thut is in violation of any EnvironmenWl Law. The preceding two sentences shnll nat apply to the presence,use,or <br /> �A,�;:;M, starnge on Ihe Propeny of small quamities of Hu7znrdoua Substances thnt nrc generally recognized to be appropriale to normel <br /> --- residentisl uses and w maintenance of the Property. <br /> _ Barrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of ony investigation,cluim,demand,lu�vsuit or other actian by any <br /> __ ���. gavernmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Propeny and uny Haznrdous Substance or Environmental <br /> --'�����'�` Law of which Borrower hes actual knawledge. If Bormwer learns. or is notified by any govemmenlal or regulutory - <br /> --_ authoriry,that any removal or ather remediation of any Huzardous Substnnce uffecting the Propeny is necessrary.Bonower <br /> �� - shall promptly take ull neceasary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. <br /> _ - .,�� As used In this paragraph 20."Hazardous Substances"ure�hose xubstances defined ati t�xic or huzerdous rubslunces by <br /> '—"'---""�'�'�''" Environmental Law and the following yubstonces: gasaline, kemsene.ather flammable or toxic peaaleum products, toxic <br /> `� t, ,; pesticides and herbicides,volntile solven�c, mate-fals containing agbesto.r•or formaldehyde,und radiouctive materiuls. As <br /> "�! 1~ ;•. ur,ed in this paragraph 20."Environmentnl Luw"means federal taws and laws of thc jurisdic�ion wherc Ihe Property is locatcd <br /> -°==�'•s�' �4- '° ' thet relate to health,saPety or environmental protection. <br /> �::.�,�.,, � <br />�ra*,�,�,�'� ' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower wid I.ender funher covenunt and ugree us followa: <br /> ��r; ' Zl. Accelerallon; Remedies. l.ender shall give notice to Borrower prior to uccele�atton fdlowing Borrower's <br /> --''�5�f`� � breach otAny covenant or agreement in tb(s Securily Instrument(but not prior to accelers�tion under paragraph 17 <br /> �a�•:•�. unless Applicable IAw provides otherwise). The notice ahall speciiy: lw)the defaulh.(b►the actbn required to cure the <br /> -_— --=-� �IA�d�;(c)a date,not less thon 3A davs from the dote Ihe notice is R�veo lo whkh the deiaWt must be <br /> . {�`"'"��•'+�� � cured;ond(d)that fa{lure to cure the defAUlt on or kefore the date specified in the notice may reault in acceleradon ot <br /> ��.;r:t�:"•�. ` the sums secured by thia Security Instrument and s�le oP the Property. The notice sholl furlher inPorm 8orrower of <br /> -= 4 the right to reinstAte aflter Acceleration and the rig6t to bring a cuurt acdon to Assert Ihe non-existence of n default or <br /> - • -_�z.." ;'`.�-";;� any dher defense of Borrower to accelerAlion And swle. IP the default is not cured on or bePore the date specified In <br />--�� ""`'�' !he notice�Lender al 1�4 option may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by lhis Securlty Instrument <br /> '�''�"�`"�� without iurther demand and may invoke !he power of sale and any olher remedies permitted by Applicable IAw. <br />~-� `� �°' � �'�`� Lender shall be entilled b collecl all expenses incurred in pursuins the remedies provided in this paragraph 21. <br /> ���' °``f � ' '''" � Including,but not Iimited to.reASOnuble altorneys'fir4 and cosGg oP title evidence. _ <br />��'-�' � 'so=��s. IP the power oi sale is invoked,'Ilrustee shall record A notke aP defanit in each cuunty in which any pArt nP the <br /> '�:-�'.", ; Properly Is located and sh�+ll maN rnpies uf such notice in the munner prercribed by upplicable Irw tu Burrower and lo = <br />_�_°;�' ,� � �' the olher perso�s prescribed by applicable law ARer the time required by AppBcable law.7Yustee ahall give public <br /> �.�, �ia�lt. <br />__-�� �'d�" • notice of w�le to the persons and in the manner presc�ibed by applicable luw 'I�ustee.wiihout demand oa Borrower. <br /> '���� ahall sell the PropeMy at pubNc s�uction to Ihe hl�hest bidder at lhe time end place and under the terms designAted in <br /> <..�.,. <br /> ~'�,� ' ° � the nodce of snle In one or more parcets and in any arder'IYustee determines. 7Yustee may postpone sale of all or any <br /> - .��� : - <br /> ._ ;, �r'�:'y ' arcel of the Aro rt b public announcement at the dme s�nd luce af�n evtousl scheduled sale. l.ender or iLv <br /> `�..--.��-" p Pe Y Y P Y p�' Y <br /> �,�:c•. <br /> �;�.�w designee mqy purchase the PropeMy at uny sale. <br /> = �: •. ..,.~: Upon receipt oP ps�ymeM of Ihe price bid,71ru�tee shall deliver to the purchaser'IYuslee's deed conveying ttie ` <br />-_�. , Property. The recitnls in the'Irustee's deed shall be prima fACie evidence of Ihe truth oP the statements mude therein. - <br /> T.��� . . <br /> 7lrustee shpll apply the praceeds oi the+�nnle in the Pollowing order: lal to all costx aad expence�oP exe�cising the power �" <br /> ---�.;��. <br /> - T ,.r• - =_=- <br /> ��-�,��"'`� . . <br />--��±��y��.�LCtCI <br />-,a�c�in„� . . n — <br /> o. '-`'•, -., _ <br /> � ' a ' FiMm W2R 9/90 ��ruk�S��/'A/wxr.�� - <br /> . r. <br /> . N <br /> o. <br /> � . <br /> . . . � a�-.---r� .. --.. . : . _ _ , . ,, - • • <br />_ . . � . . . .. . . . .'M�,. '.l.;`•un�...w <br /> '�', , <br />. . i .. <br /> . � <br /> ' �. <br /> _.. 11�1r�'1.�._i� _' _ _ -_ — y'� <br /> , r , „ . <br /> t � • . <br /> i � , � <br /> , .,� .,�� . .. <br /> ,.. <br /> � , <br /> � , <br /> . , � <br />