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-.� . er�.w�{�. �� . a�JL..rt�� . _.. <br /> _.�� . . � �� .I�.�r <br /> ���- .. ._._. '"; I ��° :._ '• - <br /> . - .. _ 'Y_ :u! _ . . .' '_ ' <br /> .�� .' � r, a•.-. . .. <br /> .. 'i . ' ' ,. � 4 ' ..,. ..- .'._. ...._ .... ._. __._-_' .. . .. <br /> . [ 'R 1 <br /> `=�—+�.'• __ ;� � � RE•RECORDEu <br /> - _ 91'� �.n�JSJO �� �_ <br /> _ ,.� � ��-�- 1U46U�� � <br /> �I TOOE'fHER WITH ull ihe improvement�now on c�reAfter erccted on�he propeny,und aU cascments,appurteoancca, <br /> -" and flaturc�now or hercofte��pan oi thc pmpeny. All replacemcnts and additlonn ahall �I�o bo covcrcd by Ihi�Security <br /> � Inwrument. Ail of the foregoin�ir rcierred ta in this Secudly Inrtrument as the„Property„ <br /> -�"�- - -- BORROWER COVBNAN'1'S that Bartower ix luwfully s�:isr�l uf Ihe ehtutc hcrcby canvcycd and has ihc right to grntst - - <br /> _� unJ convey Ihe Prupe�ty ond Ihat ihe Property is unencumbered,except for encumbrnnces of record. Borrower wanonts ond --. <br /> - wiU defend generolly tho Ude to the Propeny agninst all cloime and demandx,subject to vny encumbmnceg of record. _ <br /> ���� THIS SECURITY IN3TRUMEfY7' rnmbines uniform covenunts for nptlonal u�e and non-uniform covenanl� with <br /> _�`� limited variations by Ju�lsdictfon to con4tiwtc u uniform security instrumcnt covedng real praperty. r <br /> -°- UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bacrower and Lender covenant and agrce us followe: <br /> - -- l. Paymeat of Principwl aad Interest;Prepayment And Lote ChArgea. Borrower shull promptly pAy when duc the <br /> -���..� princiPal of and inter�st on the debt evidenced by the Nate and any prepayment ond late churges due under the Note. <br />