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� , . _ _ <br /> T . <br /> . . . __ f�;�`,,,����� '. .:i'ie�S4�' .x ... . z <br /> i <br /> � "->' � e��p1�@ -., "� <br /> �..�-. �- _' . ...-.,....a�y.fyw,M!y{F..`..,.w �-d' . . . <br /> ..-. . - •. `_ <br /> 4•. ' .� � � � . . ._ .. . " _ <br /> .� . � ... _-._- �-� - <br /> ,_,�, . _' _ �.__._.—_____-_ <br /> . ._, _ <br /> --�E.n .i�__' . _� _ <br /> .. ... ."'._-_____._t___-__. <br /> -� -- � 91-- 1Ub849 9�1�5"1�� <br /> �=�- <br /> •" condemnatfon arothcr tuking of any part of Ihc Prapeny,or Forconvcyance in lieu of condemnodun,arc herehy tws�iQned anci <br /> _ �holl be paid to Lender. <br /> — In the event of n taal taking of�he Prop�rly, �he proceeds shall b. upplicd to �he .rums xecured by �hiK S�urity <br /> � - Instrument,whelher or nat�hen due,wilh Any excer�r puid tu Burruw�r. h� ihe c;v�nt of u puniul tukin�of thc Pmperty ir+ - <br /> 's which the fair mnrket vulue uf ih�Proprny immediatcly befom thc �uking i�:cyuul to or greuter�hun the umuunt of thr sums <br /> �; nccurcd hy thi�Securiry Instrumcnt immcdiutely bePare Ihe tuking, unle�s Sorrower und l.cndcr otherwixc ugRC in wrl�ing, <br /> _ �he sums Recured by this Security Inctrument�hull Ix reduceJ by the mm►um of�Ik pracedti multiplied by Ihe fiilluwinL <br /> ___ _ fractinn: (ul the towl umount of the sums.r•ecuricd immediately befi►rc the tuking,divided by(b►�he fair murket value of'1he <br /> ��---_—--� Pruperty immcdfately before thc tulcing. Any 6alancc thnll he paid to Borrowcr. In thr evrm of u panial tuking of�hc <br /> Piraperty in which the falr murket vulue of'ihe Pmpehy immediatcly bcfun: lhr tuking is lesx thun�he cimuunt of thc sumx <br /> .r recuted immedintely before the taking, unlcsx Borrowcr und Lcndcr otherwi�c ugrec in writing or unlcsx upplirublc luw <br /> :;� othenvi,e provides.the praceeda shall be appll�d�o thc sumr�ecured by this Seturity Ins�rumcn�whethcr or not the xumv ure <br /> — then due. <br /> .� If thc Propeny is ubnndoned by if,after noticc hy l.cnckr to HuROwer�hm�hc conJemnur uffer.��o muke <br /> ;_� un uwnrd or settle a cluim for damages,Borrower fAilx to rexpond to Lendcr wi�hin 3(1 Juyh uller Ihe dute the nutire iti given, <br /> . `-° Lender is uutharized to callect and upply the prixeedx,ut it�uptian,either to mstorutinn or repuir nf the Prc��x ny or to the <br /> sums gecumd by thi4 Security In4trumem,whe�her or not then due. <br /> �"� Unless L.ender nnd Borrower otherwi�e ugme in writinF,uny applicution of praceeds U► p�incipal �hull nu�ex�cnd or <br /> — - -_;::;� pos�pane Ihe duc date of the monthly puymems refeRed to in parngruphs 1 and 2 or chunge the umount af such puymentz. <br /> 11. Barrower Not ReleASedi ForbearAnce By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the timc for puymem nr <br /> y.�'�,� modification of omortixutian of the humq gecured by this Secu�ity Instrument grnnted by l.ender lo uny�ucee,xur m interexi <br /> of BaROwcr shall not opernte ro reletisc the liubllity nf the origincd Borrower ar Barrawc�w�uccexxon in inte�st. Lender <br /> - shull nat be requin:d ta commence proceeding.r aguin�t ,u�y succes,ar in interext iw refuse w ex�end time ti�r puymrnt ur <br /> �� -_��� � atherwise madify nmortizntion af the sums secured by thiti Security Inti�rumenl by��eu,un oi'uny deinund mude by the originul - <br /> =°�',,,. borrower or Borrower w�uccc�sors in imereal. Any forbeurunce by l.ender in exereixing uny right or remedy tihall no[be a <br /> �-.�-"`. waiver of or preclude the exercise of uny right or remedy. <br /> ���:�•, l2. Successora and Asclgns Bound;Joint and Several l.iabfllty:Co-signers. The rovenunlx und agrcenkntti�f thiti <br /> .n�.��,� ..� <br /> - Security Instrument+hall bind und beneflt the xuccexsan und assignti ot Lender und BoROwer,suhject to�hc pn►vi.ions of <br /> -=— purugruph 17. Borrower's coven►�ntx und ugreementx�hull he joint and tieveral. Any Borrower wha co-,igns �his Security <br /> � �=�� �� ' Inwtrument but does not execute the Note: (u)iti co-signing this Securily Instniment only to nwnguge,grunt and convey Ihut = <br /> '-'"���� Borrawerk interest in the Pro�xrty undcr the icrms of this Securily Insvumenr, (bl is not�x:nunully obligutcd to puy thr sum, <br /> ,i'�r <br /> � xecured by thix Serurity Instrument;und(c)agree�thw Lcnder und uny uther Borrower muy ugree 10 exlrnd,mcxlil'y,forlxur <br /> _..�.�::r'.�3���. �. <br /> _ or make nny accommadutions with regard �o �he tenns of' thix Security Inwnrmem or the Note wilhout thut oROwers <br /> -�.ti r-;��---, consent. <br /> ___��'- 13. Loen Charses. 11'thc loan secured by thix Srcuri�y Ins�rumen� ix�uhjcct w u luw which .et+ muximum loun <br />__ -_ churees.and that law is 6nully inteipre�ed,o�hut the interest or cxher loun churpes collreted ar to ix collecied iu connection _ <br /> � ��"�,l wi�h�he lonn exceed the permitted bmi�z,tlxn: Iu1 uny�uch loun charge,hull he reduc�d by�hr umount necesxury to reducr <br /> '��' the churge to the permitteJ I�mir,und lbl uny+ums i►Imudy collected from Bormwrr whirh rxceeded pertniucd limits will Ix <br /> �;�+��'�� : refunded to BoROwer. Lender may ch�xise t�i mukc thi.refund by reJucing thc prinripul owed undcr thc Notc ur hy muking u <br />�---���.;';Y�'^ ��`:. � direc�pAymem�o Bormwer. If u refund reducez principul,thc reducuon will be trea�cd ux u puniul prepuyment withou�uny <br />� � ��„,. prepuyment churgr unJcr the Note. - <br />� � ` � ,• . 14. Nntices, Any notice to Burrower pruvid�d ti�r in thiti Srcuriry In�trument shull ix given by Jelivcring it or by _ <br /> -�'��.;"�.'�� • muiling it by tint cluss muil unlczs upplicuMc lu�v rcyuirc.usr ul'unuthc�meth��d.Thc noticc.hull he dircctcd lo the Pmpeny <br /> �..�r.;•,°" : � AJdrc�x or uny�xher uJclre.s Qorraw•cr dctiignules by noticc �o Lender. Any notice tu Lendu•,hall tk�ivrn by tint cluss <br />_ �;�+' �w° mail to Lender'x udJrcss+tulcd hcrcin or uny othcr uJdrex.Lcndrr dcyignutes hy nolice to Borrower. Any notice provided for <br /> �:-��_,���,M° in �his Securiry Imlrumcnt shull he dcemcki io huvc Ncen �ivcn to Bortowcr or Lrndcr whcn �tiven us provided in this <br />_—.. �„ •- . Parngruph. <br />--_�,'�;rt.;'_.':'%'� ' 15. Governing LAw: tieve�ubilitv. Thi�Sccuriry Instrument xhull he guvcmcJ by lederul luw unJ thr li�w of thc <br />�c�iaa.r• r�+•.,. <br /> w;��LL,�. juri�diction in which Ihr ProExny iti I�xu�cd. In�hr rvcnt ihul uny provi.i�m or rluu+e of thix Sccurity In.trumenl or thc Notc <br /> ��_��=,��:. contlicts with upplicable luw..ut'h contlirt,hull nu1 tdTcrl olher�x��vi.iun,��f thiti Sccuri�y In��nmirnt or thc Nulc whinc�un _ <br />-"�,! .�—T--� be given effect withoul the contlicting priwi.ian. 'li,thi�end the pr��vitiiuns of thi� Securily Inxtrument and �hc N�He nrr <br /> ' declurcd lo be sevcrublc. <br /> :�,���_r .•; " 16. Borrower's Copy. Burr�►wcr.hull Ix given unr r�,nlonmd cupy ot'Ihc Notc�nJ ul'�hiti 5ecurity Instrwncnt. <br /> "�3=:"�'.�;-,.s•,�% 17. 71�ansFer of the 1'roperty ur a Beneficlull��Ierest in Borruwer. If all ur uny pnrt uf Ihe Pmperty or tmy intems�in _ <br />_- �.,�. it is tiold or t�unsf'crred I�,r if a Ixixticial intcrc,i in Bano�v�r i.�old or trantil'rrrcd uud Burruwrr i�not u nuwrul�xniml <br />_��{... . withuut Lendrri prior wriltcn c�msent.l.cnder it.aplinn.rrquire imnxdiutc puyntenl in full of ull+um+�ccured by <br /> y��•���o�':y �� lhc du1C of 1hiti�SeC nty Im rumcm,Ihis optian,hull na Ix cxcrcixcJ by LcnJcr it'rxerri.r i,pr��hibited by ledrrul luw us uf <br /> .� ,c If Lender excrtixrs thi�optiim.l.endcr+hall�ivc Horrower nuticc ul'uccrlrrntiun. Thc nolirc�hall provide i�prriocl uf <br />'�e� '�'���s �� ..,.H� not le�,thun 30 duyti from thr datr Ihr irotirr i.dcliv�Rd��r maikd�vilhin which Burr�►��•cr nm.i p:ry ull,unt.��rurcJ by Ihi� <br /> � ' . Security In+trument, If Borrawrr fuil�to pay Ihcsc�um+ prii�r Iu ihr cxpira�iun uf thi. �xnal. Lrnder may invoke uny <br /> ��a:..� � � remedirx�xm�itted by thi�5crurity In,trumcnt wilhoul funhrr notirr ur atem:uid un flurcu��ee : <br /> � ' 18. Borrower's Riaht to Refnsi►de. It' Burrow�r mrrt. rrrlain cimdi�iun.. liurr�►�crr .hall havr Ihr right lu huvc = <br /> . • . ... � enforr�meni of ihix Scrurity Imtrumcn�di,cnntinur:l a� any limr�iriur to Ihc e:u•licr ul: Ia1 S dciy,lor,uch iKhcr�xri�xl a� <br /> . .. �M. .. <br /> .,• " timgkh:m�il� ••Funnk�tadMYcddlc�fucl'VIF�1R�f1��1'Rl'�th:\'I'..l'ni���rmc'���cn,m�. Y�1N i�w�.e�•J.��np�tr�� � <br /> , ,. <br /> �• <br /> .. _, <br /> . .. .� —' . .-.:p+c ..ri.:w�.Sli.. . ._.. . . � � ' ., . ��t��X�M1' .^,� �:ii.Y�i�`."+".F;;:�° 1Ai17.Wl+t�u�:l�4n.' <br /> T'.. <br /> •�'r, �� . . . <br /> .. .� ' • . <br /> - :' . . . ..—_ _ —_ "___ . . . . ' '_'. .. <br /> ��' I:R 1 <br /> .. 1Y.� .. Q .. ' �v ' ' ., ' . <br /> .� . ' - , <br /> - ._—__ _ � ._"_"--"____ .. .._ <br />