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:.�r��.,.,.--�- .--•wi _:� I� ��'`��. . . � . .--• ~ . _.-- ' <br /> "�m�i' .-�t _. _ ._. - -- � � -. _,. <br /> _ .!����.-, r, „ .'�___ 1 r <br /> __ '�, ��0����1 <br /> � � 91-105849 <br /> �, '�'O(3E71iFR WITH all the improvemcnta now or hercwftcr cnectal on�he propeny.and all cosemcnt�,pppurtenaice�, <br /> - - end fixtu�now ot hercafter a put of the prnperty. All r�placementR�nd adclilionr sh�ll ulro be covercd by thir Securi�y <br /> Inwument. All af the forcgainQ i�refemed to in thir Secu�i�y Inwrum�mt�tho"Ptopeny." <br /> • BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower Is lawFuily xcised of�he esiace hereby canveyed und has the ri�h��o g�wi� - <br /> --� and convey thep�,operty und that�he P�opetty ie�unenrumber��cl,ux�wpt for encumbmnees of record. Barrower wrurant�and <br /> „���. �' will doknd generaliy tlw tide to Ihe Prapeny a¢ains��11 cluims und demunda,subject to any encumbrunres of record. <br /> THIS SECURITY lNSTRUMENT combin¢a unifcxm covcnants for nnlional ure und non•unifam covenYnts wi�h <br /> ---= limiled vuriAtions by judsdiction to consdtute a unifonn secudty in.ruument covering real p►openy. <br /> -�_-----------� <br /> -=- UNIFORM COVENANT3. Borrarver and l.endercovcnant und agree aw folbws: <br /> — l. Pwyment ot PrindpW wad Interesti P�'epayment wnd I.pte Char�e�. Borrower shull promptly puy when due the <br /> w_:;}� pdncipal of and inter�est on the debt evidenced by ihe Nate and oqy prepayment c�nd late chorgea due under the Note. <br /> � 2. Fbnds for 7f�ues and lnsu�anee. Subject to applicaWa law or to u wrl�tcn waiver by l.ender.8orrower shall pay to <br /> l.ender on the day monthly payments arc d�.E under the Note,undl the Note ix paid in full,u sum("Funds")for,lu)ycurly <br /> ��•� ta�ces sind assea:ments which may anain pdodry over thfs Secu�lry Insuument av u lien an the Property;(b)yearly leusehold <br /> __ puyments or ground rents on the Properly, if eny: (c) yearly hazard ar property insurnnce premiums; (d1 yeurly Oood <br /> �ti��� insurance premiums. ii eny; (e)yearly mortguge insu�nce premiums.if ony;and(� any suma payable by Bon+ower to <br /> Lender,in accordance with 1he provinions of paragraph lieu of the payment of mortgage insurnnce premiums. 71�ese <br /> items are called"Escrow Items.' Lender may,su any time.collect and Iwld Fl�nds in an amaunt not to excced the maximum <br /> ___�':,�,� iunount a lender far a federally related morlgagc loan may require for Borrower's escrow Account under the federol Real <br /> --�n_.� Es�ate Settlemrnt Procedures Act of 1974 as amended from dme ro�ime,12 U.S.C.$2601 et sey.("RESPA"),unless another <br /> law thet applies to 1hc Wnds seta a lesser amaunt. If so,Lender may,at uny dme,collxt and hold�nds in on nmount no¢to <br /> — eaceed tF�e lesser amount. [.ender may estimate the amount of Funda due on the buais of curtent data ond reasorwble <br /> ��- - —°= e� estimates of expenditures of fWurc F.�cruw Ilems ur oti�erwlse in accordence with applicable Inw. - <br /> ---"'-"°�1;= � The Funds shall 6e held in an institution whose deposits are iosured by u federal ugency, inswmentality,or entiry <br /> ,��T;=�r-;= ''` (inciuding L.ender.ff i.ender is such an instiwtion)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds to puy <br /> �:,�::.;��;_�; the Escrow Items. L.ender muy nat cburge Borrower for holding and upplying the Funds. annually analyzing ihe escrow <br /> --:;,�.,;;, � account,or vedfying the Escrow ltems, unless l.ender pays Borrower interesl an �he Funds und applicable law permits <br /> �;,�;�. . L.ender to make such a charge. However,L.ender may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an independent real <br /> -----�_�±+�._• ' estate tax reponing�ervke used by l.ender in connection with this loun,unless ppplicuble luw provides aherwise. Unless an - <br /> --_=_���'��, agreement is mQde or upplicable lew requires inte�est to be puid,Lendcr shnll nat be required to pay Borrower nny or . <br /> -�;�n�.^*-.�.,„ earnings on the Flmds. Borrower and Lender rnuy ugree in writing,however,lhat interest shall be paid on the Funds. l.ender <br /> -='j�'�"-��' � shall give to Borrower,without charge,an annual accounting of the Funds.showing credits and deWts to�he Funds and tt�e <br /> � • ,�,..: <br /> _��'''��:�,� purpose for which ea�ch debit to the Fundg wus made. The Funds are pledged as aciditional security for all sums securod by <br /> .: � this Secur�ty Instrument. <br /> - =---=� If�he Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts permi�ted to bc held by Applicable law, Lender shull nccount to <br /> -'_� ��:`..,.�T Barrower for thP excess Funds in accordunce with the requirements at appl�cable Inw. If the amount oi the Funds heW by = <br />_.�� _ ; Lender at any time ia nat sufticient to pay the Escrow(tems when due.Lender may so notify Borro�ver in writing, and, in <br /> ���n�,� s.,;y, � such case Borrower shall pay ro Lender Ihe umount necessury to mnke up the deficiency. Borrower shull make up the <br /> �_._�,�,,, <br />