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i . . . .. _ :: � <br /> , <br /> ?, ._... :.,,me�b«�.,a.L.�.�. ._ . � " � _-- -.1_��_--- _ - <br /> . .r•9i. -r�,�1:�" . .. <br /> . :• -,: •�- _ <br /> � . -•�----------- <br /> - <br /> � . . «uw+',a.�n.�� z' ,:�•4-. . .-e"� <br /> �. � _ ._ .. ------ -� -- -. <br /> 1 <br /> — �� <br /> - ��_ . <br />� ---- -'--+-�- _..-- ----� - -__ _.. <br /> f ---------------- <br /> 1� � <br /> . �� ; � ��--10584� � <br /> nc aatlon to Tru�tee and B�naflolary.In ths ev�nt any polloy hereundsr le not rensw�d on or b�fors fllte�n(15)days prlor to <br /> � Its�xplratlon d�t�,Ttu�tN or B�ndlal�ry m�y proaun ouoh In�urano�In aaoord�no� wlth th�provldons o(Par�praph 7. <br /> _ ,`} Tru�tor ehall d��lver to B�n�flol�ry th� oripind poqcfo�of inwr�na��nd r�n�wds th�rwf or copi•�nl ouch pottoles and ° - -- -_- <br /> , r�n�wals th�r�of. Fallun to fumUh wah In�uranao by Truetor�o►renawal4 aa raqulred hereunder, ahall, at the optlon of --- -- ------- - <br /> � ,,.. '� Beneflcl�ry,constltuts a delu�lt.All un�arn�d premlums ars h�reby asslpnod to Treute�as�ddltlomi ssaurlry,and a sale and ���.:�---- <br /> ,,;.'�`Y�iQ"`": convey�nc�of th�P►op�rtr by th�T�u�tw shdl operot�!o convsy to tlw purohas�►th�Tro�tor's Inta��t In and to all pollaN� <br /> -;---�-�---, �-.. of Inaurancs upon the Tn�it Prope�ty. -_ -� --_-- <br /> � ' 6.T�xa and A��nNM�.Truetor eh�ll p�y�I I taxes and spealol aaeesemente levled or asoesesd apaln�t,or due upon,tho E�:= �� - <br /> � a ..J. s <br /> F Propsny befor�d�llnquenay pnd wlll d�llv��to B���flol�ry ooplee of nadpte showlnp payment of euah taxs�ond�psolal <br /> � �.� �, -- <br />� ..a „ . ase�ssmsnts. rfs___--- <br />�'��••• • �• �' " • 8.Aadltion�l Ll�n�.Trustor shell m�ke all p�yments of IMOrost a�d prinalpal,a�d p�ymente of any other oharpea,feea,and _ <br />"` �;' ��.� expensee aoniraated to be pNd to any exlstln�Iten holdere or p�ior Uensflolarlee under eny prlor Deed of Truat,Morty�ps or _ <br /> ' °��'�� , otha asourity apreem�nt. bsfas tM dat� th�y are dNl�quent �nd to pay any other clalm whioh Jeopardlze�the saourity ---_- <br /> � - • • pnnted heroln. _ �`n�"_".- <br /> . 7.Prot�ollon of O�ndkl�ry's S�ourlty.Should Trusto►fell to make any payment,fAil to do any aot ad hareln provided or If <br /> ;��,;. . any actlon or proceedin9 la oommenced whloh materlally affeots eeneflclery's Interest In the Proparty,Includinp, but not __ <br /> . �;�� v Ilmlled to,eminant domaln,Insolvenay.arrAnpementa or proaeedlnps Involvinp e bankrupt or decedent.then Beneflolary or _ <br /> Truetee,but wlthout obll�dion to do eo,and without notice to or demend upon Trustor,and without�eleaslnp Trustor f�om any <br /> .� •:.Ft:: " olb �tlon hereunder,rnay make or do ths eAme,and may pay,puroh�ss,contest a compromlee any enaumbrance,oharqe or � . <br /> �- .. Ilen whlch In the�udpment of elther appears to aifeot eald Propeny;In exerclelnp any auah powers,the Benef Iclary o�Trustee � - <br /> � �`� - may inaur e Qabllity and expend whatover amounis„Inaludln4 dlsbursementa of reaaonable attomey's feea,whloh In thelr sb� ��-��- _ - <br /> •: '°� eolule disoretlon may be neosesary.In the event that Truetor shall fall to proaure ineuranae, fall to pay taxea end apeclal �`Y, �Y _ • <br /> •, � s, asteesmente or fall to m�ke any peymeMe to exlaltnp or prlor Ilen holdere or benetlolarles,the Beneflalary may proaure such __ <br /> ' Inaurance and make euoh paymenta.All sume incurred orexpended by Beneticlery or Truatee In accordanoe with the provl• � <br /> � ' " slons of the Deed of Truat are eeaured hereby and,wlthout demand,ehall be immedlately due and pnyable by Trustor and ahall ��,� <br /> � beor interest at ihe rete provided for advances under the Loan Apreement; provided, however, thet at the optlon of the s' - <br /> ' • BeneflclAry or Trustee.euch euma m�y be edded to the prinaipal balanoe of eny Indebtednesa aeaured hereby and aholl baor - • �•`-���'� <br /> � the tame Interest ae suoh Indebtedness and ehall be payable ratably over the remalnlnp term thereof. ��.u�_ <br /> � �' 8.Asslpnm�nt ol R�nts.8e�eflclary shell have the riyht,power and authorlty durinp the condnuenae of this Oeed of Truet to -�,°.� <br /> aollect the rents, Iswsa and proNte of the PropeAy and of any peraonel propeny loaated thereon with or without takinp �,".�yhs;,{�-- <br /> ' " , , paeeesaton of the Property affected hereby,and Truntor hereby ebaolutely ond uncondltlonally aselpns all auch rents,leauea " �:°.' " <br /> • • and proflts to Beneflclery. Be�eflolory. however, hereby coneents to the Trustor's collectlon and retentlon of auch rents, _ <br /> ., i�eues an�profiis�a ihny�oarue and be�,arsie payabis sa tonp as Trusiar!s such 21ma,!n dotault Lylth respsc!to pey- ----_�-�� -- - <br /> ment of any Indebtedneee secured hereby or In the per(ormence of eny apreement hereunder. Upon eny auch default. .��`� -._-- <br /> Beneflclary may et any time,elthe�In peraon,by egent or by a recelve�to be appolnted by e court,wlthout notice and without �''�`�"���:-_— <br /> • '�'� re�erd to the adequacy of eny aeourity for the Indebtedneee hereby aeaured:(a)enter upon end take poasesslon of the Proper• . • =':�' <br /> ty or any part thereof and In Re own name sue lor or otherwlse collect such rents,lesuea and proilts,includlnp those pest due . �_._* ''' <br /> and unpatd,and epply the aame,leas coata and expenses of operatlon and collectlon, Includinp reaeonoble attomey feee, .• � 5�.:�._��, <br /> � upon any Indebtedneea eecu�ed hereby and In suoh order as Beneflclary may determine;(b)perform such acts of repalr or pra ..t �=��: 'a. <br /> ° •• � teotlon as may be nace�eory or proper to conserve the value of the Property;(c)lease the eame or eny part hereof for such ren• .. . '�'�'tO <br /> �•:°.;T-.�-� :.. <br /> � - tal term and upon euch condltlons ae Ita JudqmeM may dlctate.Unleas Truetor and Beneflalary apree otherwlse In wrltlny,any � <br /> � epplicatlon of renta,lesuee or proflte to any Indebtednesa secured hereby shall not extend or poetpone the due date of the In- <br /> f atallment paymenta ea provided In the Loen Apreement,and the appllcatlon thereof ae eforeaeld ehall not welve or cure eny �.� •J ,, .�,.�°f s`' _ <br /> F •'� defoult or notice of def�ult horeunder or Invelldete any act done pureuant to auch notice.Truator also aselpns to 8eneflolery, � • �'�tt"."i',_ <br /> . ' as fu�ther eecurlty for the penormance of the obllpatlons secured hereby,all prepald renta and all monlea which may have � , <br /> been or may hereafter be deposNed wlth aald T►uetor by any leaseo of the Property,to sacure the payment of any rent,and � <br /> upon default In the pe►foramnco of a�y of the provislona hereof, Truetor agreea to deliver euch rents end deposits to the <br /> - 8eneflolpry. Oellvery of wrltten notica of eenelflcary's exerclse of the rlphts granted hereln to any tenant occupylnp sold � ,, i_ <br /> ' p►emisea shall be aufflcient to requlre sald tenant to pay eald rent to the Beneflclary untll further notice. � .;.��,;. <br /> • a 9.Cond�mn�tlon.If title to eny part of the PropeKy shall be taken In condemnatlon proceedlnys,by►lyht of eminent domeln � �. �G- <br /> or elmllar actb�,or ahall be sold under threat of condemnetlon,ell awards,dema9es end proceeds are hereby assiqned end ; ��_ <br /> ` shall be pald to Benef�clary who shell epply euch eward,damepes end proceede to the aum4 sacured by the Oeed of Trust, I � ��;;, <br /> wlth the excoas, Ii any,pald to the Truator. � •�•t+�r- <br /> , 10. Futun Adv�nws.The Loan Ayreement provides for edvances from time to tlme to T�uator by 8eneficiary as provlded � �� <br /> thereln.In eddltlon,upon requeel of Trustor,Beneflclery,at Beneflclary's optlon,prlor to reconveyanae of the Property to the <br /> � • Truetor,mey mAke addltlonal future edvancea to ihe Trustor.Such future advences,wNh interest thereon,shall be secured by <br /> thls Deed of Trust when evidenced by promiseory notea stating that safd notes are secured hereby:provided that at no time <br /> shall the aecured princlpal and future advancea,not Including sums advanced to protect the securlty,exceed one hundred per- <br /> cent(100%)of the original principal amounts aecured hereby. <br /> 11. R�m�dl��Cumul�tiv�. All remedles provided In thla Deed of Trust are dlstinct end cumulative to any other rlght or <br /> - remedy under this Deed of Truet or afforded by lew ar equity,and mey be exerclsed concurrently,Independently or succeaslve- <br /> �y . <br /> 12.Accd�ntlon:R�m�dNr.Sd�.A default shall exlst In the event of: <br /> (A) Any fraud or mlarepreaentatlon by the Trustor In connectlon with the Ilne of credlt which this Deed af Trust secures; <br /> (B) Any fallure on the part of the Trustor to meet the repeyment terms In respect to the Loan Aqreement and any other ad- <br /> vancee under thlB Deed o}Trust hereby secured: and, <br /> ' ? (C) Any actlon by the Trustor prohiblted by the terms of the Loen Aqreement or thla Deed of Trust or a�y fallure of the Trustor <br /> to aCt as requlred by the Loan Apreement or thla Oeed of Trust,each of whlch Trustor hereby agrees have an adverse ef- <br /> " _ _n___u_�..�..�� � ..u..I...��...n......1...�wu..��..wue�...� ....w ��.. .�..w�e..t�1.e Oe..a�lnlerv In curh aonur{fv <br />, ' _—. '__''_ �... <br /> -' �o�.�v��u�o�aononv�.��o 000u...� �v. ..w.....,v. v.vv.........v.....�vv....v ...v .q.....v. .....................i ... ___" ____...,. <br /> and upon the happening of any such event ot delault.Beneflclary may declare all sums secured hereby immedlately due and <br /> payable by delfvery ta Trustee of written declarat fon of default.The Trustee shall have the power of sale of the Property,and if <br /> ' Beneficiary deslres the Property to be sold, It shall deposft wlth Trustee thls Deed of trust and all promfssory notes and <br /> documents evlaencfng expendltures secured hereby and shall deliver to Trustee a wrltten notice ol default and etectlon to <br /> cause the PrnFerty to be sold,and the Trustee In turn shall prepare e notice In the form requfred by law,whfch shall be duly fi1• <br /> ed lor record by Trustee. <br /> �A) After the 18pse of such time as may be requlred by law following ihe recordatlon ot sa�d not�ce ol defaulL and notice of <br /> � defeult and notice ot sale having been given as requlred by law.Trustee,wlthout demand on Trustor. sha11 seil the Proper• <br /> ty on the date and at the time and place destgnatod In sald notiCO of sale,at pubtic auctfon to the hiphest biddcr.thc pur <br /> �i chase prlce peyable In lawful money of the United Statea at the tlme of sale.The person conducting the sale may,lor any <br /> I cause he deeme expedlent,poetpone the eale(rom time fo f Ime untfl It shall be complete0 and,in every such case.notfce <br /> Hc�OtS�7N0� <br /> ? � + <br /> . � <br />