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<br /> - • nppllcable law mey�pecify for reinatatement) before sate of the Property pursuant to any power of eala conta�necl in this
<br /> """—'-'" -' Security Insuumenr,or(b)enpy of a judgmcnt enfarcing this Security Inswment. Those conditions ere ihat Borrower. (�)
<br /> �ya I.ender ell sums which thet� would be due under this 3ecurity Instrutnent and the Note as if no accalerAtion Iwd
<br /> �i� ; + accumed;(b)cures any defau�t oP anY other covenwnts or ag�emeni�:(c)pay8 all expcnsea incumed in enforcing�his Secudry _-
<br /> � Instrument,includin . but not limited to, reasonuble Anomeys'fecs; and(d) takes such acNon as [.ender mpy rca.tiau�bly
<br /> ''"�= require to assure thaSthe lien of lhis Security Instrument,Lender's righta in the Property and Borrowerk abligadon to pAy the
<br /> -- -- _�� sums securcd by this Securisy lneuument shell continue unchanged. Upon roinstatement by Borrower, this Secudty
<br /> '-�--�--..-_-.---'�'� insnument nnd the obllgations secured hcreby shall rcmain fuUy effective as if no acaleration had occurred. However,this -
<br /> d�ht to reinstate sheU not apply in the case of accelerarion under paragraph 17.
<br /> � �9. 3ak ot Note;Chaa�e ot I.oaa Servker. The Note or a partfal intercst in the Note(together with this Secudry
<br /> - =�,:'!;� lnstrumeny may be sold one or more times wilhout prior notice to Borrower. A sale mey reault in a cFwnge in Ihe entity
<br /> —�:;� (known as ihe"Loan Scrvicer")that collects manthly payments clue under the Note and this Secudty Inatrument. Therc also
<br /> moy be one or more changes of the l.oan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Nae. If there is a change of the Loan Servlcer.
<br /> —w���a,��,� Borrower will be given written notice of the change in accordance with paragraph l4 above and applicable Isw. The nodce
<br /> __ � .; :.
<br /> will state 1he name and eddress of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which paymenls ahould be made. The notice will
<br /> - � �-�;'•�� also contain any other information required by applicable law. -
<br /> �-•-�".�1' 20. Hazardous Subataocea. Bortower ahall not cause or pennit the presence,use.disposal,stomge,or release of eny
<br /> ��.��a Hazardous Substunces on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do,nor allaw anyone clse to da.anything affecting 1he
<br /> --=•'��'' ` Property that is in violadon of any Emironmentei Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence.use,or
<br /> -�;:,�,�`'•�3 storage on the Property of small quantities of Hazardous SubAtances that are genNrally recognized to be appropriate to normal
<br /> .:_,'"`��- _.,_ residential uses and tu maintenance of the Property.
<br /> ,� eorrower xhall promptly give l.ender written notice of any investigatbn,claim,demend,lawsuit or other nctian by any
<br /> �'�''��'4=• ' ovemmcntul or rc ulalo a enc or rivate an involvin the Pro rt and an Hazardous Substance or Environmentul
<br /> __„� �4�,`�j7 g 8 �Y � Y P P Y B Pe Y Y _
<br /> Luw of which Borcower has actual knawledge. If Borrower leums, or is notified by any govemmental or regulatary
<br /> ' � ' � authority,�hat any removal or other remediation of uny Hazardous Substance uffecting the Property is necessery,Borrower
<br /> �:
<br /> `r'�� � �`' shall promptly take all necessary remedial nctions in accordance with Environmental Luw.
<br /> '��- ��� ���''��•� � As used in this pnragrnph 20,"HazardauF SubstAnces"ure those substances deGned as toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> �- +"'�:���' � '' Environmental L.aw and the following xubstnncec: gAR0I111C, karosene,ot her flammable ur toxic p etroleum products,toxic
<br /> �..�,•:,�.;, � pesticides and herbicidea, volatile solvents,materials contuining asbestoa or formuldehyde, und radioactive materisds. As
<br /> w:�;�i•.. . ��
<br /> =:„n!_'.�"': . used in this paragraph 20, Fnvironmental Luw"meuns iederal laws and lawa of ihe jurisdiction where the Property ix loca
<br /> ���:- •.:, : that relute ta health,safety or environmentul protection.
<br /> ;�d� �' NON-UNIFQRM COVENANTS. Borrower nnd Lcnder futlher covenant und agree ns follows:
<br /> "�'�' ��`Y� �� 21. Accelei•Alion; Remediea. l.ender sholl give notice to Aorrower prior to acceleratlon following Borrower's
<br /> ' `�� ��' breach of wny covenont or agreement in this Security Instrument Ibul not prior to accelerAlion under paragraph 17
<br /> --�'� �r' �:��• I61 the action requfred to cure the
<br /> •�a�� �;..^;a�,,,;r_;;_; unless applicable Ipw providea otherwise). The notfce shall specify: (a1 the default;
<br /> �' - �iq�.°�=° defauit;(c)a daie,nut i�t hon 3 1 i dpys trom i hc d a l e!h e a o t k e 4 s g l v e n t o R o r r�w e r,b y w h i c h t h e d e f a u l t m uat be
<br /> �,;��' �^'�Y cured;and Id)thal fAllure to cure Ihe deiAUlt on or befare the date specified in the notice may result in acceleration of
<br /> ..��.°.• �.j, , a n�.�� the sums secured by lhis Securily InstrumeM and s�le of the Property. The notice shall i'urther info�m Barrower of
<br /> _ - ,. `� •� !he rfght to reinslate at�er acceleration and the ri�ht to bring a court action to assert!he non•existence of a defAOlt or
<br /> _ _ •,Y;-: ,: any other dePense of Borrower lo accelerAdan and sale. IP the defauU is not cured un ur before the date RpeciOed in
<br /> � , •' !he notice,Lender at its aption may require immediAte payment in iull of oll sums secured by this Security Inatrument
<br />",`;�• .� ��.•y{�� ,r without Fu�ther demond And moy invoke the power oP sale and any other remedfes permitted by applicable IAw.
<br /> :�•w;. ,���� I.ender shall be entiNed to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in tdis parAgrAph 21.
<br /> fncluding,but not limited to.reasonable attorneyw'Peeg und cogts af title evidence.
<br />-_-. „t,,�,. � Ii ihe power ot sale is invoked.'I�ustee shull record u nutice of default in each cuunty in which any p�rt of the
<br /> ' .� �' ° property is located and shall mafl copfes uf such notice in the manner prescrlbed by upplicable low to Borruwer pnd to _
<br /> .� �' � the other persons prescribed by applicaMe law. After the time required by applicable law,7Yustee shall give public
<br /> .�,.�„_ �. notice oieale to the persons nnd in ihe manner prescribed by applicable luw. 'IYustee.without demend on Borrower� _
<br />���;�• ,. • ahall sell the Property at public auction to the highest bidder at the time and pluce and under the terms desigapled in
<br /> , -.. ,•�,��,;� , .., lhe notice oP sale in one or more pnrcels and in uny order'Irustee determines. 'I�ustee may poslpnne sale uf all or wny
<br /> : ��•�. . parcel of the Property by public annuuncement at the time und plece of any previnusly scheduled!wle. l.ender or its
<br /> `; ` designee may purch�se thc Pruperty at any s�le.
<br />�;r' • T,,r�r:a✓:...
<br /> ° ���A;:,1r� Upon receipt ot pAyment oP the price bid.'IYustee shall deliver to ihe pnrchaser 71�ustee's deed cunveying ihe
<br /> `' .,..' ;� � . t property. The recftals in ihe 1Yustee's deed shall be prima fucie evidence of the truth uP the statements made therein. _
<br /> t-�`��-:. . 7Yuatee ads�li apply the proceeds of the sele in the falbwing urder: lal tu ull cuats and expenses uP exercicing the powrr ,
<br />. . ::�•: . ,.
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