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<br /> = or�ie,a.a�w,al.,locludt�w u�p�yoka�ut�ae 7�urlee•.ree�aMunOy Incurru+,not tu exceea 2.0 96 or
<br /> =� Ihe priocipw1�nwual or tUe aote at the Hrae otfbe decl�rwtlou otde�ault,�ad ro�uoa�bte dtora�y�'fea a tbd
<br /> _—`°--°�-----°°° by I��vi(b)ta ail w�or r�wwd by t6t�lltxwrlty lastrueneati t�nd lcl Rny excers te tbe pe�or p�no�s y p�111Nd
<br /> ---�„� to if.
<br /> --�- 2t. R�CODV@yAIICe. Upon payment of ell sums Recurcd by this Security Instrument,l.endcr shall reyuest'Itustor.to
<br /> reconvey Ihe Prqkrty and�hdl xumender thin Sooudty ln�ument wul all notca evidcncing dcM securcd by thir Secu�ity
<br /> _- — � Inetrumcnt to'Itustee. 7tuatce shall rxonvey the Pmpeny without waminty And without chuQe to tha pemon or peraons
<br />-- ---------- --- -
<br /> - le�ally enliqcd to it. Such per�on or persona shall pay any rccunlwtiwi costs. -
<br /> 23. Subtitute 7Fu�tee. Lender,nt ita option.may from time to tima remove 7tuntee wnd uppoint p auccesaor uustee to
<br /> uny 7tuatee appointed hereunder.by an inauument recorded in the counry in which this Securi�y Insuument is recorded.
<br /> Without conv�yance of 1ha Property. tha�uccessor tnt�tee shell succeed to all the title.power and dudes confemal upon
<br /> --- Tivata herein and by appIicnble luw.
<br /> - yt. Requeat tor Notices. Borrower requests that copies of the notices of defAUlt and sele be sent[o Borrower's addresc
<br /> -�-----� _-- which is the Property Address.
<br /> - 2S. Riders to tbl�3ecu�Ity Iastrumen� tf one or mare riders nre exacuted by Borrower and recordcd togcther with
<br /> -� this Secudty Insuument. 1he rnvenants end agreements of each auch rider ahall be incorporated into an�i shall amend end
<br /> :� aupplement tho covenants and oQreementa of this Security InetrumeM ws if�rider(s)we�e a part of Ihis Security Inawment.
<br /> -- [Checic applicable boa(es)1
<br /> _ �Adjuawble Rate Rjdar �Condominium Rider �t-4 Family Rider
<br /> --��-�R --- �� �(iraduated Poyment Rider �Planned Unit Development Rider ��3iweekly Payment Rjder
<br /> - ----�_:-:y� �BWlaoa Rider �Rate Improvement Rider �Second Home Rider
<br /> �
<br /> �_��,na �Utfier(s)(sPecifYl
<br /> ��
<br /> _- _ _.:;,';"' . BY SIaNINd BELOW,Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and wvenenle coMained in this Secur�ty Insttument
<br /> '�"`;�l� and in any dder(s)executed by Borrower and recorded with i�
<br /> -- ��•�i'�
<br /> _ ��F=�� Win�csses:
<br /> �.ny..e�.�
<br /> _ = r_�,.
<br /> n . (5eai)
<br /> .�:- ,MiA,�D•r-". •Bortower
<br /> =�"'�:.� . D&r V. Beilke
<br /> -"�'-���r-. S al Secu�ity Number 508 42 3499
<br /> ��-►��_�,r
<br /> ��.�.�� .
<br /> � (Seap
<br /> -,�Y �ny�_ : 'e 88110T8 . 6 8• •Bortuwer
<br /> -�"''°'�;, ''>�`"• .. ' S06 50 7743
<br /> °�.�4.�,:;;�: Social Security Number
<br /> 's±'1:_.L� .
<br /> �- ^�+� ''TM��'" STATE OF NEBRASKA, Hell County ss:
<br /> _ •,�• �,.o..:�.•,^
<br /> - �• • ����"����� ' • On Ihis 28th day of August� 1991 ,before me,the undersigned,a Nwary Public
<br /> . . �' duly commissioned and qunliPied for said county,penonally eume D8Ty1 V. Beilke end Eleanor� M. Beilke�
<br /> �� . ��°;;�ar• eeeh in his end her own right, and as apouse.of each other .to me known to be the _
<br /> - . +►�' , identicnl persons(s) whose neme(s)nre subscribed�o the foregoing instrument und acknowledged the execution thereof to
<br /> - � ,,' ""'�'s;'�. - ' be theiT voluntury uct and deed.
<br /> • � �� Wimess my hand and noturiul seal ut Grand Island� Nebr ske in said county,the
<br /> .,"'. ,�,�,;�.,,,,;�y�„�t., �� dnte aforesaid. fiENfNAI�TAAY•SWI ol N� �� � �LY�'`�7�
<br /> " • .. ` My Commission expires: p�y�p F ppH No �ue�k
<br /> ' . �.. �.;�'�� MI�Co�l�.Exp.Au�.4.199? �
<br /> �� � RECONVEYANCE
<br />-.. ' . @°ti:,"';�"� ` "
<br /> TO TRUSTEE:
<br /> ' ' '.; ;...�;:���`��� The undersigned is the holder of the note or notes secured by ihis Deed of 7ivst. 3aid note or naes.together with ull
<br /> other indebtedness secured by this Deed af 7tust,huvc been paid in full. You ure hereby din:cled to cnncel said note or notes
<br /> � �;.`' and�his Deed of 7Yust,which ure dclivered hcrcby,und to reconvcy,withnut w�rrunty,all the estatc now held by you under
<br /> p;;Q. �, this Deed of 7tust to the person or persons legally entiUcd thcrcto.
<br /> ` . , Date:
<br /> ' tbrm Jo2x e/90 �puxr n„jb puRas►
<br /> . • ..
<br /> ,,, J .
<br /> .. n .
<br /> �. .
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