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<br /> � caidemnrtinn or dher tukin�of any pun ot'�he('ropeny.or fbr convcyunce in licu of condemnation,ar hercby uvxi�ned and
<br /> ��� sh�ll bc pafd to Lendcr.
<br /> ��` --�' In �he even�uf o wial tuking of the Proporty.the proceedw ++h+dl he upplicd �o thc aumx �ecurcd by �hfh Sccurily _
<br /> � __
<br /> - - In�trumrnt,whethcr ar not then due,wiih uny czcexx puid to Bormwcr. io the even�af u puniul takiog of the Piropeny in
<br /> �-� which the fafr murket vulue uf thc Propcny immediutcly beForc the IukMg is eyuul t��nr grcaicr than the amount of thc aums
<br /> = xecured by�hiR Secu�ity InK�rument immeJiu�ely bei'ore thc�akfng,unlews Burrawer und L.endcr othcrwire ugree in wrfling,
<br /> .:�-�_''—_____�___ ___.,__ the sumr secured l+y thf4 Secur{ly Insirument ahall be reduced by the amc►unt of the proceedy multiplied by the fullawing
<br /> — --- - "- --' fraction: (u)the tatul umount of the Kums xecu�d inuu�diataly befarc the tuking,divided by lb)the fair mi�rket vuluc of the ____
<br /> ;; Praperty immediotely t+efarc thc tuking. Any bulAnce ghull bc puid to Borrowcr. In �he event oi a pnniuf taking of thc
<br /> _r_� Property in which Ihe fuir murket vulue uf the Propetty immediutely lx:fure thc tuking is lesx thun the umuunt of thc sumz
<br /> -- secured immediately before the tuking, unle�s Barrower und Lendcr rnherwihe agrec in wri�ing or unlesz upplicwble luw
<br /> —�:ry,� otherwise provides,lhe proceeds Rhull bc applied to Ihe xumg ssccured by this Secu�ity Instrument whether or not�he auma ure
<br /> - then due.
<br /> -- --',w; If the Property i�nbnndoned by Borrowar,or ii,ufter noticc by Lender to Borrower thut Ihe condemnor offcr� to muke
<br /> __---� un awurd or Fettle a claim for damage�;,Batrawer i'oil�to respond to Lender wiN�in 3U days after thc dutc the nutice ix given,
<br /> I.ender ix au�horized to collect nnd upply the praceedx,nt its aption,eilher to restorutian or repair of the Propeny or to the
<br /> -..� suma secured by thix Securiry Inxtniment,whether ar not then due.
<br /> ,,_;:a Unless Lender und Borrower otherwi,e ugree in writing,uny upplicutinn of proceeds to principal shall nw extend or
<br /> - �,� pastpone the due de�e of the monthly puyments refersed to in purAgraphs 1 und 2 or chonge the umount of such puymentx.
<br /> �� 11. Borrower Not Relew4ed; Fa'f►eprAnce BY I.ender Not a Waiver. Extension af the time for puyment ar
<br /> _____,,� modification of umortiaalion of the sums secured by this Secudry Insiniment granted by Lender to uny successor in interew
<br /> -�� - - - of Borrower shull not uperute to release the linbility of the original Barcower or Borcowerg xuccessars in imerest.I.ender
<br /> - "�"'�'"`�"�°.��. .` shull nat be reyuired to commence pra:eedings ngainyt any succexsor in interesl cx rePuxe to extend time fur pnyment ur _
<br /> ,��1-'''� atherwise modify amortization of the sums+ecurcd by thiK Securfty Inxtrument by reason of uny demund mude by the original
<br /> - �r�'���LL` Borrower or Borrower�succegxors in interest. Any forbeurunce by Lender in exercising uny nght ar remedy shall not be u
<br /> - � � �_R, wuiver of cx preclude thc exercise of uny right or remedy.
<br /> ��cat:� ., 12. Successors nnd Asslgns Bound;Jolnt and 5everal l.iAbility;Casigners. The cavenums and ogreements of this
<br /> �~��-'°��=�'�"�� Security Inatrument shull bind and benefit the yuccessors+uid usaigns of Lender and Borrower, suhject to the pruvisionh af _
<br /> ,��r'}::
<br /> =`'":!�':�.•.::�_.:�•� parugraph 17. Borrower's covenunts und Agrcements tihnll be joint und severul. Any Borrower who co-signs Ihis Security
<br /> ==��_.�.�. "' Instrument But doez nat execu�e the Note: (ul iti ca-signing this Security Inslrument only�o nwRguge,grunt und convey thut
<br /> -=�'�*�'�""_�,;'�� .�'.�,G Borrower h interest in tha Proprny under�he terms oithiz Secudty Ins�rumen4 (b)is not perxonully obliguted to puy the,ums _
<br /> ���,�i;� secured by thi�;Sr,curily Inxtrument;und Ir)agreeti lhut Lcnder und uny rnher Borrower muy agrcc lo extend,maiif y,iorbcur
<br /> _ .•,.�,:�;.. or mnke any uccommodatians with negard to the terni+ of ihis Security Instrument or the Note without thut Borrowerz
<br /> �'-'�y'�'°~�-�~�-�' consent.
<br /> _�•, --�•:. ��f 13. Loan CharRes. If the loun secured by thi. Se�urity lnswmcm i� subjeci to a lass� ���hich sets muximum I�nn
<br /> �,;�,; ', � �� � i ,,,.,�.;, • chargeti,und thut luw is tinully interprcted so thut the interes�or uther loun churge+collccted or�o t►c collecte�l in connection
<br />::,� .
<br /> wilh the loan exceed the permiued limitti,then: lul nny,uch loun charge shull be reJuced by the amount nece„ury tu reduce
<br /> i 4 . the churge ta the permitted limit:und(b)uny xumti ulreudy colketed fram Burmwer which exceeded permitied limitz will be
<br /> refunded to Borrovrer. Lender muy chooxe to muke thiti refund by reJucing the principul owed under the No�e or by making u
<br /> °�"'�""r` direct puyment to Borrower. It'u refund reduces principal.the reduc�ion will be�rented ax u prninl p�puyment without any
<br /> , �;, •=•'•'�� � prepayment churge under the Note.
<br /> • ° 14. Notices. Any notice to Barmwer provideJ fur in Ihi� Securrty Instrument .hull be given by deliverin� it or by
<br /> `�°;.,�.`', J , mailing it by�rst cluss mail unlrss iipplicuMc luw requires usc��f unother mcthod.The noticc xhall be direcled to the Pmperty
<br /> r�l� � " Address or uny other uddres,Borrowcr Jesignutc�by notirc lo Lcndcr. Any notice to Lcnder shull be given by fini clusx _
<br /> muil to Lender�uddrexs stuted hercin or•rny ot her u J Jres.Lc n de r dc,i g n u t e z b y n o t i c e t o B�i R O w c r. A n y notice provided for __
<br /> .. „ ,a `�.a"� in Ihis Securiry Instrument xhull be dcemed �o huvc Ixen Eivcn lo Borcuwcr or Lcnder whcn given as pmvided in thix _
<br /> ..•:��..:��':� ; i parugruph. �•urit In�trum�nt .hall be ovemed by federul luw und thc luw of thc
<br /> �+lIMI�?�?� �� 15. Governin�L,aw; Severability. This 5« y B
<br /> ��s:�- � � • � ju�isdKtion in which the Pmpeny i,k►cuteJ. In ihc evcnt thut uny provixion ur cluusc ui this Security Instrument or Ihc Note
<br /> �'�'��.•�' � eonfliels wilh upplicable luw,xuch conflict shull not ufl'ect other provisiom of thi+Security In.�rumeni or the N�NC whkh cun �
<br /> s' .: � 6e given effcct without thc contlicting provisian. To Ihi,end thc provisions of this Securily Inxtrumenl unJ Ihe Nntc arc _
<br /> �� . .V. •tt'� .
<br /> �' ` � declared tu be severable.
<br /> '..`..�. .,
<br /> : :�,� ..� • -• � 16. sorrower's Copy. Bortowcr+hull he given an�confonnrJ cupy��f thr Note miJ of Ihi.Securiry Inxtrument. �
<br /> .�;;;:�• a: ' 17. 71�ansier of the 1'roperty or a Beneticiul Interest in Borruwer. If ull or uny purt oi'thc Pru�xny or uny interest in �
<br />' � Y�k..�• , � it is sold or trunxferrcd(or if u lxncficiul intcrext in Borrower i. ,old or trun,fcrrcJ und Burmwer i�noi a nuturul�xrsonl _
<br /> .
<br /> - ^ '� .�:.•.. •, without Lender+prior written consent.Lrndrr muy,ut i�+op�ion,myuirc immcdiute payment in full of ull sum,xccured by �
<br /> ':�w. ' � �' thiy Security Inslrument. Howcvcr,lhi�op�ion.hull not br rxen;i.cd by Lendcr il'cxerrise ix prohibited by frdernl law us of "
<br /> .•�r�� .•'a+� the dnte of�his Seeurity Imtrument. _
<br /> ;;�;o���. :•. • . • IP LenJer exercisex�his option,Lcndcr shull givc Born�µ�rr nutirc u1'uccclerutiun. Thc noticr shull providc u �riucl ol'
<br /> ' , ' �' • not Icxs thun 3Q Juyx from ihe date�hc�wticc i,dclivcn�d ur m:�ilcd within w•hich Burrciwcr nm.t puy ull.um,.rcurrJ hy this
<br /> „ I 5ccurily Instrumcnt. If Bo�rower fuil.tu puy thcsc sum, priur tu thc cxpirutiun ot'thiY �xri�xi. l.cnJcr muy invokc any =
<br /> remedie,pemiiued by this Srcuriry Instrunxn�withuw 1'unhrr nutice or demand un Bnrrower. -°
<br /> :�. • ; 18. Borrower's Right to Reinstute. 11'Burro�vcr mcct. r�rlain conJi�i�,n.. Borcowcr .hull huvr ihc riEh� lu huvc _
<br /> ' " '�"� � enforcemen�uf�hi�Securiry Ins�rumcni di,rominu�d u�any�imr priur 1��tli�rculirr��f: �a1 5 day,lor�urh othcr perioci us �.
<br /> � �"' ' ' SinEk hamd��-•Fepnk Nar�Frrddfr�tue 1\II�l1N�1 IV5'I Rl�IE\'f..14�donu('u�.muu. 9/46 ��k�Xr J n�n��uur.�� _
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