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<br /> � rcferrod to ln pamQ�ph 2,or chan�c Ilm anwuM uf sucb{wyn�nt�. Any oxccrs procccdc ovcr an amount rcquitrd ta pay dl
<br /> - ouuwidi�indebtedr�r under�tw Noto md Ihir Seae�ity Inctmrncd rlwll b�paid to�he cMity le�ally cntitlod�hereto.
<br /> � �.Bea.l.erder rt�y collact facr w�d charQe�authodud by tho 8ecrct�ry.
<br /> �
<br /> _-_---__;�� _
<br /> . - -- -- ---- •!� 9.Grauadr Wr Aa��tlun ut D�t. -
<br /> � �-—a--- ., (q) pet�Wt. Lcnder moy. cacept as limitod by reguloti�ms isaued by Ihc Secretary in the c�co af payment defuuUo. r
<br /> - --•- roquiro Immediate payment in full ai�ll suma eccured by this Securfty Instrument if: _
<br /> _ (i)8orrower defaulta by failfng to ps�y in full any tnonthly payment requirod by thir Secu�ity Instrument pdor w or
<br /> --= on the due date af the tkxt monlhly payment,ar
<br /> ___�. (ii) Bomnwer defaults by feiNn�, for a perlad of lhirty days. to perform any other obliQations cont�ined in lhis
<br /> --- Security Instrument.
<br /> ��� --��:� (b)3nle Without Credit Approvsd. Lender shall, if permittod by npplicable law and with the prlor approval of�he
<br /> -�_=='� Socretuy,roquire immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Secu�ity Mstrument if: -
<br /> -_�� (i) All or part of the Property. or a beneticfel intcrest in e trust owning all or part of the Property. ia sold or
<br /> ___=A y� otherwlse trAnaferrc�(other than by devise or descent)by the Bonower.and
<br /> ___==� (ii) The Property is not occupied by the purchaser or grantee as his or her principal residence, or �he
<br /> ----- purchaser or grantoe does so accupy the Property but his or her ctedit tw�not been approve�l in accurdwice with the
<br /> ---_. -,�= roquir�ementa af the Sec.etary.
<br /> _- .t� °
<br /> ���.:�!'.��_ � �_.
<br /> �-;��-•• � (c)No Wpiver.If circumswnces ocwr that wauld pernut i.ender to require immediate payment in full.but Lender does
<br /> --'`�`�-�� not require such payments.l.ender does not waive its rights with respact to subsequent events.
<br /> _ _�_ --_��- •_�� -
<br /> .�/.�i���N!��'�.'.
<br /> _"�'.;n:�,.,"�� I , (d) Regulations ot HUD Secretary. In meny circumstances regulations issued by the Secretary will limit I.ender's
<br /> �-='=-,.`°`---.�,�.=+�� � �ghts in the case of payment defaults to require immediate payment in full and foreclose iP not pajd. Thic Security
<br /> =��'�'-=� Instrument daes not authodze accalcratian or foreclosure if not pernutted by regulations of the Secretary. -
<br /> -�::r:�.�r�: ,��
<br /> _::.,��,.; __
<br /> �����a�N (e)Mortgpae Nat Iru�ured�BoROwer agrees that should this Securfty Instrument and the Note secured thereby not be
<br /> �K�;�.�,�. I
<br /> _—„��,.,.;_�,�,,4.') eligible for insurance under the Natlonal Housing Act withi�60 days from the datc hereof. l.ender mey,et iw aption
<br /> _ __ _ and notwithstending anythinpt in paraRraph 9, require immediate payment in full of eil sums secured by this Securlty
<br /> ��•�'`��•��I Instrument. A written statement of any authorixed agent of the Secretary dated subsequent to 60 days from the date
<br /> �,.�
<br /> ° �i�� hereof,declining to insure this Securiry Instrument and the Note secured thereby,shull be deemed conclusive proof of
<br /> �-'�r;j: �:•,� , i such ineligibiliry. Notwithstnnding the foregoing, this option mAy not be exercised by[.ender when the unavailabi0ty -
<br /> - . � of insurance is solely due to l.ender's failure to remit a mortgege inxur�nce premium tu the Secretary. -
<br />_ R ..
<br /> ��'�n,,,.`�K1�L, .
<br /> - � 10. Relnst�temmt. Borrower has u right tn be rein.r•tated if Lendcr has rcyuire� immcdiutc puyment in full becuu+e nf
<br /> . ,� ���r�'� &►rrawer's fuilure to pay rn wm�um due under thc Note or Ihic Sccurity Inrtrument, This right upplies cven aticr fiirecloxure
<br /> -�•-_��:�;;,��. '-� proceedings ure institutcd. To reinswte the Security In�trumcnt, &�rrowcr.hull�cndcr in u lump �um�11 amaun�s rcyuired to
<br /> �::�r3��,r- "._;�.,, bring Borrower'r uccount cuRent including, to the exlent they are ubligations of &mower under �hix Security In�trument.
<br />= s �..� � forecbsure �nsts nnd reu�nuble anci customury uttorneyti' fce.r nnJ expen,e� properly uyuxiated with thc forcclosure
<br />=--n�,:�..� praceeding. Upon reinstatement by Borrower,this Security In+�rument and the obligutions�hut it xecures shall remuin in effect
<br /> =`��j�h?: w��' as if Lender had not required immediate paytnent in full.However, Lender is not required to perniit reinstatement if: (i)Lender
<br /> 1,-,:.,�.'.�.e:. has nccept«I rcinslutement after the commencement of foreclocure pracecdings within two years immediately preceding the -
<br /> � _.__.�Sti':..pA��r,��YM � --
<br /> _ _.-�_� � .. commencemeot of a current foreclosure praceeding, (ii) reinstatement will preclude foreclosure on different grounds in the
<br /> " � "`�---�'•''Yr�� future,or(iii)reinstutement will udversely affect the priority of the lien created by this Security Instrument.
<br /> .�..".�= n
<br />- '-��.�±'��z•:,o,,;, ,.,, U.Borrower Not Relea.sM; Forbearance By Lender Not a Weiver. Extension of the time of payment or modification of
<br />--,��" "''� amortiwtion of the sums secured b this Securit Instrument ranteJ b l.ender to An �ucceswr in interest of Borcower shall -
<br /> ,�;,���� Y Y 6 Y Y � -
<br /> —���nv:_�;;��T�� not operate to release the liability of the o�iginal Borrower or Borrower'x successor in interext. Lender shall not be required to
<br />�=y►�� . commence raccedin s u amst an successor in inter�st or refuse w extend time for a ment or atherwise modif umortization
<br /> -°• ��:� �' :.:° P � 8 � Y p'Y Y
<br />���`'?•� � ��' of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the ariginal Bormwer or &►rrower's
<br /> �- •��,r:� � ��R�� successors in interest. Any forbearonce by L.ender in exercising any right or rcmedy shs�ll not be a waiver of or pr+eclude the
<br />� , ' � . "a ° exercise of uny right or remedy. �
<br /> ���{V�) Pop�4 016 �
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