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<br /> condemnution ar other takin�of wny parl of the Propeny,or for conveyanco io lieu of condemnatia�.uro hcreby axri�ned ond
<br /> xhall be paid ta l.ender.
<br /> �' In �he event of a totxl ts�king of the Prapeny,th� procecds xhull be upplie�i to �he numx sccurcd by thia Secudty
<br /> Instrumont, whothcr ar not�hen duc. with uny excesx puid to Borrawer. In�he event of a purlial taking of the Rrc�peRy in
<br /> which the fuir market value of the PropeRy immadiotely betarc the taking i�eyuaf to ar p,reeater thun the umuunt ul'Il�e nwna `
<br /> �" _ secured by�his Security InA�rumeni immediataly beWre�he�aking,unles.Barrower und Lendcr atherwise agme M wrlting. -
<br /> ' the Rums�ecured by this Securfty Ina�nimen!shall be reducc.�d by�lhc umounl cif Ihe pracceda multfplicd b� thc following
<br /> f�action: (a)�ha totol rmount af Ihe Kums secured immediately befa�e the tuking,divlded by (b)the fair murkcl vAlue uf the
<br /> -•- -_--s----_- , Pm�xhy imme�dietely heforc the twking. A�y bulance shall be puiJ w Borrower. In the event of u puniul iuking of the
<br /> Propeny in which the Fuir market value of the Property immedintcly before the tuking is lexx thun thc umuunt ot �hc xums `
<br /> secured immediAtely befare �he tuking, uoless Borrower and Lender atherwitie ugree in writing ar unless s�pplicuble law
<br /> •- od�erwise provides,the proceeds shalf be upplicd to the sums Recured by this Security Instrument whelhcr or not the xumx ar+e
<br /> - then due.
<br /> "'�! !t'the Pn�perty is abandoned by Borrower,oc if,after notice by Lender��Borrower thut the condemnor ofPers ro make
<br /> �� �=� wt awnrd or:tetdc a cluim for damages,Bormwer fails ro rcxpond to Lender within 30 duys aftcr thc dutc the nutice iK given.
<br /> ----------- - - - -- Lender ig authorized to collect nnd appiq the praceeds,nt itw option,ei�her to restorutbn or repnir of the Propeny or to the _
<br /> aums secured by this Secudty Inxtrument,whether ar not then due.
<br /> -�.�� Unlesx Lender and BoROwer otherwise agree in wri�ing,uny applicntian of praceeds to principal shull not extend or
<br /> _�.;� postpone 1he due date of the monthly payments rePe�red to in parngrnphs I und 2 ar chunge thc umoun�of sucb pnyments.
<br /> 11. Borrower Not Released; ForbevrAncc 8y Lender Not s WAlver. Extension of thc time for payment or
<br /> ��Y,� modit'kation of umortizAtion of the sums secured by this Security Ingtrument grnnted by Lender to uny�uccessor in interetit
<br /> oP Borrower shall not operate to release Ihe liubflity of Ihe originul Borrower or Borrower's auccescors in interest.Lender
<br /> � �� shall not be required io commence proceedings agAinst Any successor in inlerest or nefuse �o extend time for pnyment or
<br /> ���— _ �":,� otherwise modify amanizatiun uP Ihe�ums secured by this Sccurity Instrument by rea�an of any demand made by Ihe nriginal _
<br /> Borrower or Borrower's succeasors in interest. Any forbea�nnce by Lender in exercising uny�ight or remedy hhull nat be n
<br /> - wxive�of or preclude�he exercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> -- _ - •- lt. Successors and Assigna Bound;Joint and 5everal l.iabflity;Ca•siAners. The covenants and ngreements af ihis
<br /> _ ___��;;.�`.•„- Security Instrument shall bind und benefit the successors nnd assignti of Lender u�d Borrower, subject ta the provisions of
<br /> -�c,�;,s;•,,,, . puagrnph 17. Borrower's covennmx and ugreements shull be joint and xeverul. Any Bortuwer who co-signs�hiti Security
<br /> —`.�::" . Insuument but dae4 not execute the Note: (n)is co-signing thix Security Instrument only ia monguge,granl und convey�hat
<br /> ,;a�� ' Bw�rower:�lnterest in the Property under[he terms of Ihis Secudty Inxtrumenr, (bl is nat penonally abliguted to poy the xum�
<br /> �"� � secur+ed by this Secu�iry Instrumenl;And(c)agrees thut Lender und nny o�her Borrower muy agree to extend,madify.For6ear -
<br /> `��.�!
<br /> ---��-�� or make uny accommadations with ragard to the temis of thiK Security Instrument or ihe Nde without that Borrower�
<br /> � consent.
<br /> � tN l3. l.oan Charges. If the loun secured by thir Securily Instrument is subject tu a law which seth mnximum loun
<br /> --�___.,�:;j charges,and that law is finally interpreted so that the interext or other loun churges collected or to be callected in connec�ion
<br /> .�'y��'�. with the loan exceed the pennitted IimUs,then: (u)uny such foan churge shuil l�e reduced by�hc u�uuuut un:assary ta reducc
<br /> �';;;`„X Ihe chArge ta the permitted limir und(b)any sums alreudy collected Prom Borrower which exceeded pemnitted limitv will 6e
<br /> -- = refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by mducing the p�incipal owed under the Note or by making a
<br /> __ <�t �;: �:c • direct payment to Borrower. If u refwxl reduces principul,thc reduction will be treuted as u pnniul prepayment without any
<br /> --"1�����• prepayment churge under th�Note.
<br /> - �-',-•,,
<br />-• - -���r-.�wi,..a:: 14. Nolkes. Any nwice to Bonower provideJ for in �his Security Ins�rument shpll be given by dclivering it or by �_
<br /> � ,.�, � � � mailing it by first cluxs mail unle�s applicnblc luw reyuin:s use of unothcr method.The notice shull be direcled to the Pmperty
<br /> ° ,�,���;�, . Address or any other uddress Borrower designutes by notice to Lendcr. Any nwice to Lender shall he given by rrst cluss _
<br />==v.�i4,.,�.rr,.. � •
<br /> ���:�,� �.a mail to Lender's uddres�,lu�ed herein or uny uiher uJJrcn.Lender dcsi€notes by naticc to Borrower. Any notice pmvided for i
<br /> �-��: . in this Security Insteument xhull bc decmeJ to have bcen givcn to Burrower or Lender when�ziven a+p�ovided M this
<br /> __°� •'�r.~: ,- � p�uugrnph.
<br />-Y���%��,:•� ` �: IS. Governing I.aw; Severnbillty. This Security Instrumcnt tihall t►e guvemed by federul luw und Ihc luw of the
<br /> ---_ =--='�g"'���.. Jurisdiction in which the Property is lacuted. In the event thut uny provi+ion or clause of ihis Securiry Inxtrumem or�hr Note -
<br /> �---°'��'�''� �� �+� � conflicts with a licable luw,such conflict shull nat affec�other provision.r•i�f�his Securiiy In.trument or the Note which can
<br />�.s;,�;�:°� pP -
<br /> _ --= be given effeet without the contlicting provixion. Tn thix end the pnwisiunx ot'�his Security Inxtrumenl und Ihe Nate ure
<br />--� ':'�••"�', • . declured to be severuble. --
<br /> "� ..�.:... ,,..�,
<br /> -=� �---�:• •• ° l6. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shull tx givcn one confurnmJ copy of�he Nute und of�his Srcurity Imtrument.
<br /> ''"`�� ' , 17. 7lransfer otthe P�operty or a Benetkiol lnteregl in Burrower. If ull or uny purt oT thc Pmperty or uny imerest in
<br /> -�;'•_ � �' � it is sold or transfemcd ror if a beneficiul interest in Borrowcr i.r•xold or trunsferred und Burrower ix not u nutural�rson)
<br /> �' ' ��•� • �vithout Lender's prior wriuen ronsem,Lcnder mciy,at itx option,reyuirc inunediutc puyment in Full of nll sumti securcd by F
<br />`�`�'� "�`'�� '� �;". this Securit Instrument. However,this o tion shall not be cxerci�eJ b l.ender if exercise is rohibited b feder�l luw stic of
<br /> ...- . .w...�., . Y P Y P Y
<br /> __..�.� ::�. - �•• the dute of this Security Instrument. -
<br />--'"'� ^� """Q"""" If l.ender exercises this u ion, Lcndcr shull ��vc Borrow�cr nMicc uf ucccicrution. Thc notice zhull hrovide u periad of -
<br />_�� � �' �y� � not Iexs thun 30 duys I'rom the dute the noticr i�dclrverrd ar mailcJ within which Burcawer must puy ull�ums xecured ny this -
<br /> : �•�:.:�:.: �.
<br />:`.�:� Security lnstrument. If Borrower fuilr to puy thcse sumx priur w tln expirution i�f �his �riod, Lcnder muy invoke any
<br /> � '� . remedie+pem�itted by thix Security Inslrumrnt withc�ut furthrr nutice ur ckmand��n B�xruwrr.
<br /> 18. 13orrower's Right to Reinstute. If Borruwrr mcels cenuin runditionti, Borr�iwer �hull huvc Ihe right�o huvc
<br /> �+���-;;�,.••� • enforcemem of thix Serurity Imtrument di+runtinucd ut any lime prior w thc rurlicr��t': lu)S Jayz I��r�urh ather Fxrial us
<br /> , �� �
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