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<br /> ie1 1'OOE7I�ER WITH �II�he Improvements now ot het�pfler crccted on�he propchy.and�II awiemcnts,pppuhenwuei,
<br /> �nd ffxtut+es oaw or here�fler p port of the property. All rcplacementa ond addiUone�hall�I�o bo covarcd by 1hb Se�urlty
<br /> _ _ Inauument. All of'the fora�oin�i�refemed w in this Security inrwment as iiic"Properly.,,
<br />- �----� --,— �--- BORROWE�C�OVENANTS thst Borrower i�lawfully seised of the eslate herrhy rnnveyed ancl haK tF►c dgtit t�grant
<br /> �„_ and convey the Property wid that the Propeny is unencumbercd,except ior encumbrancex of record. Borrower wammt�wid
<br /> ��„� wjll defend�enerally tha title to�he Property againet all clnlms and demwida,eubject to any encumbrc►ncea of'record.
<br /> THIS SECURlTY INSTRUM�IV7'combines unifotm covenents for nalionul ure und non•unfform covetunto wilh
<br /> - - . _.� limited yarlationa by ju�isdiction W canstftute a unifotm security instrument covering rewl property.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower end Londer covenant and agree a�followa:
<br /> -�� 1. Payment ot Principsd wnd Intcrrsti Prepnyment And Lpte ChArees. Barmwer xhall prnmptly puy when duc tho
<br /> ----�-- principal of and interest on�hc debt evidenced by the Note and any prepnyment and Is�tc churges due under thc Note.
<br /> ;�' 2. �nda for 71�xes And Iasuranee. SubJect to appiicable law or to a wrltten waivec by L.end�er.Botrowcr alwll pay to
<br /> -°? '�� Lender on 1he day monthly payments ar+e due under the Note,until the Note is puid in full,u aum("Funda")for: (a)yesrly
<br /> _,�.,,,�.=`� taxes and assessmenta which may Attain p�iodty ovcr thia Secudty Instrument as a lien on�ha Propeny;(b)yearly leusehold
<br /> ___ _______ _.=��'" payments or ground rents on the Property, if nny: (c) yearly hozard or propeny insurnnce premiuma; (d) yearly ilood
<br /> �.,�,;�';- insurance premiums, if any; (e)yearly mortgage inaurance premiums,if nny; and (�uny sums puyabie by BoROwer to
<br /> "�- - Lender.in accordance with the provisions of paragrnph 8,in lieu of thc payment of mongnge insurance premlurns. These
<br /> -=-=��� itema e�+e called"Escrow Items." Lender may,at nny time,collect nnd hald Pbnds in an amaunt no1 to exceed the maximum
<br /> __=''�;� amount a lender for a federally related mongage loan may require for Bartower5� escrow account under the federul Rcal
<br /> ,�1 Estete Settlement Pracedures Act of 1974 as amended from time to time,I 2 U.S.C.$2601 er seq.("RESPA"),unless another
<br /> law that applies to the Plmda sets a lesser amount. If so,l.ender may.at any Ilme,callect and hold FY�nds in w►nmUUnt not to
<br /> � �`' exceeci the lesser amount. Lender may estimete the amount uf Funds duo on 1he basis of current deta and reasonabk
<br /> ----°-� -;-;`;=��`'�` estimates of expenditures of future Bscrow Items or otherwise in uccords�nce with applicnble luw. -
<br /> -- --_• �;�=•�: 'Che Flinds shall be held in an institution whosc deposils are insured by a federal ugency, instrumentaUty,or entin
<br /> - �6'�' :,. " (including Lender,if Lender is such an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shull apply the Funds to pay
<br /> °"•;-i ' "` the Escrow ltems. L.ender may not charge Borrower for holding und applying the Funds,annually analyzing the escrow
<br /> "'";`•:'�i. °'�'��'-'-d'` �' account, or verifying ihe Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower interest an Ihe Funds and applicable law permils
<br /> �~°'"�"�� Lender to make such a charge. However. l.ender may require Borrower to pay a one-timc charge for an independent real
<br /> H& 4..+
<br /> `�'�" estate tax reporting scrvfce u�ed by Lender In connection with this loan.unless Applicubk law provides othcrwise. Unless an
<br /> --- °"°'�"'``�" agrecment is made or appficable law requires interest to be paid,Lcnder shall not be requircd to pay Borrower any interest or
<br /> �•�"*! �p..
<br /> - �•�`:,��•'� , eamings on the FLnds. 8arower and Lender may agree in writing,however,that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender
<br /> .�`. : '. shall give to Borrower,without charge,an annual uccounting of the Funds,showing credits and debits to the FLnds and the
<br /> }r��; ,. .•;`,�:'��.," • purpose for which euch debft to Ihe FLnds wa�made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for all sums secured by
<br /> ��`�'y ' �.,� thia Securiry Inswment.
<br /> - ����'''�'"' If the Plmds held b Lender exceed the tunounts rmitted to be held b a Ucable law, Lender shall account �o
<br /> a�_ #.�:aAw Y P� Y PP
<br /> ;+- - -,�:.- " ° Bomower for the excess Funds in accordnnce with the requirements of upplicabk law. If the amount ui 1he Funiln c�id by
<br />_ •� �• Lender at any time is not sufficicnt to puy the 6scrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in wdting,And, in
<br />� � . such case Borrower shall pay to Lender thc amount necessary ro mnke up the deficiency. Bomower shall make ap the
<br /> ' . •'; ' .. deficiency in no more than twelve monthly payments,At Lender�sole discretion.
<br /> � '. -ys,- =� Upon payment in full of ull sums securcd by ihis Security Instrumen�,Lender shull promptly refund to Borrower any
<br />- ,,;,� _ ,�i�� •,� Funda held by L.ender. If,under paragrnph 21,Lender shall acquire or tiell the Propeny, Lender,prior to the acqufsi�ion or
<br /> , :��,�,�;.. ;��•_��� sale of the Property, shall apply any Funds held by Lender At the time of acquisftion or s�le as a crcdit against the sums
<br /> °::�j ,.r:,;;, secured by this Secu�fty Inswment.
<br /> ' ..�,,•,;.��...,.�: � 3. Applicrliun of Pwymenta�. Unle,+ applicablc luw provides othcrwisc, all payments rcccivcd by Lcnder under
<br /> �:.,�;,, � paragrnphs I und 2 shall ix upplied:first,to uny prcpuyment churgc�due under the Note;second,to nmounts payable under
<br /> ' ••.a�'�� :-u•.�•�° psuagraph 2;third,to interest due;fourth,to principal due;and lust,to uny lete cha�ges due under Ihe Notc.
<br /> ;N.�- 4. Charges; Llens. Borrower shull puy all taxes,assessments,chuges, �nes s�nd impositions Attributable ro the
<br />" - 7• Property which may anuin priority over th+s 5ecurily In.r•trument,und lea�ehold paymcros or ground►ents,if any. Borrower ='
<br /> • `!�?'`��"�� ' shall puy these obligutions fn the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Borrower shall pay them an -
<br /> ''+f!'�'�'.„:..r;, ,
<br /> • •w��+.�.,a��• time directly to the person owed puyment. Borrower shall prompNy fumixh�o Lender ull notices uf amounts to be puid under
<br /> .w..•:,, this paragraph. If Borrower mekes these payments dirccUy,Borrower shull promptly fumish ta Lender receipts evidencing -
<br />. �•�«�;
<br /> �.:'. the puyments.
<br /> . `•� Bo�rower sholl promptly Jischurge any licn which hAS priority over thix Security Instrument unless Borrower:(a)agrees
<br /> •,, . �
<br /> • °�^ ' in writing to the pnyment of the obligntion secured by the lien in u munner ucceptuble to Lender,lb)contests in good faith the
<br /> ° " • :..'�.' � lien by,or defends Against enforcement of thc licn in.legul proc:cedings which in the Lender a opinion operntc to prevent the
<br /> ' °^��•�• � �� � enforcement of�he lien;or Ic)secures from ihc holder of�he lien an ugreement satisfuc�ory�o Lender subordinating�he lien
<br />•• '':�''.'v=:'�"°" •• to this Securiry Instrument. If Lender determines�hnt any purt of the Propeny is subject to a lien which may uttuin priority �
<br /> �� •°•;.��"• � over this Security Instrument.Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower xhall.r•atisfy the licn or take �
<br /> " �a�.� one or more of the uctions set forih ubovc within 10 duyx of Ihe giving of noticc.
<br /> ' S. Hazard or Property Ipsurance. Borrower shull kecp the impmvemems now cxisting or hereafter erected on the =
<br /> , .a• � Property insured agAinst loss by fire,hsuards included within the term"extendeJ coveragc"und uny other hnzards,including �
<br /> • • floods or flooding, for which l.ender requirex fnsurance. Thfs insurnnce shnll be maintuined in the amounts wnd for the �
<br /> , . . . . • F��rm N12lt 9/90 ryx,,q��2��j n p,��ral �
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