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<br /> . . :.. . M�'`.:�_� . •y •�-`' -__-.-.--.3._
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<br /> � (�) Th� r+�d/s� o* tM N11�f1oir��r M��wW�� ati a�uUtfw �nd ��st.�, � th�
<br /> �x�rofM oP �ny on�or �or� or eh� r�a1M proWdw ta� h�nto or unwr en� Cod�
<br /> NMII eo! b� oonstnNd � a rNwr of �nr of !h�otM� H1�� o! tlN Mn�fiolry.
<br /> _�. k- ..°��* 1noluotn� ha�n� �uon colue.r.� d..N.d art o► sn. r..tty uvon �nr �or.alo.urs � .
<br /> w. ;�,r+�cr,'= tt1�NOf:
<br /> -t' � -� _-__-
<br /> '� '�✓I,� �t) ir not�r»to.nr a�rer oT sn� �nsow.a a�.vo•+e�an or cn. co»at�r�� �. n4u��a er
<br /> ��`��, � fa,� �n a p.rciou�•� �n.ta�e.. wan �oe+o..n.i� w a..■.a ca...roi.»y .w.ane�. �r
<br /> ,:�.•;..._� 91v�n at 1�aat t�n t�0) d�yn pHo►� to�+eh Int.nd.d d��pe�Itlen u�d wy b� �1v�bY `_ s_-•_--_
<br /> .µ, .. . �dwrtt�nt 1�a n�w�p���euPt�d to► 1�1 pub1/pLlon�Ntlr� Mparab1y or+W
<br /> - :. pllrt of a not1C� �1vM1 to toholoM tM rMl p�op�1'ty or' IMr 0� f1YM1 bfr PI'�v�
<br /> " '°- - . . notlo� 1t woh p�rtl�s ah knorn !o ttN M��ialury; - -._
<br />.�,�,` •• '. f:._�.=-- -
<br /> - • ' ".� (9) TIM Tru�to� M111 fr0�1 t1M t0 L1M D��7fM !IN MB�HOIery Ofl MqUML Mtlh
<br /> --- ,�•'� ilwis�tloM of all weh Co11�t.�ra1 an th� Pn�i�;
<br /> . .,�.,.i. �• � b: ' .., s��.,�
<br />��_ , „ (h) Tlw� f111np of a tinufeinp st+K�nt pu��wMt to th� Cod� �11 rnwr 1�tr th�
<br /> ;�-.• �t�ef int�nNO�of th1�OMd of Trwt th�t all I�prov�nt�� F1xlurw� aqu/pMnt �nd
<br /> „��-Z��'-` -- p���on�l prop�rty dnarib�d in Oru�tt�y Cl�uw e h�r�of�n.ana at�ll N�M�nd fo�
<br /> =�:�
<br /> a;z � atl purpw�� and in all procMdln� both l�ys1 0� �quit,�bl�. Nw�ll b� nfNrdW �� .�..--
<br /> , �;:���' . -
<br />�d1f,'.�i.,��. � ' Wt'! M th� rMl P���Y �rtya� INr1ufW�� ir�MP�ativ� of MMtln� �ah 1tN i• ��:"°�-.—
<br />�5�+�, , phY�iully attach�0!o th� rw1 prap�rty or �ny�01+ 1eM Is t+�hn+�d to or n*1�ot�A
<br />�,�,. In a tln�nalno �tat�wnt;
<br /> r. �
<br />,��':."� ..", ; .� . (/) TM Trwto� wi 71 an dMand d�71wr R11 HMnait►�stat�nt� th�t My Irow ttw� to -�-- ---
<br /> ::,?.s:•• , t1M W r�4�irsd by �h� B�tiolary to ��tab7/sM antl p�W�ot !1� 0�'IOHtY or tM ��`.
<br /> , • � ; C�rNtloiary'• Maurity int�n�t in woh Coll�t��a1;
<br />��. . _;����n. ir�-.,-
<br /> . ? (�) Th�Truato��hsll piv�adv�nu wriLt�n notlq of anY P��Md Wf�ni� 1n th� Tn�tar'•
<br />� . � . . n.... +anc�ty or.eruetur. .nd M+i� .x.eue.and w��v.r to en.e.n.riot��r ar�or to =Y
<br />• or ooneurryntly wilh weh ch�ny� a11 �dd1lional linv�elnp staLM�nt� th�t tM
<br /> ' � . �M}101wry MY wquin to ��tWH�h a11d p�M�ot tF1� prio►'ity of !fM N�f1ola�ry'• �
<br /> . � • Mcurity /nt�ti�t; and --
<br /> .. . �:.+�m:� :
<br /> � (k� TM Tru�tor �ha11 rNwM �rW p�y Rll �xp�� of ��rfwiny th� f/twia�n0 �t�t�nt �`--`°
<br /> ..o--r-�s-��, .
<br /> � ,�'`'.. . cov�rino !M Coll�bral 1n tM w�nt th� weuHty 1nMr�st in wch Collat�ral wilt `� • - • __,._
<br /> , . , , �npir�by rN�on of statutory 1ar prior to th��ne!of th� !Nw o}th1• DNd of Tru�t. � � ,,+. `
<br /> �• . .
<br />, ' ' eECTION 4.4 MAiNTHMANGE OF PROPBRTY, Sub,��ot to tM proWHans Ot Lhl• Motlon, 1n�nY ��`'' '
<br /> . . .:.�. " imtane��n tM T�wtor in it� tlisc��tton d�br�inN ttu�t any 1tM wb3+ct to a MauHty 1nt�nst T�.
<br /> ��,•.�_.•� , .
<br />',-_ -- � �� ---
<br /> � � , und�r tMs O�W oT T�wt hu b�caM inaNqwt�. aowt�t�. Morn out� urnui£�bTi, u��iiaGt3 ar �„�. --
<br /> �J �� ,, unrwc�uary tor Lh� ap��attan o1 th� P�i�. th�Tru�tor �y� �E it� �xp�nN. rwov� and di�poM =�___
<br /> of it uia wbaLilut��nd tmtall atMr itM�not n�e���ar11y h�viny tfN�aw�tunaLian. ProvidW. th11t -'"`"- "
<br /> ' such �MOVaI �na sub�tltution�ha71 no! i�t�tlM op�rattnp utility �nd unitY�� Pn�1�n. All �,��,-
<br /> - � wb�titut�d it�w� �M11 b�eaw� a par! of LM P�M1Ma �nd wbl�ot !o� l i�n of tM O�W ot Tru�t. ���,�
<br /> � Any qpnt� npW�d or �71ow�d th�Trustor upon th�s�U o�oth�� di�posltlan of th� rwovW �t�n �,��.__
<br /> � oT prop�rty �11 b�I�pp11�d only ap�insL tl»eo�t ot aequi�itian an0 1n�lwilAtian oT tH��C1lut�d '•—
<br /> . � itM�. Nothinp h��Nn cantalrnd sh�l l b�constru�d to pnwnt�r►Y t�nu►t or wbt�n�nt traw rMOV1�0 ���
<br /> � Tra� tM Pn�iM� t�ad� tlxtun�. furnitur� and �qWpw�nt lnstalS�d by i! and ��wovabU by lMMnt .� s�-
<br /> und�r i!� t�r� of tM 1MM, on tM co�ditlon, hon�wr. th�t th�t�nt or wbL�nt N�11� �! it� .^�•�
<br /> . am ewt� nnd �xp�ns�, r�ir �ny �nd •11 Aa�ay� to tIN P�M1N� 1yM�ltina fran o� o�uNd ey !1� ����.;�: '
<br /> , .' • n�oval tMrw}. •,";',"�^_az•-
<br /> ;�` ��., °-..
<br /> • ''4:,Y?i:'�_'
<br /> � • ., . 1,,,�,_f1Y��--.
<br /> , t ARTTCLE S e�_�_._...
<br /> o. � �QPLGATION OR IlL+t�ANGE AND AN�� •:�'w•"�-�
<br /> , ., ._.°,� �.
<br /> ,. . (�CTtON 6.1 ^eYAO OR D88TRUCTION OR 7M8 PRHMISE9. Th�TrWlo� Mi71 �iw th� NrNttcl�ry ' -�
<br /> v � " ' P�pt noL1e� ot any d�w�� to o� d��truoilan of th� Pn�rl�nr and in uaw ot' los� eov�r�d bY �:':.:r. -
<br />' • . • po11e1�� o� /n�ur�nc�. tM O�n�/io/ary (MMlMr b�fon or �ft�r for^�olow►r wl�) 1• h�nDy
<br /> RulDONt�d aL it� apHon to s�ttl��nd ad�wt any cl�iw aN�ina out ot weh poNoi�� �n0 ooll�ct arW � .`�,':.,.,.'-r
<br /> . r�e�llpt for th�P�Nd� p�yabl�th�rKor, ProvidW� thRt th� Trwto�MY itN1t Rd�u�t �ntl aoll�at ��:_�
<br /> . " '+, ' �or �ny 1wM� ariNr►0 oui ot � �inyl• oecurnne� aOpnpatlnp not tn�xoNS of Hv� Thouwnd u�d . ,,�,.
<br /> * ° 00/100 Dollwh <i6.000.00). Any�xp�nM inournA by th�luNflolary �n Lh��dju�lNnt and eol7�otlan
<br />-. t ot an ind� t ��1p1 of !h� loa or dwp� an ��.. ',;,`^--�,__
<br /> . . oT irnur�no� praeNds (Ineludiny th� eos Y W� +�P , -
<br /> , bNui7} of !M S�f1el�ry) sh�17 M �N�burwd to tM l�rwtlolarr *ir�t out of anr proo»tl�. Th� .
<br /> . ProoM�or �ny paK lM�r�of �hall b� �ppli�d Lo r�tluetlon of th� InO�Dt�drNU R�eur�tl Il�nby th�n ` -_
<br /> ; � •
<br /> �• no�t rM0t�1y to W pa1d. wh�tMr dw or not, M1lhout tM applleation of any Or�p�yMnt prM1u�� or E . r .
<br /> to tlw r�sLoratlon o� �ir ot tM PrM1M�. tM ehotu of app7leation to M �ol�ly at tM `
<br /> � d��ar�Lion W tM Mn�Tlclary. If tM O�n�tle�a�y appli�s !M p�aeNd� to � r�duetian o* EF» �
<br /> Znd�pt�tlM��8�cu�vd 11�r�Ey. Lhs �onthly 1nst�1lMnt payMnt�ot prinelpal and 1nt�rNL Mt lorth
<br />'� i�th�Not� shRl l b��d3ustW to an M�o�nt wfflci�nt to r�uortis�!M th�n�npaid ONnoipal b�l�nu
<br />� ot tM Not� to��th�r with fnt�h�t in �qwl wor►thly in�tallMn! pay�nl� ov�r th� tMn n�ainin9
<br /> portlon of th� ar191n�1 twnty (20) y��r Mortis�tlan p��1od, ho�v�r. !h� balloon p��►t �Oa17
<br /> � b�ooM dw an o� b�forr E�pt�we�r t. 2001. �
<br /> 8ECTION 4.2 CONDEMNpT2oN. TM Tru�tor will ytv� th� �fielary pro�pt notle� of �ny
<br /> � �cL1an. aetwl or LMr�aY�ewd. in eanW�nation or Min�nt tlo�in u+d MnDy Rutyn�. t�ansf�h.wnd
<br /> � • qt� ov�� to tl� B�mtSei�ry tl» �nt1r� proc��d� of �ny aw�rd or ctat■ tor da�11�N 1'0� alt o� �ny
<br /> p�rt of tM PrM1N� t�k�n or dwp�d und�r tM poN�r of wein�nt do�ain or canOMnation. th�
<br /> Nn�tici�ry b�1np h�rWY �uthori=�d Eo int�rv�n� in any�ueh �elion antl to oo11�C!uW r�c��v� f�a�
<br /> � LM eondNning autAorftt��and giv�prop��r�c�lPts �nd�equlLt�ne�s for sueh prooNd�. TM Trwtor
<br /> � � wi17 not M►t�� lnto u�y apr��wnt� Mith th� cawJMnlny �ueharity o�r�lttt�p or calMnLinp to tM
<br /> �� t�kin9 of th� P��nia� unl��� priar w�iit�n conpnt oT th� e�fie9�ry i� obtalnW. AnY �xp�nMs
<br /> ineurr�d by th� e�rr�telary 1n i�t�rv�nlny in weh�et�on or coll�etlnp �ueh proe�l� (1ne1udlny!M
<br /> _.�_._ .�Y. �.+..• ...� ......r�.w.
<br /> _ "- ..-.�--� CO�C O?wny ina�p�no�ni�ppr�iiii j NN�i i i�Ptiw`vuFwG:v s:::... . .�j .
<br /> Th� proeNd�or �ny Wrt th�rwf M►sll W +�ppli�d t4on or�in r�ducClon of !M InWbt�dn��� 9�eur�tl
<br /> N�r�by tMn �! nwot�ly to D�p�id, wMtf»r du�o� not, without llf��ppllett7an o� �ny pr�payMnt
<br /> pr��/w� or to tFr r��tor�tion or npair of tl»P���1��r, th� choic�of appl4eallan to b� �o1�lY at
<br /> " • tM d/�ar�tlon of tM R�rn�icf�ry. if tM B�n�fioiary �pp11�� tl� procMds to • wduolla� of Lf�
<br /> Ind�bt�dn��� S�cur�d H���by. tM wnlhly i�sl�ll�n! p�yMnt�01 Orinclp�l �nd InbrMt Mt To�th
<br /> in tM NoL� Nta11 D� a0�u�t�d to an �wou�t �ufftel��t to ruuwrtis� tf»th�n unp�id prineip�l W 1�
<br /> ot Eh� Not� iop�th�r rSth int�r��t In piwl wontAly 1n�ta1lMnt p�y��nt� ov�r tM lh�n r�walnlny
<br /> porttan of tlw originRl ta�nty (20) y��� No�tiz�tfo� p�rioG, h01NV��, tM balloon payw�nt NM11
<br /> p�eoN Gw an or b�tor� B�ptMb�r t. 20D1.
<br /> ,
<br /> i �
<br /> .
<br /> ' i
<br />