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<br /> -��� erwt or • e�tiol�rr'• �nt�ra�e tn �a�h�Md P�i�• �o M to 1�poM �uoh ��Itclan m ef� `-
<br /> ,;. Mn�tlof��y or an tlr int�n�t of tlr Mn�T1o1�y /n !h� NM1�� th�n. In �ny nph ww�� tM
<br /> __ ,7: �.'�: Tf'tMtor �hs71 6�t��nd O�Y CfM IYII a�oune oP wol� I�po�itiar�• pro�►i1Md !IM! it for �I1Y ni�eP1
<br /> ,, : f i � � " 0��4 by t!M TrY�tOr Of Oq� M1oh I11Palt1o11 NOYId b� I�17M1lU7 r OI' �t tM Wl�t t�� 1qY7d
<br /> . {..�, aon�t�eus. wury or r.ne.r r.h. :na�os�dn... �.ouna M�r.er Mho1�y ar oae�e��ny u.uMeu.. e�r - - -
<br /> � - �.. NIM►/01��►r 11L 1t�optloflr�y d�O11M+� 111� M901� �10 Mou1'�d bI► tfi1� OMd of T��Nit Mlql 111t�1Nt
<br /> sh.tion so a u.+aioe.�r du� ana v.r•s�.. M�t�oue w�•wr�e �..w., or eh. �.n.r�o�.ryr. .t �a
<br /> _ __A��'`�_' opttab .ar oay enat n.ou►e o� oortlon At n,oh :.poNSlon w r.nd.r. cn.:nass.an...Nouwd N.r.br .-- ----
<br /> _-- °^�'^-:,'. u11111Mfu7 Or' uNM'1ow� iD Mhid1�vM1t tll� TI71stOr M1�11 oQfI0ulYNltly t!N/"�Mltlf P+Y t!M f'�M1DOn�
<br /> - _'-:�=*!� ° 7�IMW �1d notl-IMYNow porNoll O� Wla11e� o} M1d I�po�/t1on.
<br /> i�',_^i�r`!�. �
<br /> ��;�d.et�,,,>,. s�ar:aM p.e cou��r or LleliS AlLD IM�ITldld. m.rn,.tor.h.n noe a na�nd eo vr.
<br /> -- a,• = di.nna�v.o� ��.ov� .nr ��«�s o� z.vo.�e�on. �o �anw.s a+.rrustor.n�ti� ie sooa t.�en. canase
<br /> _;.,�, .. ,� t" th���M or tlw va14d1ty tMr�of br�pproprlat� ly�lpprocNdln/�M11oh �hal1 op�rRta W p�v�nt t.M
<br /> - ,.�.:.t,L.,: �o, aOlt�otlan of th� L1N1�oP I�pa�ltion� �o tof1t�11t�d arld tfN s111� of tM P�/M�� o�.nr p.r�e en■.ot
<br /> �-�-���Y"`���..•-� ta �t1sfY � �� Provldrd th�t tf� Tru�tar N►a11, prtorlo anrwah cont��t. twv� p1v�n �h
<br /> v. . �
<br /> ��� Mou�ity �s 1ny b� dMalld�d by th� MfNf/Ci11�r to IMU1+� WGh WyMnt� �nd p1'�wnt �f1y Nl� or
<br /> _;-�'��.''^�' ;• foM�itun ot th� PrNiMS br n+��on of woh nonY�yw�nR. Mr�uoh eantME M+RII b� proroul�d Wth
<br /> w
<br /> -`::�l.�,., . du�diH�ne�and tl� T►usto� N1a71 p�o�Pt�Y� aft11�Hn�l d�t��iltat1o11 tMhO}� WY t!w rou1L of
<br /> =. . �nY weh Ll�ns or I�pwiNan� �o d�t.�rwl�d. to�tFNr Mith wll 1�rwt�nd p�1Li��.M►leh �y b�
<br /> ��'��' ` •.� • WYllbl� Ifi COfM1�Ot1Of1!IM►'�M1lh. NDtMitllatOfld1f10 tIM PI'OV1110f1� Ot Lhi/MOt1Af1� !!1� TPINtOr �11�11 =-
<br /> �.+ :: . (a1d if th� T�wtor M�a11 tai 1 to Oo w, th�Nrnt/aia�y �yr buti �a17 not b�rrquind to) pay�nr �_-.
<br /> .:� g _",., wah N�ns or I�po�ltlarn ewtrlth�tandinY wrb oont�st if 1� !h� n��onabt� aptlon ot l.h� ----
<br /> � ,•,,. . '�� NM��ai�y. !h� PrM1M� NNt71 b� 1� j�apA�dp o1' in dru��r of b�1n� foK�it.�a or TayotoMd. R --
<br /> , �.._�___,.., �-_ -__�
<br /> :.�,. . �crloN 2.e ptloTecTIaM ar eecutlTr. Th�T�u�tor ay►M�to pra�ptlr notlfY��f�ola��y �
<br /> :,5•,.�'� . . o*.na apv..r +n ana a.t�na.nr w+t. �at1a+or pr�eMdlny thnt atf�oi�tM va7u� o* ttM Pnwt�a�
<br /> • th� =nd�pt�p e�cuwd INr�bY or tM r1�t� or tnt����t of 1Ch� M�wttoiaryl h�rwnd�r. Th�
<br /> . � Mf1�Noi11r'y My •l�ot to app��r' �n o� WfNtd any weh aotlon o� procMdlny and t!» T1'wltor' aOrM� -
<br /> • . to ind�ni*y�nd nl�burM LM C�t1at��y tra� �ny �nd�71 lop. dwaY�. �xP��M or co�t aH�ino
<br /> ' ' ouE of or illeu���tl 1n eonrNCtlon Mith anr weh sWCr �at/on oI' prooNdlnY�� lnolud1110 Co�l� o� �-
<br /> ,�.�:., .,
<br /> . �V//Mfle� Of tltlf �rld PM�onabl� �ttorMY'• }M�.
<br /> .,�s.S¢� . . . �ECTION 2.7 �u�o ON sALE OR NOIITO�eINO. ETC. IO tIM �VMt: -, :
<br /> • (�) th�Trusto� wlls. eonwy�� t��nK�r��or ehanpw tfw fon of orewnhlp, or d/�poM� ��,,.
<br /> . :a';• of th� Pnw1N�, or +inY P�rt th�nofr or any 1nt�n�t tMh1n� wh�tMr volu�H ly -
<br /> • ., ar involuntaHly. or tMn i�an�or�nt to do so; or _�_.
<br /> .`Mi. �..
<br /> �-TEiLYh6!':�
<br /> _-�- ,;r�, �„ • (d) any oorpora►t� oMMr�hip in tiw i'ru�ior i• :013. uaflva iG. Lras►afGSrod. P'•odi'�0 ar �
<br />