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_���� ' ' �.i I�?f ��` _ <br /> -iL;, .,: ' yw, <br /> ���I ...._.+ ,.. - - - - - <br /> .,. � �_� � <br /> —°' �...�1 . <br /> _�� . ��--�0���4 .._ <br /> — ' c i, sn. xn�.co: s. oot, a. oc ce� a.e. a.r�oc, sn a=.,�c sn tb. Dw••4c oc .�nr <br /> o! tM ?rnstor'�obiipatiaoi. <br /> — (s) �It� PrNlse� cw�pli�� vith all soniuq osAiAaaooa, �r9Y aM snviroaMatai � <br /> _�,� aoM�� bu11Al�aQ and ur� rW1s'iation� and ooMs, aad anq rpuisw�ab rlth <br /> r�sp�ot to lio�wq, p�s�ib aae a4�MMnts a�c�sat71 tor tM lar'tul ua <br /> �� n►a op�ratioa o! tlw Mri�u. L <br /> --� �a) T6�fwatlaq, �i�otsical, w►itary �nar pluabiap, �lor�sNnr pl�binq, -- <br /> ----� potabl�rabr plw�biap aad ottar buildiaq �qulyrsne, lSxkusas end iittSaq� <br /> -- -- ar� !n qood oondltlon and rorklaq osd�r, ar�ad�qwt� ia qwntitp and <br /> , ." a�l!!p Lor ras�al aad u�wl vw� ea0 si� £it ior tb� Wrpo��a inl�nQb aaA <br /> -- . --�...!� th�us�coiftwplatad. -- <br /> ''��` 88CTION 1.1 Cp�iTIN0IN0 OBLI(ilITiON. All statMSnta a�Q� borwnCsr as� true <br /> ,,:� <br /> �"-���"• and corraot aaQ ali lator�ation psovided to BmeFiciasp bp th� Tiustor ralating to tpia <br /> tra�uaotion bas aot aad dou aot contain aay �tat�wnt whicA, +�t the tiM and in tbe lipht <br /> --�-m� o! Lhe airau�stanas �mQor whiah 1E res �e, xould b� talr�aaa�isl�aEinq rltlt r�spaat _ <br /> --;:� to anp�abri�l Yaat, or xould wit wy �t�riai faat aaon�arY !n orA�s to �ek�anp such <br /> . _��R.-.. stata�ut contairNQ thoreia aot faloa or�lsUadinq ia anY sateriai r�sp�at. Shou3A th� � ._ <br /> �~ -�:�� Truator anbs�quantly obtaia kaorledq� tDet such r�pre��ntatlon xao or i�untrue, the <br /> �-����F:•. Trwtor �bell 1a�Alat�ly aotiip B�n�iiaisry as to tl� uatrw aature of esiA praaatation <br /> - ���'��n w ^ ead aqraa to taka wcb actioa as ssp be n�ca�oasy to caaee auch r�preseatatioa to beaone <br /> -''�_r. <br /> _�":?�'�;, t171�. <br /> �-�Ai�:z . <br /> -:.��%"�-•�.yi,i` <br /> V...i�F._;:_',T'Yx <br /> . .u�' 'p.:' AZYPICLE 2 <br /> : �t;,:,r�..,�,. <br /> ''��•- .�;�;;r'.:. COVFIiMPPB AND AGNEFI�'NTS <br /> �et�ilE va:`..�'- <br /> -- �����"�. �,4 SECTION �.1 PAYMF1iT OF INDEBTEDNF�Bs OH36RVANCE OF COVt�B. Tha Tivstor <br />-..-���p- °='� sha12 ds�2p aud punctual2y paq each anQ every lnateL�!nt of principal end intarast oa the = <br /> A `l�� n� <br />-':�'�:::. o Note end all othor Indebtadaesa Socused HerebY� �t aud vb�a tke eem�shell b�cwne dua� end <br /> '`�'''"�° shall dulp and punotuslly per£om and obaerve all o£ tAe oovananb, aqr�ew�nta and <br /> ,_� ' n <br /> :�_; ��"�; proviaiom containad t►arela� ia tha Notv and any olher ipotsv�ent qiven eo wcurity for <br /> • o`,.'�" th�payaent oi tAe Nob. <br />��xti; .�-�;: : <br /> _, '�.r' �`� �•��• SECTION 7.Z I+IAINTENANCEs REPAIRS. The Truator aqrees tbat it rill keep aaQ <br /> . ' J <br /> - �'"�w`�,`' ., maintain tbe Pre�iees in good conAltion, repair and op�rating coadition free fro� aay s' <br /> �`�� raete or �Sauae� and will caoply ritA all reQuireaent� o! lar, suaicipel orAlaaucas and �` <br /> - +„�`• • , '�"-` <br /> __T,�`.-� �-�+�1: •' ,: raqulationa, restrictions anA coveneuta nEfectiag the Pre�iaes aod thoir usa, anQ will <br /> �:,.�: <br /> � °' pzaptly repair or sestore any builEiaqa, laDroveaants or atructures aov or hareafter on <br /> .�`_ � <br /> -�;r.�..ew�•_ . ° the Prai�es wbicb wsy become dapaqed or deatroyed to their oonditioa prior to u►p auch __. <br /> n. :• <br /> -.1':. ''�'`�•� ' Qe�eqe or dQattvction et�bject to the proviaioas of Azticle 5 herwf. TAa TrusWr furth�r <br /> _..,ey�:.�C�e.._._ , .; <br /> -:.;,y:;� `" `� ^ . aqrasa that without Eha prior xrittQn coasent of the eenaficinry it rill not Qxpnnd eny � <br /> -.'-,r"'��:.:• . Lyrova�eata oa tde Presiaea, erect any aew isprnvenents or �alce eny�ntarial alteratioaa _°'. <br /> -'�"'� "��'''�' • in auy l�provemente vhich rill alter the besic atructurQ, adversely affact the oerket � <br /> --'._�;:�.>'•E��•. R <br /> '"����•'�e►�• c���� valua or chanqe tha exlating arcditectural cheracter of tde Prmiisea, aaA will coaplete �I �__ <br /> �:.�.f'. h'.� .�k�•.:.: l.- <br /> '�•�°:" '� �;:.,.'� witbin a reesoneble ti�e any buildings now or at any tima in the procQat of erection oa F_ <br /> '�';ni,:' .[�;;;6criLr�r.'�,w „ — <br /> tde Pre�laea. Tde Trustor aqrees aot to acqulesce ia any retoninq claseification, <br /> "�;M � T r o� �...... <br /> - �> woCi£icntion or r�striction affecting tho Pre�ises vithout thQ rritten oonseat o£ th� [ <br /> �'�'���� • ,'f' Beueficiarp. Tde TruaWr aqseea t6at it rill aot abandon or vacate tde Pre�ioea. TI►Q F�r <br /> ="''' , � Truetor aqrees tdat it vill proviAa, loyrove, grade, surface and therea[ter �aintein, � <br /> • claen, repnir and adequately liqht nll parkinq areas witdin t�ae Premisea, toqether with I <br /> ' . ' any siQevelke, aielea, streata, driverays and aidQxalk cuks and sufficieat paved aree� for L-.=. <br />- � „ • inqrass and right-of-way to and fro� the adjecent public thorouqhEara nQCesasry or r�=� <br /> • Q�Srab1Q for tdo ucQ thereof. <br /> SECTION 2.3 PAYMENT OF OPERATIN6 COSTSS LIII�IS= AND PRIOR IIAEBTEDNFS3. The ' <br /> , ' Trustoc aqreea tdnt it riil pay all operating costs and expensea of the Presises= keep the 4 <br />_ � � Pre�ises £rae froo mechanics' lieae, materialmen's liens, judgment liens and other liens, <br /> � executions, attachmente or levies (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Liene"1i end <br />' , �� , , will pey rhen due all pernitteQ indebtedness vhicl► may be secureA by deed oE ttvst, �' <br />. . ' � ,° � ' twrtgaqe, lian or charqe on the Preaises anC apon request will exhibit to the Beneficiaty <br /> • eatisfnctory evidence of auch payaent and dischargei EXCEPT there rrill exist a aecon� lien <br /> �ti� nrnror*v r., rHo a.,�tar nf chw nrnnerlv. rho is carrvina back oost of the eale � <br /> _ -__'_ '_:-- - <br /> , � price but`salG liQn shall bre junior to the itMebtedness oF the Beneficiary. � <br /> SECfION 2.4 PAYM}�iT OF IMP06ITIQNS. The Trustor will pay vhen dutt ahd before <br /> any pmalty all taxea, installments of assasaments, water charqea, serer charqes, anA <br /> , otder Eeea, taxea, charges and asaeeanents of every kind and nature whatsoever assesseG or ' <br /> cherged againat or constitutinq a lien on the Pre�ises or any intereat therein or the <br /> • ° indebtedness Secured Hereby (hereinnfter reEerred to as the "Impositiona")j and will upon � <br /> � � � � <br />