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�� ... . ,�. _ _ , <br /> ��I������ ,� ���� .`��`�� ' � - -� <br /> _- il�,. . ti -� r�.:.��� . - . ...f�. <br /> � �, .. . <br /> . _. <br /> , y`,. �. . .,., -- - - <br /> y ---4____.__ � g�.--i iv���8 - <br /> .�� <br /> "' candemnntion or a�her�pking of a�y part of�he Property,ur for conveyuncc in Ifeu of condemnuti�H�,uro luruby uw*i�{�kd�1 <br /> slwll be paid to L,ender. <br /> _____,_ In the event of a total laking of the PropeAy, �he proceeds shull be applied tu ihe .umK �:cured by IhiK S�wurfiy <br /> — - - ___= <br /> Inswment,whether or not then due.with any excoss puid�a BuRUwo�. In tln:evcnt af u paniul tuking�►t'the Nr�q+r�ty n _ <br /> _-�� - which the fair market vnlue of the Pn�pe�ty immediatcly bcfore the tuking is eyual tu or grenttr�hnn the um��um nf�he rums _ <br /> secured by this Secu�ity Inxtrumcnt immediately before the taking, unletiw Nonower und I.ender othcnvixc uKree in writing, <br /> chc suma xecured by this Securfty Instrument xhull be r�duced by tho nmount af the praceedy mulliplled by !hc follawing <br /> _':��___�,__-o-_--_� fractton: (a►Ihc trnal amount of the sums securcd fmmecliurely beforc Ihe�aking,divided by(bl the fair murket vulue of Ihe <br /> ~ properly immediutely before�he taking. Any buluncc shall bc pa�d to Borrawcr. In the event uf u puitlul taking of thc � <br /> — properry in which the fair market value of the Propeny immediately befor� the luking is legs Ihun ihe amuunt of thc xumx <br /> ------1,� secured immediately beforc Ihe inking, unless Borrowcr and Lender othervvitie ugree in writing or unless applicuble law <br /> �� otherwise provides,�he proceeda shall bc applied�o the Yumx secured by this 5ccurity lnxuument whether or not the sumx ure <br /> �:�;; then due. <br /> �=:��• If the Propeny ia abnndoned by Borrower,or if,ufter notice by Lender to Bi�rrower�hut Ihe condemnnr ofFers to make <br /> - - _ <br /> -- �_ ' an award or settle a cluim for dumuges.Borrower fuilx to mspand ta l.cndcr within 3U duys ufter thc dntc the notice is given. <br /> Lender is nuthoriud to coUect and upply ihc prceeeds,su ils option,aither to re�ioration or rcpuir of�he Praperty or ro t e - <br /> -'---�''``� sums secured by this Security Instrument,whother or not then due. <br /> -----,���;.' Unless Lender nnd Bortower aherwi.r•e ugree in writing,uny npplicution of procee��to principul xhull not ex�end or <br /> � �-�_`•.. postpone the due da�e of the monthly payments rcferred to in purugruphs 1 und 2 or chungc the umount af such payment�. _ <br /> °--"�'�'•p��- 11. liorrower Not Relear,ed; Forbearance By Lender Not u Waiver. Extenxion of the time for peyment or <br /> -`°�•.,i modificAtion of umorlization of Ihe sumti secured by Ihis Security Inslrument grnnted by I.ender to any successar in interc4t <br /> , — . � <br /> _.-�_�--T_ __ - <br /> _.__;�. of Burrower shull not c�perute to releuse the liability of the originul Borrower ar Borrower's�ucce�son in interetit. Lender <br /> _���-:F�;. : 9ha11 not b� reyuired to commence procecding� oguinst any successor in Interes� nr refuse to extend time or puymen or _ <br /> �`"� ""'"'��" � oiherwise madify amortixation af the xums s�cured by this Securiry insirument by reu�on of uny demund mude by the ariginal <br /> �—"''��'��' Horcower or Borrower's successors in interest. Any farbearunce by 4ender in exercising uny right or remedy shell not be u <br /> �:��;�1�,,,�, wuiver ot or preclude�he exercisc of uny right or remcdy. — <br /> _ _ =_=;�R; 12. Succes.9ors und As�igna Bound:Joint and Several I.iabiNty:Co-s(�ners. The covenunts und ugrcements of this = <br /> --tl�� -- • Securiry Instrument shull binJ nnd benefit the suce�ssors und asci�n�of Lender and Borrower, subject to the pruvisions of <br /> —!"""�'�",_=:� ��� '�. parngmph 17. Borrower�covenants und ugreements.r•hull t►e joint und sevend.Any BoROwer whu co-.r•igm this Securiry <br /> '?:.e.,��.-, ..�,: , <br /> � �:�: Instrument but daes no1 execute Ihe Note: (a)is co-signing this Secudry Instrument only to murlguge,grunt and cunvey 1 al <br /> �—_`aet'�� ,� „ Borrower!s interest in ihe Propeny under the terms of thi+Security ln,�rumcnt: (b)i,nnt penonally obliguted to puy�he tium+ <br /> —=-'� ;='�°' secured by thia Securlry Instrument:und(c)ugrees thut Lender und uny other BoROwer may ugrec to extend,modify,forlxur <br /> ���'�-=�=�.:W:.� or make any uccommudations with reRurd ro the tem»+of �his Security Inwtrument or the Note wi�hom ehut Borrower'r: <br /> _- :r�_� ,_-_-- �; consent. — <br />