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�r ;�.+ � _ , <br /> `: ._ __ -- <br /> .._ . <br /> - - - - ---- - - - <br /> i --�- - -.._-�.� ' 93���s�o - - <br /> 17.Tnrler ot tl�e H+upertl�or�BeueficW laterat in dl or prri nf tho Property or arry intcrut in Et <br /> i�wld or trantferrod(or if R tiene�lclal Interut in Tbtmwer ir w!d or truukrrod a�d�erower ia not o notural per�on)wltiMwt <br /> L�der's pria written concciu, Lender may. u ite optlon. roquiro iq�lRdiato payment in tuil of dl sum� �ocurad by th4 <br /> 5ecurity In�tNme�.Huwevu,tl�i�optioa rlwii r�at Gn cxorcised by.laet�QR1:i�,exercico i�prohibited by fedenl I�w�ot the dpi�p <br /> of thit Security In�ttumeM. <br /> It l,auia exercisa lhis option.Lender sholl ive Bomower nqt�p Qt',�1:�IRn�tf1{�o.7'he natia Riull provkb�perfad of nat <br /> lecs thAn 30 day,�from thc data!he notia ir del�verod or m�llai witi,�i�,i,whi�{�;13vrrawer must pa�ali wms�ecurod by tF►it <br /> Secu�ity lnxtNment.lf Borcower fail�to pey thesc suma pdor to th4 eaptcaq(qn,nf,t�ili,period, Lenlcr tnoy invukr any rcmedid► <br /> penqitted by Ihis Senirity Inswment without t�nher natia or dcrrqr►�q�i.$ar�w�r� <br /> 18. Borr+owa'e Rlght to RdaoUle. If Bormwer meet� certpin coarl�ti��qfi� Bom►wcr shull huve tix riQht ta hsv� <br /> � 'r� -� enforoemrnt of Wia Savrity InsuumeM discominuod�t rny tima pRiur�u t{�t,e+ujier of: (a) 5�ye(ur such uthcr perird ua <br /> applicable law m�y sppcify for rcin�tatement) beforc sale of.thc.P�rty pu�cuant,ta any pawe�of s�alc contalnod in.thfs� <br /> Socu�lty Inttruma�t;ur(b)entry of a judgment enforcing�hi�.g Security lr�tru�. '1'hqf�o�ditfona�are ti�t Banuwer.(e)pays <br /> Lender all sums which thrn would be duo under this Security instn�menR.atw�,tlrt. IVacq a.5 if no�cccleralion had accurr�+J; (b) <br /> curcs any default of any other covenantR or agroements;(c)pays�II expenses in�u�ed in enforcing this Security Instronx�ut, <br /> ir�cluding,but nat limited to.reasonablo attorne�s' fces:aM fd1 takr.�x such actiuRr,as�l.ender rt�y maso�wbly roquiro ta As�um <br /> -�_ -_----.� ��i�iir��uf�hfa Securi�y u�suu����i. l.e�xler s right+�in t1k 1`rap�:cty and Ruuuw@r'b ubllgado�to pay thc sums sxun;c!by <br /> - - - �his Security Inurum��t ahall continuo unchangod. Upon �inr�atcment by Barn�war, this Securlty ln�tNment and the <br /> obligations secured hereby shrll rcmAin fully effective as if no ac�xlacatlo�hud occu�trod.�.However. �hiF r�ght w reinstato sfwll <br /> nat�p ly in the case of accefemtion under paragraph 17. <br /> 19. Sale oI Note; Cl�pge ot Lwm Servlcer. The Nae ar u partial ln th�u Notc (tagethe�with thi� Sauriry <br /> Instrument) may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Bortnwer.A sale.m�y trr,u�t in a changa in the entity(knawo <br /> as the"Loan Servicer")that collects mon�hlY puYments due wder the Natc and thi�.S�.�urftylnrtrument. Thero also m�y be one <br /> or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Noto. lf thera js n chan�e 4t'.tirs Loan Servicer. Bormwer will be <br /> _ _ � given written notke of ttie change in accordance wilh pa�grr�ph 14 above and applicpble.luw.The notice wlll su►te tho�wrne and <br />`t;� address of[he new Loan Servlcer and che addrw�cs ta whici� paYments shauW ba made.'Cl�a no�ic�: wfll also conlain any.other <br /> i infortnation required by applicabk law. <br /> � 20.Hazardoue Su6itancea. Borrower shall not causa or permit the proronce, usp. disposal. storage, or relcasc of eny <br /> � Haz�ntous Substances on or in the Propeny. Borrow�e sh�ll not do, nor allow uqyas� to do, Anything uffecting the <br />`-u I Property thrat is in violatinn of any Bnv�mnmentut l.uw.The pr�ceding two sentencea stu�tl�ns�t apply to the presence, use,or <br /> storage on the PropeRy of small quuntities of Hsizsudous 5abswnces that are generally racogr�iaed ta be appropriate to oornwl <br /> - residential uses and to maincena�xe of the Propeny. <br /> ' �� Borrower shall prompcly give l.ender wdtten notice of ony investigatio�,claim,demarrJ.�tav►•suit or oth�e action by any <br /> governm�mtal or regulatory egency or p�ivate party involving the Ptopem�and any Hazardcw.g,Suln�tance ar Envimiunentul Law <br />- � af which Borrower has actual knowledge.If Borrawer Ieams,or is notified by any governmanlal or regulatory autharity,that <br /> � any removal or dher remedialion of uny Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is ne�assary,Borrawer shzll pmmptly take <br /> I o11 pocessary rcmodial actions in xcordance with Emiroiwiental Law. <br /> ' ' As used in this paragraph 20, "Hazerdous Substsix�es" are those substunces defined aa toxic or haa�rdous substa�x�s by <br /> :.�1 , �Environmentel Law and the folbwing substwrces: �sSOline, kerosene. other Qammabts or toxic petroleum �roducts, toxie <br />' `'•!� ''�� pesticides and herbicides,volutile sdvents,materials at�xainin¢asbestos ar forrn3ldehyde.and radiaactive matenals.As used ia <br /> ':' .'�'#,+";;s�� � <br />,°::;;;; ;,� w }�, tbis pa�g�ph 20. 'Emironmenwl law" meatu fc�c:at laws and lu�x of the jurisdictiost wtvtre the Propsrty is lapted thai <br /> - ` "�'�'`�": relate to or environmeMal protection. <br />.. �'`'�"��' NON-UNIFQRM COV�NANTS. Barrower and i.ender furth�r wvenant an�agrce ag faltows: <br />_ _;:��•: .,,• .• <br /> �' • �`"'��'���'•S.'�;�''�i� 21.Acceleratlon;Remedies. I.ender slu�ll give natiee to BomoR•er prior/a rccittet�utlou following Borrow•er's breach � <br /> �� �., . <br /> _ . .�et�,....,.-... <br /> „ 4j �;��r-,.:,���; oi any rnveoa�t or a�reement fn this Security Instrument (but not prlor to eccelerulion under p��graph 17 unless <br /> ppplkable IAw provides otherwise).The nottce slwll RpeciPy: (a)tde defaulti (b) tho acdon required to cure the default; <br />.•.'���,�1 ����';��,;`�� (c)A date� not less tlwn 30 days from Ihc date tl�e notfm Ls giren to Borrowcr.b�•Nhieh the default must be curedi a�d - <br /> '���� , (d) that tnilure lo cure tde default on ar betore the dole specifled In lhe notice ms��• result in accelerANon of the sums <br />- ,�-•:r•••���r�__ � , secured by this Security instrument and icale of tlie Prope�ty. The notice slwdl fu�th�rr inio�m Borrnwe�of the right to <br /> .�-<. +��� - • �'•={ relnstate a[ter accele�tMn And thc right to brinR a court action lo a�scrt tht non+cxlstcnce ot A defaull or any other <br />��.= ��*���-•�•, detense ot Borrower to accelernNon and sale. lf the default is nM cured on nr bef�re the date specifled in the noUce, -• <br /> ���c�r�:'�A •�• � � its option. mey require immediAte paymeat in full of all hums secu�xd h�•this Secur3ty Instrument wlthout _ <br /> ���,.;;,.�,<{:�,• � further denwnd and may Invoke the power of s�le and wny�other mmediea prrmitled b�•apWir�ble IaN•. Lender slwll be <br /> }�..:��•���••��r.- entitled to collect sdl expenr�incurred in pw�wing the remediex pm�•idQd in lhts paru�raph tl.includiryq,but not nmicea <br />- .�•.•• . � M,reasonable attorneys'Pces and costs of'title evide+uc. __ <br /> ' ��'�� ' •' If thepu wer of sale is invoked. Tru�tee si�s�ll rcrnrd a noN��e oi'defauN in rach�n�unly in whtch any part oP the - <br /> t''^'�;� ` •.' ; Froperty is locnted and sha0 mpil copi�s of such notice in the manner prescri6ed by applln�ble law to Borrower and to <br />