_ _ �� M�„�,.��il����"% .; ' :��..�
<br /> ► -.. , r+�r, . ._ . _
<br /> � � -_ - _ _ __--._. .__._
<br /> �. . . ,; �
<br /> �,�,��_ -_ .�.�_..� gl� io5�s� �--
<br /> .-
<br /> �' condemnutfon or cHher tukia�of uny purt uf Uu�'rupcny.or i'ur cunvcyunrc in licu�►f cundenmu�iun,urc herehy u�xi�ned and
<br /> _--... ---� �hall be pald to L�n�ler.
<br /> lo Ihe even! nf a �o�ul iuking uf�hv Prn�ny. Ihc pr�xreJw hhull tx� upplicd �o thc �umti McunJ by Ihiti S�•cudly --
<br /> �� Intilrumcnl, whc�hcv��r not Ihcn�luc. with uny�xcc„puiJ to Horn�wcr. In Ihe cv�nl ut'u paniul tuki��g ot'thr Property in
<br /> which�he fuir ma�kc�vuluc oi'thc Pru�x;hy hnmrJiutrly Ixfc�r4�hc�uk ing ir.cyuul tu ar grcu�cr thun�hc umaum uf thc sumti
<br /> ' , securcd by thix Seruri�y In,lnimcnt immeJiuwly beli�m thc tuking,unl«v B��rrc►wer und l.enJer Mhervvi+e ugrcc in w�itM�,
<br /> '��----- - -� thc sums secured by thi�+ Sccurily In�lnnnrn� �h�dl ix rcducrd hy ihc umount uf thr pr<xcedz muldplicd hy ihe fnlluwing
<br /> -- -- -- -
<br /> �.� - �.
<br /> , „�;- fau:tion: lu)�he taul umaunt of the�,umx xecun�d immrdiui�ly hefore �he�ukin�,dividcd by Ih)Ihc fui�murkcl v�luc ot i c
<br /> � •,. P�cAy immediulely hcl'orc the luking. Any huluncc �hull hc puid t�� sonowcr. In thc cvem of u paniul laking e�i�lhc
<br /> ,,: Pra�xny in whkh the fufr murket vulue uf lhe Pru�x:ny immcdiutcly 1x�li�ru thc tuking ix ktis thun�hc mnuunt��i'�Ik ,um�
<br /> - =- securcd immeJiately befare the tuking, unlesti S��rmwcr und L�nJc� �Nhcrwi,r agrec in wriiing or unlc.x opplkuM� luw
<br /> __ ���fi otherwi:+e providex,ihe proceeda xhull be upplicd�o the sum+.xecurod by ihin Srcuriry InxtNment whethcr or ncn�he swns urc�
<br /> - -„�.�--- .
<br /> -�-��- then duc.
<br /> _,. . -
<br /> ----_—
<br /> -- - if the Prapehy is ubandoned by BoROwer,ur if',uiler ni�ticc by L.ender to B�xrower ihul the c�Hidemnor ofPen ta mu e
<br /> -=���,. "� un uward or:;etde a cluim far dumoge.,Barc��wcr fuilti w respand ta Lcndcr within;0 duy+ufwr the dutc ihc nutice ix given. — '
<br /> :,�:._�,. Lender ia uuthorixed to collect und apply the pr�xeeds,u�its option,either�a nxioratK�n ur repair uf the Pruperty or to thc _-
<br /> - sum�c+ecured by this Secu�i�y Instrumcnt,whethcr or nc►t thcn duc.
<br /> -'"`"`L-- J Unlewx Lender und BoROwer otherwise ugree in wriiing,uny upplicution of proccedx to principul shull nut extend or �_,.
<br /> �=��°S. postpone the due date of the m�nthly puymentx referred to in parugruphx I und 2 or chungc ihc umoum of�uch puymentx. �
<br /> -���� ; I1. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By I.ender NW a Waiver. Ex�en�ian uF the timc for paymen� or __-
<br /> ----"'' '= modificntian of Amortizution of the sumx secu�ed by this Securiry Inxtrument grunted by I.ender to uny xucceszor in imerczt
<br /> �.:,-
<br /> - --- -- .
<br /> _ _ - - �� of Borrower shull not operute to releuse the liubili�y uf�hc uriginul [iormwer ar Bormwer x successors�n imrrest. I.rnder �__
<br /> �'+:� � shall not be rcquired to commence proceedings uguinxt uny succe+sc�r in intereu or refu+e to rxtend time ti►r puyment or _
<br /> - ;-., , • '�'�� otherwise modify umortixu�ion of the sumx xecured by�hi�Securiry Intitrumem by rca+an of uny demund mude by the originul
<br /> _ � Y_-r.�. .. —�_
<br /> �,,,: ;; -�:' =»,V.,�r," Borruwer or Borrower.succesxors in imerest. Any i'orlxarUnce by Lendcr in rxercising any right ar remeJy xhull not be a
<br /> -��£;• waiver of or pn:clude the exercise of uny right or rcmedy. "��-'
<br /> , � . '�'�"� � 12. Successm7s and As.gigns Bound;Joint and Several l.is�bHity;Cu•signers. The r�wenunls und ugreemcnt�of ihis _
<br /> ° �..�.N�• � Security Instrument shull Mnd unJ beneiit the succe+sor+und atisigns of Lend�r und Bortuwer,�uhject�o the provixion.of Q,,,,
<br /> ':.',�.;;;..; parugruph 17. Borroweri covenuntti und ugreements xhull be joint und xcverul.Any Barrower who crnsi�nti thiti Security _
<br /> " �ii�:.��. • Inxlrument Iwt dces not execute the Note: (u1 i+co-signing thi�Security In.trument only io m�mguge,gront und convcy�hat �' �
<br /> ' �'� Borrower's•intere,t in the Prop�:ny under the termx of thix Securi�y Instn�mcnt: (bl i+not personally��bliguted to puy�hc,um. �,�:.
<br /> ";.,.'�•�� secured by this Securi�y In+�rumenr und(c)ugree.r thul Lender und uny olher Bom�wer may ugree lo extend,mi►dify.ti�rheur �2.
<br /> ' � �" ' or muke uny occamm��dutianx wi�h mgard to �hc �erms of this Security In,trument or Ihe Nu�e witlN�ut Ihat Bnrrower's
<br /> _ , •. y.�uo-iwl� coment. �
<br /> „ ^ � ,�� ,: •x•..r . 13. Loan Charges. It'the loun secured by thiti Securiry Inxtrument is subjecl io u IUw WIIIC�I �Ci� IUOxilOUiii IOdii —__
<br /> ' •;;�� � churges,und�hut luw ix finully interpreted so Ihut thc intemtit ar other loun churge.�oll�c�cd or to lx rollected in cannec�ian
<br /> <<'�= wi�h the loun exceeJ the permiued limih,then: (ul uny.uch Inun churge�hull tx reduced hy�h�unx�unt nece.+ury�o reduce g�
<br /> ''���'`"� � , Ihe churge to the permiued limit:unJ Ib>uny xums ulreudy collcctcd 1'rom Borrc�wer which exreeJed�x;rmitted limits will be _.___
<br /> `�;t' mfunded to Borrower. Lender may cMw,r to mukc this refunJ by mducing lhc prinripal owcd under thc Nute u�by muking u
<br /> _,; • direct paymen�to Bormwec If a rctbnd reduces prinripul,thc�eJuction will hr ire ated a�u puniul prepayment wi�hout uny �y
<br /> �"" 1i prepuyment churge under the Note. �
<br /> •'n+i� . , °. 14. Nollces, An notirc to BoROwcr ravidcd ti�r in thiti Seruriry Imtrumrnt,hull lx;�ivcn by Jelivering it or by �
<br /> , � �' � �. muiling it by fir.1 clusx m:�il unlcs.upplicuMrlaw rcyuires uu of uno�her mcih�xt.The nuiice tihal!Ix:dirccted lo thc Prnpeny a"��"
<br /> a�".., .
<br /> , �� Addresx or uny other nddre�� Borrower dr+ignulcs by nwicr to Lcixlcr. Any notirc w l.�nJcr+h�!1 tx given by tint cluss .. ,::
<br /> •� , ; J�, muil lo Lender's udJress�tutcd hercin i�r uny u�her uddrrs.Lcixlcr Jc.iEnutc.by iH�tice to fl�xroN�rr, Any nuticr providcd fiir
<br /> � ° . in this Security Intitn�mrnt shadl Ix d�cmcd �o huvc Iken Fivrn lo Borrowcr or l.cndcr when given u� pmvided in thi.
<br /> � ! ,�i. . ;.�,, , parugruph. �
<br /> �" • • lS. (:overnin� I,pw: tieverabllity. Thi.r Srrurity In+lrununl .hull lx gov�rned hy I'rJrrul luw unJ Ihc luw of thc -m-
<br /> � •���'�. .'' �' juritiJiction in which 11x Property i.I�x:ucd. In�hr r�•cnt�hat uny provi�ion nr rlau.r of Ihi.Sccuriry Inwrumcnt i►r Ih�Notr
<br /> � �.�`! e � confllctx with applirublc luw.�uch cixillict tihull not id�tirt ulhcr pravision.uf thi�Suuri�y (nslrunxnt ur thc Ni►tc which cun �
<br /> •.�;:: . be given et'fect withnW thc cunllictin�! provi+ion. 1i► thi� rnd thr provitiion. ��I�hi+Sccurity lin�runxnt und the N.�te vre •�:�
<br /> �;;
<br /> "• � � ' declurrd w Ix.everuhlc. -�
<br /> . �•�%:� „ � l6. Borrower'sCop}•. l3orrower.hall Ix girrnonerunfunncd cupy ul'th�Nu�cimJ�i(thiti Securil��Instrumem. -
<br /> ' ' �'. 17. 7lransPer�►f the Properly ar a Benctirinl Intrre�ct in Rurrower. II':�U ar uny part ol'tl�c Pnqxny ur uny int�rcxt in �'��
<br /> . :�,�,�, '. .. it is xold or Iransfcrred(ur il'ii Ix�nclirial intcrc.t in Hum�a•rr i.+aIJ ur�run�tcrr�d unJ Burruwcr is nut u nuturul�xnonl �:
<br /> , , witlx►ut Lcnder's prior writicn ci,nscnl. Lcndrr mtry.ut il�oplion,rcyuirc immediu��p:�yment in full uf all �umz xecured by
<br /> , , �his Secwity In�truinent. Howrver.�his opli�Hi+hall nut Ix�exc�•ci.ed by L�ndrr i(�xerciK i+pruhibited by feikrul luw ux of �--
<br /> F�:,. the Jote uF this Serurity In+trumrnt.
<br /> If Lcnder exercix,thi.uptiun.Lrnder xl�ull givc Burr��u�rr noticc ol'arrcicrution. Thr nutice.hull provide u�xri�xl�it' �,
<br /> �V� n��t les.�hun:�(1 day�fnm�ihr Ju�r thc n�►licc i�Jclivcred or mailcJ within which B��rruwcr mu+t pa�•all smn+.ecurcd h�•ihi, �:
<br /> . " ., Sccurity histrwttent. If Borrowrr I:iil, tu p:►y ihr,e ,um, priur t�� thr c!cpirali�Ni of �hiti �kriu J.L�n d er may invo kc u n Y ,
<br /> ., rcmrdic.�xmiittcJ by thi.Srrurity In,trumcnl«i�huut 1'unhcr nulicc ur drmand un Barru«�r.
<br /> „ 18. Rnrrower's RiAht to Reintitute. If Rurrowrr nmrt� ccrtain rondition,. B�xn��ti•cr+ludl hovr thr ri�hi �u huvc
<br /> " . enti�rcemem��t'this 5eruriry In.�rumrnt di.cuntinurd at an�limr priur lu Ih. �arlirr of: lal S day+l�rr�uch uther�xri��l a,
<br /> � tim�l.l�amd�-•Fnnnle 1fur�l�reddlr�tuc 1\IP'IIK�I l\ti'1'RL�IE�'1'.. l'iwl.mn t'„�rnan�. 4,911 qaier J��l r��+�e.•��
<br /> , , -
<br /> f .
<br /> .. ' � ,
<br /> � �
<br /> . . i
<br /> • 3 �_ 1
<br />