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�, . �. <br /> , _ _"'.w-... ir i,�:r - • - �� -- <br /> . .'��- • ,,, •,w w-�.. _ <br /> ��_ " ' ;� 1F, _. �u <br /> .�k. . , ,.. • ..�_.. _- -- _ . -. <br /> 4' � <br /> -:��,.�� _�:� y _ <br /> -- gl+ j05785 <br /> • TOpE7'HEtt WITH all the improvements now or hereaRcr crecled on thc propenY•and oll eacem.nt�,appurunpnccc. <br /> --�-• ---- wid Sixtures now or herceiter w pxn nf�he pr�nperty. All repincemcnts arid additiona sh�ll al�o bo rnvored by thia Security L <br /> liwtrument. All of�he fnregaing i4 rcferrcd to in thia Sccu�ity Ine�rument ux�he"Property." - <br /> !��'� BORROWER COYENANTS�hut Barrowcr fs lawfully�scised of the eqtatc hcreby convcyed wid hax�he�ight ro grant -- <br /> ��; -- and convcy the Pcoperty and�hat thc ProperlY ��unencumbercd,exccpt Par encumbrancex of recard. Borrower warront�and <br /> •°�11ia.^� wlll defend gencrally the tUlc to thc Prapetty ogainst all claims�and demands,subJect to uny encumbrances of r+ecord. <br /> --- .__�____..____ —. <br /> - - THIS 5ECURITY INSTRUMBNT cambfnca unifarm covenunts tar nalionul usc and non-unifurm cuvenant« with r-=- <br /> �.,k --_- litnit¢d varieUans by Ju�isdiction to conadtute u uniform secutity instrumcnt covering reel property. <br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower end Lender covenant and agree ax faliows: <br /> '�� 1. I'wymeat ot P�inct�wl and Intercat;Prepayment�nd Late Chp�e9. Borrower shnll promptly puy when due�hc � <br /> —�-�-��..�� pdnci ul af and incerest on the d�bt evidenced by the Note and any prepaymen!and lete chargea due under the Note. <br /> `�`:� � Funds for 7lwxex and InsurAnca Subjcct to applicnblc luw ar ta a wdtten wuiver by Lender.Bortower shall pAy to -Y - <br /> =-:--. � Lender on the day monthly payments arc dua under thc Note,until thc Nate is paid in full,a sum ("Funds") for:(a)yearly ` <br /> : _��� taxes and assessments which may attain priarity over this Secu�fry lnsuument a.c u lien on�he Property;(b)yearly leasehold <br /> payments or ground rents an the Property. if nny; (c) yeiuly hazurd ar property inaurance premiums; (d) yearly flood �� <br /> . �a•� insurAnco premiums. if any; (e) ye+v�y mongage insurance premiums, if u�y; and(� uny sums payable by Borrower ta _ <br /> -'�"=� nccordance with the provisians of puragraph lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance premiums. These <br /> _ ___,_��":. items arc called"Escrow items." Lender any time.collect and hold Funds in an umount not to exceed the maxlmum <br /> _��„a s amount e Iender far a federally related moAgage loan may requfre for Borrowerk escrow account under the federal Real <br /> ��r�,_ � Estate Settlement Procedures Act oi 1974 as amended from time to time. 12 U.S.C.$2601 er seq. ("RESPA").unless another <br /> '�_ '. �-� • 1aw thet applies to the Funds sets a Iesxer amount. If so,i.ender any time,collect und hold Funds in an umount not to � <br /> _.�,�;;�;;, , exceed the lesser amount. L.ender may estimate ttie amount of Funds duc on �he bagis af current dala and reasanuble _ <br /> A� '4�'7�F���'�. estimates of expenditures of future Escrow Items or otherwjse in accordance wilh applicuble law. <br /> -� •'-�,,,,.;� • The Funda shall bc held in an ins�itution whose deposits are insured by a federal agcncy, instnimentality, or entity �._ <br /> - _-'-""��:;',�� �• (including Lender,if Lender is such an institudoN or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lendcr shnil apply the Funds to pay _ <br /> :�_���' +�'�:V;;.� the Escrow Items. L.ender may not charge Horrower for holding nnd applying the Funds. s►nnually analyzing the escrow <br /> - i�,,�,.s• •. o� <br /> �s�L�r. account,or vedfying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicuble law permits �_ <br /> -�°� ` Lender to mukc such a chargc. However. l.ender may requine Borrower�o puy a one-time chargc for an independcnt real ��_ <br /> - .�.`�'_���".. • estate tau repoAing service uaed by Lender in connecdon with this loan,unless upplicable luw prov�des otherwise. Unless nn <br /> .-�:a� � , � <br /> _��' •� r.° agroement ia made or applicable law requires interest to be puid.Lender shell not be required ta pay Borrawer any interest or �•-. <br /> �TY;�,-{ ,. <br /> --. _:�.;�. . eamings on thc�nds. Borrower nnd Lender may agree in writing.however, �hut intere�t shall bc paid on the Funds. Lcnder � <br /> -��;���;`;3ei: shall give to Borrower,without cherge,an annual accounting of Ihe�Lnds,showing credits and debils to the Funds and the _ <br /> -_�"—"°"�'''�'- purposz for wMcb Pnch debit to the Fbnds was made. The Funds are pledged u�additional security for ail sums secured by <br />-''��� � this Security Inatrument. - <br /> .' ,.a�.+�,� lf the Funda held by Lender exceed the nmounts permitted to bc held by upplicable law, Lender shall account to �_ <br /> .� ,�J -`•'� Borrower for the excess Funds in uccordance w•ith the requircments of s�pplicuble law. If the amoum of the Flmds held by -- <br /> `�.�?:� Lender at Any time is not sufficfent[o pay the Escrow I�ems when duc. L.ender mey tio notify Borrower in writing,and, in i�3: <br />';wf,�� �.. , • such case Borrower shall puy to Lender the amount necessary to make up ihe deficiency. Bocrower shall make up Ihe � <br />:�.;';: ,...: ' . defjclency in no more thun twelvc monthly payments,ut I.ender g solc discrction. �._- <br />_- ' ' ,•� •' Upon puyment in full of nll sums secured by thi�Sewrity Instrument. Lendcr xhull promptly refund to Borrower uny -- <br /> ~•'�:�", 'a° '� Funds held by Lendec If,under puragmph 21,Lender shall acquire or sel! thc Praperty.Lender,prior to ihe acquisition or �`:� <br />'-aJ•;: _ . � ' sale of the Property,shall upply uny Fundx held by Lender at the time uf ucyuisitlun or sale as u crcdit ugainst the sums ���-� <br /> �•} ��`"'"'•' � secured b this Securii Instrumcnt. r"° <br />`'�r" ,.�r ., • � 3. Application oP Paymenl.g. Unless upplicuble law providex otix:rwise, all puymenis received by l.ender under �' <br /> �A'"; . �'''°"' pnragraphs 1 und 2.hull be upplied: first,ta any prepayment churgc.duc under the Note;xecond,to umounts payable under ��,. <br />_��`µ,�� y^�'� �: ,„ �. paragraph 2;third,to in[erest due;founh,to principal due:und,to uny late charges due under the Note. �z <br /> ��'�� • a 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower xhuil pny all tuxes, us,essmem+, churgcs. finc.; suid impositions ultributable to thc �`- <br />- •'.].. J'.�. .. - <br /> :�_,.,�• Property which may attuin priority over this Security InStrument,and Ievsehold puyments or ground rents,if any. Borrower -� <br /> -�' '�}"� � � shall pay thesc obligutions in thc munner provided in parugrnph 2,or if not pafd in that manner,Borrower shall pay them on .- <br /> ;�" �t .:��. ;; _+ ., time directly to�he person owed pnymem. Bortower shnll pramptly fuminh to Lender all notices of umaunts ta be paid under - <br /> L'".• �, this arugrnph. If Borrower makes these puyments directly,Bormwer xhull promptly fumish�o Lender receipts evidencing �,- <br /> - �,�.,. d:. � ` � ` P = <br /> the payments. — <br /> ^�";? ; �� �� „ � Rorrower shall prompUy discharge uny licn which hus priority ovcr thi� Securiry Inslrument unlesa Hcxrower:(a)agrces = <br /> •'_ ' w:..< <�. „ in writing to the puyment of the obligation secured by�he lien�n m m�nner ucceptable to Lender,(b)contes�s in good faith the = <br />