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<br /> �' candemnation or other Iafcing of uny pnn oithe Propeny,or for conveyance in lieu of candemnation.ure hereby axai�ned and
<br /> � == xhall be paid to l.ender.
<br /> �s In the event of u tatal taking of the Property,the procecdx Hhal1 bc npplicd to iho suma recurcd by thix Security
<br />- _-�•—��- �--� I�istnimcnt, whcthcr ar not then due. �vfth sny exce�v pnid�o R�rmwer. In the event of u partial tuking of the Prnperty ln
<br /> ,,,. � which the falr mi�rket value nf thc Prapeny immcdiatcly 6efnrc thc tuking ix equul to orgn�:ater thun the nmuunt af tha xums
<br /> ;'�; r,ecured by this Security Inst�ument immediutcly before the tuking,unles,Borrc�wcr nnd Lendcr o�hcrwise agrec in writing,
<br /> _- - the aums sgecured by this Sccurity Inxtrument shall be reduced by�hc umount of �hr pracced� multiplied by thc followfng
<br /> - �-m. f�uction: (u)�he totul nmaunt of Ihe sumx�ecured irnmediately hefore the tnkfng,divided by(b)the fuir morke�vuluc of the
<br /> •.-'-�-.-�- � �
<br /> — � �"ri' Property immediutely befare the tuking. Any buluncc shull Ix puid to Burr��wcr. In the event af n purtial tuking of t e =
<br /> ' Pmperty in which the fair merket vulue of the Property immediately befare thc tuking fw Icsw than the umount of thc aumg
<br /> ---.�;.`:""� r+ecured immediutely before the wking, unless Borrower nnd l.eixicr otherwise ugree in writing or unlesR upplicable law
<br /> _-= otherwise provides,the proceeds shall be upplied to the sumx�ecurcd by thix Security Inslrument whe�her ar►wt the suma are
<br /> �°r��„: :� then due.
<br /> "�= If the Prapeny ix nbnndoned by Borrowcr,or if,ufter nutire by Lendcr to Borrowcr thal thc condcmnor offcrc to make
<br /> _�'��' an uward or settle a clnim for damugex,BoROwer fuils to respand�o Lendcr withi�3O duys uRer the dute the notice i�:given,
<br /> L.ender iR uuthodzed to collect anJ upply ihc praceeds,ut i�ti option,either w resuxution or repair of the Pmperty or to the
<br /> �-�,�;�,• ` sums secured by thi�Security Instnxnent.whether or not then due.
<br /> - - Unlexs Lender nnd Borrower othenvise ugree in writing,any upplicatian of proceeds�o principal �hull not exlend or
<br /> _-=f�^ ;�, x ` pos�pane the due dutc of the manthly paymems referred to in parugruphs I und 2 or chunge the umaunt of xuch puyments.
<br /> .�� ,•: ,-- - ll. Borrower Not Rekased; Forbearance By l.ender Not n Waiver. Exten.r•ion of the time far puyment or
<br /> - --�-�'.
<br /> --- madificalion of umonizntion of thr sums�ecured by thic Security Inwrument gramed by Lender to uny xuccexxor in interost
<br /> ___� ,,�`. of Borrawer shull not operure ta releuse the liubility of the originul Borrower or soROweri successorx m interest. l.ender _
<br /> --° `�-%"• shAll no�6e reyuired to commence pn►ceedings ugainst uny successar in interest or refu�to extend timc for puyment or
<br /> •-F4j' ��' otherwise modify umonizution of the xums secured by this Securiry Instrument by reuxon af uny demund muik by the origint►I
<br /> = ' ;_� ...' Bortower or 13oROwer'.s succextiorv in interest. Any forbenrunce by Lender in exercixing uny right or remedy shul) nat be u
<br /> '�: � '�•�1' ' � waiver of or preclude tl�e exercise of uny right or rernedy. _
<br /> ,�,,;�; l2. Successors and Assigns Round;Joint and Several LiabiUty;Co•signers. The covenunts und ugreemcnts of�hix -
<br /> Security In,trument shull bind und benefil the yuccesson nnd ussigns of LenJ�r und Bnrrower,tiubjec�ta the pruvi�;ion�af
<br />:' :� � ,.��.. • pnrugruph 17. Borcower's covenum.r• und ugreementx shull he joint und ticverul. Any Barrowe�wUo co-tiignn this Security -
<br /> Instrument but does not exewte the Note: lu)iti c�-xigning Ihis Securiry In,trumem cmly to mimguge,grunt und convey�hut
<br /> • '� �." '�� Borrower's interest in the Piroperty undcr the tcrm�of�his Security Ins�rument: (b) is n�N perxanully obligutcd to puy the sum� _
<br /> seeured hy this Security Instrumen�; und lcl agrees thut Lender und uny rnhcr BoROwer muy ugree to extend,mcxlify.forbear _
<br /> ' '����t;,•J�:1.� or make uny accommodations wiih rrgunl lo the �ermx of this Security ln.r•trurncnt or tl�e Nae withnut �hut Bortowcrti
<br />, , .,T". ... consent.
<br /> ' " '• � � 13. Loan Charge.s. If Ihe laun :{ecured hy �his Securily Inxtrumcnt i� suhject tn a luw which setx muximum loun
<br /> ,a�,.�_�.;,,�.._
<br /> ° ` r. - �.., - churgc,,und ti�ut iuw i+i+na{ly inter�rretcd so that tlzc interest or other loun charge�enlMrte�d nr�n ix:callected in connection
<br /> � ` with�he loan exceed tl�perm�tted limitx,then: (u) uny such loun chargc�hull tx reduced by�hc unx�unt necessury to reduce
<br /> . '��•' ,� the churge�o thc permiued limit:and(b)uny sums ulrcudy collcctcd from Born�wer which exrceded perniiued limi�s will be
<br /> ���,�;�::: , rcfunded to Borrower. Lender muy ch�x:t��muke this rrfund by redurin�!Ihe principul oweJ under the Note or by muking u
<br /> ,;,._;;. . ' '' , direct puyment to Borrower. If u rcfund reducr�principid,the�duction will tx ucuted ay a puniul prcpuyment witlx►ut uny
<br /> �.� :. . prepnymcnt churge under�he Notc.
<br /> 14. NoNceR. Any nuticc lo Barr��wcr pruvidcJ f'or in �hi.Security Ins�rurncnt shull lx givcn by dclivcring it or by
<br /> � ''�+';.. � mailing it by tirst clax+mail unles,upplicuMc luw royuirc+usc of unothcr me�hud. Thc nmice tihall t►e directed to thc Property
<br /> `' ° � � Addms,or any nther uddrexx Bormwrr dcsiEnutcs by n�iUcr tu l.endcr. Any notwe w l.rnder+hull he given by iint clus�
<br /> �", �" •' muil lo Lenderk uddre,s tituteJ herein or uny other t�JJress Lender drsignut�s My n�dicc�o R��rruwcr. Any noiice provided for _
<br /> �io�'� . ,
<br /> �.y„�,, .... �-� in this Secu�ity In�trument ,hull Ik dccmed tu huve Ix:cn givcn to Borrower nr Lendcr whcn �i�•cn u, provideJ in thi� _
<br /> " • � puragruph.
<br /> •=�• �... IS. Governing Ls�w;tievernbillty. Thi,Sccuriry Inrtrumcnt shull be Sovcmed hy fcdcru) li�w unJ Ihr luw of thc
<br /> �,;;�;��� t juriuiictian in which the Property i� kx:uted. In�hr event thul uny pmvi+i�m�ir rluutic��f thi�5ecurity Inxtrument or�he Note
<br /> -�,.:� �: contlicts wi�h upplicuble luw,such c�mtlici tihul l n��t uffec�u�hcr pruvi.iunx ot�hi.Securiry In.�rument or tlx Nwe which cun
<br /> ,.,... • .. be given effect without the contlkting provi.iun. 'R► this rnd thr provisinns ul' thi.Security Instrument und the Ni�te urc
<br /> . �,4;:,�." ° declured to be sevcruble.
<br /> � �. ° 16. Borrower's Copy. Burrnwcr tihull be given onc cunfonned cupy i�l'thc Not�a�xl �►I'�hi,Srcurity Instrument.
<br /> . ,�° 17. 7YansPer uf the 1'roperty or a Reneficlul Interest in Borrower. II'ull cx uny puh of�Ik Pru�xrty nr uny inlcretii in -
<br /> c;.�k,: •, . it ix sold or trunsferrcd(or if u hcnriiriid in�erc�t in Bormwrr i.,old or trunsferrcJ unJ Burrowcr is no� a nawrul pe�n��n►
<br /> ' without Lendcr�prior written coment. LenJer mt�y.ut i�.op�ion.rcyuirc immeJiatr p•ryment in fuU al'ull+um��ccur�J hy =
<br /> . - .z' :.. this Security Inxtrumem. H�iwrvcr,this nption xhull mn Ix exercised by LcnJcr it'exrn�.c i.pmhibi�ed by tederul law us of -
<br /> �•;� �'- �he dute of Ihis Security Instrumrm.
<br /> . ��.��� . If LetKler exrrci+e+thi�option.Lenikr shall�ivc B�xn�wcr ncitirr�►1'uccclerulicm. The niNire�hall pnrviJe n�xriiKl of
<br /> .. ' not lesti thun 30 duy.from�he dut�thc nolice iti�klivcrLJ i�r muilcJ wilhin which Hnrruurr mu,t pay all.wu,�ccured hy thix
<br /> : . � Serurity Instrumenl. If Borrower fuil. w pay ihrsc +umti priur li� Uk cxpiruti�m uf ihi,�xri�xl. L�n�kr m�iy invnke uny
<br /> � • rcmcdicx�xrniiucJ hy thi.3ccurity In.trumcm withiwt t'unhcr noticc ur demimd un li��rto�vcr.
<br />' ; . ,; ..-�.:• l8. Bnrrower'ti Ri�hl to Reinsfute. II' R��rrowcr mrrls rrrluin runJi�iom. Nnn'uµcr .hall h;rvr thc right tu huvc _
<br /> a 1•`. enfi►rcement oP�hix 5ecuri�y In.�n�mrnt di,cuntinucJ al any �imr pri„r la Ihc r:u•licr uL• �:u S day.l��r,urh.►thrr�xriixl si. �
<br /> . . .� " timµle I:xnil�•-Papnle�1oe/MYeddM Nuc t'11F(IR�I 1\ti'I'Rl'�IM:\7'..I'nil�Km e lncnum. 41�N rpdpr J al n p�e�•�i
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