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<br />_ _ _ � _• EXHIBIT "A" �l��O���� ' �
<br /> . ,
<br /> A tr�ct of lend in the Southeest Querter of the Nor�heest Qusrt�ene�(SE4 � -
<br /> --- N�h) of 3ection Twenty-Four (24) � Township Twelve (12) Narth,
<br /> ---
<br /> Twelve (12) � Weet of the 6th P.M. . Hel9. County , Nebreske� mare perbicu-
<br /> -- lerly describad es follows: Commencing et e point Sixty (8 ee
<br /> �-- -- _ _:�
<br /> — - South of the Southeaet corner of Lot S�x (6) , Block Six (G) � Fourt �
<br /> Additio� to Ceiro. Nebreske; thence continuing Southerly elong the East
<br /> line of said Lot Six (6) � Block Six (8) , extendad e dietance of Four
<br /> - � Hundred Thirty-Nine and 5eve� Tenthe (439.7) Feet to the point on the
<br /> =__=��� South line of seid SE�iNE�i; thenae Westerly along and upon the South
<br /> — line of seid SE�:NE�l � e dietence of Two Hundred Eighty (280) Feet;
<br /> --� thence Northerly end perell.el to the Eaet line of eaid Lot Six (B) , -
<br /> ---_--_^� Block Six (6) � extended a distence of Three Hundred Nineteen end Three
<br /> - ; Te�ths (319.3) Feet ; thence Easterly end parellel to the South l�.ne of
<br /> - ' Syrie Street, e distence of One Hundred (100) Feet; thance Northerly
<br /> =r�,:� end along the center of Suez Stree t� e d i s t a n c e o f O ne Hundred Twe�ty-
<br /> ��� Two (122) Feet to e point on the South li�e of Syri�a Street; thence
<br /> Eas�erly along the South line of Syrie Street, e distance of One Hundred
<br /> -���,,� Eighty (180) Feet to the point of beginning excepting therefrom the -
<br /> -:�.-" Sautherly Thirty (30) Feet thereof� conveyed to the Villege of Ceiro,
<br />----�_;�;:,, Nebraeke _
<br /> _�.,�,,,.'�.� • A tract of lend comprising o part of the Southeast Querter of Northeest
<br /> —�:' "� Querter (SE�;NE'i.) of Sectian Twenty-Four (24), Township Twelve (12) �
<br /> °�''%�'' North, Renge Twelve (12) � West of the 6th P .M. , Hall County, Nebraska�
<br /> ---'''�`" � end more perticularly described es follows: Commencing et e point Sixty
<br /> W---=�:,'„ Bloc k Six (6) �
<br /> -.-.�.�:,�:. (60.0) Feet South of theSoutheast corner of Lot Six (6) �
<br /> '=�'-�-�-� Fourth Addition ta Ceiro, Nebreska; thence continuing Southerly elong
<br /> ___���n ryrA t�Q �$at tine of seid Lot Six (6) , Block Six (6) . extended� a distence
<br /> �~�� of Threa Hundred Ninety-Nine and Seven Tenths (3J9.7) Feet to d point
<br /> ��� ="a�:�"r that is Forty (40.0) Feet North of the South line of seid Southeast
<br />��—���- .� Quarter o� the Northeast Querter (SE�1NE'i.) end being the ACTUAL point of
<br />�:-�-���z. beginning; the�ce continuing Southerly elang the lest described course�
<br /> --�- ����°�. � '� a distence of Ten (10.0) Feet; thence Westerly, perellel with the South
<br />'�'"`' line of seid Southeast Querter of the Northeast 0uarter (SE�NE'y.) . a dis-
<br /> ,�::',��''_,:at,
<br /> --��_ � tence of Two Hundred Eighty (280.0) Feet; thence Northerly. perellel
<br />..�x*;.�:� �.. with the Eest line of seid Lot Six (6) � Block Six (6) extended� a dis-
<br /> �,�=r�, �� tance of Ten (10.0) Feet; thence Eesterly perellel with the South line
<br /> `�`"'�-`�k� of seid Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Querter (SE�:NE'i.) , e distance
<br /> :t��,::
<br /> � ° � of Two Hundred Eighty (280.0) Feet to the ACTUAL point of beginn ng�
<br /> _ ` �n
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