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<br /> —� �Z. Succe�ron aad Md� Baundi Jolnt rnd Several L.I�blltty; Co,Si�. Tne �ovc,w�� �na ,�r�eanerua or�►t�
<br /> . 3ecurity Instrument sh�ll bind and benciit thc successors wid �wigm of L�ender�nd Borrower, rubjxt to the provbbt�ot
<br /> puagrAph 9.b. Borrawer's cove�wnt� �d aQroemeaUs �hall be joint wid several. Any Borrawer who co-�i�nr thi� Sxvrity
<br /> -�— -�-�' lns�rument but daes not c�cecute thc Note: lAl is co-si�nin�thir Security Instrument oniy to morl�a�o.8riud W�J�n�vay Rn�l -
<br /> `�-- -- 8ortower'c inan�t in 1he t'roperty under the termc of this Socu�iry inun�mau; (b)io not perau�wliy ubli�wnd to p�y the�unu
<br /> -- -��°��'4 securod by thir Security[nslniment: and(c)agroes tlwr Lender and nny ather Borrower may agree�o extend.modify.for5ear or
<br /> __ � m�lce any acconwwdation�with rcQard w the tern�of thi�Security Inawment or tho Note wilhout thrt Bamnwer't oonrent.
<br /> -�-_�.°_""'_ =�
<br /> -_ - �� 13. NoNcee.Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Secu�ity Insuument shall be�iven by deliverin�it or by mailin�
<br /> � it by tirst clasa muil unless applicable law requires usc af anather method. The nodce sholl be dirocted to the Property Addr�aw
<br /> -- or any other acWress Borr�wer designates by notice to L.ender. Any notice to l.ender shall be given by fir�t cless mail w
<br /> —',?� l.ender's address stated herein or any address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notica pmvjded for in thi�Secucity
<br /> �:,� i�utrument chell be deemed w have been given to Borrower ar L.ender when given as provided in this par�raph.
<br /> :ra�
<br /> _� 14. CoverninQ Law; Severability. This Security Inslrument shall be gov�med by fodern! law und the law of the
<br /> = ' jy,i-fsdiction in which the Propeny is located. In tho event that any proviaion or clause of this Securlty [nstrument or the Note
<br /> °.;� conflieta with applicable law, such contlict shall �at affixt other provisfons of this Secur�ty Instn�ment or the Note which can be
<br /> -�__,__� given eFfect without the conflicting provision. To Ihis end the provieions of Ihis Security l�atnunent and tho Note aro deelarod
<br /> -� cb be severable.
<br /> -�"--� "� _ • '� 15.Borrower's Copy.Borrower slwll be given one conforn�ed copy of�hi�Security instnrment.
<br /> _.._.�
<br /> r�*.3�'�'� 16. Assignment of Rents. Borrower unconditionully assig�s and trnnsfers to Lender all the rents a�d revenues of tho
<br /> `"�=•:-�,a�r;�,;. Property.Burrower authorizes Lender or Lender's agents to collect the rents and revenues and hereby directa each tenant of the
<br /> -�.�n�•�""�}'�� • Property to pay the rents to L.ender or l.ender's agents.However,prior to Lender's notice to Borrower of Borrower's breach of
<br /> u�n'f_y��-'Y�,y�M1
<br /> •�''�i-,�1. 7 any covenant or ugreement in the Securjty Instru�nent. Borrower shall collect and receive all rents and revenues of the Property
<br /> ..lVS.t��•� •
<br /> -..._�.:�...d�: •� as trustee for the benefit of Lender and Borrower. This assignment af rents conatitutes an absolute assignment and not an
<br /> ..,�.5. �,),y�
<br /> :,,�.,,v,�;. assignment for additional securlty only.
<br /> �.�:�.-m:�.x-: _
<br /> _--;::�
<br /> _��_�`� If Lender gives notice of breach to Borrower:(a)all rents received by Borrower shnll be held by Burrower ns trustee for
<br /> benefil of Ixnder only,to be applied to the sums secured by the Security Instrument:(b)Lender shall be entitled ta collect and
<br /> ---- - _�;:;,.�.�,�'-" re��eive uli ol�i1iC rcuis ui'ii� P�u��iy: ,uxi(�) �xh tenant of ihe Propzrty shall pay a!1 rcnts dnc and uapafd to l.ender or
<br /> �_ Lender's agent on I.ender's written demand to the tenunt.
<br /> :'»��'� �•,��,�t: • .
<br /> "�`� Borrower has nat executed any prior ossignment <�f the rents and has t�ot w�d will not perform eny act that wouid prevent
<br /> ��'",�';�,'�`, .
<br /> - - -- -�'= Lender fiom exercising its rlghts under this paregraph 16.
<br /> `_ ,. •
<br /> `:���.�. ,�.�.c.,,. .
<br /> -�=tia�r r l.ender shall not be required to enter upon, tukc control uf or muintsun the Property before or after giving notice of breach
<br /> --�s,y�-.:.'. '-... .
<br />-__;,����,�a;;��,,,,., to Borrower. However, L.ender or a judicially uppainted receiver muy do w at uny time[here is u breuch. Any application of
<br /> - �---� _,,,e,.. • „-_,,,... rents shall nut curc or wnive uny defuult or invaliJute uny other right or remedy uf Lender. This assignment of rents of the
<br /> _'"''°��r.Yx.•u v-.� � Propeny shall tenninate when the debt tiecured hy the Securiry Instrument is puid in full.
<br /> ,�.
<br /> .=,�_w � � � L NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.&�rcowcr urxl Ixndcr further covenant und ugrec us follows:
<br />"�''��' �.� .� ,'` l7. Foreclosure Pirocedure,lf l.ender requirev immedlote payment in i'ull under paragraph 9,Lender may invuke the
<br /> �',,;�' #'`•`� ��S�Y � power of s�le and any other remedicv permitted by applicable law. I.ender shall be entltled to collect all expen�es
<br /> _ , incurred in pursuing the remedles rnder this pgrognph 1'f. fncludln�� but not Iimited to.reasonable Attorneys'fees w�d
<br /> `.�:• - • � costs of title evidence.
<br /> - , r�'� , It the pnwer oP sale is invoked. Trustee sbwll record a notice uf default in rAnc �uunty in which uny part oP the
<br />- �� `j,;,; �''"'"`" �" Property is located and shall mpil copi�aP surh noNce in the manner prescrlbed by applicable IAw t��Borrower and to
<br /> �'�"' ' - the other rsonq rescribed b u Ilcable law. A@er Ihe time uired b a pllcable Iaw.Trustee shall fve ublic notice
<br /> - . ..:,;•..._�• •;,; . Pe • p Y pp �I Y P. 8 P
<br /> ' " "^ ;E,,�.� . of s�le to the pers�ns and in the manner prescrlbed by applicablc Iww. Trustec. without demand on Borrower.slwll sell
<br /> . =:' • � the Properly at publk auction to the highest biddcr�t the Ume and plece�nd under the terms designated in the notice ot
<br /> , ' . sale in one or more purcrls and in eny order Trustee determMes.Trustce may p�stpone wle of ell or nny parcel of the
<br /> . .' Property by publlc announcement at the time und plACe of s�ny previuusly xh��duled sale. Lender or its designee may
<br /> .. _ : purchose the Property at ony sole.
<br /> . , �-4RINEI ap�6 0�6
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