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<br /> —'�i— ppplicuble luw may rpecliy fbr rcinstatcmenl►before xple of thc Pmpetty pun�uant ta any pnwcr af r+alu ci�ntuinni !n�hi�
<br /> — Securlly Inxtrument;ar tb)entry of o Judgment cnforcin�thic Sceurity Inrtrumenl. Th�ric condllianR oro thwt B�rmw¢c (�)
<br /> _�-° ------_-- - _ �►xYa I.en.ier all aum+� which �hen w�x�ld t+r du.� uixier �hiR 4ecu�lly InKtrumem und ihc Nae ax (P IN) aL'CCICP�IIDII IIYII
<br /> �J accurned;(b)curee any default af any Mher covenanlx ix o�rcements;lc)payn ull expenxex imurted in enfarcin�IhiM 5ecuri�y
<br /> _���'+ Inattument,fncludiug,twt nat Ilmi�ed �o,rcu�nublc uuomcyK'ferx; und (d) lakcx .rucU wc1i�M ur+ I.cnJcr muy r+cu►�MObly
<br /> ''�� reyuim to As�urc Ihwt thc lie�oP IhiK Secu�ity Inatroment,l.enderl+rlghtK In Ihe Pruperty und BuROwcrk ahllgution lu ppy!iw
<br /> °���"�* Ruma securcd by Ihis Security InKt�ument Rhull caminuc unchanged. Up�n rcin�tulemrn� hy Norrower, ihix Security
<br /> - Inainunenl umi�he uMiguliunx eiecurc�l{r�reby r�huU remuin fuliy effectire u�If�►u ucr�rl�raliun hw!�kcuirul. fluwuvcr,lhir -
<br /> Kf � �iQh1 to roinstute shnll ncrt apply in!he cuse of accelcrution undcr purogruph 17.
<br /> '''- !9. �nle o�NMet ��nQe of l.o�n Servker. Thc N�te or u purliul imem.rt in thc N��tc Ilu clhcr wUh Ihix S��urlly
<br /> � -`•� Inatrumentl may be sald ane or mare tlmca wi�hau�prfar notice t��Bortower. A �ulc muy rc�ul!�n u chAngc in�hc cntity
<br /> -�-� (known os tha"Loun Servicer")lhat collects mamhly paymems due unckr the No�a und ihis S��curi�y Instrument. There alsu
<br /> ,;� may t�e ane or more changc4 of�he l.oan Serviccr unrelated tu u Kule of�hc Nutc. If ihcr�i�a chungc�f thc Loan Scrvicer.
<br /> ����'•_ ` Bomawer wfll be given wdt�en notice of the change in uccordance wi�h pu�Agrnph 14 uMwe und upplicublc law. The notice
<br /> — -���=:�..sn� will atate the neme and addrcgs of the new Lonn Servlcer and the uddrcss to which paymentc should be made. 'fhe notice wiii -`°
<br /> _ r:�.._-. also comain any other infarmation required by applicable law.
<br /> --����-. 2A. NAZ�ardous Substancea. Bonrower shall nat cause or permit the presence,utic,diRpusul,xlorugc.or relcuse of any
<br /> ''�'"" ,� Huzardous Substances on or in 1he Propeny. Borrower shall not do, nor allow unyune clse to do,unything affecting thc
<br /> =—-���' Property ttwt is in vlolation of eny Envlronmental Law. The preccding two scntences shall nat upply to 1he preccnce,use,or
<br /> _ ---�- storage un the Property of small quandties of Hazardoun 5ubsu�nces that ere generolly recognized to be appropriete to�ormal
<br /> � ' residemial uses and to maintenance of the Praperty.
<br /> •i-;c�� �t'..� Borrower shall prompdy give Lender written natice of any investigntion,claim.demand,lowsuit or other uction by uny _
<br /> `'�` � governmentnl or regulotory ugency or prlvate purty involving tNe l�peny And uny Huzardoux Substance or EnvironmentAl 4,_
<br /> '";�`'�°" � Law of which Borrower has nctual knowled e If Borrower leum�. or is notif7ed b un ovemmental or re ulata -
<br /> • k:'. �,. �.. B • Y Y 6 B rY ��.
<br /> 2' ;. �, _. au�hority,that any removal or other remediation of uny Hazardous Subslance afiecting�he Propeny is neceswuy,Borrower �
<br /> �, �;dg;s, • shell promptly tuke all necessury remcdial actions in ucwrdance with Environmentul Luw. _ '
<br /> •� �"��� As used in this paragraph 20,"Hozardous Substances"are those substAncea de�ned as toxic or hazardoua substances by
<br /> it " � � • • Environmental l.aw und the following substnnces: gasoline,kerosene,other flammuble or toxic petroleum producis,toxic
<br /> ` . ;�,� pesticides and herbicides.volatile solvenls. materials comaining asbestos or farmaldehyde, and radioactive materinis. As
<br /> , ;;, �p;���;. ,. . used in this parugrnph 20."Environmentul Law"mcans Pederul Inws and laws of the ju�isdinion where the Property is lacated
<br /> - that relate to health,safety or environmerual protection.
<br /> , ., - `'` ��b• - :.��'. NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower und Lender funher covenant and�gree ux follows: _-
<br /> �, ;L,�:�.y 21. Acceleration; Remedies. I.ender ahall give notice to Borrower prlor to Acceleration Pollowing Bwrower's _
<br /> breach of any covenant or agreement in lhis Securlly Instrument(but not prbr to acceleratlon under paragraph 17
<br /> _- — . . `. � anle�s app!lraWe las:prosides o!lsen:�lse). The aolice s!�!!specify: (aJ ihe defau!!:!bf!he ac!!na reqafred!o cssre!!se
<br /> � a% ., " �'`�'�3' defaull;(c)a date,not less than 30 days i'rom the dwte the notice is given to Borrower.by which the deiault must be
<br /> •.;.���• � cured;und Id)that iAilure to cure the default on ar 6efare the date specitied in the notice mpy resull in ucceleraUon oP -
<br /> ° , - ' the su�ps secured by this Securily Instrument And snle oP the Property. The notke shnll IY�rther inform Borrower of
<br /> , -'�� � the right to reinstate a�er acceleratton and the right to bring a cuurt action to assert the non-existence of a defaull ur —
<br /> ,,a eny other defense of Borrower to acceleratian and sale. IP the dePault is not cured on ur befbre the date specitied in --
<br /> 6 the notice,l.ender At its o tion ma re uire Immediate a mcnt in Full of All sums secured b this Securit Instrument
<br /> � ,r,. withaut further demend and may in�oke the power opf sele and any other remedies permitted by applicable law —
<br /> ° Y'�= �' � Leader sball be entitled to collecl all expenses incnrred in pursuinq the remedies provided In this parA�raph 2l. �,,,
<br /> " ' incbding.but not limited to.re�nabk attorneys'Pees and cos�R oP title evidence. �,�
<br /> ''�"'�, .: . If the power oP s�le is invuked,7�uslee s6all record a nutice of default in each county in which any part ot the - --
<br /> : �• � Property ig locafed and shall mell copies of 9uch notice in the manner prescribed by applicable law to Borrower and to -
<br /> � the other persons prescribed by applicable law Af�er the time required by applicable law.7Yustee shall�ive public �--
<br /> '''�"�`"�' - notice ot sale tu the persons and in ihe manner prescribed by opplicable law 7lrustee.without demnnd an Borruwer.
<br /> "�`� , � shAll sell the Property at public auction to the hi�hest bidder ut the time and place and under the terms designated in �,
<br /> . ''� • the notice oP sule in one ur more parcel4 and in any order 71ru:itee determines. 7Yustee mey postpone c�le of all or any
<br /> �.i�• " � parcel oP the Property by publk announcement et the lime and place of any previously scheduled wte. I.ender or its =�_
<br /> , ' designee mwy purchase the Properly at Any sale. `="=
<br /> " Upon receipt oi payment of the price bid,7Y�ustee shull deNver to the purchuser'I�ustee's deed conveying the �'-
<br /> . ���� Property. The recilals in t6e'Irustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence of the trulh of the statemenfs made iherein. —
<br /> .�k:_. � � ,; 11�ustee s6wll apply fbe pruceeds oP tbe�ule in the fwlluwiog urder: lal tu all cov�v and expense�uP exercisip�ihe power �._
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