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�i� � �,� �� . <br /> 'G� � � __ _--- <br /> f t� rt 4. '�r <br /> ��C:. �� �,�: � ! _ _ . _ <br /> _ ��,LL_..�- � --�� 1.,,,,, 105'76� <br /> W.�.�� 9 <br /> � TO('�ETNER WITH all the improvcmenta now w hereatkr erected on the property,and all easemente,appurtenances. <br /> _ _ .. _.___ _ _, and flxtwes now or here�fter a part of the property. All replacements nnd addidon�sh�ll alro bo covered by this Securiry <br /> Ins�rument. AU of the foregoing is r�fcrred ta in thia Securfty inctrumen�av the"RopeRy." � <br /> - •...�:� <br /> BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower ls luwfuliy sefsed of�he astetc hcreby conveyed und has the�ght to grant <br /> - and convey the Prop�ty and that the Property Is unancumbered,eacept for encumbrances of record. Borrower wa�rantr and <br /> "�° will defend generally the dtle ta the Property aguinat all claima cind demonda.subject W any encumbmnces of record. <br /> =-- _- - - <br /> = -- — THIS SBCURI7'Y INSTRUML�NT combincs uniform covenants for natlonal use and non-unifotm covenwnlc wllh -- <br /> •� limited variadons by Jur�sdiction to constitul�u unifortn securily instrument covering rwl property. <br /> . <br /> �° UNIFORM COVENANTS. Harrower and Lender covanent and agree us followa: <br /> - ���s3� 1. Payment of Principal and Interest;Prepoyment pnd L�te Chargea. BoROwer shail promptly pay whrn due the <br /> princips)af and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note und any prepuyment und late charges due undei tne Note. <br /> 2. Ftinds for'Ihxea and Inaurance. SubJect to upplicablc law or to n written wuiver by I.endcr,Borrower shall puy lo <br /> °--`�--- =�:",,�� L.ender on the day monthly pAyment�are due under the Note,unNl thc Notc is ps�id In full,u xum("Funds")far:(a)yeurly -- <br /> �::� taxes and assessments which may attain prioriry over ihia Security Inxtrument ua a Nen on the Property:(b)yeuly lepsehold <br /> � .� paymenta or ground renis an the Property, if any; (c1 yeurly haxurd or propeny ingurance premfuma: (d) ycarly Oooa <br /> ___s_ � insuraace premiums.if any: (e) yeurly mongage inaurunce premlums, if uny; and(�any suma payable by Borrowcr tc► <br /> _ _ accordenco wUh thc provigfana af parngrnph R,in licu af thc puyment af mongagc inaurancc premiumx. Thetic <br /> -==°;� itemx are called"Escrow Items." Lender uny time,cullect und hold F�nds in an amount nat to exreed�he maximum <br /> amaunt a lender for u federally rclated monguge loun muy rcyuirc far Barrawer�ewcrow account u�xler thc fedcrul Rcul <br /> _ _ _ Eswte Setdement Praccdurcs Act of 1974 us umended from lirne 1��limc, 12 U.S.C. �2fi111 er seq.("RESPA"1.unlc»x�nc►thcr <br /> - -���;-,� Ipw thul upplieK to the Fund�iscts a les�scr umount. If xu.l.cndcr muy.u�uny tim�,rollec:t and hold Fundx In un umoum not io �___ <br /> --� excecd the loxxcr arnount. Lendcr muy es�imptc thc umount uf Fundw duo on thc baxis oP currcnt dota und reuxunubM: <br />�;-3, :. , 'ri n��:;' e�lfmales of expendiwrca aP future Excmw liems ar athenvixe in uccurdonce wfth upplMubk law. <br /> ���,°,�' ' .a� The FLnds xhall bc hcld in un inxtitutian whose dcpuvilx ure insured by u fcdcrul ugency, inxtrumentulity,or entily <br /> -.u7ti . ;.` (including Lender,if Lrmler is Ku�:h an instftution)or i�uny Federul Home Luun Bunk. ll:ndcr shull apply Ihe Funds ta puy <br /> • the Eurow Items. Lender muy not churge Borrower fbr holding und upplying the Fundr;.nnnunlly nnulyxing the cxcrow � <br /> '�r+' account,or verifying tho Excrow Itema. unless l.ende�payx Borrower intcrert on tbe Fundx und uppllcuble luw pertnits <br /> _ �• � '�' Lender to make auch e charge. However,Lender may requirc Borrower to pay u one-time charge for an independenl real <br /> ° �� ' estate tax repoRing service used by l.ende�in connection with this loan,unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an <br /> _ ,;` • agreement ia mode or opplicable luw requires interest to be paid,Lender�hull not be required to pey Borrowcr uny interest or = <br /> °F s. eamings on thc Funds, Borrower and I.ender muy ngrce in wriNng,hawever.that irnerest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender <br /> � � �� �'�. ; shell give to Borrower, without charge,un unnunl accounting of the Funds.showing credits und debits to the Funds nnd the �. <br /> ,"�" ` _�`�� paepose for which each �ebit to the Funds wA�ma�iP, The Funcic are Qledged as additianul securitv for all sumR secured by — <br /> h `` � '' , — <br /> S.... `� ._ this Securiry Inswment. _ <br /> M r ,. � lf the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts permiued to be held by upplicable Iaw, Lender shull uccaunt to <br /> y' r•`�`"�•� • Borrower for the excess Funds in acwrdunce with thc rc u�rcmrntx of u I�cuble law. If the umount of the Funds held by <br /> � , ��•:S 9 � PP� <br /> `�, ' ` ' Lender ut any time is not sufficient to puy the Escrow Items when duc,Lender may�o notify Borrower in writing, and,in _ <br /> .. ��'.�`:=:.1;;f..' such case Borrower shall puy to Lender �he amount necessury to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall muke up the ___ <br /> • deficiency in no more Ihon twelve mon�hly puyments,ul Lender'.s sole discretion. <br /> -`�� ' " Upan payment in full of nll sums securcd by�his Securi�y Instrumen�, I.ender shull promptly mfund ro Borrower uny o.,. <br /> Funds hcld by Lender. If,undcr paragruph 21,Lendcr shull ucquire or sell thc Property,Lender,prior to the ucquihition or �"'°` <br /> ° ,�% .."�'�_,. sule of the Propeny,shall upply uny Funds held by Lender ut Ihe time uf ucyuisi�ion or�ale as u credit aguinst the sums - <br /> '"""` �� � ' • secured by�his Securi�y Inxtrument. �� <br /> "``�`p� 3. Applicatioe of PAyments. Unless applicuble law provides otherwise. nll payments received by Lender under - <br /> �`�A. ,;-'x�°�" paragraphs I und 2�hull be upplied: tirzl,to:+ny prepayment churgcz ciuc under Ihe Note;second,to amounts payuble under r.; <br /> " ' ,, ����� parugruph 2; interest due;fourlh,to principal due:und lu.r•t,tu any lute churges due under the Note. �� <br /> . •��,,:, 4. Chorges; Uens. Borrower shull puy All taxcti, axscs+menls, rharges, flnes and impositions uuri6utable to the <br /> Property which muy aitnin priority over this Security In,trumcnt, und leasehold payment+or ground rents,if uny. Borrower �;,_, <br /> � ���� `�, shnll puy these obliga�ionc in thc manner providcd in purugraph 2,or i(not paid in th�l manner.Bormwer shull pay�hem on ___ <br /> t ' time directly to thc penon owcJ paymcnt. Borrowcr sholl promptly fumish to Lendcr ull noticcs of umounts to be pnid under — <br /> • �'� �"������ P B p P Y Y P P Y P 6 <br /> , �4 � this nru rp h. If Barowcr makes thesc a ments directl ,Borrowcr shull rom U fumish to Lernier recei ts evidr.nrin <br /> . . ^��`� . the pnyments. � <br /> • �• •'���� Borrower shnll promptly dischurge uny lien which hns prioritv over this Security Inslrument unles.r• �-:� <br /> ' `F'• ��. . +` in w�tMg to the payment uf the obligulion securcd by the lien in u munner ucceptuble to Lender.(b)contests in good fuith U�e �••�' <br /> . .�"^� lien by,or defends against enforcement of�he lien in,Icgal pracerdings which in�he Le�xkr's opinion uperute�o prevent �he 04- <br /> '•-::, . <br />- ' � , ., ;, enforcemeut of the lien;or(c)secures from the hc�lder of the licn un ugreement sutitifuctory w Lend�r xubordin�ting the lien •.�- <br /> � t:.. to Ihis Securiry Instrument. If Lender determincs thut uny pan of thr Prop.:ny is subject w a licn which muy attuin priori�y <br /> •�°° � over this Securit Insln�ment,Lendcr mu givc Borrowrr u notice idcntifying thc lien. Borrower shall sntisfy the licn or take ��� <br /> +'1 ' ° � one or more of thl uctions sc,fonh uhovc within 10 duys of thc giving of noticc. <br /> . ' S. Har.ard or Property Insurance. Borrowcr xhull kecp the improvcmentx now existing or hercufter crected on the � <br /> • Property inxured aguin�t loss by fire, ha•r.urdx induded wi�hin thc tem�"extcnckd coverage" and any other huzuniz,including <br /> . • .• flaods or flooding, for which Lender reyuires imur•rnce. Tl�i� in.uranre shall tx�muimained in the umounte and for the _ _ . <br /> . Fi�rm102tl 9/90 I/wgr?nfAp�x�.0 � <br /> � i.�iF <br /> ' • �; <br /> .� . __. _ . 1:.�_.�.., .'.. .. .. . .. , . . . .�_..... -, ., . , �.... •a. �•!%�a���,ie�' 'tiiibir.P�iii�{�.. <br /> �.. : <br />. __–__ _ ._. .— ._"•" '. _____ <br />� __� �_�_'..•_ '".. _ . . .- <br /> i .- ----.. _ <br /> M1 <br /> . ' <br /> S• i � <br /> � . <br />