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%�x . � ___ _y __ . <br /> . . ; ;�`. ���'� ^ . _ <br /> ;= - , . <br /> -- �; - --i - --. �...... _ _ __ <br /> ► <br /> ,. <br /> .�I�. '' <br /> � <br /> ;��,;.. �� 91--= 1o�J761 <br /> �.� . <br /> - :..� <br /> TUOETHBR WITH All the impravemcntx naw or hercwfter crected on �he pmpcAy,and all cASementti,appurtenancci, <br /> --— -- and 8aturci now or hereafter o port of Ihe propeny. All rcplpcemerlts and additlons ahall wl�o bo covored by thi�Siocudty <br /> Inqrument All of�he forc�oin�i�roPemed to in thir Secudty In�wment�r thc"Propeny." <br /> -- BORROWBR COVENANTS Ihut Bortuwer ig lawfully�scised at'the eatWe hcr+eby canvcycd wid hax thc rl�hl to gmnt <br /> � '�^ rnd convey tht Propaiy and Ihet�he Property ia unencumbercd,oxcept tor encurnbrances ai record. Bormwer warrams and `_: <br /> �:t�. � � wfll defend generally the titlo to Ihe F'roperty agAinRt all ciaims�anJ demanJ�.rubject to oriy encumbrcuuea af recard. <br /> W� �'� TNIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT cambinea uniform covenants for nationnl use and oon-unifarm covenantr wflb <br /> limfted varfAtiona by ju�isdictfon ta conatitute e uniform security instniment covering rewt propeRy. <br /> �__� UNIPORM COVENAN'I S. Borrower and Lender covenant and agtce us fol luwa: - <br /> � l. PAyment of Principsl nnd lateresli Prep�yment and Late Cbwr�er. Borrower shal!promplly pey when due Iia <br /> --A^� pdncipal of and Mterest on the debt evidenced by t6c Note and any prepuymenl and late chargce due under the Nae. <br /> o-.,�.�::-..,..•. <br /> 2. Ftind9 for 7lwzes And insurance. Subject to applicable luw or to a wrltten walver by Lender.Bortower Riwll pay to <br /> - ,t,. Lender on the day mon�hly poyments are due under the Note.until the Note ie puld in full,o sum("Ftmds")for. �u)yenrly <br /> �.�� texes and assesamenta which may attain priority over this Secudty Inatrument ea a lien on the Property:(b)yearly leasahold <br /> r' •'' a ments ur und rents on the Pro rt ,if an ; (c) yearl hnzard or rty insuruncc remiuma; (d) earl flaod <br /> -- -_ — 4 Y 8ro Pe Y Y Y Pr� P Y Y _ <br /> �nsuraace premiwns, if any; (e) ycarly moAgage Insurancc premiuma,if any; wid (0 any sums payable by Borsower w <br /> � L.ender, in accardance with the provisions of pamgrnph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortguge insurunce premiums. These <br /> ��--���� items are called"Bscrow Itema." l.ender may,at any ume,collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the ma�cimum <br /> _=-,;R,��� amount a le�der for a federally related morlgage loan may require for Borrower'� escrow account under Ihe federal Real <br /> Estate Seqlement Pracedures Act of 1974 as amended from time to time,l2 U.S.C.$2601 er seq.("RESPA"),unless another <br /> .4�.b-h...�_ <br /> �,;,�.� • � lew thet applies to Ihe FLnds sets a lesser amaunt. If sa.Lender may,at any time.collect and hold Funds in at amount not la <br /> ' -= exceed the lcsser amount. Lender mey ceQmate 1he amount of Funds due on thc basis of current data and reasonabk <br /> � �y,_;f,n'n;:��;�: ;� estimatcs of expendiw�x of future Escrow ltems or otherwise in accordsmce wi�h upplicsble law. � <br /> ri:.�., ,p: The Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits arc insured by a federal agency, instrumentality,or entity <br /> —��'�',�.�;��•. (including L.ender.if Lender is auch an insNlution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay <br /> - - �:""��µ the Pscrow ltems. Lender may not charge B�rrower for holding and applying the Fu�ds, annualiy analyzing the escrow _ <br /> �:s;;s•=-�' account. or verifying the �scrow Itema, unlesa I.ender pays Borrower interest on the FLnds and applicable law permi�s -- <br /> [-g ,��. . <br /> _ �.� Lender to make such a charge. However. I.ender may require Borrower to pey u ane-time charge for an independent reai <br />"- -��L-.:.`�,�. � estate tax reporting service used by Lender in connection with this loan.unless applicable law provideg otherwise. Unless an _ <br /> - ---•: ;;-��_. _ egreement is made or applicable law rrquires intc�st to be paid,Lender shail not be required to pay Borrower eny interest a _ <br /> �-=_�,;.�,�= � camings on the Funds. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing,however.that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender <br /> '�°"'°'"'�''_'_�r� shall givc to Borrower,without chargc,an annual accounting of the FLnds, showfn�;credits nnd debits to the Funds and the <br /> ==�-�: '• �� purpose for which each debit to the�'unds was made. The Funds are pledged os wdditional securiry for all sums secured by <br /> ,.`�';r`';''��°j, Ihis 3ecudty Instrument. <br /> =�°``i==`�" �� If the Funds held by l.ender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law, Lender shall account to <br /> - -��.�:,;.�_,;_. <br /> - :,����� �;?` _� Borrower for the excess Funds in accordance with the reqwrements of applicobie iaw. Ii ihC auK,unt of ihe tunds hctd by _ <br /> Lender at any time is not sufficient to puy�he Fscrow Items when due,l,ender may so notify Borrower in writing.and,in <br /> �_�'�::� � � such case Borrower shall pay to Lender the umount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the _ <br /> =�--�� - "'��� deficiency in no more than twelve monthly paymenis,ut Lender's sole discretion. <br /> '"`-�� c Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Inswment.Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any - <br /> -:-r� � .. ��,.n�,_ <br /> ' Funds heW by Le:nder. If.under paragmph 21.Lender shull acquire or sell the Property,Lender,prior to the acquisition a �_ <br /> `�" fr �•- � ' sale of[he Pro ghell a I an Funds held b l.ender at the time of ac uisition or sale as a credit ugainst the sums <br /> '�=:,�"� :' . , .. ��'� ' pP Y Y Y Q _ <br /> ;�w�' :� secured by this Security Instrument. <br />�•'�z: ' � 3. Appllcatbn of Payments. Unless applicnble luw provides otherwise, all payments received by Lender under _ <br />- : �'� �'t� .=�.'.. � _ <br /> , �;•�:�,;;- paregrapha 1 and 2 shall be upplied: first,to any prepuyment charges due under the Note;second,to amoums pnyuble under <br /> T r�' "'"��""' paragraph 2;�hird,to iaterest due•fourth,to principal due;and lagt,to any late charges due under�he Note. _ <br />-�`.���+ •� 4. ChprQes; Liens. Borrower shnll pay all wxes, ussessmen4s,charges,�nes and impositions attributuble to the <br /> "{, <br /> � � .� PropeAy which muy attain prior�ty over this Security Instrument.and Ieasehold puyments or ground rents,if any. Borrower <br /> ,.:;';`� +�� • ahall pay�hese obligations in Ihe manner provided in psuagroph 2,or if not paid in that rnunner.Borrower shall pay them on � <br />'.�`4u� '.'"'^ :,. timc direcUy to the person uwed payment. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender all notices uf amounts to be paid under _ <br /> _�, ��:: ,• „ ' this parAgrnph. If Borrower makes these payment�direcQy, Borrower slwll prornptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencing _ <br /> �=-�;� K the payments. <br /> ''�":';:� �' .: <br /> ';'��;� , Bortower shall prompqy discharge uny lien which has priorlty over this Security Instrument unless Borrower:(a)ngrees <br /> �"�"� � in writing to the pnyment of the obligation secured by Ihc lien in a manner occeptablc to Lender.(b)contests in good faith the <br />-�.,;�;i, . _ <br />' ''��� ��� � '' �•� lien by,or defends ngainst enforcement of the lien in,legal pmceedings which in ihe Lender's opinion operute to prcvent the = <br />��"`�'+�• •�` � � enforcement af the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien en agrcement sotisfactory to Lender sulwrdinating the lien = <br /> �;=:at� •,�t' to this Security Instrument. If Lender determines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may uttain priodry = <br /> ���" .�:'`��'�" �'" � over Ihis Secudty Instrument,Lender may give Borrower a notke identifying 1he lien. Borrower xhall satixfy thc lien or take = <br /> �': ane or more of the actiong set fonh above within 10 dnys of the giving of notice, <br /> '. � S. Ha�rd or Property Insurapce. Bortowcr shull keep�he improvements now existing or hereafter erectcd on the ` <br /> , • � Property insured against loss by�re,hnzurds incluJed wi�hin the�erm "extended cover�ge"and any other hs�zards,including = <br /> ° ' floods or tlaading,for which Lender requires insurunce. This inwrunce slwll be m:►intuined in the umaunts And for�he = <br /> i <br /> . ., � <br /> . . •, I <br /> Form3D28 9I90 qwee:ojn�wgnl i <br /> � � <br /> n r <br /> �/ p . ._ _._... � _ .. . . .�..� , . . , ..�yF'+��Ri'1M� <br />- � ,`} ... .. n . . <br /> . _... �_� . 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