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i <br /> 99 1080 � 7 <br /> NO. DACA45-2-99-6070 <br /> the Environmental Protection Agency, or any Federal, state, interstate or local governmental agency <br /> having jurisdiction to abate or prevent pollution. The disposal of any toxic or hazardous materials <br /> within the premises is strictly prohibited. Such regulations, conditions, or instructions in effect or <br /> prescribed by the said Environmental Protection Agency or any Federal, state, interstate or local <br /> governmental agency are hereby made a condition of this easement. The grantee shall not discharge <br /> waste or ei�luent from the premises in such a manner that the discharge will contaminate streams or <br /> other bodies of water or otherwise become a public nuisance. <br /> b. The use of any pesticides or herbicides within the premises shall be in conformance with all <br /> applicable Federal, state and local laws and regulations. The grantee must obtain approval in writing i <br /> from said officer before any pesticides or herbicides are applied to the premises. <br /> c. The grantee will use all reasonable means available to protect the environment and natural �I <br /> resources, and where damage nonetheless occurs arising from the grantee's activities, the gantee sha11 <br /> be liable to restore the damaged resources. <br /> 19. ENVIRONMENTAL BASELINE SURVEY <br /> An Environmental Baseline Survey(EBS) documenting the known history of the property with � <br /> regard to the storage, release or disposal of hazardous substances thereon, is attached hereto and <br /> made a part hereof as Exhibit "C". <br /> 20. HISTORIC PRESERVATION <br /> The grantee shall not remove or disturb, or cause or permit to be removed or disturbed, any <br /> historical, archeological, architectural or other cultural artifacts, relics, remains or objects of antiquity. <br /> In the event such items are discovered on the premises, the grantee shall immediately notify said <br /> officer and protect the site and material from further disturbance until said officer gives clearance to <br /> proceed. <br /> 21. NON-DISCRIMINATION <br /> The grantee shall not discriminate against any person or persons because of race, color, age, sex, <br /> handicap, national origin, or religion in the conduct of operations on the premises. <br /> 22. RESTORATION <br /> On or before the termination of this easement, the grantee shall, without expense to the United <br /> States, and within such time as said officer may indicate, remove said facilities and restore the <br /> premises to the satisfaction of said officer. In the event the grantee shall fail to remove said <br /> facilities and restore the premises, the United States shall have the option to take over said facilities <br /> 5 <br />