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.%.�ill ' '�, . .�,�� I"�•r� . � � _. .. _ ^�� -�'S�t c. -_ <br /> . .._.`..far�' dL't........�. . .._ .__ _.c.r�u.L'�i�ar.►a��'._.•.. <br /> .. . _��;, j _' ' _ . .__��_._., <br /> 7 . � <br /> h.� <br /> �i��l l�__ _ _ .ul�. t . <br /> _�.�_— — <br /> :Y�''` 91--�1U5rr�e <br /> :�`� . <br /> _�:� <br /> ��_� R Ii Lender requind mort�rge in�urrn�x as r wudition of makinR ihe lau�cccurcd by this 3ecurity lnstrument, - <br /> --�m .�-, Borrower shall pvy�he premiums required to maintnin the insurance in effect w�til euch time as the requirement Por the - <br /> insurance terminutes in accardance with Bonower's and I.ender's written AQreement or applicable law. <br /> 8, liup�ctloN, Lender or its agent may malce reasonable rntries upon and inxpections of the Property.l.ender <br /> _ +GL-A• ahall give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to nn in:pection specitying reasonable cause for the inspection. � <br /> A 9. Condemiattoo, 'fhe pracads of any awArd or claim for ar connxtion with <br /> -=;_,�,;,� any condemnation or other taking oi any pan of ths Property,or for comeypnce in lieu af wndemnAtion,�re henby <br /> ---::�,��:�, assiQned and shall be paid to Lender. <br /> � � In tlu evcnt of a total taking of the Propeny. the proceeds shali be applied ta the sums securcd by this Securlry <br /> "�"T�` instrumenb whether or not then due.with any eacess paid to Horrower.In the cvent of a partipl taking oP the Propcny. <br /> —�����y��t;'�� unless Borrower and L.ender otherwise agree in writing,the sums eccurod by this Security Instrumrnt shall be rcduced by <br /> —_ ----_—-`��� the amuunt of the proceeds multiplied by the following fraction:(a) the total emount of the sums secured immediately �._ <br /> v`�'.:�.•'���,. before the taking,di��ided by(b)the fair mwrlcet value of the Property imare�isttely before the taking.Any balence shall be <br /> -~- .� .•::;� paid to Borrower. <br /> ,;.;�*�::::.�k,..�. <br /> - -��=`� �` If the Praperly is abandoned by Horrower,or if,after natice by L.ender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to <br /> �����'4�zw'•: ' make an award or settic a claim for damages,Horrower fails tp rcspond to Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is __. <br /> �� �" given,I.ender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds,at its option,either to restoration or repair oPlhe Property or _ <br /> _ :��pa�J_,- to the sums secured by this Security Inatrument�whether or not then due. _ <br /> Unles4[xnder and Aorrower otherwise agra in writing,any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or <br /> �,�` � postpane the duc date of the mont hly payments referred ta in paragraphs 1 end 2 or change the amount of such paymcnts. _ <br /> �.+..�--- • �, 10. Borrowa Not Relensed; Forbearonce By I.ender Not a Walver. Extension of the time for payment or <br /> �-��..,. ,.• „ ,;�:;�_ modificalion of amortizetion of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in _ <br /> -�� , interest of Horrower shall not operate ro release the liability of the original Borrowe�or Aorrower's successors in interest. -- <br /> °.-�T r��,�`d���a d ` i.ender shall not be required to commence procadings against any successor in interest or refuse to eatend time for _ <br /> +���`�,°� ` . ;..: �, payment or otherw�se madify amortization of the sums secured by this Security lnstrument by reason of any demand made � <br /> ,_::��„�"�,'3.,.:•,��. , � _ <br /> by the original Horrower or Horrower s successors in interest.Any fort�earance by Lender in eaercising any righl or remedy <br /> �-,� .:'.'�':,� , �.� <br />