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<br /> i,.'�' pppllcebla lew may speciPy for reinstatement)bcfon sale of t6o Prope�tY pursuent w any power of sale contained in U�lo
<br /> --- - Securlty Inslrument;or(b)enuy oP p judgment enforc[ng�hie Securlty Inetrument. Thosc conditfons are thet Borrower. (A)
<br /> — - ps�ys Lender all sums whlch then woutd be due under thia Sacu�ity Insttumant and thz Note as if no acceleralion had
<br /> --- occurnd;(b)cuns anY default of any other covenant�or�gneementa;(c)paye�11 expenses incurned in mforcin�{this Secu�iry
<br /> --� iucwment. iacluding,but not limlted to,rcasonable anorneys'fee�; and (�I)takex+u�ch action t�e l.cnder rttoy rc,�omb�y _
<br /> �"�—������ requiR to aseure that 1he lien of thia Secu�fty lnruument,Lenderg right�in the Property aed Bormwe�g obligadon w pay the
<br /> �t — _- sums seaurcd by thia Securlty Inatrument ahall condnue unchenged. Upoa reinstAtement by 8ormwer. this Securiry
<br /> Inaqument and the obligadons cecured hercby ehall remdn fully effective as if no acceleration had accun�ed. However,thi�
<br /> - ----��"�� right to rc(nstete ehall not opply in�he case of acceleration under paragraph l7.
<br /> �'��`� 19. Sale d Nok; �hs�n�e of Loan Servker. Tice Nute or a panial intcrcst in the Note(tagether wlth this Srrurlty -
<br /> -- ,,,,_ lnspument)may be sold ane or morc dmes without prior notice to Borrower. A sale may result in a change In the entity
<br /> _-� �--_._. _. � (known as the Loan Servicer)that collects monthly payments due under the Not�and this Security Instrument. There also
<br /> �. �
<br /> - may be one or more changes of the Loan Servlcer unrelated to a sale of th�Note. If there ia a change of the Loan Servicer.
<br /> -- Borrower wUl be gtven writtcn notice of the chenge in accordance with paragrnph 14 abovc and applicable law. The noticc
<br /> - 'I� will state the name and address of�he new Loan 5ervicer end ihe address to which payments should be made. The notice will
<br /> � � " al�o contain any other information r+equired by epplicable law.
<br /> -� ��-__.� Z0. Hazardaos 3ub�tiweea Borrower ehall not cause or permit the presence,use,disposal,storage,or rcleuse of any
<br /> ���4 '. Hazardous Substences on or In the Propeny. Bornawer shell not do, nor allow anyone else to do,anything affect�ng the
<br /> __,.�,,.• Property that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shell not apply to the presence,use,or
<br /> --_----•��`` storage on the Prope�ty of small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are gcnerallY recognized to bc appropriate to nortnal
<br /> �:'; residential ases and to maintenence oi lhe Property.
<br /> ---`"`` Bmrower shall promptly give Lender tivritten notice of any invesdgation,claim,demand,lawsuit or other act�on by any
<br /> �= -- governmental or regulatory agency or private pany involving the Property and ony Hazardoua Substence or Environmental
<br />- � �;�-Y.w- Law of which Borrower has actual knowleeige. If Borrower leams, or is notlfled by any govemmental ar regulatory
<br /> -°°--�-�_ authority,thet any removal or other remediation of any Hazardaus Substance affecting the Property ia necessary.Borrower
<br /> '"�'$""=�! °� shalt prompdy take all necessuy remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> :_:,,,�,��:�"'���� As used in this paragraph 20,"Hazardous Substances"are those substances defined es toxic or hazarcbus subslances by
<br /> _ ��'"'""Y^::�.:.�.:• Enviranmentel Law end 1he following substences: gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or ioxic petroleum products,toxic
<br /> ��������"t pesticides and herbicides, vdatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or formuldehyde,and radioactive materials. As
<br /> - -—.�T..,,;'�'` • used in this paragraph 20,"Environmentai Luw"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located
<br /> _���' -•a'"`�`'� ' that relate to health,safety orenvironmentel protection.
<br /> � X` °= NON-UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Borrower and Lender fuAher covenant and agree as follcws:
<br /> e.�i�r..
<br /> - '�'�� �'�'�`� �� 21. Accekradon; Remediea. l.ender ahall give notice to Borrower prior to acceleradon following Borrower's
<br /> -- �... ,
<br /> _-��---���_-°;•'= breACh ot Aay rnve�wnt or agreement in t6te Securit�Instrumeat(but not prior to eccelerAtion under paragraph 17
<br /> -- �=L^r.' unless npplicable IAw provides otherwise). The notice shall apeciiy: (a)the dePault;(b)the action required to cure the
<br /> - ��''".�".:+'..� defpulh,(c)o dote,not less thnu 30 dpys Prom the date lhe notice ie given to Borrower,by which the default muat be
<br /> - ----'�""L'":-° curedt�d id)ibwi iwiiure io cure ihe default on os bcPorc the dale spec!!!ed In the notke n+ey re�udt in acceleration of
<br /> ���� � the sums secured by thts Securhy Instrument And sale of the Property. The notice shAll fiurther inform 8orroaer of
<br /> `•�;' '' '''"''" the right to reinstate aRer acceleration And the rlght to bring e court action to ascert Ihe non•existence of a dePault or
<br /> ��'.''� '� any other dePense of Borroaer to accelerAlfon aad sole. If the default is not cured on or before the dwte specitied in
<br /> ` �,�•��• • . the notice.Lender at ifs optbn may require immedipte nayment in full ol'all sums secured by tt�is Security Instrument
<br />- ', without furiher demand and may ipvoke the power of ssde and any other remedies permitted by applicable law.
<br />��`'� ' ��"�' Lender slwll be enNtled to coNect all expenses Mcurred in pursuing the remedtes provided in this par�grAph 21,
<br />_, ,..,
<br /> '.,�:�•.; �"� including,but not Iimited to,reasonable altorneys'fees�nd costs oP title evidence.
<br /> _� �: � . .�.w..�
<br /> ' If the power of saie is invoked,7lrustee sholl record a notice of default in each county in which Any part of the
<br /> !``� �'�'"'��'���1 Property is IocAted and shall mafl copies of euch notice in the manner prescribed by applicable law to Burrower and to
<br />__.. r�t� ,,r,.�.� .
<br /> ' �.,;�;,, the other persons prescribed by applicable IAw. Afler the Iime requlred by applicable law,7lraslee shall give publk
<br /> -y�� ���� notice of sple to the persons and in!he manner prescribed by appliceble law 7lrustee.without demand on Borrower.
<br /> j}�� � ��:��� � shall sell the Property Al public auciion to the hiRhest bidder at lhe lime�nd place and under the terms designated in
<br /> - .;�' ,,, the notice ot sale in onc or more parcels and in any arder 7Yustee determines. 71�ustee may poslpone sale oP all or any
<br />_� �;'" :�_ t,;,. - parcel of the Property by public announcement ut the time aad plare of any previously scheduled x�le. Lender or its
<br /> �-.,;;���� .. ' � desiRnee may pnrclwse the Property at eny sale. �
<br />•-.=.:�:� � -�-��: ' Upon recefpt of payment uf the price bfd�71-uslee sholl deliver to Ihe purchaser Trustee s deed conveying the
<br /> ``_.� , ;; �.- � Property. The recitals in the'Ilrustee's deed shull be prima iacie evidence oP the trufh of the statements mAde therein.
<br />-,::�y;:� •Y . 1Ynalee sAall wpply Ihe proceeds of the sale fn the folbwing order: IA1 to All cosls end expenses of exercLviog 16e power
<br /> a,ni :r>'' ' .
<br /> ::3;�,^,..� ;� . ... .
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