+ ....,� . . ._....... .....- __ . _ .�i . ' _r_ ^
<br /> - .--,�.--� 91-- , .
<br /> , �. 105'739 .
<br /> - ----- -- ot Mle.�nal Ibe wk�Iqcluding fhe paymeat ot Ihe'f}uotee9 fee��ctu�llq tncnmed,ad to e�cceed 3•Q Sfi�t • �. .
<br /> Ib�priacipal wntoun!ot Ibe nde rt the time oi the decinr�tlon of default,ond raeonable attorneye'fees u�tlted
<br /> by I�wi(b)to�11 wau Mcur�d ey thd Security l�ctruo�ent;rad(c)�y e�to tht penon ar p�rsow N�1 y e�Wkd
<br /> a u.
<br /> _ . 22. Rteostv�ranee. Upon paymtret of aN s��m� �unxi hy ehir�Security Insuument�Lender stwQ reque�t 7tuata to
<br /> _—_ ___ i+ecanvoy the Properiy and eb�ll aumenckr this Secudty lnsttu�aent md all notea evidencing debt secund try thie 3xurity
<br /> _— Inatrument to'ftu�ta. 7tustce shall rcconvcy thc Propesty without wa�rranry and witiKwt chArQc to the percnn or persons
<br /> k��lly entltled to it. Such penon or pc�sonr shall pay uny r�cordeticm cos4a.
<br /> � Z3. Substttute 7lruriee. Lender,at its aption,may from time ta time r�emovc 9tuctee wnd appoint A eucce�or watx to
<br /> - ---_ -- __' any'fi�uslev rppulnt�xl irereunder by an insqvrn�nt recardcd in the counry !n which this Secudty instrument is recorded
<br /> Without eonveyance of the Property.the succeacor uuua �nll succeed to all Ihe title, power and dutier ew�femed upc�n
<br /> __.� 7turtee hercin uad by applicable law.
<br /> 24. Reqttest far Ndlces. Bonower rcqueals that coplea of the notices of default and sale be sent to Borrower'r address
<br /> _ which is Iha PrapeRy Address.
<br /> ?�S. Riders to tbis Secu�Ity lnstrumenf. If one or more rideB are executed by Barrower and recorded rogether with
<br /> `� this Secu�ity Inslrument.the covenants and agreements of each auch r�der shall be incorpurated inlo end ahall amend and
<br /> - -- r�upplement lhe covenancs and a�eements oi this 3ecuriry Instrument ws if ihe rider(s)were a paR of this 3ecusity Instrumrn�
<br /> s,,� (Check�ppUc�ble box(es)1
<br /> --_ �AdJuatable Rate Rider �Ca�dominium Rider �I-4 Family Rider
<br /> �i
<br /> =� �CCiraduated Pny�aent Rider �Plonned Unit Development Rider �Biweekly Payment Rider
<br /> �� �H�Iloon Rider �Etate Improvement Rider �Second Home Ridar
<br /> _�_� �O�herls)[$P�ifYl Acknowledgment
<br /> _:',� , BY SI(3NING BELOW,Borrower accepts and agrees to the tem�a nn covenants co ned in this Securky Inatrument
<br /> and in any dder(s)executed by Horrower and r+ecorded with it.
<br /> ����.� Wilnessea:
<br /> r�r.a
<br /> •':-:� ����
<br /> � Donald C. D rs 5Q7-62-0797eonowc►
<br /> °=_��1,:� Sociai Security Num r
<br /> .�s,r��,�r�..: ; 1 (Seaq
<br /> _±'-�� �. assendra ers .Botrower
<br /> - -g�'' Social Security Number 505-82-0657
<br /> �.MP.�,�,-+
<br /> "�' .. STATE OF NEBRASKA, Hal l County ss:
<br /> �- .a:��'.b
<br /> —�� ; p��iy 30th day of August 1991 before me,the undersigned.u Notary Public
<br />-- �:_.�"!�'�,..� .
<br /> � """'�• duly commissioned und qualified for seid county,personally came Oonald C. Diers and Cassendra
<br /> --�_�,.�.,:_•.
<br /> 3�'i�; ,; OIers� band and wife ,to me known to be the
<br />--�""°!"?�_d4�+'" ' � identicpl rso s)whose narr�e(s)nre sub.scribed to the foregoing instrument and uckno dged the ezecudon thereof to
<br /> -=-=��u"�,; _ be voluntnry act nnd deed.
<br /> ���''��'"� Wi � ;,. r.otariul seal at Gr�and Islend, ka in seid county,the -
<br /> —+°"'-�'=° date afore ,i�.�h���'r1 q
<br /> ---�^°�•�` MyCommissio ���/�
<br /> —�:�"S�S:;�'�" � �.+ Notary Publk -
<br /> 'r_;�+,�*3'�' �. . .q
<br /> -:==�;,.� $ � REQUEST FOR RECONVEYANCE
<br />----_w.�� �.A TOTRUS7'EE: l�s+
<br /> ` ;,;;- - • The undersigned is the f the note or notes secured by this Deed of'Iivst. Sald note or notes,togethcr with all
<br /> - '�":_��t,,;� other indebtedness secured by t of 7Yust,huve been paid in full. You ure hereby directed to cnncel said note or notes
<br />��-��;��.:;;�„ sind this Deed of'Itust, which are delivered hereby,and to rcconvcy,without warranty,all the estate now held by you under
<br />= ���='''v this Decd of 7i�ust to thc penon o►persons Icgally entitled lherCto.
<br /> •�.�T • ,.
<br /> .°�°'--.,
<br />- . . Date:
<br /> . Morn J02B 11190 flwRt A njA puRes!
<br /> �wt;.
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