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<br /> ��1!..��,v.. -_•._....c�,r�
<br /> -.� 91- �05�39 �_
<br /> �
<br /> `--'�si`�—' cnndemnAtion or other t�lcing oi any pun ui il�e RrupCny,ur fur c�Hwuyuncc in licu of condcmnatfon,urc hereby wcsi{�ned und --
<br /> sholl bo pnid to Lender.
<br /> .. in the evrnt of u totol tuking nf ihr Propeny. �hc �a,eeda .rh�ll Fx� upplieJ �o the r+umx r�ecured by IhiK Securf�y
<br /> —� • Instrument,whcther ix not tl�en due,wUh rny cxccxx puid�o Borrowcr. lo Ihc c�ent uf u par�iul�akin�uf the Pmperty in
<br /> __ __ ______-_ - which ihc falr markc�vulue of Ihc Property immcdiutcly bcfon;lhc tukina ir cyual t���r Qrcuter thun Ihe amuum of�he xumx
<br /> secured by�hiK Secu�fry InKtniment immedfu�ely hefi,re�ho taking,unle.rx 8orn�wcr und Lcndcr utherwi�c u�rcu in w�ilinQ, `-
<br /> ���-� tha Kums n�cumd by ihix Sccurhy Instn�rncnt rhall hc rcduccd My �hc umoum uf�hc pn�ced�muUiplicJ by thu folluwing
<br /> ' --- 1'ractlon: lul lhc tutul um�wm of ihc xum��cuRd immcdiuicly ixfim Ihc luMing,Jivided hy Ibl�tk�f'uir murkc�vuluo o!Ihc
<br /> = F�roperly �mmediutcly ixfure�he IukfnR, Any bul��ncc whull he pr�id �a NuROwcr. In ihr cvem of u puniul tuking of�he
<br /> --.�_--___�-_-� E'rupcny in which �hr 1'uir markct wd«r�.f�hr F'm�•rty imm��df�ii�•ly Ix�li�rr dk tuki���i�Ir+r�hun�iw umuum af'thc xu�nx � --.
<br /> -- necured imnMdia�ely bcfi�rc thc laking,un1c�� Nurn�wcr und L�nder�NlK�wiK ugrcr in writin�t or unles� upplfcuhic law
<br /> olhcnvl`e providc�.,liw pnwceJx�hull ix upplfcd tu Ilx eumr�rured Uy tbi�5crurlly In*Irumcnl whc�hcr��r nW�ho xumK aro
<br /> � :� then duc.
<br /> _,��:., If tFu Pmperty iti uhwtduneJ hy Borri�wcr,�+r il',ulicr nutice by l.ender u�Burn�we�thu�ihe cundemnor��ffi:n t�mAke
<br /> �,�.=.,Y,�: un uwurd cx M:tdc u cluim fi►r dumugcx,Borrowcr i'uils a�rc+pond a�I.cndcr wUhin 31►duyh uticr thc dutc Ihe n�►tice is g{ven,
<br /> �'�' .. Lender ia uu�hurired w collcc�uud upply �hc pnx:er�l�,ut Ux i�p�ion,cithcr tu rc+torulian ur�epuir ol'Ihe Pimperty or�a thc
<br /> =�_�� _:�� sum�r,ecured by�hiK Securiry Insuumem, whether ur nut then due.
<br /> ��•.' Unfe+�L�nder und BuROwer othervvi�e ugror in wrhing,uny appliculion of proceeds ta principul xhull not extend or
<br /> -�"'�-" ' poslpane�he due da�e of�hc mumhly puy�ncn►x refcrred to in pu�ugruph� I und?ar chungc thc amount of tiuch prymenix. _
<br /> --° ll. Barrower Nut Rele�edt For6ewmnce By I.endcr Not u W�iver. Extennian uf the time far payment ar
<br /> =—� modificutiun of'omonixutian af Ihe.rumw sccurcd by thix Sccurity Ins�rument grnnled by Lender to any sw:resxor in inleresl
<br /> —�"_•;�•• uf Borrower shull noi oper.�te to rcleuse the liubility of'the orlginul Borrower or B�wrower�succetiw� in interast. Lcnder �_
<br /> --�-,,, xhull n�t be reyuir+ed to commence proceedFngx uguimt uny xucce++ar in interes�or refuse to extend time for puyment ur
<br /> " othenvi�e madify amonizution af ihe sums secured by�hiti Secu�ity Inztrument by reu.r•an of any demand muda by the original
<br /> ---'
<br /> � —� '�°' = Horrower ar Borrower ti successors in interest. Any farbcamnce by Lcnder in rxrrcixing w�y riglN or remedy shuil ncx be u °—
<br /> -S°�=� �_-,�� Y'` waiver of or preclude the excrcise of any right or remedy. —
<br /> 'O'�G� ' 12. Successore and Assigns Bound;Joint pnd SevcrAl l.iabilily:Co-Aigners. The covenunts und u�reen�em,of thi�
<br /> �ti .t.�.�«..
<br />���� • Security Inxln�ment shull bind und bene�l the zucce.�on und us.igns of'Lender and Borruwer,xubject u�the provisions of
<br /> •f+r;�
<br /> �•° paragraph 17. Borrower's covenantx und agreemems,hall lx.joint und xeverul. Any Borrower who ro-xign.thi�c Security
<br /> '�Rl���i, ,.
<br /> _��}�� � . Instrument bu�does not execute the Note: lu)is co-signing thiti Securiry Inxtniment only to mortguge,grunt und convey that
<br /> .�,:?�ii�r�r•».-"� Borrower c interest in the Poopeny under the terms of this Security Ins�rument; (b)i�not�rsc►nally obliguted ta puy the zum+
<br /> , � ��f secured b this Securit Ins�rument;und(c)u rees thut Lender und un other Borrowcr ma u ree ta extcnJ,mociif fi�rtkar ---
<br /> ---�;;�;.: .. Y Y G Y Y 8 Y• --
<br /> ��'�'-•-�;�y,,.' or muke any accommodutions with regu�d �o �he termn of this Security In��rument or the Note without that BoROwer:v
<br /> Y�� conacnt.
<br /> ����� �.
<br /> .� �.�. ';,; . -•� 13. Loan Charges. If thc luan xecured by �hh Securily Inxlrument ix subject io u luw which scls muxim��m loan
<br /> _�"����.. charges,und thut law is finally interpreted so�hat the inter�st or rnher loun churgex colkc�ed or to be co0ec�ed in connec�ion
<br /> _ _ --- a�.;_�_z with thc loan exceed the permitted limits, �hen: (ul uny xuch loun charge xhall be reduced by the um�wnt necesxury to reduce
<br /> - _ - . 1he charge to 1he permined limit;und(b)any cumx nlmady colk�teJ from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be
<br /> ,—�� :•'"�:• rePunded to Borrower. Lender muy chon�e to muke this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by muking u
<br /> =��` '�' � direc�payment to B�rrawcr. If A refund reducex prinripul,thc reduclion will hc treatcd a�u purtiul prepuyment withnut any
<br /> _,,
<br /> ''�'•F. �" `"F' " :. • prepuyment churge under the Notc.
<br /> =. ' '�: . ' 14. Notices. Any notice �o Bormwer provided for in thi�Securiry Intitrument tihull be given by delivering it ur by
<br /> ��` muiling it by firx�cluxti mnil unlexs applicablc luw rcquirc�usc ut'unother mrthod.The notice shall he direc�ed to the ProEx:hy �.
<br /> ° '`�� � �` Addrexs or uny other addres.Borrower dexignutex by nolice to Lrndcr. Any noticc lo Lender shull be given by Pint rluss �,_
<br /> ����� � '7��,.�:� muil to Lendcr c uddrcsx sluted hercin�x uny olhcr uildres,��nder dr.ignutc.by naice�o Burmwcr. Any notice provideJ for �
<br />_;.� ;..'. • �� in thix Securiry Ins�rument shull be�k.�m�:J to huve becn given to Borrower or Lendcr wl�en given u. provideJ in this �`-==
<br /> _"�� ��:;� ' .•..:.... pnrogrnph. �
<br /> _ '` ;,�'- • • 1S. Governing Law; Severubillly. 'I'hi� Securiry In�trunxnt �hull hc govcrncJ by feJerul luw und �hc luw of the
<br />.t.f��.. �4..�
<br /> �_;c: •�,�+ . _ ju�isdiction in which thc Propeny ia kxated. In 1hc cvcnt thut uny pmvi.ion or cluu.r of this Securi�y Inrtrument ur the Note
<br /> _ _ ._,�:. � conQicts wilh upplicuble luw,xuch conllicl.hull not ul'f'ec�othcr pruvi,ion.uf this Securily Instniment or the N�ne which cun
<br /> _ � be givcn effect withaut thc cnnflicting pmvi.ion. To this enJ Ihe provixiom ot'�his Sccurity Intittument und the Note nre �
<br />__ µ- r "' declared to he+everuble.
<br /> -;.�� 16. Borrower's Copy. Borruwcr�hrll he givrn unr cantiirnicd ropy of Ihe Note und of Ihis Securi�y Ins�rument. ----
<br /> _ri'�;����'-�" • 17. 'IYnnafer of the Pruperly or r Beneficiul lnterert in Borrower. If ull or imy purt of Ibc Pm�xny or any intcrczt in �
<br /> � ���:.
<br /> �ir:,;; ,:�..,,;.� il is sold or trunrfemed(or if a imneficiul imercx�in gornrwcr i..oIJ ur trunstcmmd unJ Bormwer i. uo�u nuturul �x:r�onl �;1_
<br /> i•,--, , witlwut Lenderk prior wriuen consent,Lendcr may,ut i�,option,reyuirc immrJiule puymcnl in fuU of ull sumti securcd by
<br /> _,_,�, �.�,� '�° this Securily Instrument. Howrvcr,this��pli�m.hall nat he cxerci�rd by Lrnder ii'errni�e i,prohibilcd by tederul luw us of �-_-
<br /> ._,�,,�� �• �r the date of ihis Security In��rument.
<br /> -_':;�� -:... .` . If Lender exereisex�his optinn,l.cnckr.hull give Burmw�er n�uice of accelrruli�m. Thr nolice shull pn�viJr:��riai of �r'
<br />�'�=�r w. � not les�thun 3Q duy.frum the Jute thc�x►�icc is Jclivercd iK muilyd�vilhin which Burro��cr tnu�t puy ull.wns ucured by thix
<br /> _ •`''.� , Securi� Instrumrn�. If Borcowcr fuil� tu r �hc.c �unn rior Ii�Ihr rx irutiun ot'Ihis ri�xi. Lcnder mu mv�ike •rn ==
<br /> �'�:•• . ° Y r'Y r r Fx Y � Y �
<br /> . •• remedie�pem�iueJ by thi�S��urily Im�rumem wilhout 1'unikr nutire or JemanJ on Born�wer. �•
<br /> ,� � � 18. Borrower's Ri�ht tu Reinstu�e. If liurcawrr nxr�. rrnain rundiliun+, B�xrow•rr.hall huve �hc righ� lu huvr
<br /> ,, .. __ enfiircemem of thix ti�curi�y In.trumcm di�r�aninurd a� am timr prior ta thr rarlier ol': lul S Jay.Ior.urh dher�xriixi ux
<br /> �. , tiinglrl�anul�..Fa�nNc�luc�FnWdie�fucl\IPIIR�fI\ti'fRl'�IF.\'f -Ilidami�'u�rnam. 4/y0 qwie.•�,�/n��,i,�,•�i �—�
<br />. j .. ��-ir.
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<br /> - „ � �_ .
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