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�,������ . . . '..'P. ^�,� �?+� . � :;-__.T���_ <br /> �I+, <br /> , ^ <br /> ._��I... .. _`�'S%�--- <br /> _.�k ____.. .� � �MU ' _ <br /> _"�__ -'_ ...__....r.,1 .. -. _"` <br /> Q� ',1�� ^ { , —.� , <br /> ��..� <br /> -�,�,� ; 91-�-�0 5'7�9 � -, <br /> —;�� TQ(iETHER WITFI all the imptovements now or hereafter erecte�i on the propertY.iuid bll rr��� ��tn,uppu oonces. � <br /> �—'- and fiature�now or hereaftcr a part of Ihe property. All aplacements and additian�shpll alco ba covercd by thlr Securiry <br /> °'----� In�rument. All af�he foregoing ia referred to in�h ia S ecu�iry Inspumen t as i he"P ro p e rt y." <br /> � BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully scised aP the eatatc hereby comcycd and hax the right to�nt <br /> --- nnd wnvey the!'mper[y and that the Property ie�unc�nwuikrzd,except far encumbrances of recard. Horruwer wenentx encl <br /> ..�� wNi defend generaliy the titic to the Propeny ugnfnst all claims and demaods,RubJect�o pny encumbrancea of record �� <br /> - -- TtliS SECURITY IN3TRUMENT combineR unifnrm cnveoants for national use and non�uniform cavenant� with <br /> ' `„r;'� Ifmited variadona by judsdiction ro constitute a uniform security inawment covering real properly. <br /> � UN1FnRM COVENANTS. Hortower und Lencier covenant and agrce us follows: w,hen duc Ihc � <br /> -"-�� 1. Payment ot Principal And Interesti Prepayment and Lote ChnrQes. Borrower shall promptly pay <br /> -�-�� - �r. principal of and imerest on the debt evidenced by the Note and uny prepayment and late chargeR due under the Note. <br /> -•'`���_�.•n 2. �unds tor 7bxes aod Insuronce. Suhject to applicai+le law ar to u wriucn wniver by L.ender.Borrower shall pay w <br /> = rr.' <br /> - a -' I.cnder on thc day manthly payments ure due under the Note.until the Nate is poid in full.u sum("FLnds") for:lu)yearly <br /> `"�"`-°�•- � ' taxes and assessmenta which may attein priority over this Security Instrumenl as u lien on Ihe Properiy;lb)yeurly leusehald <br /> '°�A.����- payments or ground rent�an the Propeny. if any: (c) ycurly hsizard ar pn►perly insuram:c pmmium�; Id) ycurly floud <br /> � �� ',; '� insurance premiuma. if any; (e)yea�ly mortgoge insurance premiuma. If uny; and l� any tiumx puyable by Borrower to <br /> =��� Lender,in accardence wi�h the provisione af purngroph 8,in licu of the puymem of monguge inxurunce prcmiums. TheKe <br /> �"'''"'�� items are called"P.scrow Itemg' l.ender may,at any time,cullect und hald Fundy in un umau�l n���o ezcced�he muximum <br /> _.----:��+ � amoum a lender for a federully rclnled mortgagc Icwn muy mquit�e Por Borrawcrk e�crow ucawm undcr the fedcrol Rcul <br /> - �•�'�'� Eswte Senlement Pror.edurcg Act of 1974 o.r•amended from timc to time,12 U.S.C.�26111�l se�y.("RESPA"1.unlcs.r an�whcr _ � <br /> --"' law�hat appliec ta�he P1�nd�:ce�s u Ie��r amoum. If sa,Lender muy,a�uny�ime,cullec�und h�ld FunJr in un um�wnt nw w - <br /> -- -''�' exceed thc lesser emount. �ender may e.timute �hc umuun�af Fundx due on Ihc hurin iif curtcrn datw und reuwnublc _ <br /> - h•;�:,.;°:��;;- estimetes af eapenditu►e�of fu�ure Escruw Ilems�tt rnherwise in ucc�wdance wBh upplicuble law. <br /> ._ a�['�..;��:`�� • � The FLnds sla{I be held in an Inatilutian whn�c dcpoxUx urc insurcd by u federal up,c�cy,Mx�Nmentalily,ar cnli�y _ <br /> ��F:.��•'�!�°' Uncluding L.ender,if Lcndcr is xurh an inslitullan)or in ony Federul Homc Luun Bank. Lendcr�hull apply ihc Funda la puy <br /> ��»� '`'' � Ihe Escrow Items. l.ender may not churge Barower for holding und applyhig Ihc Fundw,annually unulyiing Ihe eticrow <br /> -�— �� ��' � account,or verftyfng the Egcrow Items,unlesa Lender puys Borrower intcrest an the Fundx und upplicable luw permits <br /> r �\4i�+��` ' Lender to make such o chnrge. However,Lender may require Borcower ta pay a ane•time churge far un independent rcul <br />�����s�� ` � estatc tax reporting servicc uacd by Lendcr in cannection wilh this loan,unless upplicuble law provWes utherwise. Unless un __ <br /> �e:•:,��'a� <br /> _._�j��• agrecment is mede or applicable law rcquires interect ta bc puid,Lender shull not be required to pay Borrawer uny interest or <br /> =���� eamings on the PUnds. Barrower and Lender muy Agme in writing,however.ihut intercst ahall be p�id on the Funds. Lender <br /> shall grve to Bortower,without chs�rge,nn annunl uccounting of the FLnd�s,Khowing credits and debits ta the Fund.+nnd Ihe <br /> "';�� f`••--,}��=': purpose for which each debit to�he Funds was mudc. The Funds nm pledged us udditional securiiy for all sums secured by - <br /> ��� } this Securiry Instrument. <br /> ,�,b7�ii►<., f�,; If 1he P1�ndx held by Lender exceed the nmounts permitted to be held by applicuble luw,Lender shall uccount to T_ <br /> - - ° Bu�iower for thc cxccss Fund:tn accordane�with sl�e requiremrntv nf epplicable law. If!he amount of'Ihe Funds held by <br /> _ •:� '�" �� ' . Lender at any time is not sufficient to pay the Escraw Ilem� when due,l.ender muy so notify Borrower in writing,and,in -�.. <br /> .e+.ti.2r:, . <br />��1.�: ,�.: such case Horrower shall puy to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Bortower shall make up the - <br />-- S deficiency in no more thun twelve manthly puyments,ut Lender's sole discretion. _ <br />`';�:,,� rt Upon payment in full of ull sums secured by thi+Security Ins�rument. Lendcr shs►II promptly refund�o Borrower any <br /> - '.'� Funds held by Lender. If,under parngruph 21,Lender shall ucquire or sell the Prapeny.Lender,prior to�he acquisition or <br /> - ''�`� : � xale of the Property. shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of s�cyuisition or sale us u credit ugains�Ihe tiums �= <br /> ' � secured by this Security Instrument. <br /> '" �: � 3. Application of Payments. Unless upplicuble luw providex atherwise, ull puyments received by Lender under � <br /> ���+��- .. � hs I und 2 shall bc u lied:first,to uny prcpuyment charges due under the Note;secund,lo umounts p•ryuble under �'' ^._ <br /> t,z,. ,�, paragrap PP <br /> _ �. , purAgrnph 2:third,to interest due;fourth,�o principnl clue:and laxt,to any lute charges due under the Nate. <br />_. � �: . 4. Charges; I.lens. Borrower shall pay ull tuxes, usseKSmentx,churges. fincs und impositions auributable to�he _. <br /> :.,�� ;,,' . properly which muy anuin priority over this Security Instrumen4 smd Icucchold paymen�s or ground rents,if uny. Borrower <br /> _ ,,;�,; . ;� °' shall puy these obligA�ions in thc manner provided in parugruph 2,or if na paid in that manner,Borrower shnll pay them on `�; <br /> - . p�„., , time directly to thc person uwed puymcm, [iormwer shull prumptly fumish to Lrnder all notices of umounts to be paid under � _ <br /> ,w, .. .;�,.. • ;�... this pnragrAph. If Barower makcs�hese puymems directly, Barrawer xhull prompUy fumish to Lender receipts evidencing <br /> .' � � Uie puyments. - <br /> -�� �.. ' Borrower+hell promptly dischurgr uny licn which hus priurity over this Security Inx�rument unless Bomower:la)ugrees � <br />-'c;l°*"� '" o in writing to the paymen[of'the obligution secured by the lien in a mnnner accepinble to Lender.(b►contests in good fuith the <br />� ,.. . lien by,or defends uguins�enforcement of the lien in,Icgal pracecding�which in thc Lcndcr: opinion operote to prevent thc -- <br /> enforcement oF the lien;or lcl secums from the holder oF the licn an ugrcement.ati�factury to l.ender subardinating the lien — <br /> � � , ' . to this Secudry Inatrument. If Lender determines thut uny part of the Property is subjec�to a lien which muy uttain prioriry <br /> '-, � over this Security Instrument.Lcnder mny givc Borrowcr u noticc identifying�he ticn. Borrower slwll xatixfy the Ilen or take <br /> ' ' one or more of the uctiana set fonh above within 10 duy+oi the givin�nf notice. <br /> � ���" S. HAZard ur Property InsurAnce. Borrowcr shull keep thc impruvcmcnls now existing on c�re:�iter erected on thc � <br /> Property insured ogt+inyt loss by tirc,huzurda included within the Icrm"cx�ended rovrragc"und uny olhcr ha•r.ards,including <br /> " " floods or flooding, for which Lender reyuircs insurunce. This in�urance �hull 6c muintained in the umaunts wid for the <br /> �l � <br /> , FwaJ02B 9/90 1/s�u�•:nfn p,xe�� �-•-i=- <br /> . � <br /> . � <br /> . � <br /> . • �� i <br /> . � � ,3+w-w�F,u:.s+_�;�r <br /> . f ' . <br /> y ., , <br /> • .. `� <br /> � ' <br /> 1 <br /> Y + <br /> .{ � I <br /> j : � <br />