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��,, <br /> ��,�.,- . ^ ' --_- .__-��.._. . ._ . .�._.-..-�,- .__�,-�,��rcn - <br /> . • , .x � - ••-— <br /> 93� iossss <br /> TOCiBTHEJt WITN�II�he improvemaia now or hot��iter erxtad on cM property.�nd�fl easemrna.�ppurtemnca. <br /> and tixw�a nnw or hererAer�p�rt ot Ihe plop�orty, All rapl�a�aenb�uid�ddiilaet�hall a1RO bs cnvand by U�S�curit�r <br /> lawnknt. All of�he toro;oin�I�rofined a in t�i�Saaurity Imtrument�u�he"PmPeitY." <br /> BORROWBR COVBNAN7'S thn Botrowar ir I�wfully sai�ed of the eat�te tw�by oonvcyod�!Mu the�i�ht W�►t <br /> �nd canvey thaP�p�ty�nd thst�he Property l.unancumberod�except fcx encumbr�uxes ot cocoM. E�orrower w�rrona aad <br /> wiU defe�d ja�aliy the dIk to the PtopeAY�dnK�II cl�inu�nd demmds,wbJea to�ny encumbnu�ce�oP rocard. <br /> --�--�-�----� TH13 SECURiTY lNSTRUMI?NT canl+inea unifam covenmta fa n�tionvl use and na►-unitorm covawr�tc wlth <br /> ttar�ed�.rt.don�by)urt�ccion a conutcu�e a uniPam xcu�ity inidument eaverinQ ral propeety. <br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. 8onower u�d Lendar covan�nt and�roe ws followa: <br /> 1. Paymeot o�Prieeipd and leterati ��'P�l�nt ard Late Cb�a. Borrowcr�hall PromptlY W►Y when due tha <br /> princi of and interoat at the debt evidenced by tha Note and�ny prop�yment w►d luc oharges due undcr tho Note. <br /> � I+Y�nds tor 71�xee�d Iasuira�ce. SubJect W�ppfia�ble!aw or to a written w�iver by Lender.Horrower shAll p�y to <br /> Lra�r w�titia day monthtY WYments acc duc undcr tha Note.untU tPie Nae is paid in fall,n��m("Plmrlx")fix:(a)ye��ly � -_- <br /> tues u�d�ssessmenta which may tUtein pdority over thie Securlry Inetrumeni as a lian on tha Property;(b)yearly leasehold <br /> WYmenta or ground r�nts on the Pinpeny, if any:(c)Yearly hozard or property lnsurance p�+emlums; (d) Yeuly flood <br /> insursnce prcmiums. if any: (e) yesrly mortgage inRU�nce premiums. if any;end (fl any aums payable by Borrowcr w <br /> Lrnder,in accordance wlth the provisions of paragroph 8,in lieu of Ihe payment of mortgage insurance piemiums. These <br /> itana u�e called"Escrow Items." Lender any time.collect end hold FLnds in en amouot not to excad the m�ucimum <br /> emou�n a lender for a federally related mortgage loan may require for Borrower�escrow accaunt under the federal ReAI <br /> F�tate Seulement Procedures Act of 1974 as amended from tlme to time.12 U.S.C.$26(Il e�seq.(„RBSPA").unlecs another <br /> --_ law thet applles to tho Funds sets a lesser amount. if so.Lende� any time.collact end hald PWnds in an amount not to <br /> - e�ceed the lesser �unount, Lender mey esdmatB the Amount of Pu�ds due on the basis of curtent data and reASOnable <br /> - eplmates of expendiwt�¢s of futurc�ow Itema or otharwisci in accordance with applicable law. <br /> The fU�ds shall be held in an instltulion whvsc depasits are insured by a federal agency, insatiunentality.or endty <br /> (inclading Lender.if I.ender ic such au�onatitudon)ar in any Fedaral Home Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the PUnds to pay =___ <br />`"°: a':, the Escrow�tema. l.ender may not charge Horrowe� for holding and applying the �nds,annually analyzing the esctow , <br /> �,. <br /> �i:. 5,� accaunt, or verit�ing the Escrow ltems, unless Lxnder pays Borrower interest on the fimds and appllcable law pemtits _ <br />=,q ,4j Leader to make such a charge. However,l.ender may taquire Bmrower to pay a one•time charge far an independent rcal =_ <br /> b� ealate tax reporting service used by l.ender in connecpan with thia loan,unless applicable law provides otherwisc. Unless en <br /> ,,.,,f:; agreement is made or applicable law requires intereat to bc paid,Lender ahall not be required to pey Eorrower any lnterest or <br /> ,?��' eaminga on the Funds. Borrower and l.ender may agee in writing.however.that interest shall be paid on the Funds. I.ender <br /> ,��,,,���. shali give to Borrowcr,without charge,an annual accounting of the Flinda,showang credits and debita lo tha�nds and the = <br /> � pwpose for which each�debit to the Funds was made. The I�lmds are plsdged as additional securiry for•all sume secwed by <br /> - -- �� thls Stcer�ty Instn�m�nt, <br /> '., • � .r;,:;�i; lf tha Funds held by Lendor excecd the amounte permittsd t�ba held by oppliaeblo law. Lender shall account.i4 <br /> +' ;jia�.=t;�:..�; Barowar for U�e excass Funds in aacordancc wlth�ha rcquiremente of appliaubla lew. If the amount of thc Funds hald b�� <br /> ' '•�"r Lrnder at any time is not suf�cicnt to pay Ihe Egcrow Items wh�n dua,t,end�r muy so n�tify Borrower in writing.and,in - - <br /> �;�• such casc Bomowcr shall pay to Lendcr Ih� amount nccesswy to make up Ihe deficiency. Bomnwer ehall make up Ihg <br /> . � �,�,,� deficiency in no more thun twclve monlhly puymenta,at i.enderk sola diccrction. <br /> • ; Upon payment in full of ull swms securcd by Ihix Sccudty InRlrument, Lender gholl promptly r�efund to Borcower any <br /> .-.; FLnds held by I.ender. If,under parngruph 21.L.cndcr nhull acyuirc�x r�ell thc PropcAy.I.cnder,prior to thc acquitiition or <br /> , 3��rpa��:�•:'xfi.N� sale of the Properry,shall apply uny I'�ndw held by l.rnder ot�he time of acquisiliun or xole as e credit u�ai��t Ihe sumx <br /> '�^`-'..�''r •: ° saured by this Secu�iry In��rumrn�. _ <br /> a•��'• "��'!` 3. A Ilcatlon at Pa menfs. Unless u licoble I�w rovides olherwixe,ull n ments rcceived b L.ender under <br /> ,,,�.;,:;�„ PP Y pp P P Y 9 0.._ <br /> ,: .:::.�:•'.�... . paragraphe! and 2 shnll bc applied: uny prepuymenl chargoc duv undcr tho Nwc;sccond,to amounls puyable under <br />';T," �4`',..'., ' ;'',.° paragmph 2;third,to inte�est due;founh,to principo!duc;nnd lnst,�ta any lut�churge�c due under the Note. _ <br /> �:....,, - • a � �-- <br /> :�.� 4, Chorges; Llens. Bomn►ver shall pny all Inxes, asyersmantF�, chargec. finec and�impositions atufbuteble to the <br /> `"°"� � � Propetty which may attain prlority over thf6 Secu�ity Instrumem�and�laasehold paymomH ar ground�+en�s,if eny. Bomower <br /> -if�`,-• ^ •' •- <br /> _ ,�,;.�,:,, _. '�`;:�, shall pay these obligations in the munncr providcd ir�Saragraph:�,or if nol puid in thAt mnnner,Borrower sha!!pay them on �_ <br /> � • � �`����' time direcdy to the person owed puymem. Borrowershall�promptly fumish to Lender all notices of nmounts to be paid under <br /> ��°"'"^'''` �' `•' this peragraph. If Borrower mnkes ttiese paymenta dir�eclly,Burrower shall promptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencing �T� <br />• . °,.3,xr��.��, thc payments. <br /> � ... . �• . '.1:��'.� _ <br /> � . ; �:;::'•..'��. Borrower shall promptly dixharge any lien which has priority over thia Security Instrument unless Borrower:(a)agrees �°''°" <br /> "� ,�:.t,.%;r�:: ;� - <br /> _ .,t jn writing to the payment of the obligntion�ecured by the lien in u munner accepwble to Lender;(b)contests in good faith the <br />'`�;'. �'�"�;}�,k',-..,��:._�if��l�h.' Nen by,or defends against enforcement of the Ifen in,legal proceedings which in the Lender�opinion operate to prevent the �= <br /> i.��.: (,;l.rfA,,; �, • :i2-:: <br /> _ . ,,,�.; .�a,_•.. , �y. '•. enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of�he lien an og►eement sa�isfactory to Lender subordinating the Ilen <br /> � �,, k:� <br /> .�i;;;� � . to this Securiry Instrument. If Lender determines that any pan of the Property is gubject to A lien which may attain priority <br />'-7,_. '�' over this Security Instrument,Lender may give Borrower a notice idenlifying the lien. Bortower shall sa�isfy the lien or take � <br /> — ,,; r '' .:� "•. one or more of the actions set fonh above wilhin 10 days of the giving oF naice. <br />