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1. . . -'�� - - __ �� ` - _ <br /> . __.�, �1YA • ..._..... �... . ._.. . r�� - _. '_ . <br /> � .._ -- .� � r — <br /> Tho Fundi �6a11 be heW in an it�titulion who�e dep�xlta aro inGUr�di by t fede�nd��ency�imt����ty.a aK�ty <br /> (inciudiag l.ender.if�da L such an i�Wftution)ar in any Faderal Homo Lan &nk. Lenda rh�ll�ply t�e nd� i�Y <br /> �ciow Itetn�r.l.ender rnry�wt ch�e Boe�nwer tar boldia�and applylnR the Fw�di.�uwdly an�lyzina!he acrow acow�t.or <br /> vexifyia�tho Fscrow Itemr,ualcu LmdCr p�yi Borrower Interc�t on tha Funds and kabk law pern�u l.aede�to mdte waf� <br /> a ch�rQe. However.LeMer m�y roquire Horrower to pay�one-tlme cturRe fo�iut i�pe' ndait rcal ewita wc r�pat�r��ervWc <br /> usod by Lender in conncction with thi� loan. unlas �pplipble law provides dhenvire. Unlca� �n aateement is made or <br /> �pplic�ble law roquirea intercst to be paid,Lander alwll not bo requirad to pay Bortower any interest or wrnin s on the Funtls. <br /> Borrowcr wd Lender m�y�groe in�t interat slwll be p�id on tho Fundr. l.endar rlali a�ve w Horrowa. <br /> �� withaut�hm�e, an annu�l sccouMing af the Fur�ds, sl�awiag credits and debits to the Funde and tho purpaee for whlch each <br /> debit to the Fundx was m�dc. The Fwdx are pladged ar additional�ecudty for all sum�savrad by thiR Security Inctrumem. <br /> If the Funds held by Le�xkr exceod the amounts permitud w be held by applic�ble law,l.erwl�r sball acooum to Horrower <br /> for the excesa Funda in occocdwnce with thorequircmcnte�of applicable low. 1/tho amaa� d t!�Punde held hy Lcndcr at any <br /> tima is nat suCticient ta p�y the 8ccrow ltemg whoa due. Lender maY so notif�r Bom�wer in writing,a�i,in�uch case Bormwer <br /> shall psy to Lender che�nount neceswry�o make up the deficiency. 8omowor shall moke up the deflcioncy in ra more tlwn <br /> twelve monthlY PsY��,w l.ender'�sole disc:retion. <br /> Upon payment in full oi aL' sums secured by this Securtry Inalrument. Lendar Rhall promptly refund t� Borruwer any <br /> Funda held by Letdcr. If,underparagraph 21. l.cnder siwll ecquier or sell tl�e Property.Lendcr.prior to thc acquisitinn or sale <br /> of the Propctty.siwll apply any Punds held by Leneler at the time of acquisition orsale rc acrodit aQainst the sums cavad by <br /> thia Secudty Instrumcnt. <br /> 3.Applkatioq ot PAymeab.Unless applicable law provides otherwise.�It paym�cnla reaivod by l.ender under paragr�phs <br /> _ 1 and 2 shull be applied: tjrs�l,to anp pcq�ayr�nt charges due uader the Note; amounts pnyable under pa��graph 2: <br /> �hi�d,to intarest due•founh. w principul due;and last,to any late charges due under the Nok. <br /> - 4.Cbwr�es.Lien9.Borrower shall pay all taxes.assessments.charges.fines and impositions attribuleble to thc Property <br /> =". which may attain pt�ority over this Secu�iry Instn+ment, and leasehold p�yments or ground rents.if any. Borruwer shali pay <br /> �;�' these obligations in the manner provided in parugraph 2,or if not pnid in�hat manner. Borrower shall pay them on time directly <br /> - to the pesson owed payment. Borrower shall promptly furnisfi to I.ender all notices of ainnunts to be pa�d undcr this paragraph. <br /> " lf Barmwer makes these payments directly,Borrower shall promptl,y Sumish w Lender m��eips�videncing tha payments. <br /> . Biarro��er shall promptly discharge any lien which has priarity aver this Socurity Instrument unless Bormwer:fa)agrtoes in <br />'+�� writing to the payment of Ihe obligation secured by the lien i�n m+umer accci�table ta Lxnder,(b)contest�in gcxd faith the lien <br /><�• � by. or defends against enfarcement of the lien in, legal proceralin�c which in the l.ender s opinion operate �o prevent the <br /> K.,� <br /> � enforcement of the tien;or(c)Secures f'rom�hc holde�af the lien an agreernent satisfactory lo Lender subordinating t e �en to <br /> -:_., this Security Instrumen�. If Lender determines that eny part of the Praperty is subject to s�li¢n which rtwy attain priority over <br /> . this Security Instrument,l.ender muy give Bonower u notice identifying the lien.Borrower shull�satisfy the lien ur take one or <br />,.:�:� more of the actions set fonh above wilhin IQ days oP the giving of notice. <br /> S. Hwznrd or Prope�ty Insarance• Borcawer shall keep the improvemem�; now eaisting or hereafter erected an �he <br /> Property insured against loss by fire,haiardg included within the tertn "extended coverage'and�ny otlier hmards. including <br />- - --- tloods ar llooding,for�yl�irh lFn�ic r requirex incurance.This insuronce shall be maintained in the amaums and for the perlods <br /> " ��, thnt l.ender requires. The insuronce cumer providing the insurance shnll be chosen by Bortower xubject to Lender'�Approvai <br /> • +�{�:.:i <br /> •� y,�,;�;�,, a which shall not be unraasonably withheld. If Bnrrower fuils to naintain�uverage descritxd above, Lender tnay, at l.ender'x <br /> � ' ?•�'!!�� opl'lon,obtain cc►verage to protect L.ender's rights in the Praperty in urrorduncc with pnragraph 7. <br /> ;r:, •: r�'��; ,� All insurance pe�licies and renews�ls+hall be acceptable to�Lender und shall include a xtandurd mortgugc cluuse..Lender <br /> _ ° � .�., � _ shall have the right ta hold the pdicies nnd renewuls. If l.ender rcyuires, Burrower�hall pr�xnpUy give t��Lerxier all receip��ot' <br /> 't'`�,� • ' �-�: puid premiums uixl rencwal �xnices. In the cvcnt of lor�+,&�ROwcr shall give Exc�mpt no�ice io thc insuranre romcr and Ixnder. <br />'� '` •�4`� ±`r>. {��:: L.ender may make proof of loss if not mude prompUy by&�rrawcr. _ <br /> ' �''�s�`;`'�i:i, ' Unless l.ender and Bormwer athenvi�e Agree in writing,insurunce pr�x���d�shull 1►c uppli��d to res+wration or mpair of�he <br /> . � �:��;�f�•'��"" � Propeny damag�,if[Be rcslora�ion or repair is ecanomirully fea+iMle anJ Lender'ti kcurity i►not letisened.lf ihe rr�,wratian or <br /> '�` � repair�s nat economicvlly feaciblc or Lender's securily would tx:Ic�scncd, the intiurunre proceeds shull be uppli�l�o the sums <br /> - � ,, �,,,. ; secured by this Security Instrument, whether ar ant lhen due, with un�� excec�p•riJ ti� Borruwer. If Burc��wer ubundons the <br /> �, °"`.�"� Propeny,or daes not answer wilhin 30 duys a natice 1'rom Lender thul thc imuranrc carrier ha�nfl'crecl tu�eule a claim,then <br /> • � `�t�i,-;+;;: . l.ender muy collect �he inyurunce pruceecls. Lendor muy utie �he pnxcrds to rep•rir or reaore the Propeny or t�puy sums <br /> � t 'FL`;{' secured by thiR Security Instrument,wh�ther or not then duc.The 70-duy periai will h�gin Khen thc notire�x givcn. <br /> - _{`�,"� Unle�+ l.�ndtr :;��� g::r^,;.:' ^�h-^�,:•= ��•�,° ;•^• �•�ritin�. uny ,���i��•s���„„�,r ���x���, tu principal shull nut extenc! or <br /> � �`��:��� <br /> , '���4. pustpone thc due dutc af thc rmmthly pvymcn�. rei'crreJ to in puragraphti I anJ 2 ��r rhun�c the unnwnt uf th� paymenta. If <br /> �i. .. '��'�"-��,,� under aru ra h 21 th�Pro rt iti nc uired b l.�ndcr, &�rrower'+r�ghl ti�any inwranr� pdicic.and procc��l.rc,ulting fr��m <br /> - ���'�''� � d mn c to the Pro �n riuPti�Ihc ucqui,i�iun�h.dl pa.�lu l.ender to thc cxtcnt uf��J hy thiti Srcuriry In�trument <br /> • a�,... � . ' n � {k Y P <br /> '�w,� :;:r,:-:,'' . immediatcly prii►r to the ucyui+itiun. <br /> ��'� f.`,f;t;.:�'•�•<.''� 6.Occupancy. Pre.+ervation. Mainlenance and Prutcrdon oP the 1'rupert�•;RorM►��•er's I.oan Applkallon; I.euuholds. <br /> ,� ,' �~'�';;;i°:�;:.';->>� Borrower+hull�xcupy.c+whli,h.und uu thr Pru�xny a.Burrnwcr'�principul rc+iJcnrc�•iihb�.ix�y duy�all�r th��cxccutinn af <br /> . ,�,. .F�:�.,:� ; this Scrurity In,trument anJ.hull a�ntinuc tu�xrupy thc Pruperry a�Burrower'.prinripal rc�idenre ti�r at Icu+t unc ywr aQcr <br /> ...��-�:•�R_. <br /> • ��J: . � thc dutc uf ix�upanc��.unless l.cndcr otycrwi�c ugr�c� in���riunF, whi�:h ron+cni�hall n�.t Ix unrca.unably withhcld.ur unluti. <br />__ '�' extenuuting circum+tancc�+ rxi,t whirh ure h�yonJ B��rru��rr'� cimtrol. Hurc��H�er .hall n�n dr�tm�. dama�tc ur impair thr <br /> -- ,•,-�;;;;��,; . Property, aUow the Praperty u�drtrriuratr. or r��mmit wa.�e �m the Pru�xny. Burru��cr Jr.�ll ix in�rfuuU if an�• Iiirfciturc <br /> ' _� r'. �. '�r�.;�:.- action ix prrxecding. whether ciril i�r criminal. i�ikgun tha� m Lcn�kr'� g�xkl failh.juJ�nknt c�,ulJ rc�uU in tixfcuum of the <br /> "''"" ��i,�:+' Praperty or otherw•i.r muieriall�impair�hc lien rrrated hv thi,S�curily In�trwn�nt ur l.enJcr'���:ruril�• intcrc+t. &�rtc�w•er may. <br />-�� cure such a Jcfault and rrinti�atc,uti providrJ in paragruph IR. hy thr ar�inn ar pr.xtttiling tu h�Ji�mi.xtil��ith a ruling <br />:` . • thut, in Lrnder'�g��d fnith determinutiim. prerluJ�. turl'riwrc uf thr B��rcuw•er'� irncrc+� in thc Pruprrt�• ar �,thcr muteriul <br /> - impuimum ol'thc licn rrea�ed hy thi� Scrurity Inslrum�nt or LcuJrr'ti.�curit�• intcre.t. &�rr����•cr .hall •rlu+ hr in Jrl'ault it' <br /> &�rrowcr.during thc luan application prixc.,.����matcriall) ful,r�x inacruraic inti►rmuti��i���.talrmcnt�tu Lcndcr I��r tailcd <br /> . '��;�!'!.�: ti�praviJc Lendcr H•ith un}• mu� informutioiu in runnrrli�,n���ith Ihc Ic,an cviJrn�rd h�ihc N�ri�. incluJing,hut nat limitrd <br /> 'i'°'r�:` ' to. rc r�.�ntations c��rncming 8urrowcr'.�xrup:inr� ul'Uir Pr„pert}� a�a�rincipal rr.iJcncc. If thi.Sccurit� hntrum�nt i,un u <br /> - ��" •� Ic:ixlx�ld. &�rn�wcr �hall cmnph �vilh all the proei+iom o1� the Ica<e. li' B��rcu��•rr acyurrc� fer title ti� th� Pr�,�xny, thr <br /> * leasehold und the fee tille�hall nut uicr�tr unlc••Lcndcr:igrcr,tn Uic m�r�:er in Krning. <br />-- 7.Prntection oF I.ender'+Riy�hts in the 1lropert�.II'H�irn,��er perii�rni 1hc coecnanh and�crcwmcnt�cunt�ined in <br /> ' �•.. �` • ,1 '� � . ��•I nxcedin• that ma� ��milicanth aflcct Lend�K. riglu� in thc Pra{xm �w.h a•a <br /> � . thi�Security Intitrum�nt,ur thcrc i.u Ic.�..i p � . !� . , <br /> � pmce��iing in bvnkruptry. pn�h�tc. liir cundcnmatiun or tiirteiture ur tn rnliirc�luw� �x r��ulalian.l.thrn l.cndcr ma� .1��und <br /> ' r • <br /> ;,3, pay for whutever i,nec��wry ta proterl thr �•aluc uf thr Proprti� unJ I.�ndr� �ri�!ht� i��d►r Pra�xny. LcnJ�r'. arli�m.muy <br /> }__�..�- ---.�.._ _ ....� 6.. .. li..n whi.•h hu. nrinril� nbi`� 1�11♦ tiCCU(IIV IO\1NIIll'tll. :IlH1l`:IfIt1L' 111 l'l1UtI. p:l\'1�11! <br /> �-�-•t` - .. =���a�� T'- �reutionable anirney.' fee�anJ entcrinF un U�r Pra�xrty lu mukc rep•rir.. Althuugh Lrndcr nwy tuAe ar�iun ui�d�r thi�paruFrupli <br /> r <br /> `, ` r,�iw�.. ......-x::=... 7.l.en�ier doc�nut huve w clo u�. <br /> �:?:,:;� ; ..A. ;. Any umi�unts ditiburti�d by LcnJer undcr thi� paragraph 7 .hall h�rumr uJJiliunat dcht ol' Bi�rrn��rr xrurcd hy thi� <br /> .. �..�.., <br /> ' ; . • zw�` Security Instn�mcnt. Unle�.Bi�rn►u•cr anJ Lrndrr a�rcr a,„tlirr tcnn,ut"pa�•mm�t. tlir�c�n�,unt. .hall h�ar intrrc•� fr�nn�hr <br /> - - , wA datc of Jisbu�ment at the N�xr ratr anJ ,hall hr nay�hlr, with iiucrc.t. u�m notir� Imm Lcndrr �u B�irn���•cr rcyue.tin� <br /> ,— ,.:��..;... <br /> s,�;;;,:.�;..�.., •. paymcnt. <br /> S. DtortR�ge Inwranar. If Leixl�r Ryuir�d mnngagr imuranrc a.a raiulitiun uf malin�thc I�►an ,aurcJ hy thi�ticrurit� <br /> '����� Ln�trument. Burmwer�hull pay �hr prrmium, rryuir�wl t�� muinwin ihe mun�ugr in.uru�xe in rtfrrt. U. lur any rcu,un. thr <br /> _� .�..� ,-'. <br /> �`_:..w�:,,,,..,,»,� mortgage insurunce covcra�c n�yuir��1 hy Lrnder lap�r•ur rr� Ix in et'litit. H��rn��.:rr�hall pa� the premium.rcyuired 1„ <br /> �°�°, �'`'�� obtnin�ti,vcrugc wbrtantiully cyuivalen�a��hr mun�;a�:e inwranu prc�• in rlii�t. at u r�,�� wh�tantialh ryuiv:drn�ia�hr <br /> y ,:� rn�t t�� Bornnw•er at' the martgug� in.urrnrr pre�•iawly in rl'1'�tit. t'rum an ult�r��IC morl�tig� inwr�r appm���til h�� I.cndcr. It <br /> '' �y jy'Q\'a� 4 <br /> s '101�(•��P .. . <br /> —t�,. • <br /> _ -- - .P� , �,,,n�t���a . Farm 3028 8�80 <br /> `.wR = <br />�.-_. � �b . . <br /> �.:.. . .,' _` _ . . . _ . . . <br />