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�.... .� .,. ; - .....:� r <br /> , � ,r � , .... .., ,. <br /> ..:q .._ -- _ �_.�_� _- <br /> �� � . <br /> .� __�.�, ` 91�-- 1056 0� : <br /> TO(3BTH8R WITH all the iaaprovemeou aow or her�after e�xted oa tha property,ud all wanau�,appu ,wd <br />� . 6�cwres now or hrrafter • put of tha properiy. All re�lacementa ud �dditions �iwll aiso ba ooverod by this Seeurity <br /> la�unrnt. AII ot the fonegoiag io reterrod w fa thir Secudty I�dumcnt u tho'Propeny.• <br /> :- --- - B01iR0l9ER COVENANTSi thes BorrovYer iti IRwRdly,�eixed�f the at�te herc6y aonveyod and has tl��ight to grant aod _ __ <br /> ; oonvay,t}�e peoperty uid thot the pmpe�ty i�unancumberod,excxpt for sncumbr+uu�e�of rocord. Hornawer wornnt�wd will <br /> --- ' defend genorAlly the t�tle to tho PrapatY ogainst WI cldms�nd demwndt� �ubjoct w any wscumbr�ncxs of rec�rd. — <br />_ - �Ig g�CllttITY IWSTRUMBNT comislnca unlform covenants for national usc and non-unifonn covatu�at�wlth limited <br /> °°° - ° - ' vwiotiwu by judcdiction to con�tiwte a untform secudty instrument covcring rral prnperty. .,. <br /> UNIFORM COVENANT3.Borro�ver artd Lender covenont adl ag�oe As follows: <br /> 1. P�yaKnt ot IMndpol ae�d Iata+e�t� P�+epoymau ani! I.ate ClwrQea. Borrowcr shall promptly pay when due tha <br /> ��°� pdncipal of and intere�t oa the debt evidenood by the Note end any prepayment and lete charge9 due uader the Nate. <br /> 2. Fiu�for Twces�ad L�uranoe. Subjcct to appNcahle Ipw or to a written w�iver by I.cnder. Borrowcr Rhall pAy to <br /> -.--=:� L,ender oa thc day monthly payments arc due under the Note�until the Note is paid in full.a sum("Funds')for.(a)yezuly w�cea � <br /> __a,�-, W" ����ich may atWa pdor�ey over thie Security Inetrument as a lien on thc Property;(b)Yearly leaselwld paymenti <br /> ---`•� or gronnd reat�oa thc Pro <br /> P�KY.if any;(c)Yearly h�ard or PropertY insurancc premiuma:(d)Yeuly floocl insurancc promiuirw. <br /> i- f -.�;� if any: (e)Yeuly mongAge insuraace promiwns, if any� and(� anY sums PeYeble by Horrower to Lender� in accordance wlth <br /> -�;� the proviaion�of parngraph B. in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurana:p�emiums.These items ere called"Bscrow Item�." � <br /> -� L,ender moy, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not w eaceed the maaimum amount a lendcr for a federally _ <br /> _ -- --_~-� relatod mortgage loan may requi�+e for Horrower's escrow accaunt under the federal lteal �statc Setticrnent Pmcedur+�►Act uf �r-- <br /> _ —��':� 1974 as amended from dme to time. 12 U.3.C. Section 2601 et scq. ('RESPA").unless another law that applies to the Fundn R <br /> ;,_,,�.,;�':-. . °= seta�a lesser amount. If�o, Lender may,at any time,collect end huld Funds in an amount not to excr,ed tha lesser amount. <br /> . , L,ender mwy ectimatc the amount of Funds dae on the basis of cument dato and rea�onwble eatimates of expenditures of Poturc <br /> .�=r, F.�crnw Itana or otherwise in aixordance with applicable law. — <br /> �:,,,�::,.:ta�, `� The Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits u�e insured by a fedcral agency, inauumenta8ty, or entiry --- <br /> ��4 S� ' <br />-=--�=�-'°'' (;ncluding I..ender, if Lender is such a�institution)ar in any Fedenl Home Loan Bank.l.ender shall epply the Fund�w pay thc <br /> ---="�'`� � Escrow items.L,ender may not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds,annually enelyzing the escrow account.or �;. <br /> .,.�:,.;�:.` . <br />--��` verifying the F.scrow items,unless Lender pays Borrower interest an the Funds and applicable law permits I.ender to make such - <br /> �„4�'': . <br />��;,;�� � a charge.However. Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-time chuge for an independont real estate wx r+eporting service - <br /> _�.. used by Lender in connection wlth this loan. unless applic�ble law provides otherwise. Unless an agreement is made or <br />-�"-.,'_,�;;` epplicable law requirea intenest w be paid, L,ender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or eamings on the Fundx. <br /> '°'�"_��,. Horrower and L.ender may ag�e in wrlting,howevcr,that intcrest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shall give to Horrower� <br /> .,�.-Y���; +, widwut charge. an annua{m�xx,unung of the I�ands. shawing crrdits�nd debiss ta she Pnnds aad ►he purpose for whtch e�h <br /> �,u�,�,�,�„��:�. debit to the Funds was mrde. The Funds arc pledged as edditional security for all sums sixured by this Secudty Instrument. <br /> �,�.�r�'.�.� If the Funds held by I.ender exceed the amounts pern�itted to be hcld by applicable law,L.ender shall account to Borrower <br /> �,.s�-j"�r.,�,. . <br /> � for the eacess Funds in accordance wlth the rcyuirements of applicable law. If the amount of the runds held by r at any <br />- �~' "`• ` �� dme is not suffjcle�t to pay the Escrow items wben due, Lcnder may so naify Barrower in writing.and,in such case Borrower ' <br /> :�:�,��- ��` <br /> ,;;�,. - .-'��•' shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficicncy.Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no more thon =_ <br /> -�_��:;;:�'�. . twelve monthlY paYments,at I.cnder's sole disc�ction. �-� <br /> :��'1��`' Upon payment in full of all suma rc;cured by this Security I�stniment, Lender shall prowptly refund to Barrower any - <br /> ....�. .. . �-„: <br /> -�-���_-_.::.,�r,-,. Funds held by Lender,lf.undcr paragraph 21, Lcndcr shall acquire or sell the Property,l.cnder,prior to the acquisition or sale <br /> '��;=`";°• • of the Prope�ty,shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale us a crodit ogain�t the sums secu�ed by � <br /> •�=•i;,;E;�,. thi�Security Instrument. �$- <br /> _�:-_��. �° 3.Applkallon ot Payments.Unlesa applicable law provides otherwise,al l payments reccivod by Lender under puagruphs = <br /> Y:�'� � , , . 1 and 2 shall be applied: any prcpAyment charges due under the Note; sea:and,to amounts payable under paragreph 2; '°� <br /> =�''�_��;�^,w;t� interest due; founh. to principal due;and last, to any late cherges due under the Note. _ <br /> F'".`� <br /> —'-����-�'�` � 4.Cdargesi Ue.ns. Borrowcr shall pay ali tuzes,psscssments. charges. fines und imposiduns attributable to the Property <br /> �au:t}'..� <br /> �"'-° which nw attain riodt ovcr this Socurit Instrumcnt. and Icaschold a ments or round rents, if an Borrower shell <br /> x Y P Y Y P Y 8 Y• PeY ---- <br /> =�-r; these obBgations in thc manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in thAt manner.Bormwer shall pay them on time direcdy - _ <br /> ��r'�a;;;.�".�,�'�-y.: to the person owed payment. Borrowe�shull promptly furnish to Lendcr all notices of amounts tu be paid under this paragraph. _ _.._. <br /> � `�-° � If Horrower m�ices these a ments directl eorrowcr shnll ro tl furnish to Lender recei ts evidencin thc ments. ---- <br /> �,�,.:.���!,� P Y Y� p mP Y P B WY --- <br /> `� `�''�"��' Borrower shall prompNy discharge any lien which hns priori�y over this Security Instrument un less 8 orrower:(a)agrees in -- <br /> �,��'„� _ <br /> -° , writing to the payment of the obligution secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to[.ender; (b)contests in gaod failh the lien <br /> �`;'�;�,�,. by. or defends against enforcement of thc lien in, legal prorcedings which in thc Lender's opinion operate to prevent �he �.�. <br /> �� ..r' �'�:� enfor+cement of the lien; or(c)securcs from the holder of Ihe lien an agrcement satisfuctory to Lender subordineting the 8en to <br /> :�� a. <br /> :, this Security Instrument. If l.ender determines that any part of the Property is subject lo u lien which may attain priority over �. <br /> , . thie Security Instrument, Lender may give Bormwer a notico identifying thc licn. &�rruwer shall wtisfy thc lien or take one or � <br /> � mo�e of 1he actions set fath abovc within 10 days of the giving af notice. �� <br /> �m <br /> '., . F«m 3oz8 81Yo <br /> d"" P.u.s a e �. <br /> �}`' _ �.: <br /> . �-' <br /> .. _ _�'' <br /> .. .. .. �. � ... �- --� ... ---.... „ .. . . .�:•-,�..;;..�lN�'ld,'4�,t?.:yr <br /> . .. .c . . .. , <br /> r . . . <br /> =`y �1�4_�e�c c __'_ _. . . . ,. . '_ <br /> .c . <br />�-, .J .. J�, � . . ., . ' . <br /> � . 1 <br /> � . ' �1 . . - --- —_ �" . -- -. .... .. ._ ' .... <br />