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<br /> f�;� ADDITIONAL TERMB �� Y `""''"'
<br /> '"����� DQ�TOR WAIINANT�AND COVBNANTB: (1) Thot oxeept for ths �aaurity Intareat grented hereby Oabtor I�,or to �
<br /> -" a�- -- -- Ihe �xtunl lNat Cnii�lwMl fo ecqulrsd aftor the date hereof, witl be, tho avmor ot the Collnteral tree from eny adveree __—__
<br /> : �'� Iien,�scurity Intere�t or encumbrance;end thet Debto�wlll defend tho Coil�taral epeln�t sll clAlms and d�mends of ell poraon�
<br /> � at any time alsiminp th��sm�or any fnterest ihersin.(2)That no Finanalnp Statement other than other Fl�ancing State-
<br /> ,.; m�nt pruvf�urly alven ln Seou�ed Party caverinp the Coltaterat or any proeeede therool ia on file in any publiC oltice �—�--
<br /> �nd that�t the request of Seaured Party. Debtor wfil execute and delfver to 3ecured Party o�e o►more Financinp Stete-
<br /> ` .� manh or other dxuments pu�suant to ihe Nebraske Unitorm Commo�clal Codo whlch uro daomod by tho Socurod Party -•-
<br /> �.; � � to be necessary or dailrebla to thd attaohment, perfectlon or coMinuatlon ol tho securlty interest grented hereunder,ell
<br /> � ;{; !..4;:.,. � In form s�tislaotory ta 8ecund Pany,and will pay the cost ol Nll�p such Finenci�y Statemant,thls Security Aqreement,
<br /> . r�'t�•�:�'"�" �_ any continuatlon or termi�atlon statement and olher documenta in all public oftices wherever tlling te deemed by 3ecured
<br /> �'k'���`�• .° Pa►ty to be necaeaary or deairable:end if the Collateral is ettached to real estete prlor to the perfection of the security
<br /> "��� '�� Int9�eet prented herebY or If the Collateral Includes cropa or oll, gaa or minerels to be extracted or tfmber to be cut,
<br /> �' Debtor will, on demand of 3ecured Pany, Iurniah Secured Party with a diaalsimer or disclalmers or subordlnation agree-
<br /> ----':=� • . ment signed by all persone having an fnterest In the real e�tate,diaclalminq or subordinating any intereat In the Collateral
<br /> ��° `—�� -`"' " - which is prior to lhe Intereat of Secured Party. (3) Not to sell,transler or dlapoae of the Collateral,nor take the same or ---
<br /> +�''_� attvmpt to teke the seme from the county where kept es stated, without the prlor written consent of the 3acured Party.
<br /> '��=�"': '' ;, , (4)To pay all texea and aaaessments oi every neture which mey be levled ar asseesed ageinat the ColleteraL(5) Not to permit
<br /> _��-�� '�'��r or allow any adverse lien, securlty intereat or encumb�ance whatsoever upon the C011eteral, and not to permit the seme
<br /> - �.���'�,�� � ta be atteched or replevined. (8) That the Collateral Is in good conditlon and thet Oebtor wfll at hia or her own expense,
<br /> - •�=�, keep the same in good condition and from time to time,tohhwith,replace and repelr all �uch parts of the Collaterel ea
<br /> �W� �°""�'"' ma bo broken, worn out or demaged with�ut allowing any Ilen to 6e created upon the Colleterel on account of such
<br /> ------,_ .���=-.
<br /> _ ---���= re aeement or repalrs,end that the 3ecured Pa►ty mey examine and inapect the Collateral at any tlme,wherever located. �----
<br /> -.�� -_�
<br /> ---_,��� •• �y + (7�That Qebtor w��� �f hfs or her own expan�e keep tha colleterel inaured in e �ompany aatlafactory to 3ecured Pa►ty --
<br /> -�-�• � -- ' •� egainst toas,as epproHriate, by theft,collislon, ftre and extondod covorago,with loss psyable to Secured Parly as its In- __
<br />"� � .'�'�`� ' tereet may appepr, and��III on demand d9liver sald policlea of inaurance or furnish proof oi auch Insurance to Secured _ —_
<br /> :".�t� ".r 4
<br /> ,� „ ,,yF , : Party. (8) At ita optlon Secured Pa►ly may procure euch insurence, diacharge taxea, Ilena or security interests or other
<br /> `� ? • � encumbrances at�ny time Ievied or placed o� the Collaterel and may pay(or ihe repair of any damege or injury to or
<br />_ ,�v •, �; `�' br the preservatfon and maintenance ot the Collateral. Debtor agrees to reimburse Secured Pa►1y on demand for nny
<br /> ,�< r„�;:;�:�%= peyment or expense fncurrad by Socured Party pursuant to the foregoing authorization. Untll suc h re im bursemen t, t he
<br /> "�' amount o( any such peyment. with interest at the rete o7 18°k per annum from date of payment until reimbursement, _
<br /> •_ ,.� shall be added to the indebtedneas owed by Debtor and ahall be 9ecured by this Agreement. !9) That Debtor wlll not
<br /> ' :�U•,�,,�,,� � use the Collateral in violatlon of any appllcable statute, regulaUon or ordinance and if any of the Colleteral Is motor _
<br />�.� � vehicles,the same wlll not be rented nar ueed In rental servfce nor in any speed or endurance contest. �
<br /> " ,�_,��. � • UNTIL OHFAULT Debtor may have possession of the Collateral end use it in any lewful manner not fnconsistent wlth ��
<br /> :;a;�. • this Agreement and not Inconalatent with any poUcy ot Insurence thereon, and upon detault Seeured Party shall have
<br /> ''' ';,�,t,. . . • the immedfate right to the possession of the Collateral.
<br /> � DEBTOR BHALL BE IN DHFAULT under this Agreement upon the happening of any of the following evants or
<br /> -'�"�'-�J ''� ' • condltlon�: (1) default in the p8yment or performance of any obligetlon. covenant or Ifabllity coMalned or referred to
<br /> - —_ _
<br /> .. herefn or in eny note evfdencing the same: (2) any warranty,repreaentation or financfal stetement made or furniahed to _�
<br /> Secured Pahy by or on behalf of Debtor is diacovered to have been false in any materlal respect when made or tur-
<br /> ^ • nished; (3) any event which resulta or could result In th�acceleratlon of the maturity of the Indebtedness of Debtor to ��,ti!r�'
<br /> • , others under any fndenture, agreement or undertakfng: (4) loss, theft, damage,destructio�sele or encumbrance to or of
<br /> � ' eny oi the Collateral, or the making o1 any levy, selzu�e or attachment, thereol or thereon; (5) death, dlssolutlon term-
<br /> • F �� . � Ination of existence,insolvency, busineas taflure,appolntment o(a recelver of any part of the Collateral,assignment for �_
<br /> the benefit of creditors by Deblor, or the commencement of eny proceedings under any bankruptcy or fnsolvency laws ' _
<br /> � by or agalnst Debtor or any guarantor or aurety for Clebtor.
<br /> :��� � UPON SUCH DBFAULT and at any timA thereafter, or if it doema itsel(insecure,Secured Perty may declare all Obli-
<br /> " •d " gatlons secured hereby Immedfately due and payable and ahall have the remedies of a Secured Party under the Nebraska �,
<br /> '� U�fform Commercial Code. Secured Party may requlre Debtor to assemhle the Collateral and delfver or meke it avail- ""'"�-'
<br /> ; �� ,• able to Secured Party at e place to be desfgnated by Secured Party whlch is reasonably convenient to both partfes. ��_
<br />� Unless the Collateral ie perishable or threatens to declfne speedily in value or Is of a type cuatomanly sold on a recoy-
<br /> 4� nized merket. Secured Pa►ty wlll give ORht�r reasoneble notic� of tho tfine and place ot any public sale thoreof or of
<br /> � , � the time eiter whlch any prlvate sale or other intended disposrtion therQOf is to be made. The requuements o( reason- �,
<br /> 4 .� able notice ahell be met if such notice Is mafled. postage prepald, to the address of Debtor shown at the beginning of
<br /> . � ihls aqreemeM at least three business days before the tlme of the sale ar dispositlon. �_.�
<br /> .i; � • No weiver by Secured Party of any default shall operate as a walver of any other dafault or of the same default on a ��•_
<br /> � � '"'�`����� . luture occasion. The taking of thfs Securlty Agreement shall not wafve or impalr any other security safd Secured Party -
<br /> ,,,,�. . • may heve or hereafter acqufre for the ppyment of the above Indebtednesa, nor shall the taking of any such additional .
<br /> � security walve or impafr thls Securlty Agreement: but safd Secured Party may resort to any security ft mav have In the
<br /> •' order it may deem proper. and notwithatanding any colleterel seCUrlry. Secured Party shall retain ita rlghte of set-ofl �••:.--
<br /> :s+,�: :. . . a�afnst Debtor. �.'_;.:..._
<br /> �` ,;;� � AU �Ights of Secured Party hereunder shall inure b the beneflt of Its successors and assigns: and all promfses and �.`•_�_--
<br /> � . � ` �.• dutles of Debtor shell bind his or her heirs, porsonal representatives or hls, her or its sucCessors or assig , If there be F;..
<br /> . , More than one Debtur,thelr Ifabilitfes hereunder shall be�omt and several j �<<�'� �%� �
<br /> This Agreernent shall become effective when rt is algned by Oebtor.A c�rbon, photographic or other reproduCtion of
<br /> . the elflne d 3ecurity Aqreement or Financing Slatement may bo used as a FMancing Statement. ��.�,`.;,
<br /> - ADDENDUM
<br /> The underslpned, herefnafter "OwneNDebtor", owns or has an Interest m the collateral described on the reverse side k� �
<br /> of this Agreement, but is not a party to tne oblfgatfon secured by this Agreement. By execut�ng ihis Agreement. �
<br /> Owner/Debtor undertakes no obligation for rapaymont of such obligation, but warves ali nght, tltle and Interest in and !
<br /> • to sefd collateral to provide securlty tor perlormanca of the obllgetfon. All prov�sfons ot this Agreement apply i4
<br /> Owner/Deblor and the term "Oebtor" as usod in this Agraement and any accompanying Financing Slatement refera col- :
<br /> � IeCtively to Debtor,OwneNDebtor or both as the context may require. �
<br /> �
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