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-.�.;fi�'S.i:. :i';13i . �r _ =a.. <br /> ��. ? �� —_.-- -- <br /> ._ �� . . +�.� - - - _ . �— <br />;��d ,- •�'�I . . <br /> .���� �r�., n4...�'' • � , <br /> - - • 91"" � �R��4 . <br /> - ..�- . __ <br /> - ' applic�b�e t�w nwy �peCify fa'ni�su�m�t)beforc w!e oP tho PropertY purawot w any power of s�le ca�tdned in thl� <br /> Saurity In�trumrnt:or(b)e�y of A jud�meM enforcina thic Securlty[nrwment. 71�o conaidonk are that Boirower: (�) <br /> p�y�l.ender tll wms wt�i�It�a� would bo due under this Socurlty inatrununt and the Note as it no �cceler�tion twd <br /> ___ � <br /> aocurrc�:(b)curca any defiult of eny ai�covan�nu or���oemantr:(c)MY��II oxpen�ai Incumed in enfa�cfn�thb Securky <br /> - — Imqument, includin�. but na limited tu,r�table attomay�'fees; und (d)ta�es euch action aa f.a�du may ro�onab y - <br /> requiro to aasw+a that the fien oP thi�Socutity In�uument,Lenderh rlghts in the Property and Borrowerb obliguion w pay Ihe <br /> aume eecured bp thiA Security Inauument �h�ll continue unchon�ed. Upon reins�atement by Bornower. lhis Security <br /> - f la�trumetit and the obli�tioru xcurcd hereby shdl remoin fully effectiva w it no occetemtian hwd axwrarl. Huwever.thic -- <br /> - -.� ti�ht M reinrtete ehwll twi aPp1Y ln the caso of�cceleruion under poragtaph 17. c <br /> 19. Sale oE Note;Cbuaee ot I.own S�n'ioe�'• '[7�O N°u°r pp�u�1 interest in the Nota(togcihcr wilh thls Secuiiry <br /> ineuument)may be sold ono or nwro time� wllhout prior nwlce to�orrower. A rale may resW! in a chw��e fn the endty - <br /> �--- �known�the"L,oan 3ervicer")that coltects monthly paymente duo under the Note and thi�Security lnswment. There also <br /> may be ane or mare changes of the Loan 3erviccr unrcl�ted to a sala oP the Note. lf there is A changa of�hc Lwn Servicer� <br /> - Botrower will be given written notice of the change in accord�nae with paragraph 14 above and applicable I�w. The notice <br /> — wili eude�he name and addresa of the new l.oan Servicer and the s�ddreas to which payment�chould be nwda. The nWlce will <br /> = also contAic�any other informot�on rcquired by applicable law. <br /> — Zp_ �rdoua gu�t�ae,�s, gormwer���wer shallrn�ot do�n r e�llow anyone c�l�do,angythi B affccting 1he _. <br /> - -"� Hazardoua SubstAnces on or in the PropeRY• <br />