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<br /> ;�i - TOCiE7'HER WITH all the improvcmenta now or hercuitcr crcctcd on the propecty.aid a!1 wcementx,appurten�nce�.
<br /> __ __ _ and tixturet now or henepfter o part of the pmperty. All r+epincements and additions aholl Alw bo cavered by thio Security
<br /> -� = Incaument. Ail oP the foregoin�is referned/o in this Security Inswm�nt as the"Property."
<br /> -�=� ------ - -- HORltOWER.COVENANTS fhat 9orrower ia lawfully sciccd of�he estate hereby comeycd unci hoa thc�iQht to�ant
<br /> w � and convey the Propaty and Ihat the Property ia une�x:umberal.except for encumbrances of record. Borrower warranir and
<br /> '•` _ wUl defend generelly the title to the Property against All clalmo and dema�dn,subject to any encumbrances of racord.
<br /> � --- THIS SECURI7'Y INS7RUMENT combines uniform covenants for nutianul usc and non•uniiarm covenAnu wilh -
<br /> - _��A�?;� limited vadetiuns by Ju�lsdir.tion to constiwte a uniform securfry insuument covering rcal propetty.
<br /> '----'�� UNIFORM COVENAN'CS. Borrowar end Lendcr covenant and agree as followa:
<br /> - ���� 1. Paymeat of Principal and Interesti�'epaytnent nnd Late Ch�a�. Bormwer shall promptly puy when duo tho
<br /> �:r:;�,!�'yf{r princip�1 of and interest on the debt evidenced by ihe Nota and uny pr+epayment und lute churges due under the Note.
<br /> �.�K+Ft- � $. FS�ads tor 7fa:ea and Insurwnce. Subject to applicable lew or to u wrftten wuiver by Lender,Barrower shall puy to
<br /> `"'�'"w�',,°�� Lender on the day monlhly payments cue due under 1he Nate,until Iho Note ie�paid in full,u sum("Funds")far:(u)yeurly
<br /> ��R?�'��,:�'.
<br /> ---���.;;�.,,,,f tcuces tuid assessmenls which may attain pdority over this Securfty Instrument ns u lien on the Property;(b)yearly leasehold
<br /> -- -----=_---_�•-���•• payments or grc►und rents an the Property,if any; (c) yearly hezard ar properry insurunce p�emiums; (d) yeculy 8oad
<br /> �,;��;:..s�
<br /> = � insurance premiums, if any;(e) ycarly modgage insurance premiums. If any; and (� nny suma payable by Horrower lo
<br /> —==�„u��•'.;°" Lender,in accordance with the provisians of paragrnph 8. in lieu of the payment of mongage insurance premiums. These
<br /> �„��,;�;`.,.;-. items are called"Escrow Items." I.ender may,at any time.coUect and hold Funds in nn amount not to exceed the maxlmum
<br /> _�_�R�j�.,ij� amount a lender for a federally releted mortgage loan may requfre for Borrower's escrow account under the federal Rcad
<br /> - -- - ---= - �.,;�. Estate Settlement Pracedurcs Act of 1974 as emended from timc to�ime, 12 U.S.C.$2601 et sey.("RESPA"),unlcss another
<br /> �=�`�'�',.� law that applies to the Funds sets a lesser amount. If so.Lender may.at any time.collect and hold Fuods in an amount not lo
<br /> -__,,:;� exceed the Iesser amaunt. L.ender may eslimate the amount of Funda due on the basia of cument date and reasanable
<br /> -�--- �� - = �admates of expenditures of future Escrow Items or otherwise in eccordance with upplicable law.
<br /> ��, Thc Funds shall be held in an institution whosc deposits are insured by a federal agency,instrumentality, or entity
<br /> ""°�"f°•""•�''• (fncluding Lender,if Lender is such an inatitution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay
<br /> —r,`',�,�?�';
<br /> �,�.. the Escrow Items. Lender may not churge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds. nnnuully analyzing the escrow
<br /> •�—�=�_y;�� .: account, or verifying the Bscrow Items, unless I.ender pays Borrower interegt an the Funds und applicable law permits
<br /> __�,w,ti_ Lender to make such a charge. However. l.ender mey require Borrower to puy a one-time charge for an independent real
<br /> �°-���• �'' • estate tex reporting servfce used by Lender in connection with this loun,unless applicnble law provides otherwise. Unless en
<br /> ;`��. agreement is mede or applicable law requires intereat to 6e paid.Lendar shall not be required to pay BoROwer nny i�terest or
<br /> --.�au���� esrnings on the Punds. Born►wor and LendermAy agree in writing,hawevcr.that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender
<br /> �n���.� shall give to Borrower.without churge,an annuol uccounting of the Flmds,showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br /> --�" x�ivT.
<br /> - - . purpose for which each debit to the Funds was mede. The FLnds aoe pledged es edditional security for all sums secu
<br /> � �-�—"'"�`� this 5ecudty Insuument.
<br /> —"'�"'�"'� If tha Funds held by I.ender exceed the amounta permitted to be held by applicable law, Lender ahAll account to
<br /> ��,`�.�, Borrower for the excess t�unds in accordunce wi�n the reyuiremeMx ui appli�abiz iaw. li ibe amouat of tt�c Flsnds hcld Dy
<br /> �T :• Lender at any time i�s not sufticient to pay the Escrow Items when due,L.ender may u�notify Borrower in wr�ting.and,in
<br /> _�'<;.�_�. . such case Sorrower shall pey to Lender the amount necessury to malce up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the
<br /> deflclency in no more than twelve monthly payments,at Lender's sole discretion.
<br /> ""`�'_��-M1�•'?��� Upon paymeM in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument.Lender shull promptly refund to Borrawer any
<br /> - � , Funds held by l.ender. If, under parngruph 21. Lender shall ucyuire or sell the Roperty,Lender,prior to the acquisidon or
<br /> _ ` �:,,.:'.�' sal�of the Property,shall apply uny FLnds held by Lender�t the time of acquisiticxi or sale as a credit against the sums
<br /> "°--==��d;.;�',�' ' secured by thiR Security Inspument.
<br /> - -'�� ��•:,;w.�,:�. 3. Applieation ot Payments� Unless applicu6le luw provides otherwise, all puyments received by Lender under
<br /> �. ` .•o.-�-••�M�• paragrephs 1 and 2 shall be upplicd:Grs4 to any prepuyment churges due under the Note:second,to amounts payable under
<br /> '•�:'�.���� •� parugraph 2;third,to ioterest due;founh,to principal due;und last,to uny late churges due under the Note.
<br /> r. ;.- �J.��,� 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all tuxes. ucsexsments, churges, fincs and impo�itions attributable to the
<br /> ,:���:• •�'"• -,,,;;. Property which may attain pdorfty over this Security Ins�rument,und leasehold payments or ground rents,if any. Borrower
<br /> ' ��F_ �,�•- =-• shall pay these obligationx in the manner provided in puragraph 2,or iY not puid in that munner,Borrowcr shnll pny them on
<br /> `_"�•- • time directly to the perxon owed payment. Harrower shnll promptly fumish to Lender all nutices of amaunts to be paid under
<br /> _ �ar; � � this paragraph. If Borrower mukes these payments directly,Borrower shull prompNy furnish to Lender reccipts evidencing
<br /> -==;�:�`• �r;�r•:'�^ the payments.
<br /> �t=�` ���" Horrower shall promptly discharge uny Ifen which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower:(a)ugrees
<br /> :=�_� ' �"v in writing to the puyment of the obligation secured by the Iten in u munner acceptuble to Lender;(b)contests in gaad faith the
<br /> ;:s; '.' ,=����� lien by,or defends agninst enfarcement of the lien in,Iegul proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operute to prevent the
<br /> , � enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an ugreement suti�fnctcxy ta Lender subordinating�he lien
<br /> � '`,� �� to this Securiry lnspument. If Lender dctcrmines thut nny pan of the Properiy is subXct to a lien which mny Attain prior{ty _.
<br /> _ � ,�•. �� � ,� over this Securiry Instrument,L.ender may give Borrower u noticc identifying the lien. Borrower xhall xatisfy the lien or take
<br /> - . �����r� one or more of the uctions set fonh above wilhin 10 dayx uf thc giving of notice.
<br /> � � .,: , °�+�:� 5. Hazard or Property Insurance. Borrower shall keep thc improvemcnts now exi�iing or hercufler erected on thc
<br /> ' �. ' ° '`4� � Property insured against loss by�re.huzards included wi�hin the Ierm"ex�endeJ rovcru�e"und uny olher huznrds,including
<br />, °��i tloods or flooding, for which Lender requireti insurunce. This insurancc xhull be muintuined in �h� umounts end for the
<br /> . �
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