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<br /> appllci►ble Iww may specify for relnswtement)bcfaro sale of the PropcKy pan+u�nt to any power of eale conlained in thf�
<br /> Security insdument;or(b)cntry oP a judgment enforcing this Security Insuument. Thoso conditiona ar�e�hat Borroa'er. (A)
<br /> • psyt Lender vl sumo which then would be due under thls Security Inshument w�d the Note �c if no acceleradon had
<br /> xcumed;(6)c�ues suiy default of ony other covcnants or agteemen�s;(c)pays ail oxpenses incumed in enfurcia�g�hia Security
<br /> Insuument.includin�, but not limited to. reasonable enorneys'feee: and (d)tAkea suc6 actfon ax i.cnJe� mey rewconr+bly
<br /> Qequi�e to a:auro thet the lisn of ttifs Socurity Instrument.Lender�righta in the Pro}+eRy und Borrower�obligadon to pay the
<br /> -�- � rumx �xured by this Securiry Mst�ument ahall eontinue unehanged. Upnn reinatutement by Basawer. this Secudty
<br /> Instrument and�he obiigatiana�ecured hereby shall remain fully effxdve as if no pcceleratlon had occurred. However.this
<br /> - � ri�ht ro totnat�to ahall not apply in the cascs nf acccicradon under parn�rnph 17. _
<br /> 19. 3ale d Note;Ch�q�e ot Loan Servker. 'll�e Nota or a partiel intereat in the Note(together with�his Security
<br /> — Inawment)may be cold one or more t�mes wlihout prlor notice to Hortower. A sale may nsult In a change in the entlty
<br /> -- (known ns�he Loan Servlcer")that coliecta monthly payments due under the Note and this Securiry Inatrument. There nlso
<br /> .�
<br /> may be one or more changas of the Laan Servicer u�related ta a sale of the Note. If there is a change af ihe Loen Servicer,
<br /> ' Horrower will be given written nodce of the chnnge in accordance wlth paragraph 14 above and applicable law. The�odce
<br /> � will state the name and address of the new Loan Servicer and the addre�s to which payments should be made. The notice will
<br /> -'� �Ico contain Any other information required by applicable law.
<br /> .:�� 1A. Hivardous Subawacea Bomower ahall not cause or permit the presence,use,disposal,gturage,or rclease of any
<br /> - Hazerdoua Subatances on or in the Property. Borrower shall nat do,nor allow enyone else to do.anything affecdng the
<br /> J;--;r-� Pmperty that is in violation of a�y Fovironmental Law. The preceding two sentences shell not apply to the presence,use.or
<br /> storage on the Property of small quantides of Hazardoua 3ubatances thet are generwlly recognlzed to be appropriate to normal
<br /> -- - -�— -.� residential uces and to maintrnw�of the Property.
<br /> — Bmrnwer shell promptly give Lender written notice of Any investigation,claim,demand,Iawsuit ar other action by any
<br /> _ ��� govemmental or regulatory agency or pdvate paRy involving the Property and any Hazardous Substanca or Environmental
<br /> __.�_� Law of wtilch Borrower has actuai kn�wledge. If Horrower leams, or is notitied by any governmenwi or regulatory
<br /> �._� authority,that eny removal or other remediauun of an� Hezard��is:'ubstan�•effect�ng Ihe Properry is necessary.Borrower
<br /> ' ' shall promptly teke all necessary remedjal ections in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> '''-� As used in this parograph 20,"Hazardous Substances"are those substances deMed as toxte or hazardous substances by
<br /> -----�-� Environmental Law and the following subswnces: ga�wlina. kerosenc,other flammable or toxic peaoleum products,toxic
<br /> ��:;��i` pesdcides and herbicides,volatile solvents, matedals cnntaini:►g asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive mnredals. As
<br /> -�:°�a used in this paragraph 20."Environmental Law"means federal law�w�d laws of the jurlsdiction where the Property ia located
<br /> �-,;,�-;�,. thet relate to health.safety or envlronmental protection.
<br /> ,�"�'' NON-UMFORM COVENANTS. Horrower und Lender funher covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> ��'"��� 21. Accekradon; Remediea. Lender slwll give notice to Borrower prior to accelers�tion following Borrower's
<br /> — '"' breach ot Aay coveaant or agreement in this Security Instrument(but not prbr to accelerAtion under paraQraph 17
<br /> �=-.•f'`� unless Applk�able law provides otherwise). The notice ahall speciPy: (A)the default=(b)tde wcNon required to cure We
<br /> - -= dMau!!;(c)s dssle,aot�SS!lsaa�4 tlsYs!'rotn the dntp the nMke Is given to Borrower.by which the default muat be
<br /> �� cured;and(d)tbs�t fAilure to cure the detault on or before the dpte apeciiied in the noNce may result in acceleration of
<br /> ---:;c..��''
<br /> - .h��, the sum9 secured by thls Securily Instrument and snle of the Property. The notice shall further inform Borrower of
<br /> '="-'-`'�''`�-' the rtght to reinstate aiter acceleralbn pnd lhe right to bring o court action to assen the non-exiatence of a default or
<br /> �t�'sy�'� any other defense ot Borrower to acceleratiun and sale. I�the default Is not cured on or before the dAte speci0ed In
<br /> --""`�°�`������ the noNce,lxnder ot its optlon mwy requtre immedipte payment in full of all sums secu�ed by this Security Instrument
<br />-:�eL:�?�.•.. .
<br />=_,,.r°,,,�•�;,�; without�urlher dems�nd and mpy invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by applicable law.
<br />-�=..x Lender shall 6e entiqed to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided In this parA�raph 2l�
<br /> including,but not Ilmited to,reasonable pttorneys'tees pnd coste of title evidence.
<br />-�q�,_ It the power oP sale is invoked�7lrastee sha0 record a notice oP dePault in each county in which any part oP the
<br />� . -,�:;;k_: Property is Iceated und shall moN copies oP auch notice in the manner prescribed by applkAbk law to Borrower And to
<br /> �%�-^• .� : � the other persons prescribed by appltcAble law After the time required by applicable law�7lruatee shaN give pubUc
<br /> '�'=°��:'�"��, noUce ot sAle to the persons and in the manner prescrfbed by applicable law 7lrustee.wilhout demond on Borrower,
<br /> �xa��;,�,;�.; :, . eMpll seN the Rroperty at public auctlon to the highrst bidder at Ihe time and pince and under the terms designAted in
<br />_�,:�,:,;,;,,;t, . . the notice of sAle in onc or more parrels and In any order'IYustee determinea 7lrustee may postpone sale of All or any
<br /> �=�-y=�M . parcel of the Property by publk announcement At the lime and pince of any prevlously scheduled sale. I.ender or its
<br />----��''^" desiQnce may purchase tbe Property at any sale.
<br /> .,..Y...•L'` Upon receipt ot payment oF the price bid.'Ibustee shell deliver to the purchpser 7Yustee's deed conveying !he
<br />��s�:,�.b Property. The reciWls in the'I�ustee's deed shAll be prima Pacfe evidence of the truth of the statements made therein.
<br /> �,��,.;:�,�:.___� .. 'IYustee ehWl apply the proceeds of the sale in Ihe Pollowing order: (a1 to all cosfs And expenses of exercisin�the power
<br /> .r.�.�.�.;,-�, .
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