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<br /> w�potWly eq�hde�t inatV�e inp�r�co oave�e b aot wail�bk�Son+owR slrlipy b L�ndK�Y a�oMY��wp�q�w1 b
<br /> - owedwtdnh or the ye�rrfy 3�w,rance pranli�o,be+nQ p�+d. eomnwa when cl�o inwr��ca�eoYa'�e i�p�i►r cerea w
<br /> . h.,tn el�Ct.l.edr�rfl l n .��qd ttitdn t6eie P�y�ww� �� �erve i n N e u o� a w rt�s i n�{w o�. [� ee�erve
<br /> P14���MY��'� irod,M We oqion of I.�a�da.lf la.wanoe oovereje(b��be aax�unr�ria roR tUe per�cd --
<br /> UYt�� IqQY�i)PfdY�bY YI 11pY�if�ID�Od by I�OdK�b00a1M11Y�Y�1�0 Ni�k Ob1�Md. B0."lo1Hq I�MiI�My
<br /> d�e p�aiut�c�equicred a aNlapin a�oryapo in�wrmoe in eirict,ar I�o poavide�lar re�va,wKil�►ta,�uin�aeat!or aioe�+� ,
<br /> • b�rrnoe e�in�000id�oe wUh r►y wria�a�rerMnen�betweea�rowMr�nd.L�ad�ar appli�ble Inv.
<br /> .� !.Irpedbr.l.ender or iu�vatm�y mdre r�enotibk aMrke u�n+mnd I�upanlom of tbo Prope�ty.l.�ler�M�U�vt
<br /> Bo�rowar nWloo+t tba ti�e of nr p�ior ta�n intpeclfon:pecflyia�twronobW c�o fa tbe lt�peclbn.
<br /> 10.C.a�d�awtb�.The pr�a,bed+�of any award or cldm far d�n�er.diroct or o►xuoqunpial,in conne�ction wi�h any _
<br /> onndomaMla+o�aha ulcia{oi.ny pwt ot ub rropmty.ar rat ooavry.noe io ueu or�,ue baeby►..��ea.ne
<br /> �W116e p�id to l.aoder.
<br /> .�� _ �T. _� [n the eveat of�wt�l Wcin{ot tho Prapaty.�he ptooeed�slwll be applied to the wm��ecarcd b�thia Socutity I�� - -
<br /> whaher or na tl�due. with any eaoaap�W w Borrower. ln�ho evau af�pttW uking of the Praperty in whkh�he C�ir
<br /> m�rltd v�tuo of the Proptrty immadiWcly beforc�hc taking is equ�l a or��ater Ih�ihe unount of thc wws ioairod by this
<br /> Socurity Imtruma�l immodiMely before tha uking.unlw Borrow�err�nd Lxoder othawi6e agroe in writirt�.the wa�sxurad by
<br /> thia Secudty ln�uumrnt slwJl be reduood by �ho amount ot the pr+oteed� multlpliod by the followMg fr�rctlon: (01 the tot�l
<br /> __ a�aount of tha auns ieaund inuuediately bcfae the qkiap.divided by (b)tha fi�r m�uicd valuc of tbe Pnnperty imrriodi�tely `
<br /> - - befae tho taking. Atry b�lance dull be paid w Bomawer. In the evmt of�paAW uikin�oi the Propraiy in which tRo fsdr
<br /> -- it�ar�et value of 1he Property iaunodGUely beforc Uie taking is less than tt�e arnoum of tha wms savrod immodiately befrns the •
<br /> taking. unlcu Borrower and l.ender atkrwise agrce tn writiag or unlecs appUcablo law othcrwiie provWes.the procaeds�II
<br /> beappliod to U►o sums securod by this Seai�ty Instr�uneat whedier or not thc r��ne U�a�due.
<br /> If�he Property ia�l►w►donod by Borrower.or if. a(kr noticc by Lender to Barrower thnt Ihe condemnor affers to ntake an
<br /> aw�d ar adtle a cls�im for danwges. Borrower fails to rcspond to Lender within 30 days afier the date the notice is given.
<br /> l.a�der is autlwrized to oollect atd apply tMe procoeds.at its option.either to ratorwbn ar repair of tha P�operty or a dre wma
<br /> ;� securod by this Secudty I�strument.whether or rot thcn due.
<br /> Uaksc Le.oder aod Borrower ott�erwise agooe in writing. any�pplication of prooeod.c to principW shall not eutad or
<br />- postpone the due date of the manthly paymeots referrcd w inpuagraphs 1 and 2 or changc the amount of such paymaqs.
<br /> Ii.Borrowp� Not Rtla�sed;Forbearance By I.a�der Not�W�iver.Exuension of the time for payment or modifiauion
<br />' of amortization af the sums securcd by�his Securiiy InstNment granted by Lender to any suv��escor in intercst of Borrower ahall
<br /> . not opewte W release the liebility of�he original Borrower or Bomower's successo�s in interest. L.ender shall not be raquircd to
<br />:-.�`, ,.,;. commence proaodings sigainst any suc�ssor in intenest or refuse to extend time for paymem or dherwise modify amurti�tion
<br /> h r�.;
<br />,:, �,,:;:;; of the sums savred by ttus Securiry Instrumem by reason of any demand madc by thc original Bomower or Borrowcr s
<br /> , suoorssors in inte�rst. Ar,y forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remady shell not be a wriver oi or prcclude the
<br /> za_, exereise of any right or remady.
<br /> ,� - 12. Saceesso�s aad Asstgmc Bowidi Joiat sutd Several Liablllty: Caslgtkrs. The covenants and agrcements of this
<br /> ''�R Securiry Iastn�ment slwll bind and ber+e�t the succ�essors and asYigns of'l.ender wid Borrower. subjoct to the provisions of
<br /> = ' pA Z7. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and severel. Any Bormwer wha eo-signs this Sav�ity
<br /> . 4,r �ment but daes no{execwe thB Nota: (a) is co-signing this Security Instmment only to mortgage, grant and eonvey that
<br />-- --_-—.�u•�------�[_q_�_ = Borrowei s iaterest in the Property under the terms ot'this Security Inurument: (b)is not personally abligated to pay the sums
<br /> _�:.. _- .1 i:T'r S't��.-�
<br /> . . f,� �,,,r�.sf'. secured by this Securlry In�trument:at�d(c)esreea thal L.ender and any othe�r Borrower may agree to extend.modify.forbeu or _
<br /> , `:;; �:.+;�-,'';s:, make any xrnmmodations with regard 1a the terms of this Security Instrument or�he Nate without that Borrower s rnnsent.
<br />'`c•'=s; .'kl�� '�r'�r��Y•r�, 'E'°•~ � 13.I.oan Cl�atges. If the loan secured by this Security in�tniment is subject�o a law which seu mauimum loun churges.
<br />`_�'r;`�1 ' :,���;.741. ... . ,.,.,
<br />_;,, ,, ;.� . ,; ar�d that law is finally inrxrpreted so thut the interest ar ather lonn charges collacted or to be cc►Ilected in rnnnection with the
<br /> `+ ',"''"� ' � �r loan exceed the permilta!limits, then: la)any such toan cl�azge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduca Ihe cherge
<br />� �._ ::-� � to the pennilled limit:and lbl uny sums already collaxtal from Borrower which exceeded permittod limits w�ill be refundod to te�=:
<br /> ��•., ati.
<br />� • ,{;=; Borrower. I.ender may choose to muke �his rcfund by reducing the principal awed under the Note or by making a direct _
<br /> �'';.'-�';;.�� _ payment to Borrower. If a rcfund reduces principnl. �he reduction will be treated a� r paniel PrepaYment wilhout any
<br /> . .;�;;,;�;.�...-,. -} .� prepayment charge undcr Ihe N�ue. r�
<br />�_ ;.,�.;,:;.R.-r:b ;• 14.Nolkes.Any no�ice to Bnrruwer providal for in thi+Sccuriiy Inrtrumenl shull 6e given by delivering it or by mailing =� -
<br />_ �' •� � it by firct class muil unless applicuble law rcyuires use of am�ther nk�hai. Tha nntice �hull be Jirected to the Propehy Address _
<br /> ` �{� or eny other address Borrowcr dcsignatcti by nc►tice t�� l.cndcr. Any noticc af L.endcr �hu0 be given by finst class mail to �_-
<br /> ��°'�-� -'�" ". I.erdcr's uddress stAted herein or any other address Lendcr desigtwtes by notKe to&irrower. Any nntice provided iar in this �
<br /> - ���-^- � ' Se.curity Instrument shall be deemecl to huve been given�o&irruwcr�x L.ender when given a,provided in this parugraph. _
<br /> • - iG-. 15.Governing I.aw; Severa6ility. Thi+ Scrurity In+truneent sliall tx� govcrn� by federul I•aw and the luw of the _
<br /> � . ��;y?���r�'�-� . . jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In Ihe event thul uny provixinn or claux oP thit Security lostniment or the Note �=- -
<br /> � ° con0icts with applic�bk iaw,sueh rnntlict shull nc►t afiect other provi+ions of ihi,Security Instrument or the Note whieh can be r�=-
<br /> „,; f;? � � , �iven effect wi�hout the oonflicting provision. To th6s end the provisions of this Securi�y Instrument suid the Note are declared °
<br /> , ..•. . to be severable. "�-:
<br />= '/ .. 16.Botrnwer's Copy.Borrower shuU be given c�ne confcxmed��upy ul'the Note und of th��S�curity Instrument. _-
<br /> �!�u��" �" 17.TraasPer of t6e Property or u Benciicipl lntetr.ct in Borrox�er. If•rU ur vny pun of the Pruperty or any interest in it __
<br /> " ,,;;.� '+'''� • . is sold or trnnsfened lor if a beneficial intcrest in Horrower is uild or�ran.rferrcd�nJ &+rrnwer i�not u nsiwrnl personl wi�hout =__:
<br /> ='� . ,F : Lender's prior written consent. LenJer may, ai itti optiun, rcyuirc immedi�te p•ryment in full ��f all sums x�ured by this �:
<br /> - - �• Securisy Instrument. Hnw•ever,�his option shall not t+e exercised by IA�nder if exerciK is prnhibit��d by feaierul Inw a�of Ihe date �
<br /> :.`- .r:;'..° • of this Security Instrument. —
<br /> �,."�' � � " If Lender exercises thi�,option, I.ender,holl Fivc&irrower noti�r��f accclrrutian.The notirc xhall provide a period nf not .�_.
<br /> , less�han 30 dLys From the Jute thc nuticc is Jclivcrr�f or muiled within which ��rruwrr must puy ull rums xecured by�this
<br /> - • Security Ins�rument. If Bonower fails to pay th�yr�um�prior to�he cxpira�i��n af thi.periat, LenJer muy inv�ike uny remedies �
<br /> . . • �, permitted bJ•thiti Security lmtrument wi�hiwl funher nutice ur demanJ un&�rrower. _
<br /> l8. BornoWrr's Rfght to Reinuatc. If &�rrciwcr mcets rcrlain c�mJition.. &�rrowcr xhull huvc the righ� to have �"
<br />� �1R•� ° enforccment of Ihi� Securily Instrumem dixonlinurd ut uny time p�ior a� the eurlier��f: �:�1 S Juys I��r .uch �nher peria! a.
<br />'� �.. , applicablc law nwy +p�rify tiir rcinstatemcm► lkiiirc a•rlc af thr Prop►:rty �ir.uant t�► uny ��N�cr �if salc rumaincd in this ��. '
<br /> � - . •� � Security Instrument:or lb1 entry ot'u juJgment rnfi,rcinp�hiti Seruriiy In.�rument.Thu.c r�mdi�ion.urc Ihnt&�rc��wer:1�)puy+ � ,
<br /> x Lender all sums which then would be due under thix Security Instrument anJ thc Nutc a� if no;kccleratiun huJ urcurrrJ; (h1 �,
<br /> : " cures any defnult of any other c�rvenonts�,r agreement�;(c) pays u0 expenu� inrurr�K1 in enforcing this S�xurity Instrun�ent,
<br />_ •,,,._ : ,.". , including, but not limital t��, mxuonuble uuurn�y� feea:and Idl Whe+such action as Lender may reasonabQy require ta akcure
<br />'t'° , �;;�;y�,,.;. that the lien of�his Security Instrumcnt. Lendcr'�right.in thc Praperty und &irmwcr'a obligadun tu pay�he wms a�cured by
<br />_ `` . this Security lnstrument xhall rontinuc unchanged. Upim ►eir,�lalemenl b� &�rrower, this Security Instrument and the
<br /> - ° �� �' �"'�•� obligations se�:ured hereby shull rcmain fully effec�ivr�s if n��uc.�elemtiim h:►J �k�vrred. Hawever, this right to rein�tate shall .
<br /> nnt nnnlv in Ihe ra�:nf arcclerntion undcr naraerahh 17.
<br />- �1• ; trbrr,r.ti.:..a.�:...x+•_. ��9. Sale ot Note; Ciwnge of Loan Scrviirr. The Note ur u partial inccrrtit in thr Note Itu�ethcr with thir Security
<br /> ; 1 �:� ' . � � Instn�ment)ms�y be ��1 une or more timeti without pri��r ni�tice to Bum�w•er. A�ale muy recult in a rhungc in the entiiy lknnwn
<br /> __ ' °• � � ' � as the 'Lo:in Serviccr")ihut rnllects r�xm�hly pa�menh Jue unJer�he Nutr anJ thi+Security In.trumem.Therc alu� nwy Ix one
<br /> �. �; „..w,�' or more changes oP the Loan Servicer unrelateJ to a wlc of th�N�nc.If then:is u rhunge��t'�he Luan Scrvi�Yr, &�rn�w�er will ix
<br /> ° . . given written notice of the chungc in urronlanre with p•rragraph 14 ut�►vc arui applicuble law�.The ni�ti�r w•ill st;�te thr nume unJ
<br /> ` " uddress of the new I.oan Servicer und the uJdrrs+to which payments sh�mld bc mnic.The n�Hi��c will ula��rntuin any othrr
<br /> •'� '�''� , infomwtbn rcyuireci by applirabl�low. �
<br /> ��. . ' • 20. H�rduuv Su6stances. Born�wcr shull n�it cuuu or perniit the pmticn�r, uu. Ji,p►+al. ,turuge. �tt relea+c ��F•rny
<br /> @""' ' ,} � � ::��' Heurdous Subswnc�ex un nr in the 1'mp►:ny. &�rni�vcr shall r,at �k►. nur ulluw uny�►ne el+c 1u Jo. un�•ihing att��ting thc E.
<br /> •- • �',",'�, Propeny that is in violation��f any Envimnmentul I.aw.Thc pn.�ctitiling tw�i xnten�r,.hall n�n upply tu thr prckn�r. u+e. or
<br /> ^ ° .s t� " stor�ge an the Propeny of small yuantitic�uf Hu�ar�iou,Sub.tancr,ihat ure�trnerully ati�►gnit�til ai tk�ppnipriatr lu numutl
<br /> � . ,� residentiul uses and tu maintenunre of the Propeny. _ �
<br /> f
<br /> —� ^� va,�e 3 or a e form 9028 8/80 �
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