�J., � � ..m.- _---J-`}--�
<br /> . _� ; .• �_...:...�:�.-� i � ,1,' / �'°"N.�` ��
<br /> wb�w�1ia11y aqvivalaiK m��8a inwruxe oovcra�o io qot avdlablo.Borrowcr efuilip�y w La�der ca�h�r�a�h�aim�qt�7li�o
<br /> on�twdRh oi tbe yaitly a�o�t�e jnwrance p�niiun bdnB P�Id bY�ormwer whenl the inwrmoe oov�a I�ped or oa��d to
<br /> i,q I��ciiw�.�ior wjii�. wd aKi c+o�in tha�o�yu;�;t�r� a lasr t�r�.crva!n Hcu of mart�aga fra:rars�. L�s e�erve
<br /> payp�p n�sy ao Wo�er be roqulred.at t6e optlon of La�dcr.If mon��ge inwrance ooveni�(in tbe�rt�oitnt�nd for the pwrbd
<br /> ttMC Ladar �equirp)provld4J by aa tra�unec appmvod by I.Ander�ain becomo��vall�ble s�d l�obtdnal.B�mwer�ddi pq
<br /> die pn�niwn�required w n�intaia mart�sje Inwance in etrect�w w provWe a low nperve.uMll the Pequiraneot br nioety�e ,
<br /> ta�un�nce ad�ln,uaxd�noe wiW rny wrtaa�a�oement betweat Borrawer u�d La�der or�pplkatib I�w.
<br /> !.iwp�ectiqw.L.ender or iu�au rwy nuke rea�o�blo ontrlt�,upon and ir�cpoctiau of t8c�ropatY.la'dor�If jive
<br /> Horrqwer anticc ot tho Nme of or prtor u►m irupxdon spocifyin�rraapnqbla caubo for the inapoctiaa.
<br /> i�. Caa�No�. Tbe p�s of a�y�vviud or cldm fcw du�u�ges, dtroct or am�oquentid, in oonnxtlan wi�h �ny
<br /> cordemnatlon or Mher uk1n4 of u�y part of ttio Pmperty,or for oonvayanoo in lieu of condemnwion,are heroby wl�ped�nd
<br /> - �- dWl bc paid to i.euder.
<br /> In the evcnt of a wul taking of�he Pro�x.rty. tUee prooeed�ahall be wpplied to Ihe wma securod by this Secudty I�uuwnRnt,
<br /> whett�er ar not Ihan due,wlth any eaass pald to Borrawer. ln tho avent of a partial taking of the Prc�►erty ia which�he fair
<br /> muket v�.lua of thn Pwperty lmmediotely&Foro the taking is eqwil w or grcater U�n the amount of Uu surn��oaircd by thl�
<br /> Secur�ty lncttument lnunadiucly beforr the trking.unle�s Borrowcr and Lender olhcrwise�gree in wrldng. tho eum4 sxurod by
<br /> this 3ecurity Instrument shali be roducod by tbe amount of tho proceeds multiplied by the following fraction: (a) tMe tot�i _
<br /> - - anwunt of Me surnn secured immediately befo�e tho taking, divided by(b)the fair m�lcet value of tha Property immedi�tely
<br /> � �� before d�e taking. Any balance ahall ba peid to�omc�wer. In tha cvent a[a partial laking uf the Prapeny in whtch Ihe fwl�
<br /> rnark�t valua of tho Property immodi�toly bofcxe che taking is less than the amount of the sume securod immedfately before tho
<br /> tal�ing.unkss Borrower and l.erder otl�arwise agroa in wricing or unloss applicable I�w atharwise provides,lhe procaeds dall
<br /> be�p liai to the aums socurod by thia Security lnxttument whether ar not the sums aro then due.
<br /> If tho PrapeRy is wbandot�ud by Bonawer,or if.aflcr notice by Lender to Horrower thet the rnndemnor offers to make an
<br /> awurd ar settle a cleim for dem�gecs, Eormwer fails to�espond to I.ertder within 30 days after the date tha notice is given,
<br /> Lender is authorfz�od to colloct aM apply the pr000eds.at,its option,eilher to restomtlon or repxir of the Pnaperty or to tha Guma
<br /> - '�� securod by�his Security Inst�ument. whether ar not�hen due.
<br /> '�'� Unless Lencler and Homower otherwise agcee in writing, any appllcation of procaods to princlpal shell not eztend or
<br />- postpone the due date of the monthly paymenw�eferred to in paragraphs I and 2 or change the amount of such paymenta.
<br /> 11.Borrower Not Releasedi Forbear�noe By I.ender IVot A Wniver.Eatension of the time for payment or modiflcation
<br /> ` of amortizacion of t6e sums secured by thls Secudty Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall
<br /> , not aperate to[elease the liability of the adginal Borrower or Bomower's successors in interest. I.ender shall not bc required to
<br /> ; �,,� - commence proceedings against any sucoeswr in intere.4t or refuse to extend time for puyment ar othenvise modify amortiration
<br /> �.'.■ of 1he sums.secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand'made by the anginul Borrower or Borrower's
<br /> '�, j:`:- successors 1�lnterest. Any forbearance by I.ender in exercising any rlght ar remody shall not be a waiver of or preclude 1he
<br /> • exerciae of any�ight or rcmedy.
<br />' �"`'`'�` ` 12. Sucoeasors w�d Assi�n� Bound;Joint and Several Liabillty; Co-signers. 1'he rnvenants and agre�ments of this
<br /> _ L " .x_�`.'r'a- ,� 5ecur�ty tnstrument shull bind and benafit the successars and assigns of Lender and Horrower, subject to�he provlsions of
<br /> "•.a!M°!�:, c ! paragrnph 17. 8orrower's rnvenants und agreemem» shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security
<br /> Instrument but does not execute the Note:(a) is co-signing this Socurity Instrument anly to mortgage,grant and convey that
<br /> .. ''�`��t�� - `' Borrower's intere.4t in the Properly under the terms of this Security In�trument;(b) is not personally obligated to pay the sums
<br /> �,'�;� ..�, :. : ' , secured by this Secu�it�lnstmment:and(c)agrees thnt Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend.modify,forbeiu or
<br /> " make any accommodat�ans with regard to the termx af this Securfty Instrument or the Note withoul that Borrower's consent.
<br /> ,�". .. • . : �„ 13. I.opn Ch�ges.If the loon secured by Ihis Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan charges,
<br />• • • ':` and thnt law is finully interpreted sa thut the interest or ather laan chnrges collected or to be collected in connection with the
<br /> , .�. L. . loan exceed the permicted limi�ti.then: (al any sucB loan charge shull be reduced by the umount necexsary to reduca the charge
<br /> . to the permitted limit; anci (b)uny sums olreudy collected from Borrower which eaceoded permitced limits will be refunded ta
<br /> . _ ° . Bormwer. [.ender may chaose to make thiti refund by reducing the principul nwed under the Nate or by making a direct
<br /> _. ' payment to Hormwer. If u refunJ reduces princip•rl, th� reductian will be treuted uc u partial prepuyment without any
<br /> �f � � prepayment charg�under the Nute.
<br /> .•�•,• . 14.Notices. Any notice to&�rmwer providcd for in this Securi�y Instnum:nt shull bc given by delivoring it or by mviling
<br /> �..
<br /> -�;�%i; ' " it by first class muil unle�s applieuble law requires u�e of another methcxl. The notice shull be Jirected to the Prr�peny AddrekS =
<br />.� � ,, • • � . or any other uddress Borrnwer designutes by nocice to l.endcr. Any notice to l.ender shall bc given by first class muil to =_
<br />; '� � Lender's address stated herein or uny other addre�c Lender de.rignates by noticc ro Borrowcr. Any naticc provided for in this
<br /> � Security Inswmen�shall I�e decmcd to have h.ecn gi��cn to Barrower or Lendcr whon given a+providcd M this paraRraph. =
<br /> •r. � 13.Governing Ls►w; ScverAbility. This Security [nstrument shull bc govcrncd by federul law and the law of' the '
<br /> • • ; � jurisdiciion in which the Property is Icx:ated. In the event thut any p�ovisi�m or clause of this Security Instrument or the Nate
<br /> - ronflicts wfth applicuble lew,such conflict shull n��t affect other pravisions af this Securit��Instrumcm or the Note which can t►e -
<br />- given effen without the contlicting pravir:ian. T�► thi�enJ the pr��viNion.c of thir;Security Instrument and the Note are declared
<br /> ' to be severable.
<br />=�„ - ' 16.Borrower's Copy.&irrower,hall he given mir conWrmed ropy ut'the Note and nf this Security Inslrument.
<br /> �` 17.Transfer of the Property or a Beneficlal lntcrest in 8orrower. If all or any part of the Pmpeny or any interest in it _
<br /> . is sold or transferred(or it'u benefiriul intcrest in&�rr��wer is u�IJ��r tran�fcrr��l uncl Borrower i�nat a nuturul person)without
<br /> _ ,,.'_:� I.ender s priur wriuen consent, Lrnder nwy. �t its uptii►n, rcyuirc immtdiatc paymcnt in fuU ot'ull sums secured by this
<br />' �'�r.s�� ��•.--� Security Instrument.However,thi,option shal l nut be exercikd by Leixier if exercise ic prohibitcd by f��rol Inw ns of the date
<br /> y of this Serurity Instrumcnt. =
<br />�� , . . If Lender exercises thix opti�m, L.encler shull give&�rriiwer notire of uccelerati�n.The notice+hall pnivide u peric�d nf not -`
<br /> �� t • ,, less than 30 duys from lhe Jule the nntice is �klivcred ur muil��! within which &�rr��wer mu.t pay ull xumx xecureJ by this
<br /> `r Security Instrumenl.If&�rrowrr fuils tu pav the�r �um�pri�x t��thc cxpiru�i�m��f this�riixl, l.endcr muy invoke any rcmedies -
<br /> S: � � , permitted by this Security Instrumcnt wi�haut funhcr n��tirr or JemunJ�m Bur��aw�rr. �
<br /> _ 18. &►rrnwcr's Rl�ht to Rcinytalc. 11' Borm�vcr mret� rrnain rundition.r, B��rruwcr �I1:lII I1J1'C �hc right to h�vc
<br /> ' enforcement of�his S�YUrity Insaumrnt Ji�ruminu��l at any time priar Ic� Ihc rarlirr ut': (a� S Jay.���r,urh�ither �x:ri�xi o. �
<br />�_j :L upplicablc luw muy specif}• fi►r rein+�atenxnt) Iktiim wlc ul'th� Pr��pen}• pur,uant ta uny powcr �d'wle r�m�ainc�t in thi�
<br /> . y Security Instrument;or(b>cntry uf a juJgment entiircin�[�his S��urily Instrunient.Th��k ronditiuns are thut &irrower:(a)pay.r•
<br /> y ,. Lender all �ums which then would be due under tBis Security Instrumen� und thr Note us if no acceleration hud accurred: (bl
<br /> cur�any defpult of uny other covenun�s or u�eRtiments;Ic) pay+ ull ex�►enses incurrerl in enforcing thix Security Instrument, G
<br /> '�' ° including. bm not limited to,rea�onublc:utorncy�' fcr.:und IJ)tukr�surh actian as l.�:ndcr muy rcu�onably rcquirc to a�sure -_
<br /> `�',`,�; ;;:��,:... ,._..., that the lien of ihis Security lnxtroment. L.enJer'� ri�ht.in thc Proprny und&mowcr'. obligatiun to pay the�ums secureJ by -°-
<br />- • this Security Instrument shall cvmtinuc unrhang��. Up��n rcinstatcnxnt By H�orrowcr, this &�urity In�trument and the
<br />„ l��s•:� �;s�':;:��L�__,:,,,�L�1 obliaations secured hereby shull remuin f'ully�t'lititive�s if nn arceleiuli�m haJ�xruned. However, this riRht to rcinstale shal! �
<br />—°`'��' - `�--------- not epply in the case of uccclerutian under parugraph 17. - �
<br />•;�.•:�;,
<br /> :,..�,:��� Y • ' 19. S�le of Note; Clwn�e of I.oan Scrvicer. Thc N�►IC or u puniul in�crcat in tl�_ Natc U��gctAcr with this S�tiurity �c
<br /> . , Inytniment)m�y be snld onr ur mnre limc.without priur n��tirc tu&�rr�►wer. A.ale nmy re,nit in a change in thc cntiry�knuwn i
<br /> _ ' � •�, us the "I.opn Serviccr"►that coll��cts munthly prymem.Jue unJcr the N��tc uixl thiti S�turiry In��roment. Them al.0 muy he one 1�
<br />--- . ' ar more changes ot'the Luvn Servicer unrclat�til to a ul�uf the N�,tr. 11'thrrc i.a rhange uf the Lo•rn Sen•ir�r.&�m,w��r wil l tn E,
<br /> •. • given written nntice of the changr in urronlance with parugraph 14 aMwe onJ applir�Mle law. TIk n�nice will statr thr nanx and
<br /> ` uddrcss of the new Loan Scrvircr und the uddre�s �o w•hich paymrnt�shoulJ t+e mudc. Thr nuti�� will ulsa rantuin any ather
<br /> ,� •' � � � informntion rcyuircd by upplirablc IAw. �
<br /> . `:� .": . 20. Hazerdoug SubRtaa�c�w. Barmwcr .hull not ruuK �►r pern�it thr prc.cn�r. u.c. di.{x�wl. .a►n��r, ur rcic;�K ��F •rny �
<br /> • •.. -'- Hozardaua Substunces on irr in thc Pmpcny. li��rniwrr .hvll m» do. nur ulluw unyonr cl,c to do. unylhinE uffititing thc �
<br /> �.� .;' �, '�` Property that is in violu�ion of�ny Envimnmentul l.uw.Thc pn���ling twu untencc+xhull nut apply tu�hc pnKnre. uk.ur
<br /> .. ' . .: �.,�a storage on the Property of smull quunti�ic��,f Hri.unlou+5ub.tanre� that arc grnrrully r�ti„�ni��til t��hc uppropri�te tu n��rnwl �
<br /> . residential uses and to maintenunce ot'the Pmpeny.
<br />: . p,+a.3 n�+ ! . r Fo►m 3028 9i80 !
<br /> at G—
<br />