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<br /> ta Mi�a�o�N Fro+rwom.
<br /> — (q ro►rows�Not R�Nw�A.ExNn�lon ol th�dnN ta p�ym�nt a modllbatlon of�mo�ludon of t�wm�aaund by N�I�
<br /> — - t�01 TruW prontod by IAndar W any tucoasor In Int�ert of Borrow�r�hdl not op�►�t�to�Nwa.In�n�r mann�r.tlw IlaWllly
<br /> = of th�atpin�l Borrow�r and BorrowK's�uooMwrs In Int�ra�L�nd�r�hall not b�rpuir�d to aomm�nca procwdlnp��p�lnd
<br /> woh waapwr a rotuW to ucbnd qmo tor p�ym�nt or othawla modly�mortludon of th��ums Mour�d by thl�OMd d Truq
<br /> _ � by nwon of�ny d�m�nd�mqd�by th�orfyinal 9orrowN�nd Borrowor'o�uoc�oors In Intara4R
<br /> _ _ _� (b) L�ndK'�Pow�n•Wlthout�ff�ctlnp tn�Il�bllih o1�ny oth�r pe�or�Il�bt�for the paym�nt ol�ny obllpaUon h�rNn
<br /> m�ndon�d,and wilhout afloopnp tho Iion or ahprQo ol lhlo D�d ot Truot upon any portlon of the Properly notthen or Mmetoforo
<br /> rNwwd�waurly!or th�full amount ol all unpald obllp�tlon0.L�nd�r m�y,lrom dm�to dm��nd without notlo�(1)rNw�any
<br /> p�rson so Il�bl�,(II)�xt�nd th�m�turlty or alqr�ny of th�t�rm�of�ny�uoh oblip�tbm,(111)�nnt oth�r�ndulp�ncp,(lv)rdNw
<br /> or�econv�y.Of G4M to b�nt�as�d or rsaonvsy�d�t eny Umo at Lend�r's opdon any para�l,poAlon or�II of th�Propety,
<br /> (v)t�ke or rN�aM�ny oth�r or�ddltlon�l Maurlty 1or�ny obllp�tlon ha�ln m�nUon�d,or(vf)m�k�eompouuons a otlw►
<br /> uranp�nwna with d�bton In nl�tlon thsreW.
<br /> ° (c) Forb��nw br I.Md�►Nof a WalvW.Any forb�arpnao by Lend�r In sx�raiNnp�ny rlpht or nmsdy h�r�und�r,or
<br /> -�- otherwlae allorded by eppUcabls lew.ehall not b�s walvar of or pnclude the exercbe of my�uch ripht or nm�dy.Th�
<br /> ' proour�memof Imu►ancs or tha p��ment of tuco�or other Uan�or ah�rpee by L�ndK sh�ll not ba�w�lwr af t.�ndar'�ripht to
<br /> _— aocN�rate tlw maturiq of the Ind�bladness eeaurod by this Dead ot Truet
<br /> _ (d) BueoMSOti and Astipns Bound;Jolnl and @wWal WbUlq;C�ptlon�.The oovenentc and apre�m�na har�ln con-
<br /> mined�hell bind,�nd the rlphu heraunde►�hall Inure ta,the reepeadve successon and aalpns of Lendar and Tru�tor.All
<br /> ___�- aov�nsna and a�reomanb of Trustor shall bo Jolnt and soverel.The capNon4 end headinps ot the paraQ�aphs ot thl�DNd o1
<br /> '� Trust ere tor convenlenee only end�re not to be wed to Interpret or detlne the provltlons Iwreof.
<br /> — (�) RpuMt lor NMic�s.Tho parde�hareby reque�t thet e copy of any noUce ol default hweu�dsr end e oopy of any notic�
<br /> ,_„___��� ot sele hereunder be malled to each perty to this Daed o1 Trust at the addrew aut forth above In tha mann�r pr„crlb�d by
<br /> _—_-� :� applleabte law.Except for any other notba requlred under eppliceble law to bs given in another menner,any noUce provM�d
<br /> — lor in thie Dead of Tru�t shall bo�Ivan by mallinp auch notice by cerUfled mell addre�sed to the other partle4,at the addnss wt
<br /> "— forth�bove.Any noUoe provlded fa in this Dead ot Truat ahetl be eltective upon meilinp in the manner dealpnated h�raln.If
<br /> �-.'�,,� Trustor Is more thon one person,notice sent to the eddreas aet forlh above shell be noUce to all such person4.
<br /> .��j� (Q In�p�oHon,Lander may meke or cau�e to be made reawnable enbieo upon end Inspectiona of tha P�operty,provid�d
<br /> . o_.;as.. that Lendo�ehall pive Tru4tor notice prlor to any suoh in�pectlon�peal(ylnp reawnable cause thoralor rolatod to L�nd�r's
<br /> ' �;,� Intorat In the Property.
<br /> �;_::� (y) R�eonv�y�nc�.Upon payment of all eume seoured by Ihia Deed of Truet,Lender ehall requeet Tru�tae to reconvey the
<br /> �.,,y,� P►operty and�heA�urrender thls Qeod of Tru4t and ell notes evldencinp indebtednass secured by thle Oeed o1 Tru�t to Tru�tae.
<br /> �:•� Trustee ahall reconvey tha Property wltAout warranty and without oharpe to the perwn or per�ono lepelly entlWd thoroto.
<br /> —ss;•� Trustor�hall pey oll cosb of recordetion,If any.
<br /> --- > (h) PKwnd Prop�Ay;S�cuH�r AyrNm�ot.As additlonal eecurity for the payment ot the Note,Trustor hereby prant�
<br /> -___T c� Lendqr u^dxr the Nebra�ke Unlform Commercial Code a aeouriry Intereat In all Ilxturea,equipment,end other perwnel propeAy
<br /> used In conneation wlth the real eatate or improvemente loceted thereon,and not otherwlae declared or deemed to be a paR of
<br /> ���_���:. ' the roal estale seaured hereby.Thie inetrument shell be conetrued as a 3ecuriry Apreement under said Code,and the Lender
<br />--� ;��� ehall heve all the riphts and remedles ol a secured perty under eaid Code In addition to the rlphte and remediea created under
<br /> ----��� end eccorded the Lender purauant to thls Dead ot Trueh provlded that Lender's rl�hts and remedles under thla perepraph shell
<br /> ;�.�.s,►. be cumulotive with,and In no way a Ifmltetfon on,l.ender'a riflhte and remedfea undor any othar aecurlry ayreament dyned by
<br /> ,�,,�:rb,: '' BorrowerorTruator.
<br /> �-�;,�� (I) Ll�u md E�aumbr�nc��.Truator hereby warrente and represeMS that there is no delault undar the provislons o1 any
<br /> V =,,, mortpaye,deed ol Uus�aase or purohese contraat descrlbfnp all or any peh of the Property,or other conireot InaUument or
<br /> ��` ;� eqreement conetltutlnp a Ilen or encumbrance egelnst all or eny pert of the Property(colleclively,"Llen$"),exlsUnp ae ol the
<br /> r�+h�,::.�.;,.. date of this Deed ot Truet,and that eny and all exlstlnq Llens remein unmodilled except as dlsclosed to Lender In Truator'a
<br /> ---?� .�., .t.� . writlen dfsclooure of Ilens and encumbrences provided lor hereln.Trustor shell timely perform all ol Truator's oblipetb�s,
<br />:r.'�-r_':..�
<br /> _- ,�� covenartb,representations and warrandes under any and all exisltinp and luture Llens,ahell promptly lorwerd to Lender copiet
<br /> ----- «.• � of all noticoe oi defeult sent In connectlon wlth any end all exlBting or future Llens,and ahall not without Lender's prlor writton
<br /> �.r���, .,
<br /> -..--"�r .. con�ent in any manner modliy the p�ovielons of or allow eny luture edvoncee under any exlstlnp or future Llens.
<br /> -�:_-�-�`-�; ' Q) Applkdion ol P�ym�nb.Unlesa otherwiae requlred by law,aums pald to Lender hereunder,Includinp without Ilmitetion
<br /> :*xt;, .
<br /> ��_� � ° ^ payments ol princlpel and intereat,Inaurance proceeds,condemnetlon proceeds and rents end profits,ahall be app y
<br /> ��y� �r� Lende�to the amounte due and owlnp Irom Trustor and Borrower in such order es Lender in Ifa sole discreUon deems de�irable.
<br /> °��-`_ e5�� . (k) SwW�biNty.It any provlsion d thla Deed of Trust conNfcts with applicable law or ia declered Invalid or olherwlte
<br /> ��- ���` unenlorceable,auch contllct or Invelidily shell not aflect the other provisons of this Deed of Truat or the Note whbh can be
<br /> �`�"'�' piven eNeat wlthout the conllicUn�provlofon,end to thla end the provlslona ot thla Doed of Tru�t and the Nota are deolared to bo
<br /> —°r"?-'`.. : severable.
<br /> -�=a.a.a-f•.� ;
<br /> p) T�rma The terms"Truetor"end"Borrower"ehall inalude both slnyuler and pl I,and when e Truator and Borrower
<br /> ---=--���• �:• ara the aama person(e),those terms�es used In thls Oeed ol7rus be Interc pea e.
<br /> •���X
<br /> - (m)Gov�rnlno Law.Thlo Deed of Truat ahall be governed the o ot the tete o bras '
<br /> ��'a'T'i� TrWtor has executed thia Deed of Trust as of the date wrUten ebo e.
<br /> ,m�; ur,.:.. ,,.
<br /> �,j�. ,.
<br /> �'�'. °" (CO11 en M. GO Wif@
<br /> • � ,.��" (J e8 D. Goo w�ustor HuabBn
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