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<br /> applic,�ble law may apecify for�einctptement)before s�le of the Property�,ursuant to�ny power of uile cantainod in this
<br /> .: Socu�ity Inswmenr.or(b)entry of o Judgment enforcing this Security lnetrument. Thae condidanr wo th�t Bonower. (r)
<br /> pay� Leader all suma which tlten would be due under this Securily Inetrument �nd the Nda a if no Acceler�tion h�d
<br /> accumed;(D)cur�Any detwlt of�ny ather coverunts or agreenxnts;(c)pAy�all expense�incurted in enPorcin�this Secueity
<br /> Inswrt�cnt,including,but not limited eo,er,asonable attorney�'fees;end(d) Inke4 R��ch xctian as l.ender mwy nea�onobly __
<br /> , requiro to�saure that the lien uf this Securfty Inatrument,L.enderg righta i�tho Property anA Brnrower's obligation w pay�he
<br /> � -- sums Recurcd b this Securfly inadvment ahall condnue unchanged. Upon reinatalement by Borrower, this Secudty
<br /> -- --- �
<br /> - Incirument and obligedons�ecured hereby ahnll ramain fully effocdve pa if no acceleriuion hod occwred. However�thi� -
<br /> ri�ht w ninetnte shall nat appty in tix case of ecccleration under paragnph 17.
<br /> - �� 1�. Salo ot Note;Ciwn�e of l.ow►Servtcer. 'Rie Not� or a pudal interest in the Note(tngether with thiR Security
<br /> [nsqument)mAy be cold one or mors times wilhout pdor notice to Borrowor. A sale mey reaWt in a chenge in the entlty
<br /> ------ (known as the"Loan Servicer")that collecte mamhly peymenta due under tFie Note ond Ihie Security lnatrument. Therc also
<br /> - msy be one or more changes of the L.oan Servicer unrelated to u sale of the Mote. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer,
<br /> -�' Bomower will be given wtftten notice uf thR change in accoNunce wi�h puaBnph 14 above and applicable law. The notice
<br /> =-r_,'.-� will st�tc the name and addreas of the new Loan 5ervlcer end the addresa to whlch payments should be made. The nodce will
<br /> Nco conwln any other infortnadon requiad by applicable law.
<br /> •�° --=- 20. Hozordous 3ubataaces. Borrowcr shall not ceusc or permit the presence,use,disposal.storege.or release of any
<br /> -_v-A Hazardous Substancea on or in the Property. Bortower shell not do, nor allow anyone else to do. anything affectfng thc
<br /> Property that Is in violat�on of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences s6a11 not apply to the presence,use,or
<br /> storegc on�he Property of small qunntides of Hazardous Subatanccs tiwt ar�e generally recognized to bc appropriatc to normal
<br />_ -�--� residend�l uses and to maintenar►ce of the Property.
<br /> ',�� Bomower shall promptly give l.ender wdtten notice of any Inve�tigation.claim,demand,lewsuit or other action by any �
<br /> gove�nmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property ar�d any Hazardous Substance or Envlronmental
<br /> = Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower leams. or is notified by ar�y govemmental or regulatory
<br />_ ___.,.� authodty,that any remov�l or other remediation of any Hazordous Substance affecdng the Property fs necessory.Borrower �
<br /> _-- shall promptly take all necessery remediel act�ons in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br />- _ � As used in this paragrnph 20,"Hazardous Substences"are those aubstat�ces deflned as toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> =`�`•'�� Environmental Law and the followin substances: asoline,kerosene. oth�r flammable or toaic troleum roducts,toxic
<br /> � _:.��aot_n. 8 S Pe P
<br /> - .-�: pesdcides and herbicides,volatile solvents,mat�dals containing ashestos or formeldehyde. nnd radioactive materials. As
<br /> -'a`=���"�'+ used in this paragraph 20,"Emironmental Law"means federal laws and laws of the Jurisdiction where the Praperty is located
<br /> `�`��` that relate ta health,eafety or envlronmenW protection.
<br /> "'��„� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and L.ender further covenant and agree ss follows:
<br /> .::ri�=;. 21. Acceleradoa; Remedles. I.eader ahall give notice to Berrower prior to AccelerAtion fdlowing Borrower's
<br /> ===`,,,�°����,��,� breACh ot any eoveaAnt or ngreement In this Security Instreme�t(but not prior W acceleration under parag�ph 17
<br /> _�-:,�:���. unkss applicable law provides otherwise). The aodce shall specify: (a)the default;(b)the action requtred to cure the
<br /> - defaull;(c)a date,aot less thpn 30 dwys irom the dpte lhe notice Is given to Borrower,by whkh the default must be
<br /> ___ � ,� � cure�l;�nd(d)that foilure to cure the detault on or betore the dale spec{fied In We nolice�dav result in acceleratlon oP
<br />�-�;��;; the su�secured by this Security Instrument pnd sale of the Property. The notice shull i�rtaer inform Borrower of
<br /> �-• ��: the rtgMt to reinstate afYer acceleration and the right to bring a caurt acNoa to Assert the non-existence of a default or
<br /> � -- `� ;�� „ Any other defense of Borrower to acceleratbn and sele. IP tbe defAUlt is not cnred on or before the dAte speciiied in
<br /> the nodce,l.ender at its option mpy require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by lais Securlly Instrument
<br /> ' ���: wilhout further demand and moy invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permltted by applicoble law
<br /> Lepder shAll be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this pArngraph 21,
<br /> � �•� ^'�''"�•� including,but not Ilmited to,reaeonable Altorneys'tees and costs of title evidence.
<br /> ,��. ,
<br /> ' * �n �'�" It the power of snle is invoked,7Fustee sholl record a notice of de�ault in each county in which Any ps►rt of the
<br /> �°'�'^"'�` Property Is located and shali moll copkv of such notke in the manner prescribed by appllcwble IAw to Borrower And to =
<br /> ��-°�''� the other persons prescribed by appUcable law Aiter the time required by applicable law. 7lrustee shall give publk
<br /> �:�'+�`'„• nadce of sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicAble law. 7Fustee.wilhout demand on Borrower,
<br /> ,_�:,:.•:;,',,., sh�ll sell the Properfy at public Aucdon to the highest bidder at the tfine and place and under the terms designated in
<br /> —ta a�?�'� the notke of sale in one or more parcel.v And in any order'I�ustee determines. 'IFr�stee moy poslpone snle of all or any
<br /> � �u�. ;r-..
<br /> .,'�a'�,.. parcel of the Property by public announcement at the time and place of�ny previously�scheduled sale. I.ender or its
<br /> ''fi'�''�"" desi nee mA urchase the Pr rt at An sale.
<br /> `�_�'::_:. ,;..:, B Y P � Y Y
<br /> :���'"�.'�„ti Upon receipt of{wymeat oP the price bid,7Yuslee shall deNver to the purchaser 1Yuslee's deed conveying the
<br /> �'"�,r:,.q , PropeMy. The recqals in the 7lrustee's deed shall be prima Sacie evidence of the trulh of the slwtements made therein. _.
<br /> .�,_, :,: 'llr�lee aholl apply the pro��eeda ot the eale M the fbllowipg order: (a)lo all coste and expensee of exercisin�Ihe power
<br /> --__•,:�i��}�
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