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<br /> periods thut L.ender rcc�ufnea. The insurence curier providbg lJta lnsurance shull be charen by Bortower subJect to L.enderk
<br /> � approval which�iwll not be unreosonpbly withheld. If Borrowcr fuilx to maintuin covcmge descrlbed above.Lender may.at
<br /> L.eitder's option,obt�in covemge to protect Lenderk rights in the Prciperty in accardunce with porograph 7.
<br /> All in�urat��policies and rcnewals shell be acceptable to Lendcr and chell include a atandwd mongage cluuse. Lender
<br /> --- - -� oh�ll have thc right to hold the pulicie�r und renewuis. If Lender rcquims.Barrawer ahalt promptly givc to 4ender ell receiptR
<br /> �� of paid premiums�td rcnewal notices. In tho event of loxs,Bcxrower shall�rve prompt notice to the in�urunco carler snd
<br /> - ____-. � I.ender. Lender mny ma�e proof'of loss i(not made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unles�Lender and Bortower Wherwise ogroe in wriling,insurunca proceed�shall be applicd w rostoralian or repair of
<br /> � the Property damaged, iF tba restorution or repair is economicolly feasible nnd I.ender's tsecurfty is not lexsened. If�he
<br /> _� - � testoration or rcpair is not economiqally fenaible or l.enderk secunty would i�e lesxe�n,�ci,liie ineurwx:e proceedh �hall bo -
<br /> applied to the sums secuned by ihis Secu�ity Instrument.whether or not then duc, wllh any excegx paid to Borrower. If
<br /> Borrower al�ndona the Propeny,or dces na anawer within 30 duys u notice from l.ender that�he insurnnce carrlen c�is
<br /> affered lo settle a claim,then Lender may collect the inxuronce praceeds. Lender may use the proceeds ta repuir or restore
<br /> _ the PrupeRy or to pay Rums 6ecurcxl by this Security Inatrument,whether or not then due. The 30-day period will begin when
<br /> -= the notice ie given.
<br /> �__ u_� Unlesa[.ender and Borrower otherwise ngree in w�iting,any upplicatian af pracceds to princlpal shull not exrend or
<br /> postpone tha due dete of the manthly paymentx r+eferred ta in pamgrnphs I nnd 2 or chongc the amount of the paymenls. If
<br /> �:u:;� under parngruph 21 ihe Property is acquired by Lender, Borrower w right to any inxurnnce poUcies and praceedg rcsulting
<br /> - --
<br /> from clamnge to the P�nperty prior to the acquisition ehull pnsa to Lender to the extent of the aums secured by this Secu�ity
<br /> '--� lnauument immedintely prior to the acquiRilion.
<br /> ---- --- - :;� 6. Oeeupency� Preaervptlon, Meintennoce And Pratectton of the Aropertyt Borrower's Loan Application;
<br /> Leaseholde. Bomower shnll occupy,es�ablish,and use the Property nx Borrower�principal residence wi�hin sixty days after
<br /> =� the execution of this Secur�ry Instrument and shull continue to occupy the Propeny as Borraweris principal re»idence fa�at
<br /> -- . __ � Ics�st one ycar uiter the date of accupency, unless Lender athernise agrees in writing, wbich consent shull not be
<br /> v-�a unreasanpbly withheld.or unless extenuating circumstances exiat which sue beyand Barrower R control. Borrower shall not
<br /> destroy,domage or im�wir the Property.ullow the Property Io deteriorate,or commit wa.ste an�he Property. Borrowcr shall
<br />,_ i����• be in defAUlt if any forfeiture nction or proceeding,whether civil or criminul,ic begun that in Lender ic good faith judgment
<br /> --,cc"�%`�-R-,�
<br /> __,� could result in forfeiture oi the Property or othenvise muteriully impuir the lien creuted by thiR Security Instrument or
<br /> ,,_�.�y�Y� Lender's secudty interesl. Borrowe�may cure such n defnult nnd reinstate,us provided in parngruph 1 R,by cuuwing the actian
<br /> ---•°���• or praceeding lo be dismissed with a ruNng thut, in Lender'x goad faith determination,precludes forf'eiwre af the BoROwer w
<br /> --�_ interest in the �roperty or other materfal impairment of the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security
<br /> interest. Borrower shull Alsa be in default if Borrower, during the loan upplicntion prceess, gave mnteriully fulse or
<br /> �....�.m:;�,� innccurnte information or stutemen�s to Lender(or fniled to provide Lendcr with uny material informution)in conncction with
<br /> �'•'� Ihe los�n evidenced by the Nate, including. but not limited ta, representutions conceming Borrower:s occupuncy of the
<br /> -�_��w?'�`� Property as u principal recidence. If this Security Inxtniment is on u leu,ehold,BaRawer shull comply with ull lhe provisions
<br /> _ of the leuse. If Borrower acquires fee titic to the Praperty.the lea�chold and the fce iitle ahull not merge unless Lender agrees
<br /> --=--_-----°� to the merger in writing.
<br /> -��~=���, 7. Protectlon oi Lender's Righfa In the Pruperty. If Borrowcr fuik to perform the covenunts :�nd ogreements
<br /> ��!�1'�ze�{�'�f`�r cnntained in this Securiry Inhtniment, or �here is u Iegul proceeding thu� may significandy uffect Lender's rights in the
<br /> �°�:z;:_'.;,;-•.
<br />-- .�;T,_,;.-;,�_ic� Property(such c�s a proceeding in bunkniptcy,probute,for condemnudon or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulutions),t en
<br /> -==�+i L.ender may do ond puy for whutever is neceszury to pro�ect the vulue of the Propeny and L.ender z rights in�he Property.
<br /> _ �1L�.' y ' P Y � Y• Y P Y Y PF� 6
<br /> —��� Lender's actions mn �nclude a in un �umx secured b u licn which hux riorit �iver this Securit Ins�niment,u orin
<br /> -�s�.�� •
<br /> in court,puying reusonable attorneys'tecs und cnlering on thc 1'ropeny to muke rep�+irx. Although Leixler mny tuke act�on
<br />' "�''�.�'�°� under�his paragrnph 7,Lender does not huvc�o do xo.
<br /> �=- '""° Any amoumti di�cburticd by Lcndcr under thi,puragruph 7 shull becume additionul deM of Bormwer �ccured by this
<br />-�"'��' Security lnstrument. Unletiti Borrowcr und Lendcr ugree to other trrmr of puymcnt,thexe umounts,hall beor interext from the
<br /> _,=_�� dute of disburu:ment c►t the Note rutc und xhull be puyuble,with interest,upun nWice from Lender to Boirowcr reyucsting
<br /> --��;._� puyment.
<br /> �;��:�-. 8. Mortgage In.rurance. If Lender reyuired mortgugc in,uruncr�+u condhi�m of muking the loun �ecured by this
<br /> P,,,,,:�'.2;i�Kr�•.• Secu�ity Inslrumem, Borrowcr�hull puy the premiums reyuircd to muinwin �he mongugc insurunce in effect. If, for any
<br />"'-' ••�•�, reason, Ihe monguge insumncc coverugr reyuired by LenJcr Icip�es or cru�es to be in effect. Borrower shul) puy the
<br />.'^vr.z__I.:'...
<br />—_�:-�N.��� • premiums reyuired to obtain covcruge xubrtuntiully cyuivulent to the monguge intiurunce previously in efTect, at u cost
<br /> '�"'F r.;.-=„by�',., xubstuntinlly eyufvrlent to the cn,t to Bormwer of�hc monguge inzurunre previuu+ly in effect, Prom an ultemu�e mortguge
<br /> ����'�� insurer upproved by Lender. If tiub,tuntiully cyuivulen�mongagc insurance arveruge ix not uvuiluble,Borrower shull puy to
<br /> �: Lender euch month u �um eyual to one-twelf'�h uf Ihe yeurly mortgugc intiuruncc prcmium Ixing paid by Bortower when thc
<br />,��'��;;c �
<br />.,�;�;.,.'., insurnnce covcrage lupscd or ceuxcd to tx in cffec�. Lrndcr will ucrrpt,u�e und retuin�hcsc puymrnt�uti u Inss rcscrve in licu
<br /> _=����,,� of mongAge inxur.uxe. Loti. nscrvc puyment+ mny no longcr tk rcyuired,ut thr np�ion of Lcn�k:r, iP mongugc insurunre
<br /> ,,�,-� coveruge(in the umounl unJ for the�xriod that LenJcr reyuirrs)providcd by un insw•er i�pproved by l.ender uguin l�romc.
<br />��r;.�''�.`�`:•�� ' uvailuble and iti obtuined.Barcowcr�hull puy Ihe pmmium.rcyuircJ w muinluin murtgugc mxurunce in effect.�►r tn providc u
<br /> ��� ,�. loss reserve,uMil the reyuinnknt fur mon�eugc insurunce endx in uccorduncr with uny wriuen u�nrmrnt i►elw�n Burrower
<br />'�``,�°'. und Lender or applicuhk luw.
<br />��. ;•'' . �� 9. Inspection. Lcndcr or i�s ugcnt muy mokc nasimublc rmrir.upon un�l in.�xction,of tlie Pru�xrty. Lrndcr�hull
<br />_.��;..;•x•,� ;,, give Bormwer nntice ut�he tim.of or prior�o un in+�xction s�xcilying rcu�onublr cau.c I'��r the im�xrtion.
<br /> , . !0. Condemnatiun. Tlir pnxecJx oY vn�• uwurJ or claim fi�r dumuge.,dirrci��r a�n.eyurntial. in rannec�ion with any -
<br /> , t� tiinglc F�md�-•F'ynnk\fac�tl+eddk\1wc UM1IM'(IR�t Ititi'1'RU11P:\T-•Unil�mn Cuv�rm��, 9l90 q��i.t�•?��J e�w�¢r�i
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