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. <br /> _ _..,,. :r:�s ": � fi�„i .. .. ` ... . '— -_ „�_ <br /> -..'' "�-:;' :,u �i I I �r � .F - --_ �, . <br /> ���:..�.:�.`� . _,_.._ ___ , <br /> �:.� ; <br /> �_��,:� � _° � ,� ��1--�105610 <br /> ' candemnation or dher toking of nny purt uf the Prop�nY•or for conveyance in licu of condcmnu�ion.arc hcrcby a�xiQncd und <br /> __- �Iwil be paid w Lendcr. <br /> - In the cvcnt of a totAl taking of tho Propeny. �ho pra�edx xhpll be applied to thc sums s�ccured by ihia Security <br /> _°� - In�hument,whether or not�hen due,wlth any excess paid to eorrawer. {n ihc cvem uf u puniul tAking of 1he Pivpeny in _ <br /> which the fuir market value of the Prop�ny immediutely before the taking fs equul to ur grcuter than�he amuunt of the suma <br /> recu�d by this Scti;urity Instrument Immediately befare ihe tuking.unlehx sormwcr und l.ender atherwi+c Agme in wrfting. _ <br /> the sums isecured by this SecuritY Inedument shull he reduced by the amount aP the prcxeedg mulliplied b}'�he following _ <br /> - --- � fraclion: (a)the taal amount of rhe sums secure�lun eeahuil't� `u d to BurriuweJ`V Ine he eventhof ui p;miilletaking of the , <br /> property immediately befor� the taking. Any P <br /> �- properly in which the fui�market vAlue of the Propeny immediatcly befbrc Ihe tnking is lexs�hun the amount af the Hums <br /> �secured immediately before the tplcing. unleFS 8orcower und Lendcr ahcrwi�+e ugmc in writing or unless applicable luw <br /> -_= otherwise provides,the praceeds shall be applied to the aums secured by ihix Secu�ity Instrument whether ar not the Rums ore <br /> `-'� then due. <br /> lf the Propeny is absmdoned by it,after notice by l.ender to Barrower thut�he condemnor offers to m e <br /> - - _-_�,.� un awnrd or settle a claim for damuges,Borrower fails to respond to Lendcr wHhin 3U dayw uf�er thc dute the noiice ix given. <br /> ����`•t� Lxnder is authorized ro collect ond apply�hc prcx:eedx,ut its option,either to retitoration or rep�i�of the Property or to the ` <br /> ----:;�;� suma secured by this Security Inxtrument,whether or not then due. <br /> Unless Lender and Barrower otherwise ngree in w�iting, uny upplication of proceeds ta principul r+hnll m�t extend or <br /> '"'-'"'°`"='�'' postpone the due dete of the monthly payments referred to in pu��gmphs 1 und 2 or change�he umount of ruch puymrnts. <br /> � __-4�,�;;� I l. Sorrower Not Relensed; RurbearAnce By l.ender Not a WAiver. Extensiop of the time for puyment or <br /> -- moditication of amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument grsmted by Lender to uny tiuccexsor in mterest <br /> ---i� of Borrower xhall not opernte to release the IfubiNry of the original Borrower or Borrower'v successor4 in inter+est. Lender <br /> -T..� shnll not be reyuircd to commence praceedings agnins� any successor in interect or refuse ta extend time for payment or <br /> athenvise modify umonization of the sums secured by this+5ecuri�y Instrument by mu.tion af any demund mude by the original <br /> � - Borrower or Bormwer's Kuccessors in interest. Any forbeurunce by Lender in exercising uny right or remedy xhall nat 6e a <br /> ���`-�'��' waiver af or preclude ihe excrcise of uny riBht ur rcmcdy. <br /> -_�`��° �� 12. 3uccessore and Assigns Bound;Joint and Severall.fabilNy;Casignera. The covenants und agreements of�his <br /> �:� • <br /> �-`"'�'°�; ' Security Inxtrument shull bind and benefi�the successo�and ussign4 of Lender und BoROwer,xubject to the provisions of - <br /> -"�=�=�''�=,!� purugmph 17. Bortower+covennnts und ugreements shull be joint and xeveral. Any BoROwer wha co-sign.r• this Security <br /> —�_�.. �' Inswment but dces not execute the Note: lu)is co-signing�hi�Secwity Instrument only to mortguge,grunt u�d convey that <br /> -��;��_ Borrower?s inlerest in tl�Propeny under the termK of thi�Security In+trumenr, (b)iti not persanully obligu�ed to puy the sumti - <br /> =�==-- ssecured by this Security Instrument;nnd(c)ngrees thut Lender und uny other Borrower muy ugree to extend,mcxlify,farbeur <br /> : ;.u� or makc eny nccommoda�ions with negard to the terms of thic Security Instromen� ar the Note wi�hout that Borcower's - <br /> —`�'�"°�'�"�`-=� cp��l3. I.opn Chargea. If thc laun secured by thix Security Instrument i� zubject to n luw which ticts mnximum laan <br /> --�••�='+��"`� charges,und thut luw is finnlly interpreted so that d�interst or othcr lo:�o chnsses rollectPd nr to he coUected in connec�ion <br /> —'���_'�.'i�s,:'�;,.,,�� with the loan exceed the permitted limits,then: lu)uny tiuch loun charge shull be reduced hy�he umount necessary to reduce <br /> '�"'°"'"� ; '• the churge to the permitted limit;and(bl uny sumx ulready collected from Barrower which exceeded�xrn�itted limit4 will be <br /> • refunded to Borrower. Lender muy choasc to muke this refund by reducing�hc principal owcJ undcr the N�ite or by making a <br /> - �.,.a�„-,; • direct payment ro Barrower. If u refund reduces principal,the reductian will he tma�ed u�u purtiul prepuyment without nny <br /> prepuyment charge under�he Nate. <br /> "�"`�t'°"".��'`• l4. NaticeA. Any notice to Borrower provided tar in thi� Securily Intitrument shull be given by delivering it or by <br /> wr+�'. ' �• mailing it by firsl cluxs mail unless opplkabk luw requires u�e of unother melhoci.The nolice tihall be direc�ed ta the Property <br /> . ss,: ��xf'';, Addresx or uny aher uddrrss Bonowe�drsignutex by noticc[o l.ender. Any nrnice to Lender shull he given by first <br /> --- � -'" • mail to Lender's addre�,slutcd herein or any other uddre.s Le�der J�,ignute�by noticc ro Borcower. Any n��tice provided for <br /> ,�.: , <br /> ���I., ' in �hia Security Intitrument +hull bc Jccmed to huve txen givcn to Fiarrower or Lcnder when given uti provided in this <br /> ��:.;. <br /> ���_� �� purugruph. <br /> �.,:,�"„ 1S. Governing Law: SeverabNity. Thi� Security Inxtrumcnt shull tx govcrncd by feJe�ul luw and �hc luw c� t e <br /> -:_,�� ; - ' Jurisdiction in which�he Property is kxuted. In�he event thut ony pmvi.ion or cluu,c oY this Security Inxwmcnt ur the Nute <br /> .'�;�,_ � eonfliels with upplicable luw.+unc�onflic� shull nnt ufl'ect other pre►vi+ions ol'this Security Instrument or Ihe Note which cun <br /> �,_ . _,j,� "� be given effec:t without the contlicting pmvision. To thi.end thr provi�ionx uf this Securiry Ins�run�ent und the Note urc <br /> �' declured to be sevrrable. S�ecurity Inti�niment. <br /> -;�� ���t' 16. Borroeer's Copy. eorrowcr�hull tx given one cunti,nneJ copy ot'�hc Note and ot'this <br /> "�" �=° � 17. 7YAnsfer of the Prnpert,v or a Beneflc{al Interest fo Borrower. If ull or uny purt of llhc Pm�crty or uny intcrost in <br /> ���4."'"' �� it is sald or t�AnsferreJ (�r if u Ix:ncticiul interest in Bortow�r is �old or trimsleRCJ anJ Born�u+er is not u nuwral person) <br /> ---�-..,.o . , <br /> :���•',<;r' .~ without Lcnder's pricx written conscnt.L�ndcr ih uption,require immrdiutc puymcnt in t'uU nf ull sum�+ecured by <br /> �.'wi',e�: <br /> � �`° this Security Inxirument. Howevcr,this oplion xhall not be rxerci+cJ by Lcnder if excrci�e i.r prohibited by tedernl luw ux ot <br /> *`�' w � the date of this Scrurity Inxtrument. <br /> _;�'°�., - • <br /> `�-"-�i�'�' •° If Lender excrcixes thi�option,l.cnder xhull givc Hurn�wcr n��iicc�►f ucccleration. Thc nntirc.hull provide a perial of <br />_ ;�SeL:' -,:. ' P�Y <br /> ..---'.Yr,� not less than 30 duyti from the datc thr notice i.dclivcnd or muilcd within whirh Borrowcr mu+� � ull+um.�ccured by thi� <br /> � Security Instrumcnt. If Bormwer fuils ta puy thesr sum+ prii►r to the expirutiun of Ihis pericxl. Lcndcr muy invuke any <br /> �.��:-z�i <br /> �.�",.,�,: �.._. remedies permincd by this Securiry In.ln�mcnt witlioul t'urthrr noticc i�r demund on Burn�wer. <br /> • 18. Borrower p RiRht lo Reinsmte. If Rurrowcr mect. rcrl:�in ca�xlitinn+, Borrowrr ��h�ll havc lhc right to huvc <br /> _ •�......�=��-.:••-••• enfarcement of Ihis Security Imtrumem di,c��minucd ut any time priur to Ihe carlicr nt': lal 5 duy�Ior tiuch other�xricxl us <br /> i1 r• � r tiN�µk Fumily..Fanele�1ce/Freddle�fuc l'�IFOR11 IN5'1'Nl�S1F.1'I'-•l�mlunu('���cnanh 4N10 i��dKi�J nJ n�H�Rr�� <br /> � . <br />- V��r.,i , . .. <br /> � <br /> �� .� . --••— • - . . . ♦.�...• ..�. ��..M.�.'('�jM�M�erLMMli.t+��j_ <br /> - . �..1 ...i. _-. . . . . . � ' .. . . _ <br /> , � . <br /> . � . . .. .. I . <br /> '. <br /> • a�1f[°:,,e�.nPz...9k.�_ ' <br />--- — ------ - ----`- `--- -•-- . . . , . ._._..1._.._ .�_ .. <br /> —. ---_ ..-� ---------- �--'---- ` ---" -'.. . ,. . . ,.. .. . . . .. .. .. � - —'-c . .,_.�.. ._ -`--- <br /> � �... � �� . .. - . ' . <br /> � - . .. <br /> ' l. � . . . ., .. <br /> � ' ,.. , . , �. ._ .. . _. . <br /> t — <br />