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:s: -. -.r�-....._' <br />.. --•_. �tMxv�..lT.r� -. . ry� y�.YYA., ' '".-.___ '. __.....;-__- z._._._ _ <br /> 7•' <br /> _,�. . �'„oc'�,., `.� -- <br /> u��tv�. '�-*nA� _4�� R . �_ ..�. ._ ____'_`_,__-- 1__ _ <br /> �1^.�S <br /> t <br /> _._ _ � 91_ so5sos <br /> 'I�OaE'fHER WITH all tho improvemcnts now or hoi+cafter erocted on tho propeny,�ind all ca�emcn�s.nppurtenancea� <br /> ar�d fixturca now or hercafter a pun of the property. All rcplacements and additions xhwll al:o bo covered by thi�Secudty <br /> Inwument. All of the foregoing is refemed W in thix Sccodty Inelnimcnt uv the"Property.' <br /> BORROWER COVBNANTS that Borrower is lawfully seiccd uf the eR�ato hetcby canvcycd and hus the right ta grnnt <br /> -- ond cunvny the Prnperty aed lhat ihe PropeRy ia uaencumbered,e�cept for encumbrances nf record. Borrower wwranl�and <br /> - ----- -=_� will defend generally the tide to the Prope�ty against all cleim��utd demands.subject to any encumbruncea af record. <br /> �� 'fH�g gECURITY INSTRUM�NT combinea uniform covenanta for nudonal uxe u�d non-uniform covenonta with --- <br /> limited variation�by Jurisdiction to constitute a uniform security instrument covering real property. <br /> f� UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant un d agree as fol lows: <br /> �=;� 1. P�nyment ot Principnl ond laterest;Prepnyment and Lwte Clwr�ai. 8orrower shall promptly pay whcn due thc <br /> -- .— principal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepuyment and late chargea due under the Note. <br /> __._ __.__=;��; 2. Funda for 7lnxes and Iasurpnee. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender,Bortower shall pay to <br /> -= Lander on the day monthly payments are due under the Note.untfl the Note is paid in full,a sum C'Funds"1 for.(a)year�Y _ -,. _ <br /> taxes and ass+sessmenta which may attafn pdority over this Secuflty Inswment as a lien on the Property:(b)yearly leasehold <br /> v"""�'`:';.� payments or ground rents on the Property. if any; (c) yearly hazard or prapeny inaura�xe premiums; (d) yeurly flood � <br /> �- �` insurance premiums, if any; (e) ycarly mortgage insurance premiums. if any; and (� any sums payable by Borrower to _ <br /> ""`"'��� accordance with the provisiona of paragraph 8,in Heu of�he payment of mortgage insurance premiums. These <br /> - ----- -' items a�+e called"Escrow Items." l.ender�nay,at any time,collcct und hold Wnds in an amount not to exceed Ihe maxlmum 4_ <br /> _.___�`,;';� amount a lender for a federally related mortgAge loan may require for BoROwerk escrow account under the federal Real <br />-- ��� Estate Settiemem ProcedumR Aci of 1974 as amended from dmc ta dme,12 U.S.C.�2601 et seq.("RESPA"),unless another �._ <br /> �:.�.,,_,�•. .�;; �. <br /> --_---°_� " �.:. law that applies ro the Funds sets a lesser amount. If so,Lender any time,callect and hold Funds in an amount not to _ <br /> ,,:�',.�. �� � eace�d the lesser amount. L.ender may estimate the amount of�nds due on ihe basis of current data and reasonable �, <br /> �=�s��-� .', esdmates of expenditures of furore Etcrow ltems or otherwise in accordance with npplicable law. <br /> � _;-:��,'`��� The FY�nds ahnll be held in en institut�on whose depo�i�s are insured by a federal agency, instrumentality,or entity �µ <br /> �f:' . includin Lender,if Lender is auch an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Benk. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay <br /> -- ?��x� the Escrow Items. l.ender may not charge Borrower for holding und applying the Funds,annually analyzing the escrow W <br /> —:?'�.«F��c. . <br /> � �== =— account,or vedfying the Escrow Items. unless Lender pays Borcower interest on the Funds end uppliceble law perm ts �.,. <br /> ���`'•'',:""'��`�� .� Lender w make such a charge. However,Lender may require Horrower to pay a one-time charge for an independent reul �L;� <br /> �=�-��=+• �' eslete tau reportfng service used by I.ender in connection with this loan.unless app8cable luw provides otherwise. Unless an -_ <br /> - -� __ ---t�� agreement is made or applicable law rcquires intcrest to be paid,I.ender shull not be required to pay Borrower any interest or �� <br /> u""' � � eamings on the Punds. Horrower and Lender may agree in writing,however,that interest shall bc puid on the Punds. Lender <br /> ���_�''"�°°'T 1_ shell give to Bortnwer.wilhout charge,an annual accounting of the Flinds.showing credits and debits to the Funds and the ��x- <br /> ��'__ . <br /> �;,���:-�"" pur�ws�fur which each�icbit to the Fl�nds evas made. The F�mAx ere p�edged ns additional security for all suma securcd by — <br /> ����;, � this Security Inswment. �� <br /> ��,_, ' If the Funda held by Lender exceed the umounts permftted w be held by upplirablc law, Lender shall nccount to _ <br /> � •� ' Borrower for the ezcess Flmds in uccordance witb the rcquirements uf applicuble law. Ii the umount of the Funds held by `� <br /> '=�• �� �i.a Lender at nny time is�not sufticient to puy the E+crow Items when duc,I.ender muy so notify Borrower in writing,and, in <br /> such cur+e Burmwer�hall puy �u Lendcr the umaunl necessary lo m�kc up�he deficiency. Borrower shall muke up the ��J <br /> �� : �r <br /> �-.:-- deflclency in no more than Iwelve monihly payments,u�Lender x sale di�cretian. <br /> �;l`�"-�� Upon puyment in full of all sums xccured b Ihix Sccurit Inxtrument,Lendcr ahull promp�ly refund ro Borrower any <br /> y Y rior to thc ur uisition or �` <br /> _��., .. Funds hcld by l.cnder. If,undcr puragruph 21,Lender whall ucyuire or�cll Ihe Property,Lender,p 4 ��� <br /> - -- ._ _ � sole oP 1he Pn►perty,ahull apply ony Fundg held by LenJer ut the time of ucquiKilion or 5wle As u credit ugninst the sums _ ` <br /> """=��`-. ` yecured by this Security Inslrument. [;,"� <br /> e <br /> ,_•JI��� ��,:•:4�� 3. ApplkAtlon of Paymenfa Unlesti upplicuble luw provides otherwise,all puyments received by L.ender under � <br /> ��..,.,..::y <br /> e . ptuagrnphs I cnd 2 shnll be applicd:firtit,to any prcpuyment chargc�due under the Note;second,to nmounts payuble under �_ <br /> , porugraph 2;ttdrd,to interest due;founh,lo principul due;und uny late charges due under the Note. �+ <br /> ��'�� `--� 4. C h a r g e s; I.i e n s. B o R Ow er shall pa y all �uxes, us,essments,chnrges,finea and impositions attributable to the <br /> a:r.� <br /> ''��,,...� property which mny uttain priority over this Serurity lnstrument,and leasehold pnyments or grou n d rents,i f uny. Borro w e r �: ; <br /> "-�'•f � shall pay these obligAtions in the munner provided in pur+�gruph 2,or if not paid in that mnnner,Borrower shall pay them on <br />-'��•��� time direcdy to�he person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender all noticev of amounts to be paid under iec-: <br />- ��s�`.*.... thia paregrnph. if Borrower makes these puyments directly, Burrower shall promptly fumish to l.ender receipts evidencing �,_� <br /> , .,:..� �payments. ��=. <br /> ��„.'`�.`��' Borrower shall promptly discharge uny lien which has priority over this Securiry Instrument unlesx Bnrrower:(a)agrees �,.� <br /> ---_"'=� in writing to the payment of the obligution secured by the lien in a msumer ucceptnble to Lender,(b)contests in gaad faith the �._ <br /> , a�� lien by,or defends against enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedinss which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the �:`- <br /> �_'��, enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from thc holder of the lien nn ngreement saiisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien �''"-- <br /> :Jh''��C• . <br /> ��-�- to this Security Inswment. If Lendcr detennines that nny part of thc Prapeny is xubject to a lien which may Attain priority �. <br />.._.;,���;..;,:. �,�,+�'.r �• ., <br /> — ,,�, over this Secu�fty Instrument,Lender muy give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shull satisfy�he lien or take <br />-=�•� • ��� one or more of�he uctions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. �,'1= <br /> - • . _ °'� S. HAZard or Property[nsurance. Borrower shall keep thc improvements now existing on c�reaftcr erected on thc ,� <br /> "� property insured ugainst loss by�rc,haznrds included within the term"extended coverase"und any other hnzardx,including <br /> ,� ��. <br /> , flaoda or flooding, for which Lender requires insurunce. This insurancc shall be maintnined in the nmounts and For the t <br /> . . Norm 30bi 9190 Ilk+Rt 2 oj6 poRta► �. <br /> . �. <br /> , .r , -: --- <br /> � . �i <br /> �: <br /> . ��:, <br /> , � .i . � •,.,,� "�.....,:.i.ti/`M+4,��.. ,. <br /> �e� ' _�:.:,:�i..:T..-�:-,.---, , <br /> . .. ,. <br /> ,. ., <br /> _. �4:_,:_�,ti�— —- _ . .� . .. _ - -- -- — - <br /> ----- — — ° -- ='—° '_, <br /> . . . ....._ ..----- ,-----�-- <br /> , t � � d' <br /> � � <br /> f " ' <br /> . . � - �. .. . )_ <br /> �� , ' � <br /> 4 . � . " _ <br />