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<br /> �*�1� �ppllcable IRw may�pecify for rein:wiemenc)befoR eale of tha Property pur�wuu to any power of ule cont�lned in this
<br /> — Seouriry lnswment�or(b)enuy of�judament a�forcin�thia 3ecurlty IncwmenG Thou woditiau an th�t Borrower. (a)
<br /> � psya Leader dl auma which tt�en would be due under thi� 5ecudty lnurumant u�d �he Wae u if no�cceler�tion had
<br /> occumed;(b)curca�ny defiult of any ather covemnu or agrcemenu:(c)poY�all expe�ues incurted in enfarcin�this Secudty
<br /> Imwment.includin�,but not limited to, reiuon�ble onomeyi'fas; w�d(d) taka such�ctian u l.ender m�y rr.�uon�bly
<br /> require to�sw+e tturc the lien af this Secudty In�trument.L.enderl�rfghtr in the Property and Bwrowar9 oblig�►don to pay tho
<br /> - .,�:;,_��;�. -� nuns secund by this Securiry Inauument sh�U candnua unch�n�od. Upon rein:tatement by Barower. thi� Security
<br /> --� Inauument wid tbe abU�attons cecuad hereby ahall mnain fully effectfve as if no accelenxion had xcurr�ed. Howevar.thb ,
<br /> .,, �;; tiabt to roinwte si�ll not xpply in the caso of n�celer�tion unda pu+iaraPh 17.
<br /> ''' * •� �� ' 19. Sde ot Notei C6an�e ot Loaa Servker. The Note or a pudal intereat in the Note (to4ether with thi:3ecurlty
<br /> - lnmumau)inay be wtd oaa cr more umea wi�houYprior entr dueuader the Nota�nd this S urity Luuume�n�'Therc als�o
<br /> ;=�:c.;�; '' (frnown�s the Loan Servicer)that collxta monthl paym
<br /> --�;�r,�." • au�y be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer wvelattd to�sale of the Nou. !f then is a change of the Lo�n Serv�cer. �
<br /> _ �`.•' Bonowa wfll be ven written notice of the ctu�nge in accardence with paragreph 14�bove and appllwble law. The noticx
<br /> �`-. -��.'�';.� wiQ etate the name�nnd address of the new Loan Serviccr and the addresa to which peym�nts should be made. 71►e nodce will _.
<br /> :.�;. y
<br /> •;-�:,rJ�'_ �fp COIIf�II f111y O[IIC!'ITIfOt117&[�011 IlQU�by A�[lI�CAIIIC IaW.
<br /> '=��- �.� � � 20. Hazardous Substances. Borrower:hall not cause or pem�it the presence, use,disposal,storage.or rolease of any
<br /> _ _�� ...• � ��s Substances on or in the Property. Botrower shaU not do.nor allow anyone else to do. anything affectjn8 the
<br /> ��-��•`�:'� -- Property that is in violadon of any Environmental Law. The precedi�g two sentences ah�ll not apply to the presence,use.or
<br /> - °"��-`-°:`�: °� atorAge on the Property of smell quAntitiea of Hucarduu�Subctancei that are gcnerally recogniud to be eppropriete to nonnal �_
<br /> - ��'''�y��:.'���• re�idential uses and to maintenence of the Property.
<br /> ---':'�"'",-`.='%�,. Bomower ahpll promptlY give Lender wriaen not�ce of any invesdgation,claim.demond.lawsu�t or other ac[fon by any
<br /> -_�°��"°;`�� '`'�° � govemmental or ngulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Ha�rduuti Subsunce or Environmental _
<br /> ___. =� Law of which Borrower haH actu�l knowledga If Borrower learns. or is nodfied 6y any governmental or regulaw�y
<br /> '•'� authoriry,that any removei or other nmediadan of any Hazardous Substancc affecting ihe PropeAy 1:naxssary.Borrowa
<br />-_:..;���,•f;� , . . shall promptly take all nceessary remedi4l act�ons in accordence with Environmenta!Law.
<br /> ;M=; As used in thia paragraph 20."Hazardous SubcWnces"are those substances defined as to�le or hazardous substences by _
<br /> +.�a, ��"� � � Environmental Lew and the following substances: gasol ine.kerosene, other flammable or toxic p etroleum praducts.toxic
<br />_-- ,��: "°��' p e s t i c l d e s a n d h e r b i c i d e s,v o l a t�l e s o lv e n t s,rtwceriala containin g asbestos or fonnaldehyde, and radioacdve materials. As
<br /> - . used in this paragraph 20."Environmental Law"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction w h e n e t he P r operty ie l o c a t e d �7''
<br />- '�,°�:, ° ttwt relate to health,safery or environmental protecdon.
<br /> - •;��� � NON-UIJIFORM COVENANTS. Botrower end Lender further covenant and agree as followa:
<br />--`�� ,• '` 21. AcceleraUon;Remedies. I.eader ehall �ive aotice to Borrower prior to �cteleradon following Borrower's __
<br /> +'.:.'.% "";':"'.�'� breach ot any covenaot or agreement in this Secu�ity Instrument(but not prior to accekratton under paraQroph 17 ___
<br /> =° '.�.; �,•,°�_ ssoltss app!lrsbkla+�:rrovldes otl�e��?. The aotke s6aU specifv: (a)the deiault,(b) the aclloa required to cutro tlie
<br /> :z-:.-� ..
<br /> � , default;(c)st date,not less tban 30 doys tlrom the dwte the not(ce is given to Borrower,by wh[cb tbe detaWt must be
<br />' '.� � � �� `°' cured;And(d)tiu�t failure to cure ihe defauU on or before the dote specifled in the nWice mpy resnit in acaleratioo of
<br /> ' :. •- _ the sums secured by thls Security Instrument and sale of the Property. The aotMe shall further inform Borrower of
<br /> ""`�� � the right w refasfate after accelerntion and the right to bring A court actbn to�ssert the non�existence of A default or
<br /> • Any otber defense of Borrower ta acceleratbn And sale. IP the deipult is not cured on or before the date speciiied in
<br /> the notice�Lender at its option m�y require immedlate payment in fuli of all sums secnred by this SecuMty Instrument �-
<br /> , ,� without Purther demand and may invoke the power of snle and any other remedles permitted by applicnble Iwx:
<br /> ' � I.ender sliall be entfded to coltect all expenses incurred in purauing the remedies provided in thi� parn�aph 21�
<br /> ;,�; ' � ^d lacludfng.but not limited to�reasons�ble ottorneys'Pees And costs of title evidence. °-
<br /> � lf the powe�of sale is invoked.7lrustee ahAll record a notice of default In ewch county in which s�ny part of the �
<br />. � ;�:.,�',o.�... �. Property is located ond shall mall rnpies of such notfce in the manaer prescribed by appllcaWe law to Borrower And to P,:
<br /> • : . the ot6er persons prescribed by applicable law Afiter the lime required by applicAble low,7lrustce shall give public
<br /> .��' aodce of swle to the persons pnd in the manner presc�ibed by applicAble law. 'IYustee.without demand on Borrower� =
<br /> shall aell the Property at public auction to lhe highest bidder at the time and place end under the terms desiga�ted in �;.
<br /> ° the notice of sale in one or more parcels ond in any order'I�ustee determines. 'lrustce may postpone sale ot all or aay =_
<br /> � .,�, � parcel ot the Property by public Announcement�t the tfine and ploce of Any previously acbcduled sole. I.ender or its `
<br />- _.yti desiQnee ma�'purc6ase the Propert�at any sale. Q,
<br /> . . ., . Upon receipt of pnvment of the price bid�'IYustee sholl deliver to tlie purcHaser Trustee's �deed conveyfng the
<br />- � Property. The recitals in the'IYustee's deed shall be primu facie evidence of the t�uth of the statements mAde therein. i�'
<br /> . r.' ..,f'•" . �_.
<br /> '�ee sdoll apply the prceeeds of ttie sale in the folbwing order: lal tn all casts and expenses of exerciafo�the power �
<br /> ti;:
<br />_ �i�� Q., 'a_ • v.
<br />: � r .. . . �:,-_
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