. �8..� '. _���.
<br /> _ � . ,'. ';�j_ .�axa� ��.:'��J � .. -� ___
<br /> ` r .r-:; �on,.,y4�Ry � � � ,�;'ir-• • ,• , _ ",'",'�`_ _
<br /> a]�' .. ..,.� -°
<br /> •�c. � �
<br /> _�_
<br /> _ °- _ . AD�USTABLE RA1'E RIDF�It yi--i 0559�
<br /> � - � p Ywr'ttMavY lodac•Rw Gq)
<br /> ��
<br /> —� 'CHIS ADIUSTABLB RATB RIDBR i�m�dt th4 23rd �y ot August .��q 91
<br /> � �nd u i�ted into aad�h�U be deenwd w nnaid w!supplanent the Mart{�e� Dwd of Trwt� a S�cu�ity DMd(tlK"S�cudtY
<br /> '" Ia�vurt�enN')ot the wae d�u�iven by the unda:i�ned(the•�Borrowa")to�ociue BoROwa'i AdJwt�bk Rau Na1t/th�•'No�a•�)to}�Q,�
<br /> ,� �eao��a�wwes a�eAN ASSOCIATION OF ORAND ISLAND.NHSMSKA(th�"l�a�der"f of tb�ww dan and oowrla�th�
<br /> _ prppertY dqRibld iu t6�S�cYrUY lrotcwaait�nd bqted IU:
<br /> -_
<br /> ,�- __--�- .�----- _ _, �21 Uie Trivoli, Grend Island� Nebraeke 88A0
<br /> (Property Addreu)
<br /> _�;•� TW wle cwUlr Pro�M1oM Wo*1� fa dp�� I�yr 4ta�w e�M ud �! �tW
<br /> _- - py..■u.�'W.■a..iw u.t�w...o.rt■r�■ur.a na ca.cr.�..t.�r o.e tuu w
<br /> ----::� .�w u.wlrw..w u..�.wa�..a�.
<br /> - - - _ - ADDITIONAL COVENAM'3.In�ddiqon W the wvenaats aad aOreemenu�wwde in the 8ecudW Itqtntmalt.BorroMa�nd l.endu �__-
<br /> ---- furtl�er aovenaat�nd yree u follmva:
<br /> _=__:4'i..
<br /> —:- t
<br /> . o�..._.
<br /> �
<br /> ---____ -_.-_——.�-,-- 'Ihe Note provida for an inlN�l inlmN nts of « ri.SacUon 4 of the Note O�ovlda tor�hu�a in tbe laterat rate
<br /> - -'�`.,� monthlY WY�q.+u foUowr. _
<br />�- ------��,.� �. lNT6REST RATE AND MONTNLY PAYMENT CHANOES - -
<br /> __ • .:•.• (Al CM�e D�1s —
<br /> --�`.„'���..� ' The interat rate 1 will p�y may chanQC on tho fint dwy of Oc toher .19 92 .ud on th�t d�y avary
<br /> --''�'�'`�'�;;;�;u�..' ],$} __._momlu thaafter.e�ch due on which my intaat rata could chu�e i�called a"Chanae Dau.••
<br /> °--='��i�.. (B) 7'Me Irdn�
<br /> ----''`'�'-°"�r' , BqinninQ with the ifrat ChanQe Dato,my interat rAte wfU be bascd on an Inda.The"Index"is the wee�ly avetaQe yfeld on Unitad Si�ta
<br /> :'+.. �
<br /> �_:,�;;.., Treasury�auriUa adJuated to a constant maturity of 1 ydr,as made avdloble by the Fedenl Kcserve Board.The mat roant Indmc Hture
<br /> ^�:_•�,��,, . ,`�'° �va{I�bk a oi the dUe 43 d�ys before each CltanQe Date Is called the"Current Index.'•
<br /> -��•�-�•- It!he Index b no lon;er avallable.the Note Holder wIU choa�e a now ladeu which ia bASed upon compuabk intormuion.7'he Note �
<br /> �—v`�' � Holder wIU�ive me natloe oi thi�choice.
<br />�;��-::.�sx:=.`•-
<br /> ��'�.•., (C) C�ka4Ho�of(��
<br /> !�,,,--_- `- Before ach Chu�e Date,the Nota Holder wiii caicuin[e my navr incerest rata by addin� +���r, 8. ane-i,a 1{ perccr�ta�e
<br /> .�'' " � ' poinu( 2•5 �71�)to the Curcent Indac and roundina to the narat 1/8th of 1�.wbject to the limlu suued in Section�(D)below.
<br /> ��. �•�y.. 71us roundod uaount wiU be my new interat rate unUl the next Chanae Dato.
<br />_. .��_�..;:,:�,;�;
<br />_: — ���t 71ie NWe Hdder wlll then determfne the amount of the monthly payment that would be aufficicnt to•epay in full the prindpal 1 am
<br /> i„ . „ expocted to owa on th�t Chu�e Date in wbslantiaUY aquai p�ymrnts by the awturity d�ta�t my�v Interat nte.The rault ot thit cdcul�don
<br /> NV'��� �.� ., will be the new unount of my monthlY payment.
<br />- , k
<br />_.��>r�►x•c�.: , (Dl U�Itao�I�In�tR�teCY��a
<br /> �-. •.� The fntuat rate 1 om requirad to pay at the flnt Chanpe Date will na be �rcatet than 9.25 � or leu th�n
<br />���W��'� 5.25 Sy,Thereafter.my interat rate wfll never bc increased or dacreased on any dnQle ChnnQe DWe by more th�n_t�•�,..�—
<br /> 'an.�•
<br /> - �,�,f�`"'���°�� � „���.from Ihe rnte of interat I h�ve been paying for the praeding twelve monthi.The minimum intaat rMa on thit loan wfll neva bo
<br /> -��� ' ''` .. ���n ,�.�5 1�i and the m�imum interat rate wlll nevu be�ter tMn 12.25 Rr.
<br /> ��°r�.�4.bg'!�•s:rb � r'
<br /> �
<br /> - �-'_�'._-���'f�`-2• �� 'G�lCl�tlalfO��KH --
<br /> <= x�,,p -�� �:A � . My new interat rwu wi0 become eihcdve on each ChanQe Date.t will pay the rmount of my new monthly payment be4inni�on the flot --�-
<br />'=��_��:�;, ' monthlY payment d�te after the Chm�o Date undl U►e aaount of my monthlY paymmt ch�nQa�dn.
<br /> `- 4�;�. (F) Notice of C6M�a —.
<br /> -_����•' , „ The Note Hdder will mall or deUver to me a noda betore each ChanQe Dxte.The aotice wW advite me oI:
<br /> �"� (q the new intae�t r�te on my lan aa ot�he Change Date;
<br />_:�_
<br /> �x:�ti, (H) the unount of my monthly payment followina ttie Chan�e Date;
<br /> � � �� y � �� (iiq any addidonal rtutten which the Note Holder is requircd to di:close;and —�-
<br />`:� ,•;;]]]�....-" '. . :.• (iv) the�ddra�of the wod�tion you could contut reoardln�any qudlion�about tde�dju�tma�t�.
<br />-_� i�u. '. ' i .. __
<br />�',7� .4.. .�� '�
<br />';.� •�• • Y. CHARCES=IJENS _
<br /> Unitorm Covrnant 4 of the Security Imtrument i:wnended to read as follows: --
<br /> " ' ,, CAu�at IJt�t.Borrower shail pay all taua,auessmenb,and other charaa,finn,and imposidons attribuwble to the Propeny which may +�-
<br />. attain a priodty over this Secudty Inatrument,and leasehold payments oF ground rents,if any,In the mnnner provided ander para�raph 2 hereof �_
<br /> ., . � • " or,iP nd paid in such manner,by Borrowcr makinQ payment,when due,dfrectly to the paya thercof.Borrower sh�ll prompdy furnish Lender ;'
<br /> all notias of amounu due under�his panQraph,and in the event Borrower sh�ll make payment directly,Hor�ower shall promptly Furnfah to `
<br /> Lender receiptt evfdencing such payments. Borrower shall prompUy dfuharQe any Ilen which h�u pdority over this Security Instrument;
<br /> . however, Botrower shall not be required to diaho�4e any such lien ao lony�s Borrower:(a)shall a�ree In writina to the p�yment of the
<br /> obllYation saured by such Ilen in the manner ecceptable to Lender;(b)shall in good fai�h wmesc such liea by,or detend aQainst enfonYment of �
<br /> • � :uch lien in,kgal praeedinys which in�he opinfon of Lender operate to prevent the enforcement of the lien or forfefture of the Property oc any
<br /> part thereof;or(c)chall secure from the holder of such Ilen an aQrmment in¢form satis(�ctory to Lender subordfnatin�such Ilen to this
<br /> �` ,. Security Instroment. � .
<br /> •_3..__�-,r•E�_•� __ �P l-ender determines that all or any part of�he Properry is sub}ect to a lien which m�y attain a priodry over this Secudty Instromrnt,
<br /> �� -- -- . . .. . _ . .. .. . ...,-- ^----�----._.�.__.... . . ._ .__. �.. � �
<br /> -- --„�.-----�—- LM�t�SIIYII�v�tloROwa�Y noncc wcnu�rmr au�n ucu.nv�wwc�auu�s�us�y suco ircn�ii i�iv w�c in uririE vi iva wuwu:s. ..t:.�3..�'CC: �_--.
<br /> ° withfn ten days oi�he Qivfnp oi the notice. `
<br /> �6
<br /> � � C. NOTICE I�`
<br /> Uniform Covenant 14 of the Seeuri�y Insttument fs amended to read us follows: '
<br /> ' 11. Notice.Except for any notice rcyufred under applkeble law�o be given in another manner.�al any notice to dorrower provfded ior in this
<br /> 5ecurity Instrument ahwll be piven by deliverMg ft or by maflfng it by flrst closs maH to Borrower at the Property Address or at such other oddress
<br /> ° w Borrower may desf�mte by notfce to Lender as provided heroln,nnd Ib)any notice to Lender shall be gfven by first ciass moil to Lender's
<br /> ' ' address stated herein or ro such other address as Lender may designate by notice to Borrower ts provfded herein.Any notice provided for in this
<br /> , '. Security Instrument�hwll be deemeJ to have been afven to Borrower or Lender when�iven in the manner daiynated herefn. ,
<br /> .. � I
<br /> s •
<br /> �_
<br />