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<br /> �pplicablo law may rpecify for�inowtement)txfom uvla of the Property pursuant to any power of e�le conuinod fn this
<br /> Saur�ity Insteument;a(b1 entry of a Judgment enforcing thi�Socurity In�aument Tha�e conditians aro Uut Borrower: (�)
<br /> .-_- .. __ __ - p�ya I.ander dl rums which ttan would be due under thi� 5ecurity Instrument and thc Nw� aa it na tcceleroQon hwd
<br /> —' ' occumed:(b)cwes any dof�utt oP any other covanw�ta or agramenw:(c)Paya all eapenses(m:urn:cl ii�enfurcing thfs Security
<br /> lncwment. includin�,but not ilmited ro.teasonable ettomeys'fees; and (d) wkes such octlon na Lendcr may re�on�bly
<br /> �nquire to aaauro th�t the Uen oP thi�Sxu�ity Incuument,I.enderh�ights in the Propetty and Bort�owcrb obligation to psy tho
<br /> -• -- � �
<br /> � sums securcd b thia Security Inspument ahall condnue unchonged. Upon minstat�me�t by Barower. thfs Security
<br /> lnuniment and e obligationa rxured hereby shall remain fuliy effcctive ax if no ncceleration hnd xcumd. However,Ihi�+ �
<br /> right to roinetate ehdl nat apply in tha cace of acceler�tion under paragraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale o�Note;C6u��e ot laan Servloer. The Note or a partiai intercat in the Note(tagether with thic Security
<br /> Inawment)may be sold one or mora dmea without prior notice to Bortower. A aele may�cault in a change in the enlity
<br /> ._._r (icnown as the"Loan Servlcer")thpt collects monthly pAyments due under the Note and thir Security Inatrument. There d�o
<br /> �-� mwy 6e one ar more changes of the LoAn Servfcer unrelated[o a sole of the Nota. If there is a change of the l.oan Servker,
<br /> Bomower wlll be given wdtten notice of the change in ac�:ordance widi paragrsiph l4 above und applicabtc law. The notice
<br /> ;� will stata the name and address of the new Loan 5ervicer and the address w which paymenta ehould be mnde. The notice will -
<br /> xlco cantain any other infortnation required by applicable law.
<br /> 20. H�zwrdoue Sub�tances. Borrower shall not cause or pertnit the presence.use.disposal,storage.or release of wny
<br /> �W Hezardous Substances on or in th�Property. Borrower shall not do.nor allow anyone else to do. anything affecting the _
<br /> �y Property that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shell not apply to the presence,u�c,or
<br /> �� storage on the Prnperty af amall yuwitiUes of Nazardous Subrtanccs that are generulty rccognized to be approprista to namn!
<br /> .- reoidential uscs wnd to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> '_� Bomower shall promptly give L,ender written notice of any investigation,claim,demand.lawsuit or ather ac►bn by any
<br /> _ _::�, governmental ar regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substence or Environmrnta!
<br /> ___. Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Eorrawer loams, or is notified by sny governmental or regulatory
<br /> __=__._�� author�ry,that eny removal or dher mmediation of any Huzardaus Substunce affectMg the Property is necescary.Borrower
<br /> _�� shwll promptly take all necessary remedial actions in uccordence wlih Bnvironmental Luw.
<br />�*;�,_ As used in thia patagraph 20."Hazardaua Substanccs"are those substances definetl os toxic or ha�srdous substances by
<br /> „��.Y� Bnvironmental Law and the following aubstances: gasoline,kerosene,olher 8ammuble ar toxic petroleum producis.wxic
<br /> — pesticidea and hetbicldea,voladle solvents, mate�ials containing asbestos or formuldehyde, and radioactive materials. As
<br /> � used in this paragraph 20,"Environmental Law"means federal Iaws and luws of the juriizdiction where the Property ie located
<br /> T;r thwt relate to health.safety or environmental protection.
<br /> -_���� NONdlN1FORM COVENANTS. Borrower and l.ender further covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> -----—�= 2l. Accekratlon; Itemedk�s. Lender slwll give noNce to Borrower prlor to suceleration tdlowing Borroaer's
<br /> ---M=,- breacb or Any rnvenpnt or egreement in this Security Instrumeat(but not prlor to wccelerAtion under parAgrs�ph 17
<br /> �_ �����!���Qy��y����), The nMlce shall apecify: lal t6e default:(b)the Action required ta cure the
<br /> --------- defAUlt;(c)o date.not kss than 30 daya Prom the date the nodce ia given to Borrower,by whic4 the default mwt be
<br /> —`�' cured;nnd(d)thpt tailu�e to cere Ihe default on or before Ihe date speciqed In the notice ms�y result in acceleration of
<br /> ��`' ���•� tde sum9 secured by this Security Instrument and aAle ot the Property. The notice shail fuMher Inform Borrower of =.
<br /> ``'�,�'_�;, the right to retnatate at�er acceleration And the risht to bring a court action to essert lhe non�exiatence of a dci'anit ar
<br /> "`=����,•'� Aay other defense ot Borrower to acceleraqon and sate. IP the dePault is not cured on or before the date epecitied in
<br /> _ �u,��6'��„� thc noUce,I.ender At its option mpy require immedipte payment in 1'ull of Ail sums secured by this Security Inslrument
<br /> ,�:_-';��t'� wlthout further demand and may tnvoke ttie power of sple and any other remedies permltted by appUcable IAw
<br /> :,,��_;�;:�;' Lender slwll be entitled to callect all expenses incurred in pursuinq Ihe remedies provided ta thi� pArpgraph 21,
<br /> �-�� .;•.*�_�;�_ - including.but not limited tu,reasonable attorneys'fees and cosls of tille evidence. —
<br /> t=��"Q°'�6',•' .: It the power oP sale is invoked,'Ibustee sholl record a notfce of dePault in each counly in wpich any part of the
<br /> '�`;':`•��" Properly is located pnd sholl meil copies oP such notice in the manner prescribed by applicable law to Borrower aad to
<br /> p"��`"�'`�`� the other pensons prescribed by applicable I�w After Ihe time�equired by applkable law,'I�uslee ahAN give prbltc
<br /> ��"'��_.� notice of sale to the persons and M the manner prescribed by applkable law 7lrustee.withoat demand on Borrawer, -
<br /> .�T��:,;.����-=' siwll seil the Property at publlc auclion to the highest bidder At the time and place and under the lerms designoted ia e
<br /> r�;�'•;�S}' .. -
<br /> �`_...,_,•.�,_� the nolke of sale in one or more parcels and in Any order'I�ustee determines. 7Yustee may postpone sale oP uN or ony _
<br /> �.���f r��;-`., parcel of the Properly by public annouacement at the time And place of any previously scheduled sale. l.eoder er its
<br /> --- ���'_:� desi�nee may purchase the Property at Any sale.
<br /> '""�`�"�"�.`' Upon receipt of payment ot the price bid.'I�uslee shell deliver to Ihe purchaser 7lrustee's decd conveying the
<br /> =�-'��`-"-�•�. Prnperty. The reciWis in the 7lrustee's deed shall be prima f�cie evidence oi Ihc truth of Ihe statements made therein.
<br /> -° ° -__- 7�u�tee shaN apply the�iroceeds of the snle in Ihe Polbwing order: (a►to all co�fs and expenses of exerclsing the power
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