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. . <br /> ,�---. � _ <br /> ..-� . .�_•� .,f DN .-..�- ..- ----- - <br /> . I..� . . � .._'_" __ . ._. , . <br /> _' <br /> � :..� . _�.,� 83: ios�c� <br /> The Fwds ah�ll be held In �n inctitution whc�ra deposit� are in�ured by � fodenl a�enc:y, inqtn►tnenWfty cx entity <br /> (includinj Lender.if Leader is wch�n imti�ution)or in�py Feder�l Home l.oan Bwnk.Lend¢r�It rppl�r the Fund�ta p�y 1hc <br /> P�crow ltems.Lcnder m�y not char�e 8orcawer far holdin�ami applyin tha Kunds.mnu�lly wulyzfn�tha c�crow� <br /> verifyln�the F,.arow Itrnui.unleu l.erder p�y.Borrawor inte�t on the�unds and applicable law permita I.ender to mdce sudi <br /> a du�e. However.Le�xle�mryroq uiro Bon+nwer to pay R ara-time chu�e fa�an independent rcal eatate wc repoKin��ervlce <br /> wed by Lender in oonroc.yion wiih thi� loan, unlesx appllcablo I�w provldes Wherwise. Unless wn a�rcemen� i� nwde or <br /> �pplicable I�w rcquit+es fntemct to bo piid. Lender ehall not bc roquirod�o p�y 8orn�wer any lntercst or eamin a on the Futds. <br /> Bon+awer and Lerxkr m�y �gree in wdting, howevcr.that interest stwll bc paid an the Funds. l.cndcr shall��va to Barrower, <br /> wlthiwt chago,en onnud �ecoundag af tha Funda. �howin crodU�and debite ro the Fund�iud tho purpase for which e�ch <br /> debit to the Funds was m�de.The Funds uo pledged as Addit�o�wl cocurity for all sums cecu�ed by this Socu�lty Insttument. • <br /> � ��-----�-�--=� lf the Fundx held by Lcnder oxr,ced ttw mi�unts pemiltted to be held by appIicAble law, Lendcr shull account w Banawer <br /> for tho exc�s FundR in accordwxe with the nequinements of applicable low.!f Ihe amount of tho Funds held by Lender et any <br /> �— time i�not wiflcient to Qay 1he Escmw ltems when duo,Lender mAy so natity Harmwer in wr� such case Bottower <br /> .��;_.. �full pay to I.endar the rmountno�c�ery ta mWco up the det7ciency. Barnower r�hwll mako up Ihe def�ciency in no maro ttu�n <br /> __ twelve monlhly payments. at Lender's cob discretion. <br /> —. _.-- --- II�►n�wYmau in fi�ll�f pll sumR sen�red by thiR Security M�trnmem, I.ea�der Ahall promptly rcfund to Borrowu any . <br /> _.__ — FwrJs held by I.eoder. If. uaderpa�agraph 21.Ledder siwll aoquire or scll the Propeny.Lender,prior to thc acquisiUon or salo <br /> ----�-�-_ _—_�-� of the Property,chall upply any Funds heW Sx I.eider At the Nmo of ac�uisition or sale as a crodit Agaie�t the sums aecured by <br /> �hic Socurity Inslrurt�ent. <br />— 3.AppNation ot FiymaMc,Unless a�pplicable I�w provides oWeiwise.all puymenta received by l�der ander p�rapAs <br /> 1 and 2 sh�ll be applied:first, ta�nY ptepaym�charges duc under ttie amouots pyyable under Qar�grapA 2: <br /> — t4itd,w i�Merest pniacip�l due:�nid last,to aay late clwrges due uncler the Note. <br /> 1.C7rrtts;�s.Horrowcr stiall p�y all taxes,�rges,fines and impasitiaes attributable ta the�Ry <br /> :.��= which may attain ptiori�y over this Security Inqt�ument, and leasehotd{�-aaents or ground rems, ii'�e.y. Sorrower shal pay <br /> '!.�.� these abligatio�in the manoer provided inparagraph 2.or ii noi paid ip:l6�at r.ianner.Bonower shall pay:n�em on time directiy <br /> ' {. ,<<�;�,�? to lhe person owai p�ymrnt.B�xn�wer sh�ll promptly furnisie tu ix�1�t al9 n�Wi�:es of anwunis w be paiii under this paragrnph• _ <br /> � „^...c, If Borrower makes these payments dinoctly.Borrower shall prort�ptly fumjsh to l.ender receipts evidencing Ihe payments. <br /> '""'`' Bomnwer shall pmmptly disclwrge any lien which has priorlq�overihis Security Instrument unkss Horrower:(a)agroes in <br /> _ . ,..,,,,�:-�1'";�!�,,:,y: _e <br /> ��;•, • . •.„ ��: • :�� writing w the payment of the abligatbn secure�by the lien in a manner ncceptable to Lender;(b)contesls in gaod failh ihe lien <br /> s'" k�+ by, or defends against enfor�coment of�he lien in, legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the <br /> ' ;'��. �� enforament of the lien;or(c)secures ft+om the holder of the lien an Agreement satisfactory to l.ender subor+dinating the Nen to <br /> t'' � "''`�� '=�"` t�fs Securiry Instrument.If Lender determines that any purt�f the Propeny is subject to a lien which may attain priority over <br />. :���.;;. <br /> - :`:,��;'k'�±. �'�, tl�s Security Instrument,L.ender may give Borrower a natice identifying the lien.Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or <br />- `��� :#;�,1 , morc of the uctions set forth above within 10 deys of the giving of notice. <br /> _ ,�`. ���,F 4,�, , 5. flpzpM or Pmuperty Insuranct. SoROwcr shall keep �he improvements now existing ar hereafter erecte� on the <br /> �,tc�je,s'�.. .<;� Property insured aga�nst loss by firc. haxards included within the term extended coveragc" and any other huxerds, including <br /> _. :" ' `:'"v'�. `.,�°'i�, floods or flooding�for which Lender rcquircs insurance. This insurance shAll be maintained in the amounis and for the periads <br /> %� tl�t l,ender requi�es. The insurance carrier Providing the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's approvel <br /> _—-=f.- ,-- ,= }_- wiii�h si�u11 �n,t{�wi�i�san�biy withi�id. if S.�izower faiis io maintain coverage described above, i.ertder may. at Lcneter's <br /> rr��•���"y���'':`��R�"' aplian,obtain mvernge to protect Lender's dghts in the Property in accordance with paragraph 7. <br /> � ':'"""��' �3�`:'`�` " All insuranoe policies and renewals shall be acceptable to L.ender end shall include a standard mortgage clause. l.ender <br /> shall have the right ta hold the Qalicies and renewals. If l.ender requires,Borrower shall promptly give to Lender all reccipts of <br /> � � -��: � � - peid premlums und renewal the event oi lass.Burrower shall give prompt notice to the insurunce carrier and Lender. <br /> '`� l,ender may meke proof of loss if not mude pmmplly by DoROwer. <br /> . . ,. <br /> ��,�,,;,�;�,t; ,,;�, ,' Unless l.ender and Borrower otherwise s�grec in writing, insurance proceeds shall be appliod to restomlion or repair of the <br /> Propeny damaged,if tha restoru�ion nr repair is ecnnomically feasible and I.ender's securiry i�not Iessened.If the restoralian or <br /> _ . ' ' ''� �� ropair is rwt economically feasible ur Lender's security would be lessenod, the i�surance procceds shull be applied to the sums <br /> . saumd by this Secur�ty Instrument, whether or not then due, with uny excesc paid to Born►wer. If Borrower abandons the <br /> " •• � • �. • .••��'� Property, or does not answer within 30 days a notice fram L.ender that the insursince carrier hes offered ta settle a claim,ttien <br /> �r • Lender may collect the insurance proc�*eds. Lender muy usse the praceed.r to repair or r�estore the Property or to pay sums <br />�.�, "'��'��'`••• socured by this Security Instrument,whether or nat then due.The 30�duy peric►d will I�gin when the nadce is given. <br /> - ' ''�� � Unless l.ender and Borrower otherwise ugree in writing, uny appliration of pr+aceods to principal shAll nn� extend or <br /> '° ' � postpone the due date of thc nu►nthly paymcnts refened to in pnrug�aphs l and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If <br />; ';�' ' � � under paragraph 21 �he Property ix acquired hy Lender, &mower's right ta any imurunce pnlicicr und proceeds resulting f'rom <br /> j� ° damage to the Property prior to the arquisition shull pass tn Lender tn the extent nf thr swnx�ecured by this Security Instmment <br /> ° �,, , immediately prinr to the acquisi�ion. <br />' ' • :,.��t,�f, . 6.Oa.vpaacy,Nreservation. Maintenance and Prnteelfon oP Ihe!'rnperty;Burruw•er'K I.oan Applicatlon; l.easeholdc. <br />_ '„;. � ' ;,r�A;"•' . , Borrower shall occupy,establish,and use the Pr�ipeny As Borrowcr'+principal retiidcncc within sixty days s►fter the cxecution of <br /> ! '�`" "� this 5ecurlty Instrument anJ sh�ll continue�o�xcupy the Pmpeny us &►rrower's principul residenre for at Ieust one yeur after <br /> �'`;�s,, �,• ��' " the date of accupuncy,unle�s Lender ntherwi�:�grees in writing, which consent�hall not tx unrcawnai+ly withheld,or unletis <br /> ' � '':-a.»• ' eatenuating circumstunces exi�t which are beyond Borrower'h cuntr�il. Bo►n►wer shull not ckstmy, damage or imp•rir the <br /> `` x `t���:�, PropeAy, allow the Property to deteriorote, or ccxnmit wa.le on 1he Pmpeny. &►rmwcr shall bc in default if any forleiwr+e <br /> ��� ` `'Y' ' aetion or proceoding, whether civil or eriminal, is hegun thut in l.encier's g�xxi fui�h judgment cnuld result in forfeiturc uf the <br />: .�:. •;;�:��'•::�:��.:., . _ <br /> �-+. •� Propeny or otherwise materially impair 1he lien rnutecl by this Security Instrunxni or Lender'a xcurily intere�t. Bonuwer nu►y - <br /> " �'` '��^%; � cure such a default and rcinstucc,as provided in pnmFrnph IS,by ruusing the actian ur pnx;ceding to he di�misu�cl with a ruling <br /> � 1 � •. " thet. in Lender's good failh de�crmitwtion. prc�ludeti ti►rfeiwrc��f thc B.�rro�ti�r'. intrrc,� in thc Prn�xny or iNher mu�erial <br /> `x � impaimient of�he lien created by thiti 5ecurity 7ntitromern or Lender's seru:in intcrcst. Borr�����rr �hall ul�u he in default if <br />;�, ' ,:',;, Borrower,during the liwn upplication process,ga��e muteriully ful,r or inuccurut�inli�miation or s�atement.lo I.enJcr lur 1'uil��i <br />__ �� . 'r:�r'!` ' � toprovide Lender with ony materia3 informa�i,�n,in runnrrlion u•ith thc loan eviJcnc�vi hy thc Na�c,inrludinE.hut n�n limit�d <br /> = • ,i_<.,, . <br /> _ •• • •��.;:� _ to,representatinns conceminF Bar�ower'r acrupan.y of thr Pru�xrty a�u principal re�idcn�e. If thi�S.eurity Imtrurnznl i.un u <br />-`f ��- : : �,�,�,' leasehold. Bortoa•e� sh811 mmpl� u•ith uU the pm��isi��m of lho Icuu. 11' &�rruv.�r acyuire� t�C tiilc U� the Pr„{kn�. Ih� <br /> , • ,::��.:: <br /> - ���' ., �:, ;.• I�asehold nnd the f$e title�halt nc►t�tkrge unl�„1.en�te�agrcc�tu the merger in writing. <br /> . � 7.ProteNiow o�Le�eder's Rights in tde Pnrperty.U'&�rmwcr failti an perfarm thc covcnant.and sigrecmentt naeuined�n <br /> ° � ' �.'•'��,:;�+'-` � this Seeurity Inslrume�t,or tltere is a legul pn�;.�cding th•rt muy rigni ficum�c ue;ect Lentl�r'ti righta in the Pmpen}�I+uch •rs a <br />`;:;4�r ��••". : '�•�'� `� prooeeding in bankruptcy, prv6ace.iar condemnation or fi�rt�eaiur�r nr tu cnforce luu�or�rgul•rtion+l, then I.cndcr may do unJ = <br /> ,•,.�� - ,.•,;�;r•'s'' '`� �y d'o�whatever is�x�e�wry tn pr�►tect the value of�he Pw},erty and Lcnder'� ri�ht. ,c+�hr Pmpeny. Ixnder'. a.hi.m+nwy <br /> � � �' me7ude paying any sums xc�rad by a lien which ha. priority over thi. Srruriyr Ir.x�cumen�. ;�ppcuring in rnurt, paying <br /> i'., reasonable attomeys' fces and cntering on thc P�eiperty to makc rcpair�.Alth�iugh l.ender nwy rrke ar[ion under thi,parugraph <br /> ,`;�,_'.,�:.�_,• <br /> -- �. °�_,_�. �-----— - i,i.e�aer aoes nui nave io do So. - <br /> t '.; My um�wnts di�bursed by Lemler under thi� parugrrph 7 �hall Fkconoe uddition•al deM of&xrowcr �ecurcJ hy thi� � <br /> . Sccur+ty inslrument. Unlcs�&xr�va�e�und l.cndcr ugrec to oth�r tcrm+uf paymenl. thr.e�m�iunts�hall 1►car interc�l from th� ' <br />- •" � �• d�te of disbursement a�the Nae ntc und �hull I+c paynble, wi�h intcrest, up►n n��tirc irom l.rnder tu &�rrower reyue+ting <br /> :,__ • <br />_- -- . p�yr,r�a. <br /> . • ' 8.Mortgage I�wrance. If I.enJer reyuinxl murtgugc inwrunce u,����rrSin�x��f�rwking tl�Icr.n w:cur�vl by Ihi� S�rurity <br /> ';; .�:a,•::. lnsteument, &xrcnrer shall pay the premium+require�l tu maintain the nu,a�i�e in.ur.nce in c(f��et. It', tiir uny rcaum, �hc <br /> ���'�' • •�� '� mrx�cg�ge insu�nce rnverage rcyuired by Lencfer lu�tie+or�r• bc in cffect, B�xrcw«•r ah�ll p�y �he prcmium.rcyuinxi lo <br /> .;i�, � �_ . ,.. f,,4;. ob�ip ooveruge substantic►!ly oyuiv�lcnt tu thc mongugr inwrunrr prcviausly in cffcct, �c�c��tit�tthWantiully eyui�•�l�ni kt �hc <br /> � � " oost to Bor►ower of the mortgage in+urance previou�ly in cl'fcct, from an �Itemutc nu�rtq�ag� imur�r appn►ved by lxmkr. II' <br /> 'i�- , <br /> • . a�;�. . <br /> �� � y � , <br /> , , � •� . r.�.�m� . Fam 30Y9 91p0 ; <br /> t., <br /> ., <br /> . • <br /> � c---.-,.- �----- - --- —_ -- _-r=�-�-��- -- -- ° -----------�-,� -_, ,. -�- - <br />