y1 . ..=d
<br /> 91�10b564
<br /> te. MI�aM�aa�awMon..
<br /> tN�•'�Na�N�d.E�an�lon of a»am.ra p.ymrm a moar�auon a�aN�uon a aN.wra.�ound e�►u�a
<br /> - -- M�d ot Yrust q►anbd by L�nd�r to�ny woc�or In InMrMI of 0o►towa�hall not op�r�w ta rNww.in�ny manr�,th�IW�IIIly --
<br /> d th�orlpinal Bor►ow�r�nd 8orrow�r'�woo�swn In lot�r�st.L�ndM�hill not M rpulnd to cammena MooMdlnW�Inq
<br /> --- wnh auaoNwr 0►alus�ta�xl�nd Unw fo►p�ym�r►t a othKwlw modly�morozaqon ot tl�wm�wowed by Ihl�OMd of Tiwt
<br /> py nR�on of�ny d�mand�m�M by tl�alplml Borrowe�nd 8orrow�r'�tuacM�ors In InurML
<br /> (b)LMNlM'��ow�.Whhout�fboNnp th�Il�blliry of any oth�►p�non IIabN br fh�pqrmmt ol any nblipatlon h�r�ln
<br />_ __, menNom�d,and withnut eMsopnp th�INn a ah�ry�of thl�OMd of Trwt upon u►y porUon of th�P�op�Ay not tMn or th�rMota�
<br /> rNMwd w Ncwiry for d�lull�maunt of�II unp�ld obllaUon�,l.�nd�r rtMy,lrom dm�to Unw�nd wl�hout notic�p�nl�uo�mr
<br /> p�ion w Il�bl�,(II)�xqnd th�rr�Nrly or alt�►�ny of th�arm�ot any�uah obllpaUoru,(lu►annt oth�r Indulp�ncM,(iv)rNw�
<br /> or��aonwy,or a�uw to M retMUd or��ao�v�y�d ot�ny dm��t L�nd�r'�opdon�ny puc�l,porNon or all ol th�Prop�Ay,
<br /> (v)Wa or r�t�w�ny oth�►or�ddltlnn�l waurity lor my ob1lp�Qon h�nln m«►uonod,or(vll m�k�compoWtions ar uth�►
<br /> uranp�nU wlth d�bton In rdaQon th�reto.
<br /> (n)RorbNrana�by L�ndK Not a W�W�r.Any forbwrenas by L�ndsr In exualslnp�ny�Ipht or rem�dy h�r�und�r,or
<br /> oth�rwip�Nord�d by�ppllo�b{�I�w,�II not M�w�iv�r ol or pnctud�th��xealN of any such ripht or nm�dy.Th�
<br /> proaunm�nt ol insu��nce or th�p�ymmt ot taxa or other Ii�n�or ch�rpes by I.�nda sh�ll not M a wNv�rof L�ndw'�rlpht to -
<br /> -- �aql�r�te the muturlly of th�ind�6t�dn�u wour�d by this Desd ot Tru��
<br /> (d)Succ�ao�s�nd AalOn�Oound;Jolnt�nd Sw�ml W Wqyr;Caption�.Th�covsnanb�nd aae�m�nb hsrNn oon-
<br /> '— tnlMd�hdl bind,l�nd ths riphb hereunder�hall Inure to,ths nsp�otive tuccsnon and aulpm o1 Lsnd�r�nd Tru�Wr.All
<br /> covm�nb�nd�prNm�nfa of Tru�tor�h�ll ba Jolnt md wverel.Ths oapdon�and headinps of ths p�npnphs o1 thl�DMd o1
<br /> ___ Tnwt aro tor convenlence only and aro not to be ured to interpret a doflne the prariiinnr frerool. __
<br /> (s)Rpwq lor No1kM.Th�pudu h�reby reque�t that a copy of any noUce of detauN h�reundsr md�copy of�ny notks
<br /> of wt�haround�r b�mNlb to e�tah pArty to thls O�ed ot Tru�t at the addreis a�t lorth above In th�m�nn�r praaribsd by
<br /> ' appNoabl�IAw.Except for any other nodca requlred under applicable Iew to be�iven In enothe►monnor,ony nobce provldad °
<br /> -- for In thl�D�ed of Trwt�hdl ba plven by molling such noUcs by ceAlfled mell addrei�ed te the other p�rtle�,at the addna s�t �
<br /> forlh abovs.Any noUce provldsd for In thl�Daed of Tru�t�hall be efleotive upon mdlinp in the m�nner dnipnabd h�r�in.lf
<br /> _�,y� T►wbr le mors then one penon,notice eent to the address eet forth above ehall be nodoe to all�uch persom.
<br /> r (� Imp�clbn.Landar may make or aeu4e to be mede reawnabte enlriee upon ond Inspecdoni o1 the Property,providsd
<br /> �.°,:t� thet Lend�r�hNl pive Tru�tor notio�prior to ony�uoh InapecGon�pwllyMp►�wnAb1�cauw Ih�nlo►rol�tod to L.�nd�r's
<br /> -�-= Intor�at in the Property.
<br /> — (p) R�eonv�rana.Upon psymenl of all sume�ecured by this Oeed ol Trust,Lender�hall request Trwtes to reconwy tha
<br /> --- Propsrly and�hpll sunender ltds Oeed ot Trust and all notes evldenoinp Indebtednesa seaured by this Doed of Trud to Truebs.
<br /> —;;�� Tru�s�h�ll reconvey the PropeAy without wananty ond without aharQe to tM peraon or perwns Iopoly�nGtlod th�nto.
<br /> T►wror shNl p�y all co�ts ot recordedon,If eny.
<br /> •�?!''� (h) P�noo�l Propniy;S�audqr Ap��n�nf.As additionel aecurlty lor ths psyment of the Note,T�ustor hereby�rants
<br /> -�--= l.ender under the Neb�e�ke Uniform Commerclal Code a securiry interest In all fixturei,equlpmen;end other penonel propeAy
<br /> ___•- u�ed in conneadon with the reai eataie or improvm��ente tooeted ihereon,and nat athsrwlae dsal�rad ar daarnedlo bs e part ot
<br />�;;;�, the real eatete iecured hereby.This instrument ehell be conetrued es a 3ecurity Apreement undor said Cade,end the Lender —
<br /> -° shell heve all the rlphu and remedlee ol a eeeured party under seld Code In eddltion to the riphts end remedles created under
<br /> - end accaded the Lander purauent to thla Deed of Truet;provided thet Lender'a riphte a�d remedlea unde�thie pa�agraph shall
<br /> -`°�`a` be cumulative wlth,and in no woy a Ilmitetlon on,Lender's�iphta and remedlos under any othar wcurlry aproament�Ipned by
<br /> � Borrower or Trustor.
<br /> °� (f) Wn��nd Encumbr�ncN.Truetor hereby werrenls end repreeenta thet there Is no default under the provldon�of any
<br />:�.�,:,:,� mort�ape,deed of tru�t,leaee or purchese contrect deacrlbinp all or any peA of lhe Property,or other contract,Instrument or
<br /> ,..� � apreement conetitutlnp a tlen or encumbrance ayalnet all or eny part of the Properry(colleaUvay,"I.Nns"►,oxlatinp�s of the
<br /> dau of this Deed ot Trust,and thet any and all exieting�ians remeln unmodlfled except as dloalosed to Lender In Trwtor's
<br />-- w�lqsn di�clowre ot Ilens end enaumbrances provided for herefn.Tru�tor�hall dmely perform all of Trustor'4 obllpadons, �'
<br /> == covenenb,representeUons and werrandes under any end ell exiald�g and lulure lNn�,ahell promptly lawerd to Undar copies _.
<br /> —• of NI noUees of default�ent in connectlon with any and all exi4tinp or luture Liern,and ehell not wlthoW L�nder's p►ior wrltt�n
<br /> � con�ent In any munner modlly the provlelons ol or allow eny luture advancea under any exletfnp or luture Llens.
<br />-__` Q) AppNe�lbn d P�rnNnb.Unleas otherwiee required by lew,sums pald to Lende�hereundar,inc�uding without IlmlteNon
<br />_,_ = peymanb ot principal and intereit,fneurance proceede,condemnatlon procaed�and rents and prolita,�hall be applled by -
<br /> :�:�; l�nder to the amounts due ond owlnp Irom Truotor and Borrower fn such order as Lender In IW sole diecretlon deems de�frable. _
<br /> (k) 8w�rablNf�r.II any provlelon ot this Deed of Trust conlllcte wlth applicable iaw or Is declered invelld or othervriee
<br /> __ ;�T uneniorceable,euch cantllot or Invelidlty ehell not eBect the other provfeona oi this Deed of Trust a the Not�which can be
<br /> - ,� yiven eftect wNhout the conlllctinp provislon,end to thi4 end the provlalona of this Daod o}Trust and tho Not�ar�d�c1�rW to W
<br /> ..,,, �� �ev�rabte. =
<br />_'� �. (q TNms.The terms"Truator"and"Borrower"ahall Include both alnpular ond plu�al,and when thY TruNa And Borrowar --
<br /> - pro fhe tame pereon�e),tho�e terms e�uaed In thle Deed of Truat s all be Interchanpeable.
<br />