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<br /> or..k,..a u»,w,��a+.�u�e w�.c�ru���aeey r�.�auuy tpc�rna,A�e a c�a 2.o �,n�
<br /> !6t ar1�c{pd anaw�t of tM�ote at tMe Nwe dl�trno�enti�(c�y I�exars�W� P����
<br /> by Iswi trl b W wu�Mau ed by t6b Secrri�y
<br /> ��?�t. R�coawy�ooe. Upon paYmenc of ali w�n��ecurod by thf�Security Inawment.L�cndar siu+ll roqueu 7tu�ctee ta
<br /> recanvey the PropatY�nd slull wmendcr t�is Socudty I�ulcument and all notec evldcncin�debt xxurcd by this Se�wrlry
<br /> ►nsuivmau to'[ivstee. 'dustee�hall raonvey the Property wlUwut wwrnnty and witNout char�o to the penun a par�wi+
<br /> {qal�Y eadUed to i� Such penon or pet�on�thal!p�y my t+ec�xdAtioo cocts.
<br /> 23, S�6�q�te'lfustee. Lcnder.wt its option,may from dme ta cime cemovc 7tuctce�nd appoint a Rucccscor uustec to
<br /> ' �ny 'Ituuae �ppointed hereunder by an inrwment acorded in the county in wbich thir•Sccurity Insuument is rccorded. -
<br /> Without canveyanoc of tho Pmpe�tY• �he suc�xswr trwteo�haU �uaxed to all tbo titk.Power and dudca confm+od upon
<br /> 7tu�tee ixrein and by a licable law.
<br /> � R���►�ipj�, gorrnwer roqualr tha�copies of the notices of defiult and cala be cent to Bomower'��ddness
<br /> which is�he PropettY Address.
<br /> 2g� Rideea to tbis Securlty In�trutnea� If ono or mor�e dders are executed by Bormwer and nxorded togettier with
<br /> thiA Security Instn�men�thc rnvenants and agnxmenta of cach such dder shall be incorporated i�to and xiwll amend rnd
<br /> � supplement the covent�nts and ay�eements oi thi�Security lnspume�t wa if the ride�i�)were N Put of thir Security Inau�unenG
<br /> [Qieck applic�ble boa(es)]
<br /> -- �Adjuswbk Rate Rlder �Cor�dominium Ridar �1-4 Famfly Rider _
<br /> �(iraduated Payment Ri� �Plnnned Unit Developmatt Rider �Biweekly Payment Rider •
<br />� �9alloon Itider . �Rate improvemrnt Ri�ksr �Seca�d Hmne It�der -
<br /> ❑Otha(s)(specifyl
<br /> BY SI(iNlN(3 BELOW,Borrower occepts and ngrees to Ute te�mc and covenatNs c�ntained In lhis Securlty lnatroment
<br /> �nd in pny rtder(e)execuced by Bomuwcr and raorded with 1�
<br /> 11VibKSCes:
<br /> (Seal)
<br /> --- Hermen T. Meyer -��
<br /> Saciel Securiry Numbcr ��-�-���
<br />_.� E�(Jvr-.,-.-.� � �Ln-.,i n�+ (Scaf)
<br /> �,� �Joenne G. Meyer �-�Wn =
<br /> `.s Social Security Number 505-78-2277
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA. Hell County ss:
<br />-.� On this 23rd day of Auguet, 1991 befbre me,lhe underaigned,a Nutary Public
<br /> duly commi�sioned and qualified for said county,personally came Hermen T. Meyer and Joenne G. Meyer� �
<br /> �� eaeh in his end her own right and as spous ech other ,to me known to be thc �
<br /> "� idendcal pe�aons(s) wha�e namels)c►re subscribed to Ihe fo �ain� ' strument and acknowl e execution thereof to
<br /> -a � their voluntury act and d°.ed.
<br /> �± Wimess my hand and notarial seal rt n said county.the
<br />-,� date afo�esaid. r
<br /> „� My Commi � � ��1 � Noa�ry Pubuc
<br />-A+� � '�M'�Y U FO RECONVBYANCE —
<br />_-� TO TRUS N/CM�.6��1•�
<br />° - The undersigned is the holder of the note or�otes secured by this Deed of'liust. Said note or notes.together with all
<br />€T other indebtedness secured by t h ls D e e d o f'I t ust,have b e en pa i d in fu l l. Yo u u r e h e re b y d i re c t e d t o c a n c e l s a i d n o t e o r n o t e s
<br />.'� and this Deed of 7tuet,which are delivered hereby,and to reconvey.without won�anty,all the eatate�ow held by you under
<br /> this Dced of 7iust to the person w persons legally entided thereto.
<br /> -�� Dace: -
<br /> � �an.�� s�o rp�x•��lavoxet►
<br /> .
<br /> � �
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